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Torn Between Two Worlds (Guardians Series Book 1)

Page 24

by Lexi Ostrow

  It felt like forever since they'd touched and she allowed herself to melt into the kiss. To forget everything. Until he coughed again. She pushed him off and his eyes flashed. Scrambling out from under him she stood next to the bed so he couldn't do it again and over exert himself.

  “You ass. You will listen to me so you don't become a vegetable on me!”

  His grin lit up both his face and her heart. He was ok and just like in the books, it hadn't taken so long after all.

  “Hey there, sleepyhead. Glad you're up.” Fasheem's voice floated into the room from the doorway.

  “Hey, bro. Glad to be awake.” He snaked an arm out and wrapped it around her waist, pulling her onto the bed with a plop.

  “You take nearly half my damn blood and all it took to heal you was a pretty girl warming your bed?”

  She flushed at Demarcus and punched Stryder in the shoulder when he just grinned.

  “Thanks, De. I don't know where I'd be without you.”

  “Oh please, your ass would be in a little slice of hell playing Lucifer's pet until he got tired of you.” Demarcus grinned and when she laughed, more tears slipped free.

  “Hey no tears, sweetheart. He's kidding.” Stryder placed a kiss to her head. He must have seen the ring on her finger in that moment because he grabbed her hand and yanked it to his face. “Fuck yes. Brothers, if you don't mind, get out. I have a woman to ravish.”

  Their laughter followed them out the door and she felt her own body respond to the idea of being with him.

  “I love you. I love you and I don't care what happened when I was gone. Just seeing your answer, damn proud to be me right now.” He beamed at her and she laughed and let her hand run over the side of his face and down.

  “About that, we need to talk before you ravish this female. Trust me you have a lot of ravishing to do, so I have no intention of stopping you. Oh and I love you, Stryder. I love your stupid demon side, this world and the idea of being your mate.” He beamed even wider and bent to kiss her. “No Stryder, I mean it. We need to talk.” Her nerves weren't going to hold up much longer. What if he'd only wanted to be with her so she could free him to her world. What if he didn't like her choice? What if he thought she was pathetic once she gave her powers up.

  He hung his head before speaking. “I'm sorry, Ciara. I can't make it go away, but what I said was unacceptable.”

  “Shh, by ‘we need to talk’ what I really meant was I need to talk and you need to listen.”

  He laughed and laid down in the bed, pulling her down onto his chest. “Sweetheart, the day you don't try to order me around, I'll have to check you for a pulse.”

  She smirked at him. “I wasn't with anyone while you were gone unless you count myself.” Heat flashed in his eyes and her body mirrored the heat thinking what he must have been thinking as well. “Stop looking at me like that till I finish. I was introduced to another Word Speaker. To be honest I'm not sure if it was to help me or help him like I was told. His name is Dale, so yes, you smelled a male because I'd been with him and his Guardian before stepping through a doorway to my front door. Which by the way- apparently I can use them anywhere if I know where I'm going. Who knew?”

  “I know, I can't say it enough, but I'm sorry I didn't trust you. I smelled that other guy too. That one you were with before me.”

  “Would you shut up and let me finish? I'm shocked you have a nose that good, heaven help me if I burn a meal!”

  He snorted and opened his mouth to interrupt, but she glared.

  “Anyway, I visited Derrick. It was innocent, I thought. It doesn't matter. If it wasn't for his stupid actions, I don't think I would have realized how much I wanted you, this life, this world.”

  “So I owe him one?”

  “OOOOHHH, would you shut up!” She sat up and crossed her arms muttering. “Five minutes and he can't stop being a pain!”

  His laughter filled the room and before she knew it she was laughing along with him.

  “The point I'm desperately trying to make is if you meant it, if you really want me, I'm yours. Right now, forever. Somehow there is a way to give my gift to Dale, to strengthen his. But that means I'll be nothing. No powers, nothing to offer but me here, in your world.” She blew out a breath and realized she'd closed her eyes, not wanting to see his face.

  “Open your eyes, Ciara Miller.” She did as he ordered and saw the heat still shimmering out of his eyes. “I want you anyway I can have you. Powerful, powerless. Under me, on top of me. You name it. I meant it, my demon side claimed you as it's mate and if I get to keep you and stay in the world I call home, well then all that's left to do is get the transfer set.”

  His words were exactly what she wanted to hear. “Oh no. Not just yet. There's something I need to do first.” Playing with her powers for one of the last times she used the element of wind to lock to the door and tugged her shirt off and stepped out of her leggings. “You have a female, a soon-to-be-wife, to ravish and I suggest you get started.”

  His grin sent wicked chills through her body as he tugged the sheet off, since he was already naked and pulled her to him to do exactly as he promised his brothers he would.

  She heard the growl in his voice and she rubbed her legs together, friction a silent god between her legs, answering the growing heat as they'd been talking. How had she wanted him so badly during such an important conversation?

  Picking her head up she looked at him from the bed. “I won't make a pretense that it's hot and I'm sweaty. Because that's all your doing anyway.” Climbing off the bed she slowly sauntered past him, and manually pulled the curtains closed before walking back. Unhooking her bra behind her back and letting it slide off her arms as she placed one hand on his hard chest. “You see, I've been stuck in a world where demons seem to be in charge, in love with one of them who unfortunately for me wasn't awake to properly consummate our engagement.”

  Walking forward still, her hand on his chest forced him to lean backwards into the bed with her, his eyes hadn't left her breasts since she'd taken her bra off. She leaned in close, right above his lips and whispered, “I've been stuck with a demon who stole my heart and then left me. I have time to make up for.”

  Stopping she let her body press into his as her mouth touched his and she opened for his tongue as it claimed her in a scorching kiss. Her hands reached down and pulled the sheets down, exposing the joke red kiss boxers Jameson had put him in, and tugged him out of them. His tongue hunted her mouth as her hand found his erect cock and stroked him. He was all silk and heat under her hands and her body clenched with desire and she had to force herself to breathe to stop from rushing them. But she wanted him so badly, wanted the knowledge that he was ok, that the bad guys bit the dust and they’d both lived to tell the tale.

  She felt him tense, saw the rise of his body off the bed with each stroke she did. She had a feeling he could see the lazy look in her eyes as his fingers slipped the panties off of her and ran over her core. They slid smoothly across her wet center and she bit her lip to stop from shifting her body and sheathing his fingers inside of her.

  “I had no idea I left behind such a wanton mate.” His voice was a deep whisper against her ear, shallow with lust and it heightened her desire, sent another flush of wetness between her legs.

  She couldn’t help herself this time and her body did shift as his two longest fingers slid into her core and she groaned at the sensation. Ciara’s hand continued to stroke his cock, but her grip loosened as stars filled her vision. She groaned, loud and lustful, as he scissored his fingers inside of her.

  “Stryder…” Her voice trailed off as she bit her lip to suppress the scream the orgasm would have caused. Her body went limp as the pleasure rolled over her in waves, his big fingers still slowly stroked her.

  His mouth closed gently over her ear and kissed her before trailing a line of kisses down her neck. Her hips pumped against his fingers, stirring her body to life once more. Her hand let go of his cock, but it jutted up h
igh against his stomach between them. She wasn't certain when he’d managed to lay her down in the bed, but she wasn’t going to move, she wasn’t sure if she could.

  Instead she wrapped her hands in his hair and tugged him down to her. Her mouth finding his in a maddening rush as his fingers pulled out of her body and his cock slipped inside.

  “Oh god, Stryder!” Her cry was muffled from their kiss, but she felt him chuckle against her lips.

  “No, sweetheart, I’m a demon.”

  His mouth left hers and found her breast, suckling first the right and then the left. His cock thrust in and out, dragging along her clit with each stroke. Their bodies slapped together hard as she thrust up eagerly to meet him, to reach her climax again.

  “Ciara.” Stryder’s voice sounded as desperate as she knew hers would and he slammed his hands onto her shoulder and tugged her down the bed and elevated her ass so it was on his knees. She almost screamed from the pleasure as his cock sunk deeper into her.

  She didn’t get a choice when his thrusts sped up, his body racing as frantically as hers to the finish. Their moans were loud in the silent room, a needy urging of their desire for one another. She ran her hands in his hair, tugging him closer to her, taking away the small gap of separation between them.

  When his mouth closed over her throat and his teeth gently bit into her neck her body reached its peak and she came, screaming his name over and over. He continued to slam in and out of her body, over and over, making her dizzy with pleasure until she heard her own name tear from his mouth.

  His body collapsed carefully over hers, his chest pressed against hers and she could feel the pounding of his heart. His dick twitched inside her body and her hands trailed down his back. She never wanted him to pull out, never wanted to lose the closeness they had right now.

  Her heart raced as well and the thought that he was as thoroughly sated as she sent a small wave of satisfaction through her again.

  “Mmm, I think that counts as the start of ravishing.” Her voice was tired sounding and she gave him a half effort smile.

  “Don't even go there, female. I was almost dead and if you poke the bear he may not be interested.”

  They both laughed and stayed that way for quite some time. Finally, Ciara convinced Stryder they should get dressed in case someone wanted to see how he was feeling.

  He reluctantly agreed and she threw her clothes back on and laughed when all he did was hunker under the covers. She laid back down next to him in the bed just before Demarcus knocked and opened the door to introduce Stryder to his mate, Deidre.

  Chapter 32

  She blew out a deep breath and took a step forward. Her hand slipped free of Stryder's as she moved past him toward Dale and the man whose name still remained a mystery. She looked back at her Guardian, her mate, and his smile pushed her feet forward.

  For over ten years she'd been relying on a fantasy to protect her. Guide her. It was all coming to an end and she couldn't regret her choice. There was nothing to regret. She had done what she felt was right for ten years. She had chosen the right Guardian each time, even if she’d only chosen two. For her it was right and she could only hope that her trust in Dale wasn't misled and that he wouldn't abuse what she was giving him. He seemed different than the spiteful loner she had met a few months ago. He was playful and thoughtful now, not to mention a lot less sarcastic. In truth, she would miss him most of all. He was the first person she had ever met to fully understand her and losing him was a certain downfall. But he would do good with her powers, she didn't doubt that.

  Her feet stopped her as they bumped into the toes of Dale's shoes. He smiled at her and looked back briefly at Nessa. “Time to get this party started, huh?”

  His tone was a bit melancholy and it saddened her. She hadn't thought about how this would affect him. Her eyes raised to his and his grief shone out, lending to a moment's hesitation. Could she and Stryder wait it out? No. Her thought was strong in her mind and she would never doubt this choice. She twisted her lips in a half smile, trying to let him know it would all work out.

  “Only if you promise not to sound like that. This is a gift. For both of us. I am getting what I have always wanted, even if I fought against it for a while. And you? You're getting all that power you talked about the first day.”

  He shrugged half heartedly. “What is power without friends?”

  She laughed softly even as pesky tears misted in her eyes. “I suppose there is a certain book series you may just have to pick up so you can open the doorway. I hear they're pretty good.” She winked playful at him. “Besides someone has to find out if I mysteriously get written in the books, the authors random muse knocking.”

  That drew out a real laugh and he pulled her in for a hug. “Something tells me I'll be too overwhelmed by boring romance to pick them up. But for you, well I just might.”

  The tears slowly fell and for the first time since she'd allowed crying back into her life, she let them. She let them fall for all that she had lost and all everyone else had lost in this game between brothers. All she wanted was to let Alcott know what she had become. How she had changed. But that was neither here nor there. Their rules had always dictated once a story closed, it's entrances and exits did as well. She'd contemplated reading his books over, but didn't think she could handle it if it didn't work.

  Sniffling, she bit her lower lip and shook her head to clear the emotions. Turning toward the man in the trench coat she nodded her head. “Thank you for this. I'm not quite certain how this won't count as interfering, but thank you.”

  He simply nodded back before talking. “I'd love to tell you this is some grand ceremony. That music will play and confetti will rain down on you. But it's not. It's quite simple and run of the mill. I'm going to ask you to give Dale your power and Dale, I'm going to ask you to accept it.” He paused and waited for them both to nod. “Then, Ciara, you picture it leaving you. Whatever that means to you and Dale, just be open. That's it, kiddos. One less fighter on my side and one stronger one.” He shrugged like it didn't matter, but she had a feeling it did.

  “Alright,” her voice was a little more than a whisper. It was really happening. She was leaving it all behind. Details for her exit from her world had never been discussed, but she'd been assured she would have closure and there would be a way for her to know. She thought briefly about Gina, Derrick, her classes, her pathetic job and she realized she would miss absolutely everything.

  Dale nodded his response as well and the man in the trench coat turned. Where he was looking a shimmering doorway formed. “A last minute gift, Ciara. Consider it my thank you for getting Dale on this side of the fence.” He winked at her and gestured for her to walk forward.

  Shuffling her feet she peered into the doorway and was unable to stop her cry. “Alcott!” On the other side stood her first Guardian, her mentor in so much. He stood with a smile on his face. She immediately put her hand toward the door and felt it connect with something. She turned to the man in the trench coat.

  “There is only so much interference even I can do, Ciara. Take it for what it is.”

  Solemn, she nodded and placed her hand on the invisible barrier. “I don't know if you can hear me, but maybe if I talk slow enough you can read my lips.”

  He smiled and it looked like he said 'yes' before she continued.

  “Thank you. For everything. Your residual gifts saved my life more times than I can count. Even if you weren't there.” She turned quickly and gestured for Stryder to come up next to her. “This is who replaced you. I love him, Alcott, but I do miss you.”

  He didn't get to respond. A head nod was all she saw before the doorway swirled to a close.

  The tears streamed freely down her face and Stryder pulled her in and kissed her head, pulling her away from the closing doorway so she didn't see Alcott go. “I am glad he knows you're safe. I promise him I'll never let anything happen to the little girl he helped grow up.”

  She bit her lip an
d tasted the salt on it. Nodding she wiped at her eyes. “Thank you.” Drawing in a deep breath she turned back to the others. “I'm ready now please.”

  He nodded and Dale nodded as well, she had forgotten he was there. “Ciara, do you willing grant your gifts to Dale?”

  “I do.”

  “Dale, do you accept these gifts?”

  He grinned. “You betcha – cause I do is little to wedding like for me.” They all laughed and some of the tension eased.

  “Now, Ciara, the rest is on you.”

  She closed her eyes. Like when she was learning to use the powers left over from Alcott, she pictured her magic as a ball of energy. Swirling with colors, like the doorways between where the real world and the fictional ones stood. Taking a deep breath and holding it, she imagined it flowing off her in a continuous stream and into Dale.

  It felt like no more than a few minutes since she began, but she watched in her mind as the last of the shimmering energy left her palm and transferred to Dale. Slowly she opened her eyes. She wasn't sure what she had been expecting. For him to glow a little? For her to feel empty, as if there were a hole?

  “Kind of anticlimactic there,” Dale joked and stepped back from her to Nessa.

  The man in the trench coat laughed and opened a doorway behind himself. “That it is Dale. Stryder, Ciara, it's time for you to take your place in your chosen world. I cannot open a doorway again for you, and neither can you now. Thank you for being on my side in a fight that has no clear right from wrong. You will be missed.”

  Stryder had walked up beside her and ran his hand down her back in support. “Thank you from me as well, sweetheart.” His head lowered and he kissed her. The same Earth shattering, heated kiss as the very first one and she wrapped her hands around his neck, nipping at his lips as pulled back.

  “No thank you's. We did this together.” She turned to Dale and decided it best not to say anything. With a small wave and one in return, she took Stryder's hand and the two of them walked through the doorway, to their home. To her new world.


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