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All Roar and No Bite

Page 14

by Celia Kyle

  The heavy pounding of someone at the front door had him wrenching away with a curse. “Damn it.”

  He palmed his cock, pressing against the bulge, and then he flicked it, causing her to giggle. Which, in turn, earned her a glare.

  “I told you we didn’t have time.”

  The glare didn’t leave. “You don’t have to laugh about it, though. Do you know how hard it is to sit with a hard cock?”

  She returned his narrow-eyed stare. “Sitting around in wet panties ain’t no picnic.”

  That got him groaning and he slumped into her, his head resting on her shoulder. “Baby, you can’t talk about wet panties. Drives me crazy.”

  “Well, you can be driven crazy tonight. For now, we’ve got work.” She nudged his head, forcing him to back up.

  His gaze suddenly went serious, his features settled into a worried frown. “You’ll be careful? Today? I won’t be with you, and Bryson…”

  Bryson was being watched, and he hadn’t done anything or met with anyone they considered suspicious. He was the model citizen. That scared her more than anything and she knew it worried Van as well.

  “I’ll be fine.” She stroked his cheek. “I’ll never be alone with him. You’ll drop me off and then come back at seven to pick me up. Don’t worry.”

  Van’s nostrils flared and she held her breath, wondering what his magic nose would find. “You’re—”

  Another hammering of the door. “C’mon, babe, we gotta go.”

  He tilted his head, staring at her as if she was a puzzle he needed to decipher. That wasn’t good.

  She darted forward and pressed a quick kiss to his lips, then she wiggled around him. “The Itan isn’t going to wait forever!”

  Van grumbled in response, but his heavy tread behind her told her he followed her through the house. Good.

  At the front door, she opened it wide, smiling at Ty. “Hi, Itan.”

  Ty rolled his eyes. “Unless I’m growling at you, it’s Ty, Lauren.”

  She nodded. “Okay, lemme grab my shoes.”

  She wasn’t going to listen. He did so much for the clan, had done so much to protect it from Parker’s uncle. The least she could do was show the proper respect for what he’d endured.

  “She’s not going to listen.” Ty sighed.

  “Nope.” Van agreed and she heard the smile in his voice.

  “Damn it.” The Itan’s curse was low, but apparently, not low enough. Especially when a hollered “language” reached them.

  Sliding on her right shoe, Lauren stood and shook her head at Ty and Van, then noticed Mia peeking her head in the doorway. “Really, Ty? Really? Do you want this child born cursing his hair off?”

  Ty reached behind himself and snared Mia, dragging her into the house. “It’ll be born without hair, so I think we’re safe.”

  “You,” Mia poked him, “are a great big cornnut.”

  The Itan—a big, growly man who inspired fear in all bears—grinned wide, a dopey look on his face. “I still don’t know what that means, but I love you.”

  Lauren watched the exchange with a mixture of desire and hope. She met Van’s gaze and saw similar emotions flitting across his features. They both wanted that, wanted what the Itan and Itana had. Given a little more time, she had no doubt they’d get there. Considering the need, the physical pull that drew her to Van, she hoped it was really, really soon.

  Lauren tore her gaze from Van’s, unwilling to entertain ideas of “soon” when they had to get the show on the road. “Van, Itan, you ready?”

  That drew Mia’s gaze and the Itana focused on her. “Oh! I’m coming, too. I’m going to keep you company for a little while and then Ty’s going to take me baby shopping.”

  “Great.” On the outside, she smiled. On the inside, she cursed. Fuck.

  Grinning, Mia snuck out of Ty’s hold and padded toward her, sliding her arms around Lauren’s right arm. She leaned close and whispered a single word. “Language.”

  Damn it.

  “Times two.”

  Lauren quit while she was ahead. Or rather, behind.

  * * *

  Van couldn’t settle, couldn’t sit still as he and Ty waited for Morgan, the Redby Beta, to arrive for their appointment. Reid, the Alpha, was coming along this time, as well. Even after a month of trying to work together, he and Morgan were busting heads. Still.

  Van kicked back in his chair, pushing it until he balanced on two legs. If it wasn’t for the bullshit in Boyne Falls and the asshole Morgan, he’d be home with Lauren. With her curves and her kisses and her luscious as—

  “Van!” Ty snapped at him and he fell forward, front legs of the chair thumping against the aged carpet.

  “What?” He hadn’t done anything in the last five minutes. How could he be in trouble?

  “I get that you’re missing your mate, but can you refrain from thinking about her in my office? Right before Reid and Morgan arrive? I really don’t want to smell that Lauren gets you hot and bothered.”

  Internally, he groaned, but externally he rolled his eyes at his brother. “Fine, fine.” He checked the wall clock. “What time are they supposed to be here?”

  “Ten.” One word, short and clipped.

  Van understood his brother’s anger considering it was ten fifteen.

  Another five minutes passed and Van wondered if the Alpha and Beta would even show. Shit, he didn’t want to be involved in some dominant shifter pissing match. Sometimes he hated shifter politics more than he hated humans.

  Then again, he didn’t really hate humans that much anymore, did he? Slowly, he and his bear were coming around to the fact not all humans enjoyed kidnapping little boys and shooting…

  He forced himself to forget that snippet of his past.

  “How much longer are we gonna wait for them?” Van wanted to maybe swing by the diner and check on Lauren.

  Ty opened his mouth to respond, but his desk phone buzzed. A call from the front receptionist. His brother snatched up the receiver and pressed it to his ear. “Yes. Uh-huh. Have them wait.” Ty dropped it back into its cradle.

  “That them?”

  “Yup,” another one word answer from Ty.

  “How long are we making them wait?” Maybe the politics side could be interesting.

  “As long as it takes me to finish this report.” His brother kept writing on the form before him, filling out appropriate boxes. Van didn’t envy Ty’s position as Grayslake Sheriff. Between kissing babies, bullshit paperwork, and then acting as Itan on top of it all… No, he didn’t envy the man.

  Van kept his gaze locked on the clock, watching the second hand tick its way around the face. One minute became two, became five, and then his brother dropped his pen. “Go get them.”

  “Me?” He pointed at himself. “That’s…” An insult.

  “Yup. A five minute wait and being fetched by the Enforcer is a good start.”

  Most humans would get pissed at being thought of as less than the best, but shifters were realists. They could meet others and know in an instant if they were either stronger or weaker than the animal before them.

  Van knew he was weaker than Ty, but also stronger than Morgan. Reid, the Alpha, bypassed Van and probably squeaked by Ty as well. The man was… Well, he didn’t want to call the wolf scary, but he would admit to carrying a dose of respectful wariness around the Alpha.

  “All right then.” Van rose from his chair. “Gimme a sec.”

  He left his brother’s office and wove his way through the building. He turned this way and that, dodging other officers and county personnel. It didn’t take long for him to arrive in the lobby. There he found a very large, very angry wolf shifter standing in the room.

  Reid planted himself dead center in the space, his arms across his chest and feet shoulder width apart. Every human in the room kept at least ten feet between their bodies as they made their way this way and that. The scent of his anger permeated the area and a hard look at the man’s eyes revealed their
yellow hue. Oh, he wore thick sunglasses to mask his animal’s appearance, but Van saw the lightened, amber color.

  Fuck it. Who cared? Ty was pissed too.

  He looked around for Morgan, knowing the Alpha wouldn’t venture into another’s territory without his Beta. Agreement to work together or not, it was still dangerous.

  It took a moment, but he spotted the man leaning against the wall that led to the administration wing. County Government and the Sheriff’s office shared the building. It wasn’t an ideal situation, but Grayslake was a small town. No sense in building two smaller buildings when one big one worked just as well.

  Van took a deep breath, tasting the air, and he filtered through the flavors. Reid’s rage hammered him, but below it lurked… satisfaction.

  Morgan’s gaze remained steady on the hallway, eyes focused on the distance beyond the lobby, which gave him a chance to observe the wolf.

  They’d left Reid and Morgan to cool their heels for five minutes. Shifters who, due to their position, never waited for anything. He understood Reid’s anger, but Morgan… wasn’t pissed at all. No, the satisfaction was joined by a little bit of happiness and he wondered what was going through the wolf’s head.

  A large form traveled down the administration main hallway, the height and build coupled with the man’s gate told Van who approached.

  The mayor—fucking Bryson Davies—and he smiled at Morgan.

  And Morgan smiled back, tipping his head in acknowledgement.

  Great, something else to keep an eye on.

  With a shake of his head, he stepped into sight, drawing the Alpha’s attention as well as the Beta’s. Reid’s eyes flared bright when they landed on Van while Morgan’s easy going attitude melted away to feigned anger.

  Definitely feigned. He should be filled with rage at the slight Ty delivered. Instead, he seemed mildly agitated.

  “Mister Bennett, if you’ll follow me.” Van tilted his head ever so slightly to the side, exposing a hint of his neck. Not enough to represent submission, but merely a recognition of Reid’s power and position.

  Reid grunted and it rolled into a growl.

  The fucker is not—

  Then he noticed the reason for the sound. Morgan sidled up to his Alpha, feigned expression still in place.

  All wasn’t happy in wolf-land.

  Without commenting, he spun on his heel, presenting his back to the two wolves. Dangerous if he hadn’t been in a public setting, but at least a dozen bears were in the direct vicinity and another dozen deeper in the building. Humans had no idea how many predators lurked nearby.

  Van retraced his steps, following the same path he’d taken, and led the Alpha and Beta to Ty’s office. It didn’t take as long as before. The shifters in the building must have caught the scent of Reid’s rage and were steering clear. Smart.

  He rapped his knuckles on Ty’s office door and waited for his brother to grant them entrance.

  “Enter.” The average person probably wouldn’t have recognized Ty’s anger, but Van surely did.

  He didn’t envy the wolves.

  Van snared the knob and twisted it before nudging the door open. Reid strode through first, followed immediately by Morgan and Van brought up the rear.

  The flavors of Ty’s rage ballooned in the room, responding to Reid’s sudden presence. At the same time, he was close enough to catch a hint of Morgan’s giddy happiness.

  Van pushed the door closed and rushed to speak before the two shifter leaders began their verbal, and possibly physical, sparring. He retained his position near the office door, slightly behind the two wolves, so he saw only a little of their profile and their backs.

  “Itan, if I may?” He presented the perfect picture of respect. He may rag on his brother in private, but he’d never shame his Itan.

  “Yes?” Ty glared at him.

  “There’s one other question regarding our business earlier.” He flicked his gaze to the clock before continuing, hoping his brother would follow the path he led. “Who answered the call?”

  Ty furrowed his brow. “What?”

  Van repeated the move, urging Ty to get it already. They’d been bitching about the clock, about the wolves being late. So, who did Ty speak with when setting their appointment? Because Van had his own suspicions. Ones that said Reid wasn’t late on purpose and it was Morgan who’d picked up the phone. Morgan who’d intentionally created this drama.

  “Who answered the call, Itan?”

  “Good point.” Ty’s gaze strayed to the clock, not saying another word. He then focused on Reid. “Reid, I think we have a few things to discuss. Alone.”

  Morgan was the first to object, to jump into the fray and add tension to an already volatile situation. “I won’t leave my Alpha to face a bear alone. Who knows what will happen to him.”

  “You question my honor?” Ty raised a brow and Van had to fight back a chuckle at his brother’s overacting. Well, the haughty tone was a bit much, but the anger simmering inside Ty was anything but fake.

  “You’re a bear. You—”

  “Enough, Morgan.” Reid cut off his Beta, the full weight of the Alpha’s power whipping through the room. Van almost felt the need to bare his throat. Almost.

  “Alpha, he’s insulted you. Left you waiting—”

  On the sideline, he saw Reid gaze at Ty and the two men shared a look. “Enough. I’ll meet with the Grayslake Itan alone. He and I will hammer out the details. We’ve left too many things, too many rules, rather fluid in their interpretation. I don’t need you.”

  Fuckin’ A they had.

  Another family disappeared yesterday. The grandfather was still recovering from open heart surgery, so Van gave the rest of them permission to remain until he could be moved.

  Overnight, they were gone.

  Van knew neither he nor his bears helped the group move which left…

  Morgan released a low growl, his body tense, gray fur sprouting along his arms. As Van watched, the male’s chest widened and fingers began their transformation to wolf-like paws.

  Oh, anger at the slight was one thing, but this seemed like some pent up, bottled rage about to boil over. And his Itan was on the other side of the room.

  Van tensed, ready to dive onto the wolf’s back, take him down if necessary. The man was already close to breaking one of their laws. If a human walked through the door while Morgan was half-shifted…

  The bear inside him stilled, power at the ready, waiting to be released. It was annoyed with Morgan. No, more than annoyed. It hated the wolf. They knew, knew, he’d done something to those hyenas. No, he hadn’t officially broken the law. There were certain guidelines when a purge was ordered, one of which said violators could be eliminated. Not should or would, but could. Grayslake leaned toward the less brutal method of dealing with the hyenas.

  Morgan did not.

  The low crack and snap of bone echoed off the office walls and Morgan’s mouth shifted, changing into a bastardized version of his wolf’s snout.

  Mother fucker. If he went after Ty…

  His bear stood at the ready, waiting for the signal, more than prepared to rip past Van’s human skin and then rip through Morgan. It wanted the asshole’s blood on its fangs.

  More hair sprouted, growing from the wolf’s skin and Van unclenched his fists, wiggling his fingers in preparation of his shift. The man had to transition fully and then Van could respond. He wouldn’t be breaking any laws if it was in reaction to another and in the protection of his Itan.

  C’mon, c’mon, c’mon.

  The wolf Alpha stepped up to the snarling Morgan as if he didn’t have a care in the world. Reid’s power swirled in the room, ghosting over everything, passing over his skin before focusing on Morgan. Damn, that was strong. Different, but strong as hell. Thank god the bear couldn’t give a fuck about the wolf’s dominance.

  “Stop.” One word. Morgan’s transformation halted in its tracks, bones that hadn’t even solidified in their new shapes remained b
roken and unattached. “Shift back.”

  That was all it took. Oh, the rage Morgan felt still burned hot, but it was impotent against the Alpha. More of the wolf’s tumultuous emotions assaulted Van’s senses, but the Beta continued to heed his Alpha’s instructions. In moments Morgan was human-shaped once again, his chest heaving as he panted and fought for air.

  Reid leaned into the gasping male and whispered low, “And that is why you shall never be Alpha.” The fury that whipped from Morgan toward Reid burned Van’s skin, singeing him with its intensity. And the Alpha… laughed. Just chuckled and smiled as if it were nothing. “Leave us. I expect you in my office when I return.”

  Van waited for Morgan to strike out, claw his Alpha in retaliation. The male had already proven—in Van’s opinion—to be unworthy. Except, rather than attack his leader, he spun on his heel and stomped toward the office door. He wrenched it open and slammed it shut behind him with such force the wall shook.

  Reid’s attention fixed on the door for a moment and then flicked to Van before turning on Ty. “Itan, it seems there are things we need to discuss.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Lauren nibbled her lower lip, her attention alternating between the Itana drinking coffee in the back of the diner and her customers in her section. Crapity crap.

  Listen to her. She’d stopped cursing because of the small pregnant woman.

  She poured yet another mug of coffee, smiling as she swept away empty plates into her other hand. “I’ll have your check in one second.”

  Balancing the dishes on her arm, she wound her way toward the counter and slid behind it, placing the carafe on the hot plate as she passed. The injury to her shoulder burned and pulled the skin, making itself known as she moved. At the rate it was healing, she’d be fine come morning. It was the getting there that caused her problems.

  Ducking into the kitchen, she slid the plates and utensils into the sink, emptying her arms.

  Now she had to do it all over again. Sometimes waitressing seemed to be more effort than it was worth. But she knew when she got her tips every evening and her paycheck on Friday, she’d earned every damned dollar.


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