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SealtheDeal Page 1

by Viola Grace

  Table of Contents

  Seal the Deal

  Contract has been trying to get into her legal briefs for months, but choosing the Sector Guard over her friends and family is a no-brainer for Sekhara.

  Life counseling the abused and grieving has worn on her nerves, so when she is offered life in the Sector Guard once again, Sekhara jumps at the chance. After some heated negotiations, Contract and Counsel begin life as partners with Counsel's pet, Maxi, along for the ride. They find a lost Terran, get blasted across the universe, and have to be rescued by a member of Udell base, and that is just Counsel's first day…

  What kind of a career is it when you have to keep your hands off your partner while you fight for your life?

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Seal the Deal

  Copyright © 2011 Viola Grace

  ISBN: 978-1-77111-024-2

  Cover art by Martine Jardin

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

  Published by Devine Destinies

  An imprint of eXtasy Books

  Look for us online at:

  Seal the Deal

  Sector Guard Book 24


  Viola Grace

  To Tina, Janet and Jay who brought the Sector Guard into the light of day when Devine Destinies was starting out. To the readers who have kept this as fun to write as a series could be. Love you all from the bottom of my heart.

  Chapter One

  The Centre of the Open Mind was humming with activity. Theo Nywyn was holding court with her friends and family and Sekhara had brought the holiday present that was her ticket to the party.

  "Hara! You made it!" Theo's Terran enthusiasm made Sekhara smile like it always did.

  "Nothing could stop me from attending your annual festivities, Theo. Good evening, Altius." She inclined her head to the Wyoran Representative to the Alliance.

  Altius Nywyn had his arm around his wife and was busy greeting the flood of visitors to the Centre. "Good evening, Sekhara Norr. I trust all is well at the Wheel?"

  She smiled sadly. "As well as it ever is. There are always links being taken advantage of and mediation for reparation to be conducted."

  Here with friends and family, Sekhara was able to keep her shields firmly in place, but in the course of her duties, she had to open her mind and investigate the allegations levied by the links toward their clients and in some cases, the other way around.

  She put her gift on the table and went in search of some punch. The moment that she sat down, Ledara snugged up against her hip, her red skin the image of her father's. It contrasted sharply with the navy blue colouration that Sekhara had been born with, but those were Altius's genetics in action.

  Ledara smiled up at her softly. "The party is fun. Mommy was worried that no one would come."

  "She worries about that every year."

  "Yes, but this year I can feel it."

  Oh, dear. It was early but not unheard of for a child of two Wyorans to develop early empathy. Ledara was going to be the first in her age group. A hefty burden for a child of five.

  "You will be fine. Ask your dad to send you to the Education Centre during the summer or have your uncle Sahvahn give you instruction. You can develop shields and all kinds of ways to keep your thoughts in and other folks out."

  "Is that what you do?"

  Sekhara smiled and gave the little girl a squeeze. "No, I have what is called a warped talent."

  Ledara frowned. "Does it hurt? Do you need a link?"

  She chuckled. "No, sweet. I am simply not an empath anymore. My mind is much more direct now. I see words and the emotions that form them."

  "Oh. Because if you needed a link, I could do that when I am older."

  Sekhara gave her another squeeze. "You have a good heart, but save your talents for when you get older. For now, learn how to use and control them. The stronger you get, the better you will be able to help folks if you still want to when you are older."

  Whatever the child would have said next was lost as the gift exchange began. Sekhara laughed with her friends as they were handed numbered beads and picked up the corresponding gift.

  She held the carved wood box that her hostess had handed her and noticed the deliberate attention that Altius was giving her. He looked nervous as she reached to open the box.

  The temptation, as it always was, was to reach within his mind and find her answer. That was not something that one did to friends, so she unlatched the box and lifted the lid. The collar was embroidered with delicate silk thread. Bands of detailed patterns worked their way across the fabric and she lifted the gift out of the box with a heavy sigh.

  Her friends stopped laughing and watched her lift the heavy Sector Guard uniform from the box. The base was a one-piece suit with attached boots, but that was where the word uniform stopped applying. A silk over-robe was fastened at the shoulders and as Sekhara stood and put the clothing against her, she could see that it was a perfect fit.

  She gave Altius a wry look as he dodged eye contact. "I am guessing that this will make my decision for me. Where is he, Altius?"

  A shadow parted from the wall and Contract made himself known. Elaborate marks on his uniform made his the masculine version of the one in her hands. His deep green skin and burgundy hair were only shown at head and hands. The sapphire eyes with slit pupils were fixed on her with intensity.

  "Sekhara, pardon me for inserting myself into your festivities." His smooth tone caused several of her friends to smile and giggle nervously. It was seduction with sound.

  "They are not my festivities. They are those of our host and hostess. You owe your apology to them. Me, you owe a gift." She held up the uniform. "This is a job offer."

  He grinned, his canines flashing sharply in the cheerful light reflected from the tree. "You are correct. Are you willing to accept it?"

  "I might. We need to discuss terms. Altius, Theo, will you excuse us?" She gathered the box and placed the uniform back inside. Tucking it under her arm, she jerked her head for Contract to follow her deeper into the home of the Nywyn's.

  Theo's office was empty and Sekhara led him in to the room, closing the door behind them. It was a rather intimate gesture, but she didn't want an interruption from his fan base.

  She took one of the comfortable chairs in front of the fire and gestured for him to take the other. "Now. Explain to me why you are here, what is your talent and why you think you have a shot at getting into my pants."

  "That is very direct." He settled his seven feet of lithe muscle into the chair and quirked a brow at her.

  "I can reach into your mind and pull out the answers. This is quite politic for me." She placed her elbows on the arms of the chair and tented her fingers, tapping the deep blue digits slowly.

  He fidgeted in his seat and she kept him in her implacable gaze.

  "Well?" She raised an eyebrow.
r />   "The Sector Guard can offer you adventure."

  She smirked. "Not interested."


  "I can travel as much as I wish to."

  He dragged in a deep breath. "You will have the opportunity to help folk in dire situations and under incredible stresses. Guardsmen need a counsellor more than anyone can know. We face death, violence, the most heinous situations as well as the burden of arriving too late."

  She leaned back and put her arms on the chair, her party gown flowing around her in soft gold folds that matched her eyes. "You have caught my interest. Go on. What can I do for the Guard?"

  "Well, let me state first that I am a Contract specialist. Every legal precedent in the Alliance and Nyal space is within my mind and I can create an airtight agreement that even light cannot escape from."

  Sekhara tilted her head at the Wyoran with the hypnotic voice. "I see. Now, why me and not one of the plethora of other telepaths out there? And, do you really intend to legally trap me?"

  "You have an ability to make contact with anyone based on their cranial scans, at immeasurable distances." His blue eyes seemed to grow larger and she could feel the push of his talent against her.

  She quirked her lips, "That is classified information."

  "And as a member of the Sector Guard, you will be in a position to use your talents to the fullest extent, every day. They need you. We need you." His tone rang with determination and sincerity.

  "What about our personal interaction? Even Altius and Effin have told me that there is an expectation of bonding between partners. Physical bonding. Where do we stand on that?" She put an expectant look on her face and waited.

  Contract swallowed and looked sheepish. "It would be nice to have a Wyoran woman with me and I promise to be a sensitive and careful lover and to do my best as a partner. I will back you up when needed and stand aside when you don't."

  "That seems awfully passive for a man with your reputation, Contract. Criton Ethyn was quite the ladies' man around the hub before he left for his new career in the stars. I have heard tales of debauchery, bondage and any number of group activities of a sexual nature. It is amazing how a man can change when he realizes his choices of life partner are limited."

  His mouth opened and closed, the cords of his neck flexed as he struggled to breathe. "How do you know all that?"

  She quirked her lips. "Effin Nywyn, husband of Relay, is the cousin of Altius, our host, tonight, who is the brother of my employer, Sahvahn Nywyn. They did the research long before they let you find me tonight."

  The door to the study flew open and a creature bounded in, wriggling with delight as it sat next to Sekhara's chair.

  "Hello, Maxi. How are you today?"

  Criton was looking at the beast warily. "You have a nylander?"

  "Ledara gave me one of the kits when Maxi was born. Six months later and she is ready to leave her mother. Is there room on your shuttle for her?" Sekhara reached out and stroked the snow-white fur on her new pet. The mental link between them snapped into being and strengthened as the Wyoran let her mind touch the beast's. A centre of calm rippled into her from Maxi.

  "Room on my shuttle? You agree?"

  "Let's return to the party and have a nice time. You can meet me at my office tomorrow and we will discuss the finer points of the contract."

  He cautioned her. "You will have to apply to let the nylander leave Wyora."

  She grinned as she stood and walked to the door with Maxi at her side. "I already have."

  Chapter Two

  Sekhara was busy feeding her bonded pet snacks from the buffet when Theo sidled up to her. "I see she found you."

  Sekhara laughed and stroked her new companion's head. "She could find me in the dark, upside down."

  "Yes, they are good for that. The other three kits still haven't linked to anyone. It is surprising that Maxi chose you so quickly."

  "Well, I did catch her when she came out. I still can't believe that Tiki made it all the way to my home to have her kits." Stroking the silky fur, she smiled up at her hostess. "The ambush was successful by the way. I have agreed to go with Contract."

  Theo let a gust of air out of her lungs, stirring strands of her ebony hair into a lazy motion. "I wasn't sure that we should assist him on this, but if you are glad, we are glad."

  "I don't think that glad really comes into it. I need a change from links who have been taken advantage of or who have refused to do their duty. I never feel that I am helping anyone and if the Sector Guard offers me that opportunity, I will take it."

  "Is it that bad?" Theo touched her shoulder in a comforting reflex.

  The contact connected them for a moment and with Theo's open mind, the endless wave of depressing situations was apparent. Sekhara snapped her shields tightly around her thoughts as quickly as she could, but Theo staggered back, breaking contact.

  "Aw, Hara. That is awful. I am going to let Effin know that I have withdrawn my objections." This time, Theo locked her personal shields into place before she reached out to hug.

  "Sorry for the blast. I wasn't expecting the contact." Sekhara returned the hug, smiling as Maxi reached in to participate in the embrace. The wet nose preceded the lick on her cheek and she thanked her forethought at getting the inoculations that would defend her against her pet.

  "I, of all people, should know better. Altius just about dropped Ledara when he felt the shock through me. He has more fortitude for dealing with an untethered mind than any male I have yet met." The chuckle turned into a smile as Theo backed away.

  "This talk of work is too weighty for your celebration. Come on. Let me enjoy my new pet and the company of friends today. Tomorrow will take care of itself." She got to her feet and looked around. "When does the singing start?"

  "They are called carols and they start now." Theo crossed the room and stood next to her husband and family. Musicians started to play and the songs of Theo's home world came to them through the Wyoran hands on the instruments.

  Whatever the Christmas holiday was back on Terra, it had certainly found its way into their community and anchored around this family in particular.

  As Sekhara sat on one of the low couches with Maxi at her side, she felt Criton behind her. They remained together as the music swelled and ebbed, but when Sekhara turned to look at him, the Guardsman with the voice of silk was gone.

  Settling in to enjoy the feeling of Maxi who was not simply a warm presence at her side, but a calming one in her mind, Sekhara enjoyed what looked to be her last night at home.

  * * * *

  "Relay, I believe that Sekhara Norr is going to join us. You can tell Effin to stop harassing Altius and you can leave Theodora alone." Criton sat with his feet up on the desk in Altius's private study. The party went on without him and he smiled at the relief in Relay's face.

  "Excellent. She has been dodging us for years. What convinced her?"

  "The opportunity to work with folks who need her, who need her talent to help them heal. The Wyorans have needed her, but it is as a means to litigation. I believe she is tired of that and wants to engage her talent in a more active manner."

  Relay grinned. "Did your voice seduce her?"

  He grimaced. "No. You were right about that."

  The screen he was looking at split and another Terran face was grinning at him. "Her mental shields are too strong. Your voice reinforces the mental suggestion of seduction. If you can't reach her mind, you can't use your voice to seduce her. It's going to require some hard work on your part."

  "Thank you, Haunt. It is nice to see you, too." He grimaced at his base commander.

  "Will you bring her back to Station 13 immediately?"

  He sat up and leaned forward. "Why?"

  "We need Counsel. The sooner she can start, the better."

  "Ah and on that matter, Counsel is coming with her pet nylander. It was given to her this evening and she is unwilling to part with it."

  Relay looked curious, but it was Haunt
who asked. "What is a nylander?"

  Criton ran his hands through his hair. "It is an adorable, fluffy, venomous four-legged animal with huge blue eyes that is also empathically sensitive. It's a bonding animal for those who can attract one. They are fussy creatures and only bond to those that they choose."

  Haunt was nodding and then she sat up. "Did you say venomous?"

  "Yes. We might want to stock the anti-venin as well as inoculating the staff at the base. Hell, you might want to do the whole Sector Guard if she is going to be visiting bases." Criton enjoyed the look of anxiety on his commander's face before he eased the last statement. "I am exaggerating. The animal is venomous, but they don't bite randomly. Usually only in defence of their bond mate. Your Counsel will be well taken care of even if I am not there to do it."

  "Are you planning to go somewhere?" Haunt raised her brows.

  If his complexion had supported it, he would have blushed. "No, of course not. But not everyone can fade through floors to check on their mate. If we are sent on assignments, she can do her work from wherever we are and I may have to be in chambers on a negotiation. This will assure me that if her mind is elsewhere, her body is guarded."

  They made their sign-off pleasantries and he sighed in relief as the Terran women faded from view.

  A baritone voice spoke from behind him, "I suppose it is a good thing that Ledara's pet ran away and ended up whelping in Sekhara's home. How did you arrange that, Criton?"

  He removed his feet from his host's desk and turned in the chair. "A little whisper in the expectant mama's ear and off she went."

  "So, that is why you came for a visit six months ago. I did wonder why you didn't stalk her then." Altius poured two glasses of liquor and handed one to Criton.

  The potent scent of the rare brandy was welcome.

  "You won't tell her, will you? The job she is in for will not be easy and she needs whatever comfort she can obtain from the nylander."

  "Maxi, her name is Maxi. It is short for Maximus Extremus. A good name for the runt of the litter." Altius took a seat on the couch and relaxed.


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