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Torn Between Two Worlds (Guardians Series Book 1)

Page 16

by Lexi Ostrow

  His voice was loud this time. "I love you, Ciara. I have loved you since the moment I felt the connection. When I'm done with you, no one will have conflicting emotions about anything."

  * * *

  He didn't give her any time to process his words. He honestly couldn't have with the fucking erection he was rocking. He should love her slowly, tenderly. They hadn't done that yet and he owed it to her. After a moment like this, he owed her the fucking moon and the sun and better throw in every fucking star in the sky too. He was shaking with need though. He couldn't do slow. He needed to possess her, to mark her as his. His body had pressed hers into the wall again, his mouth kissing a trail down her neck. His large hands shoved her shirt up and over her head, but only bothered to shove her bra up around her neck. When his mouth covered her nipple she moaned out.

  "Close, sweetheart, but that's not my name and I promise you, you will be screaming it." His mouth went back to work on her nipple while his hand massaged the other. He loved the way her skin tasted like vanilla. Her hands pulled the zipper on his jeans down and were working on pushing the denim off when he scooped her up and fairly gracefully walked over to the bed and dropped her down. She started to complain, but he pulled off his shirt and she stopped short. Her breath caught in her throat as he smirked at her and quickly jerked the pajama bottoms and the ridiculous underwear she was wearing to her ankles before crawling up her body.

  His hands trailed up her, warm and inviting. They ran over her hips and massaged her chest before snaking their way back down her body. He slid them over her clit and she whimpered. He smirked and kissed her. Her hand wrapped around his hard length, barely able to close, and began to stroke him up and down as a finger slipped inside her folds. His groan of pleasure mingled with her own. She whimpered again and began to ride his finger as he added a second, his cock hardening even more at how wet she was.

  "Stryder," she whispered his name as he scissored his fingers in her heat.

  "That's still not a yell, sweetheart." He chuckled, loving the way her hips bucked and her body rode his fingers. He was tiring of the foreplay, he wanted to be inside her, but not until she came first. His fingers moved faster in and out of her. Her hips slammed down on him and her mewling and moans of pleasure filled the roam while his groans mixed with hers. Her hands switched from stroking his cock to massaging his balls. When his name tore from her throat he was dizzy with pleasure.

  When she stood and walked to the end of the bed he naturally turned with her and she sank to her knees before him and with no hesitation wrapped her mouth around his cock and slid him in her mouth. He was so big and thick he stretched her jaw, he liked it and as she sucked him like a candy cane, her tongue trailed slightly behind her lips.

  "Gods, Ci, fuck."

  His hips were thrusting fast into her mouth and his hands had gripped her hair pulling her toward him, making it so his cock was never really out of her mouth. His growl filed the room and his release filled her mouth. She sucked him till the last drop and pulled back, licking her lips.

  “I can give as good as I get.”

  He smirked and tugged her back up him, letting her body slide over his still erect cock. His hands wrapped around her waist and he pushed her toward the bed, crashing her onto it belly down. She knew what he wanted and pressed her hands and knees into the mattress, pushing her pert backside toward him, inviting him to take what was his. His hands wrapped around the sides of her ass his erection pressed against her and he leaned his body down before whispering in her ear, "And I can give it better."

  He pushed at her entrance with his cock, making her rock on her hands and knees to try and take him in more. He chuckled and she moaned his name, encouraging him to go. He smacked her butt lightly before pushing his head inside her folds. She pushed back down on him and at the same time and they both made a noise. Her body began to thrust and rock and his body began to as well.

  Their bodies slapped together as their sounds of pleasure filled the room. His mind was a cloudy fog and all he could think of was her reaching her climax. He slammed in and out of her and felt when she went over. His name rang out between them as he pulled out and slammed her onto the bed on her back before driving back into her fast and hard until the tendons in his neck were tight with his own moan of release. She lay beneath him, both of them dazed and pleased for what felt like hours before he pulled out of her.

  Rolling over, he tugged her to his chest and kissed her head. "I love you, Ciara."

  She kissed his chest and smiled up at him. "And I love you, Stryder. So much it scares me." He was leaning his face down to kiss her again when he felt a summoning, a call to do Heaven or Hell's bidding.

  "You've got to be fucking kidding me." He groaned as the all too familiar voice of an angel filled his head, telling all four of the Horsemen the balance was in danger of tipping and that they were needed.

  "What's wrong?" She sat up, tugging the blanket to her chest and he almost laughed at her sudden modesty. He raised a hand, indicating for her to be quiet. He needed to hear what was going on. Angels got a bit testy if they needed to repeat themselves.

  When he had heard everything he needed he kissed her deeply. Ingraining her taste, her feel into his brain. "Remember when I told you that sometimes we can be summoned if the balance was tested between normal life and Apocalypse life- that the combination of angel and demon blood made us do the bidding of both sides when the balance was tipped?"

  She nodded.

  "Apparently we've reached that point in someone's book and I need to go. How that happened or how they reached me here, fuck if I know and I'm sure I'll never find out. I'm hoping it only works if another one like you,” he gestured and hoped she knew he wasn't insulting her. “But I know that if I don't go, we lose and hell breaks loose. It's just the way it is, something strong enough to test the balance, it requires all four of us to put back." The look on her face ripped into him.

  She nodded and kissed him again. "I understand. Alcott had it happen once before where he had to story progress because another Word Speaker was reading his series." She bit her lower lip and sobbed. "And it's not that I want you to abandon them, but it's just that I don't know what will happen to you."

  He lets his hands run through her hair. He tugged her to him for a brief moment before letting go and standing up. If he didn't get dressed and leave soon, he might do something stupid, like ignoring the summons, which he could now tell was coming from Heaven. Tugging on his clothes, he offered her a lopsided smile to ease her. "Sweetheart, these don't take long. A day or two max." He kissed her again before walking to a doorway she created while he dressed. "Should something ridiculous happen, go seek out another Guardian, however it is you do it. If I don't come back." He paused trying to force the words out. “But don't worry, I'll be back for you. I love you." He didn't wait for her to say it back. He could still hear the first time she said it in his mind.

  Appearing at Demarcus's house on the far side of the Island they shared, he saw his brothers waiting.

  "I see they do have reception out there," Jameson quipped.

  He slugged his brother before they flashed to the location the angels told them, pissed and not for the first time that his shared blood made him someone's pawn. He'd always known that's what he was for, but now that it took him from her, from someone who saw past the demon part, it pissed him off even further.

  Chapter 21

  She tugged the blanket around her body as she sat up. Her face was blissful and she could feel the contentment swirling in her body. Reaching out to her nightstand she grabbed her phone. The contentment couldn't last too long and she blew out a slow breath.

  "Being an adult sucks." She texted Gina first.

  G, I've got to talk to you. Have a minute?

  Once that was sent she pulled up Derrick's overseas number and texted a very similar message she wanted to be the one to tell him that she was with someone else. Especially since it had barely been two weeks since they'd
ended. Even if she wasn't going to send it until she'd talked with Gina. Saving it to drafts, she put the phone down and laid back down in the bed.

  Everything was different now. Two weeks ago she was ready to flay the skin from her new Guardian's body and now she wanted to do something completely different to his skin. She had wanted to resist him, wanted to keep her crazy world as normal as she could by being with someone normal. But she was meant for Stryder, he had known it. His brothers had known it, was she finally ready to fully accept whatever weird fate she was caught up in?

  She was grateful now for her shift in powers and Alcott's disappearance. Even if she wished she could curl up next to him and ask him what to do. She'd come to this decision in the most immature of ways. In fact she wanted a do over, wanted to treat Stryder properly and never let the idea that he wasn't real, or not the same species get in the way because even if she wasn't ready to buy into the mate idea, she was completely in love with him.

  The phone rang and she didn't bother to check the name, just slid her finger over the screen to answer the call. “G, I have an issue.”

  "So I gathered. Do you need me to come grab you for some single-girls-blues-wine?"

  "No, actually it is about Derrick…" She let her words trail off and waited for her friend to say something. When she didn't she sighed dramatically. "G! You're supposed to ask me what's up, not force me to tell you something uncomfortable right away!"

  Her friend’s laugh on the other end made her smile. "Girl that defeats the point. Spill the beans now."

  "I'm glad he left, don't worry no little girl whining moment is coming." The silence on the other end was slightly what she had expected. But when it stretched on beyond a few minutes she cleared her throat. "Um, G?"

  "Oh I'm here I'm debating whether aliens invaded and stole your brain or if I should ask what's up."

  Gina loved Derrick, but was always telling her to try something new before taking plunge. What would she think of her now?

  "I met someone, G. Not like I saw someone cute and want to meet him. Like I've slept-with-him-and-met-his-family met someone."

  The silence continued on the other end before a long, low whistle. "I don't know what to say, Ci. Why? When? And are you sure?" Her friend didn't sound judgmental, but she had a feeling it was definitely happening.

  Tears stung her eyes. Choosing Stryder in her heart and head had been one thing. Choosing him out loud- her heart squeezed tight and the tears spilled down her cheeks. It was so quick and had technically happened with Derrick still in her life."Right before he left, G. I hated the guy at first. He was hot as hell, but annoying, arrogant and didn't belong here. But something happened. I don't know what and suddenly we were in bed together. And then it happened again and again."

  "Well, why him and not Derrick? Why not write this off as a fling?"

  She had been asking herself Gina's questions since the first night when she'd allowed him to touch her like she had. Just thinking about it ashamed and heated her blood. "It just is, G. I wish I could explain. I wish you could meet him even, but…" She ran her fingers through her hair and exhaled. How would this even work if no one would know he was around. They would just think she didn't want to be alone and had made someone up when he was never around to meet them.

  "Ok hold up, back up. Why can't I meet him?"

  "He doesn't live around here." It wasn't a lie and Gina accepted it, but it wasn't the truth either.

  "Ok fair is fair there's always time later. Girl, if you really feel that way you need to go with it."

  "That makes sense. But that's not why I needed you. Do I tell Derrick?" She sounded meek.

  "My vote is no, Ci. You're broken up. I know he visited the other day, but he's probably just lonely. If you really feel like you need to tell him then just text him. You two need to cut the cord sooner or later anyway.”

  Her stomach churned. She didn't want that. She was afraid she would miss him too much. Be too lonely. He'd been a part of her life for so long that she had just hoped she could hold onto him despite the changes. "Ugh, I know that, but can't I be selfish for just a little while longer. He was and I know who I'm picking, not like I want to keep him around as a safety net anymore." She hadn't realized she'd said it out loud until G responded.

  "Ci, I know you think that, but just humor me. I want you with the right guy not just a guy, but I don't think you owe Derrick more than a text."

  She nodded even though it wasn't visible. "I guess I'll do it now, G. Thanks."

  "Anytime, Ci. Obviously let me know how it goes when you text him."

  Disconnecting from her friend she put her hands over her face and screamed. Two weeks and her world had turned upside down. She'd gone from stable and in love to conflicted and well still in love, but with someone else.

  If she were anyone else she would listen to G and just not do it all. But she'd been with him for over ten years. And maybe she wanted his opinion? Wanted to know what he thought? Stryder was her mate, she could tell it was real, but would it be so wrong to want someone else to tell her to go for it to?

  Yea you big dummy. When that someone is your ex.

  She picked up the phone and called Derrick anyway, completely forgetting about the time. She waited as the phone rang for what seemed like forever before he picked up.

  "Hey, darling. How are you?"

  She didn't want small talk she didn't mean to sound curt, but it happened anyway. “Derrick, I wanted to tell you this. Maybe so you heard it first, or maybe so you could assure me it was ok. I don't really know. But I'm seeing someone.”

  He was so quiet on the other end she was afraid that he was mad and regretted telling him. Not to mention Gina had said to text him and she'd called. She was more of an idiot than she realized.

  “I kind of thought as much based on your reaction when I was there. I mean obviously we broke up, but I just kinda thought that it would be cool. I should've known. That really was my mistake. I'm sorry for putting you in that position. I really am.”

  He sounded sincere and she blew out a breath.

  “Hey this sounds crazy, but bear with me. I'd still love to show you around Italy. Why don't you come up before things get serious with this guy? I can sleep on the couch. This way it's chill and it happens at a time when he shouldn't be telling you what to do anyway.”

  She blinked. She'd wanted his approval, but why did it feel weird getting it. “Umm I'm glad you're cool with this Derrick. I really am. I hate to say this, but I'm glad we broke up and stayed friends. I value your opinion. But are you sure? That seems a little, no, a lot foolish to me.”

  “Naw, not at all. Just come for like a weekend. Trips on me cause I promised you one. Two to three days and its nothing. Come on, this relationship with the guy is brand new, Ci.”

  She really did want to go to Italy. She knew Stryder was jealous of Derrick though. Would it be smart? It felt like a few minutes before she decided to do it. Stryder was away why not have some fun and then just explain it all to him so he knows it was nothing. How he could think it was she'd never know. He had to feel what she felt when they kissed. “Sure. Count me in, Derrick. I'm stressed from the possibility of needing to find a second job to pay rent on this place anyway. Not that a breakaway wouldn’t be good.” She only hoped Stryder would come back from his summons first so he could go with her. She stopped listening for a moment as she pictured her and Stryder in Italy.

  “Woohoo. A buddy that doesn't wear a three piece suit and isn't sports obsessed. Ok, Ci. Book it for two weeks out please. I'm out scouting finally next week, I sent you a text, but you never responded. I really am sorry about how it all ended. You know I can help pay the rent through the lease. We leased it together." She wanted to tell him it needed to wait a little, but she knew where her heart was and if Stryder was still gone, he wouldn't know about the trip until she told him anyway, and she would tell him.

  Pulling the phone from her ear she checked her texts. Sure enough one had come thr
ough while she'd been with Stryder. “That's so awesome! Congrats, Derrick. I've been having a train wreck of an emotional coaster for the last few weeks. I appreciate the offer, but no to paying anything. It was one of the things we decided when we broke up. It's cool. I'll figure it out. But you can pay for everything while we're visiting.” She grinned into the phone even though he couldn't see it.

  “Great. I need to go though. Sorry, it's late here.”

  He hung up and she couldn't help but smile. She'd missed Stryder and this would be the perfect opportunity to take her mind off of it. She'd always wanted to go to Italy. She was a little worried about spending time with Derrick, but they were so good at being friends it seemed that she pushed the worry away.

  Sending a quick text to Gina to let her know what was happening as well, and another thanks, she went over to her computer. She'd neglected her writing the past two weeks and she had a story ideas bouncing around in her head and with no one around to distract, she had no excuse not to write.

  An impulse took hold in her mind and she quickly opened a doorway to Stryder's world. She saw his house and was tempted to go through. He said they only took a few days and he would love seeing her when he came home. Shaking her head she pushed the idea aside. It was only a few days and that would have to be fine. She had plenty to keep herself busy. Turning her attention to the computer she mentally closed the doorway and opened her long abandoned story.

  "Please be safe. I only just found you…and chose you."

  * * *

  He bit back a curse as he landed squarely in the middle of world war fucking three. He wasn't sure yet what part of the world they were in, but it was a city. Small plumes of smoke rose and twisted in the sky like hands grabbing an apple off a tree. The grey-black clouds took over the afternoon sky and he felt uneasy. The buildings in front of them were burning. Flames licked up to greet the clouds and rubble littered the streets as did bodies, lifeless and bloody to bruised and dirty.


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