
Home > Paranormal > SealtheDeal > Page 2
SealtheDeal Page 2

by Viola Grace

  "How is family life treating you?" Criton sipped at the brandy and enjoyed the burn. He had known Altius and Sehvahn most of his life and came to visit every chance he got.

  His own family was on the other side of Wyora and got his first visitation, but his second stop was always the Nywyns.

  "Theo is trying to curtail having another child, so I am busy trying to persuade her most nights." He grinned, his burgundy skin giving his white teeth a startling contrast.

  "Sounds like hard work. How is Sekhara taking her new occupation? The bonding with her pet is happening quickly, so I am sure they are out there on a couch snuggling together." He tried to keep the jealousy out of his tone but was sure he failed.

  "You are the one who wanted her to have Tiki's kit. I understand why given the expanse of her talent. Since your talents prohibit a normal link, this is an excellent compromise to give her the backup that she needs."

  Criton gave his friend a serious look. "How do you do it?"


  "Have a woman like Theo depending on you, a family who needs you and you still manage to look sane?"

  The deep laughter boomed through the room. "You think Theo depends on me? Her mind was healed years ago, long before Ledara was born. She is my strength, my home. No matter what political mire I wade through, her mind steadies me and makes me stronger. Her arms catch me every night before we sleep and her love burns brightly in her mind. I depend on her and my little ones to keep me sane, not the other way around."

  Criton absorbed it and his mind flicked through images of Sekhara's lithe blue-skinned body under his, her mind twined through his thoughts. He shifted uncomfortably in his chair, angling his body away from his friend as it reacted strongly to the images.

  A chuckle burst from Altius. "Don't worry about it, Criton. The first time I met Theo, I had a hard-on for days. You have been after Sekhara for a few years. It is only natural that she figures heavily in your more intimate thoughts."

  Criton thought of all the time he had spent with Sekhara's image on the holo screen in his shuttle. He leaned back and swallowed the last of the brandy, hoping that the burning in his throat would distract the rest of him. "You have no idea, my friend. You have no idea."

  Altius leaned forward and clapped him on the shoulder. "Don't worry, Criton, it only gets worse."

  Chapter Three

  Sekhara woke to the square and steady nudge of a box in her back. A wet nose on her neck followed immediately.

  "Good morning, Maximus. I see you brought my present to bed with you."

  She rolled over to see the bright blue eyes of her new bond animal crinkled with amusement. The intelligence was that of a four-year-old Wyoran and if language could come from those silent throats, they would chatter away constantly. As it was, Sekhara could feel the emotional happiness spilling into her from an outside source covered with fluff.

  Groaning, she sat up and pulled the box onto her lap. The uniform was just as beautiful today as it was last night.

  "Fine, one shower and then into the offices." She got out of bed and with her new friend at her heels, she took a quick shower and then tugged on the Sector Guard uniform. She pulled her loose mediator robes over the bodysuit and then wandered over to the kitchen for a quick breakfast for her and Maxi.

  Nylanders were omnivorous which was fortunate. Sharing ration packs with her would be easy.

  Dressed for a day of listening to the minds of the abused and the indignation of the abusers, she loaded Maxi onto her skimmer and flew to the hub and her small offices.

  A few curious glances at the nylander made her smile brightly. The bond animals were allowed in the offices by the very nature of their link to their Wyorans.

  The presence of the Guardsman in front of her office door was getting quite a few female admirers. "Good morning, Contract. You are early."

  "I did not want to chance missing you."

  There was a wealth of emotion in his tone and she used her palm to open the biometric lock as yet another woman slowly walked past with her hips swinging in an effort to gain his attention.

  "It seems you had plenty of women to keep you company. Quite a lot for this time in the morning. Someone must have sent out a memo." She grunted as he pushed the door open for her and Maxi slid past them both and into the confines of the office.

  "I only have eyes for you, Sekhara. Now, let's get to this contract. Your presence is urgently needed on Station 13." He held up the data pad and ushered her into her office, closing the door behind them.

  She sat behind her desk and ordered some snacks for Maxi through the tube system that fed small purchases and food to the offices of the Wheel. "Where would you like to start?"

  He sat in the client chair and leaned back, placing his heels on her desk. "Let's start with the risks of the job and the danger bonuses offered."

  Sekhara looked into his deep blue eyes and kept her focus through an effort of will. This was going to be a long negotiation session and she flicked the do-not-disturb light on the outside of her office door, no sense being interrupted.

  "Contract, you may proceed."

  She wandered around as he went over the details of pay rates--standard, exceptional and danger. She prepared a pot of tea while he spoke and she asked minor questions.

  "What is the contingency if I am wounded beyond continuing my duties?"

  "There is a bulk payment offered as well as an administrative position in any one of the Guard bases, but that won't come into play. I have a personal interest in keeping you in one piece." His gaze was intense and fixated on her backside.

  She cleared her throat and slid a cup of tea in front of him. "Now, as to that. What are the provisions for my living quarters and the relationship with you?"

  Sekhara got the feeling that if he could have blushed, he would have. There was a certain set to his brows and a twist around his mouth that she would watch for in the future.

  "Well, there are no set time limits or any of that sort of thing, but we have adjoining quarters and a single bunk on the shuttle." He rubbed at the back of his neck, but it didn't stop her from noticing the hitch in his breathing and the subtle change in his posture.

  She grinned and leaned on the edge of her desk. "How thoughtful, we can sleep in shifts."

  It was fun watching him back pedal.

  "That is not what I intended to say. I meant that you would have time to make your decision." He cleared his throat and shifted slightly in his chair.

  She set her cup of tea down on the table and straightened. "Stand up."

  He frowned. "Why? We are hardly done negotiating."

  She took his teacup from him and put her hands on his shoulders. "Fine, we will do it your way."

  Taking her courage into her hands, she leaned forward and kissed him. A sharp tingling shot from her lips and arrowed straight through her breasts before going lower. She felt hands on her waist and she was jerked off her feet and onto Contract. When his tongue came forward to fence with hers, she enjoyed it for a moment before leaning back. Slowly, she licked her lips. "Yes, I think one bunk will be fine."

  The slow shuddering of his body as he fought for control made her smile again. As calmly as she could, she left his lap and retrieved her tea before crossing to the other side of her desk and resuming her seat.

  "Now, do I get holidays?" She arched her brows and watched him gather his wits. Partnering with the greatest legal mind of her time and knowing that she could scatter that mind to the wind was a power trip that was worthy of a deduction in her pay. One should rarely get paid for that kind of enjoyment.

  He returned his focus to the data pad and his rich hypnotic voice flowed over her. "You are considered on duty for sixty straight Alliance weeks…"

  She sat back and sipped at her tea as he laid out the details of her time allotments. A devilish smile played around her dark blue lips and she closed her eyes to listen.

  * * * *

  The kiss had shaken his control. The urge
to grab her up and seduce her on the desk was hard to resist, but there would be time for that later. As he read the contract points, he watched her nod and her lips purse.

  Her hair was up today in a no-nonsense bun and he missed the rippling waves that softened her features. She asked him a few short questions and smiled as she listened to him outline the responsibilities and protections expected of and given to the Guardsmen.

  He was about to go into the uniform details, but she raised her hand. "Enough. I am in. Where do I sign?"

  Surprised, he held out the data pad with the scanning unit and she pressed her fingers individually onto the pad before raising it to her face for an ocular scan.

  "Fine. When do we go?" She leaned down and stroked her nylander's head. "Do you want to go on a trip, Maxi?"

  The crooning tone she took on had a peculiar effect on his senses. Criton stood and offered his hand to his new partner. "My shuttle is waiting on the pad. Do you have your uniform?"

  "I do. I will send for the rest of my things later. I packed last night."

  She grinned at him and his heart flipped in his chest, to say nothing of the effect on his groin. Their first few days were going to be hell and Criton couldn't wait.

  * * * *

  Grim determination was not what Sekhara had been expecting, but the gleam in Contract's eyes gave her a small thrill of anticipation.

  "Come along, Maxi." She reached out to the tube, snagged the treats and tucked her gift under her arm. She arched a brow. "Shall we?"

  He offered her his arm and she took it, sliding her palm along the surface of his suit before settling on his forearm. It felt right and very appropriate to walk out of her office with Maxi on one side and Contract on the other.

  He locked her office door and they headed through the hub toward the shuttle bay. Several women eyed their grouping speculatively and Sekhara felt waves of envy from quite a few of the males.

  The envy surprised her, so she tightened her personal shields. Maxi moved closer and the psychic bleed-through stopped.

  The large Sector Guard shuttle was waiting in a launch position and Sekhara knew for a fact that they didn't allow overnight parking there. "So, you knew I would say yes?"

  He looked down at her and smiled a very intimate smile. "Eventually, yes. Now, let me introduce you to the Chenikil. She's the finest dignitary ship that the Guard has to offer and now your home away from home."

  Maxi ran up to the ship, sniffed around the steps and then peed on the landing gear before running inside the open door.

  Sheepish, Sekhara grinned, "At least she likes it."

  Contract eyed the puddle under the gear and scowled. "You have no idea how happy I am that she does."

  "I mean--"

  He pressed his palm over her mouth. "Counsel, get in the shuttle."

  Snickering, she followed her new pet into their new home. It was time to start the adventure.

  Chapter Four

  Maxi was settled in a surprisingly comfortable spot under the bunk, Sekhara moved to lock herself in to the navigator station and Contract was working on the pre-flights.

  "She's all settled. Where is our first stop?"

  He glanced at her and paused when he saw her in her Sector Guard uniform. "When did you have time to change?"

  "It didn't take me long."

  "I didn't hear the lav door."

  "I didn't use the lav. Have you ever tried to get dressed in one of those on a ship? Your elbows will never be the same." She smoothed a hand down the fabric and admired the detail in the designs.

  Contract looked as if he was strangling on his own tongue.

  She sighed. "Yes, I was naked right behind you with no closed doors, but you didn't turn around, so everything was fine. Breathe and deal with it."

  Sekhara smiled as he grumbled but sent the notice of take-off to the control tower of the Wheel.

  "Clearance granted. Have a good voyage, Contract."

  "I will."

  He nodded to Sekhara and they slowly ascended through the skies of Wyora.

  She looked down to see the Trade Wheel of Wyora where all the trading offices and politicians were housed. Her world fell away beneath her and she smiled, knowing that it would not be the last time that she visited her home, but now, it was time for her next phase of life.

  Sekhara had spoken to her family after the party, explaining that she was finally giving in to the Sector Guard. Her mother had been more concerned with Contract's bloodlines than she had with the loss of her daughter.

  Sahvahn had been spoken to at the party. His scowling crimson features were far dearer to her than her own brothers'.

  "Are you sure about this, Sekhara? The Guard often finds themselves in dangerous situations."

  "I am sure, Sahv. It is time. I have been here too long. Folk are becoming too dependent on my skills." At one point in her life, she had had a crush on the older Nywyn brother, but once she worked for him, she quickly began to understand that they were not to be. The comradeship far outweighed the initial lust.

  His sigh had been enough to part her hair. "If Criton lets any harm befall you, I will beat him until he is more black than green."

  "Fair enough. Thanks for understanding, Sahvahn."

  His laugh caused heads to turn. "I acknowledge your desire, but understanding is not in my grasp."

  "Why did Theo come to the Alliance?"

  "Because she Volunteered…oh."

  With that statement, they went over her contact protocols and she swore to send a check-in via Relay whenever possible.

  With friends and family alerted, there was no reason to stay at home to listen to the weeping and wailing of those who felt ill used.

  She breathed deeply and let her mind open the moment that they pushed into the troposphere.

  Contract sat up and looked at her the moment that she removed her shields. "You opened your mind."

  "I did. It was time. I like to keep an open mind when not surrounded by a population."

  A voice chirped from the com unit. "Excellent. I need you to find someone, Counsel."

  Sekhara had heard the voice before, but she gave Contract a wary look as she answered with the flick of her finger.


  "You know it. Welcome to the Sector Guard. Now, Haunt has authorized me to send you an assignment and you can carry it out while you travel to the nearest jump site." Relay's voice was calm and far clearer than it had a right to be. It was one of the perks of being wired into the data streams that invisibly criss-crossed the Alliance. Her thoughts became an audio transmission with the help of digital tech.

  "Fine. What do you need?" She straightened and nodded to Contract. It was time to earn her keep.

  "A Terran and her Kalordan co-worker have disappeared. There was a distress call issued, but it was weak and the beacon that was sent out is not offering any idea as to where she was taken. We need you to find her so that the rescue party knows where to go."

  "Do you have a recent brain scan? I have to synch myself to her signal to find her. Also, last known coordinates will speed things up dramatically."

  "Coming your way. How long before you can go in search of her?"

  "Based on current trajectory, about half an hour. Is that soon enough?" She shifted in her seat as Contract started to accelerate into space.

  "It will be fine. Beast and Finder can hold Tridell back that long, I think. Let me know when you have a result of any kind and again, welcome aboard."

  The link disconnected and Counsel leaned back, exhaling with a whoosh.

  "Are you all right to start immediately?" His low tone ran through her in waves. Without her shielding in place, the hypnotic aspect was quite palpable.

  "I am. The sooner I jump in the better."

  The com chirped and she pulled up the files. "Okay, are we up high enough for me to release the restraints? I have to get some stuff from your med kit for this."

  "Why, will doing this injure you?" The concern in his voic
e was touching.

  "No. I need a brain wave display. I have to make my pattern match hers to find her with any kind of speed. Otherwise, I am hunting in the dark." She smiled. "So, can I get up and run around?"

  They broke free as she asked and the panorama of stars and the small cluster of ships around the space station caught her attention. They flitted in and out, docking and releasing in a peculiar dance. "I have never seen it from this angle before."

  "Wait." He turned their ship around and she saw Wyora under them, spinning slowly as they fell away from it.

  The Wheel was still visible, the greatest city on their home world. "Did you miss it after you left?"

  "I did. I still do. My family is my first stop on any visit. The Nywyn's are my second. It is still my home, even after my time away."

  He chuckled and she curled her nails into the arms of her chair at the response that jumped through her at the sound.

  "You can get the med kit now. Do you need to lie down when you are doing this, or can you remain sitting?"

  "Sitting is fine. I will be right back." A few clicks and a twist and she was out of the harness and walking back to the main cabin.

  Maxi looked up from under the bunk and lashed her tail.

  "Honey bear, I would gladly have you with me, but you are too big." She leaned down and stroked her pet's head. Their minds touched and held, Maxi's happy enthusiasm overwhelming the slight feeling of loss that Sekhara was experiencing.

  Under her hand, Maxi wiggled and did something that only one tenth of all nylanders could manage. She shrank back to her birth size and looked up at Sekhara with huge eyes.

  Laughing in surprise, Sekhara picked up her new pet and cuddled her against her chest, feeling the faster heartbeat and loving the compact warmth. "What a clever girl you are."

  Reminding herself that she had come in with a purpose, she got to her feet and retrieved the med kit.

  Back in the nav seat, she juggled her pet, the kit and the screen that she withdrew from the depths.

  Contract sighed. "Put Maxi on the floor, hand me the kit and take what you need. We are on automatic until we get to the jump site."


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