Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences
Page 8
Insects 01 Misc.: Bee, Moth
M arine Life: Carp
Misc. Plants: Coriander, Cum in, Fairy W and, Nutmeg, Skullcap,
Reptiles: Cham eleon, Crocodile, Frog, Snake, Turtle
Gemstones G[ Minerals: Amber, D iam ond, Garnet, Herkim er
Diam ond, Lapis Lazuli, Lodestone, Morganite, Rhodochrosite,
Rhodonite, Rose Quartz, Sapphire, Topaz
Goddesses: Aphrodite, Fides, Hera, Hestia, Vesta
God: H anum an
|Mog/cc?/: Brownies
Anim als: Beaver, Boar, Buffalo/Bison, Coyote, Dog, Fox, Horse,
Kangaroo, Otter
Birds: Dove (turtledove), Duck, Eagle, Goose, Hawk, Kingfisher,
Magpie, M ockingbird, Sparrow, Stork, Swan
Insect/M isc.: Butterfly
forgiveness (to give, be given)
freedom (to seek, maintain)
Color: Blue
Tarot: Hierophant
Zodiac: Aquarius,
1 Solar System: Saturn, Uranus
Tree: Rowan
Garden: Geranium
Days: Saturday, Sunday
Rune: Hagai
Misc. Plant: Wormwood
From the Sea: Jingle
Elements: Air, Fire
Colors: Blue, Orange, Purple, Red
Gemstones gJ Minerals: Angelite, Apache Tears, Chrysoberyl,
Chrysoprase, Diopside, Dioptase, Lodestone, Rhodochrosite,
N um ber: 5
Chakra: Sacral
Rhodonite, Topaz (blue)
Misc. Plants: Sandalwood,
Tarot: Swords
Gods: Apollo, Buddha,
Goddesses: Ishtar, Isis, Lakshmi
Ganesh, Vishnu
Garden: Bluebell, Dandelion, Geranium , H ibiscus
Birds: Dove, H um m ingbird
Reptile: Snake
(sexual), Iris, M orning Glory, Rue, Snapdragon (em otional), St.
John’s Wort (from fears), Vervain
Trees: Alder, Birch, Hawthorn (inner), Maple (inner), Oak, Pine,
W illow
From the Sea: Angel W ing, Jingle
Gemstones gJ Minerals: Onyx, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sapphire,
Goddesses: Amaterasu, Amphitrite, Anat, Aphrodite, Arianrhod,
Artem is, Athena, Freya, Frigg, Inanna, Ishtar, Isis, Kali, Kuan
Yin, Lakshmi, Minerva
Gods: Bacchus, Dionysus, H erm es, Loki, Mabon, Pan, Shiva
M arine Life: Dolphin,
Reptile: Chameleon
Porpoise, Whale
Anim als: Cheetah, Cougar, Elk, Horse, Orangutan, Otter,
Reindeer, W olf
Birds: Albatross, Eagle, Goose, Nighthawk, Osprey, Owl,
Sandpiper, Seagull
Zodiac: Aquarius, Leo
Solar System: Sun, Venus
Moon Phase: Waxing
Season: Sum mer
Days: Friday, Sunday
Rune: Wyn
Element: Water
Num bers: 2, 3, 6
Colors: Blue, Brown, Gold, Rose, Yellow
Trees: Acacia, Apple, Beech (com panionship), Cedar, Locust,
Herb (% Garden: Anem one (red), Angelica, Basil, Bluebell,
Catnip, Clover, Daffodil, Gardenia, Geranium , Honeysuckle, Ivy,
Jasm ine (white), Lavender, Lilac, Passionflower, Periwinkle,
Prim rose, Rose (pink), Rosemary, Strawberry, Sweet Woodruff,
Misc. Plants: Allspice, Aloe, Clove, Mistletoe
Gemstones gJ Minerals: Agate, Aventurine, Beryl, Blue Lace Agate,
Emerald, Garnet, Lapis Lazuli, Lodestone, M oonstone, Quartz
(clear), Rhodochrosite, Rose Quartz, Sapphire, Sard,
Sm ithsonite, Turquoise
From the Sea: Periwinkle
Gods: Balder, H anum an,
Zodiac: Leo
Solar System: Jupiter
Goddesses: Artem is, Diana, Fides
O gham : Ur
Rune: Gyfu (gifts)
Anim als: Cat, Dingo, Dog, Elk, Hare, H orse, Otter
N um ber: 9
Colors: Green, Pink
Birds: Canary (com panion),
Mythical: Dragon
Trees: Apple, Oak
Misc. Plant: Lotus
Cardinal, Seagull
Herb e[ Garden: Heather,
From the Sea: Abalone,
Honeysuckle, Primrose
Slipper Shell
Herb 0{ Garden: Carnation
Color: Pink
Gemstones gJ Minerals: Agate, Angelite, Cat’s Eye, Chrysoberyl
Goddesses: Bast, Hestia, Kuan
Gods: Aegir, Hades, Njord,
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Chrysoprase, M oss Agate, Tourmaline
Yin, Lakshmi
Shiva, Thor
(i Pink)
Anim als: Buffalo/Bison, Deer, Gorilla, Sheep (ram ), W olf
Birds: Pelican, Turkey,
Insect/M isc.: Ant
Celebration: Earth Day
Colors: Blue, Green, Orange
Zodiac: Libra
Element: Water
N um ber: 7
Trees: Apple, Cherry, Holly
Trees: Elm, Willow
Misc. Plants: Cowslip, Lotus
Herb e[ Garden: Basil, Bergamot,
Misc. Plants: Mistletoe,
Herb (% Garden: Jasm ine, Rose, Rue, Vervain
Heliotrope, Lily
Gemstones 01 Minerals:
From the Sea: Angel W ing
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Beryl, Citrine, Diam ond, Jade, Lodestone,
Chrysoprase, Jasper (red)
Sapphire, T iger’s Eye, Topaz (blue), Turquoise, Zircon (yellow)
Goddesses: Danu, Epona
Gods: Marduk, Vishnu
From the Sea: Cockle
Anim als: Antelope, Cat, Deer,
Birds: Crane, Partridge,
Goddesses: Amaterasu, Aphrodite, Bast, Don, Juno, Rhea
Pelican, Swan
Gods: Balder, Byelobog, Mithras,
M arine Life: Sea horse
Insect/M isc.: Butterfly
Animals: Boar, Gorilla
State o f Grace
Mythical: Unicorn
Anim als: Elephant, Otter
Insect/M isc.: Bee
grief (to ease, recover from, for se lf and others)
Celebration: Mabon
Direction: North
Colors: Black, Crim son, Purple ( dark)
N um ber: ]
Herb e( Garden:
Trees: Cypress, Maple, M im osa, Poplar, W illow (weeping), Yew
Color: White
Agrimony, Sage
Herb (% Garden: Anemone, Basil, Bergamot, Bluebell, Hyacinth,
Misc. Plants: Frankincense, Lotus, Myrrh
Lavender, Lemon Balm, Marigold, M arjoram , Rose (red), Thyme
Gemstones el M inerals: Amethyst,
M i sc. Plants: Aloe, Cinquefoil
Gods: Adonis, Attis, Shiva
Quartz (clear)
Gemstones ej Minerals: Agate, Amber, Apache Tears, Apatite,
Goddesses: Anat, Brigid, Ceres, Demeter, Nephthys
Aquam arine, Carnelian, Chrysocolla, Chrysoprase, Fluorite, Jet,
Onyx, O pal, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Spinel, Topaz, Tourmaline
Anim als: Buffalo/Bison, Deer (doe)
| Birds: Raven, Turkey
Gods: Adonis, Attis, Shiva
Goddesses: Anat, Ariadne, Brigid, Ceres, Demeter, Isis, Nanna,
Anim als: Bat (understanding), Sheep
Birds: Dove (m ourning),
(lam b)
grounding (to ground and center energy)
grounding (continued)
Zodiac: Capricorn, Taurus,
Gemstones gJ Minerals: Agate, Amazonite, Amethyst, Andalusite,
Solar System: Earth, Saturn
Apache Tears, Aragonite, Blue Lace Agate, Calcite (pink),
Cerussite, Chrysocolla, Fluorite, Garnet (black), Hematite,
Season: Winter
Celebrations: Earth Day, Mabon
Herkim er Diam ond, jade (brown), jasp er (brown, green, red), jet,
O gham : Fearn
Element: Earth
Kunzite, Lodestone, Malachite, O bsidian, Onyx, Peridot,
Colors: Black, Brown, Green,
Petrified Wood, Salt, Smoky Quartz, Staurolite, Sugilite, Tiger's
Chakra: Root
W hite, Yellow
Eye, Tourm aline (black, green, orange), Tsavorite, Turquoise,
Unakite, Wulfenite, Zircon (brown)
Trees: Cypress, Elder, Elm, juniper, Pine, Pomegranate, Rowan,
Metal: Iron
Herb e[ Garden: Blackberry/Bram ble, Cham om ile, Clover (red),
From the Sea: Cockle, Periwinkle, Scallop
Lavender, Sage, Vervain
Goddesses: Coatlicue, Demeter, Gaia, Kuan Yin, Rhea
M i sc. Plants: Myrrh, Patchouli, Sandalwood, Water Lily
Gods: Enki, Geb, the
Magical: Gnom es
Green Man, Silvanus
Anim als: Baboon, Badger, Buffalo/Bison, Giraffe, Gorilla
Birds: Dove, Eagle, Haw k (harrier), Meadowlark, Nuthatch,
O strich, Owl (burrowing), Sparrow, Wren
M arine Life: Dolphin, Manatee, Seal
Insects el Misc.: Ant, Worm
Reptiles: Tortoise, Turtle
Zodiac: Aries, Leo,
M agical: Dryads
Solar System: M ars, Moon, Sun
Gods: Am un, Baal, Byelobog, the Green Man, H elios, Marduk,
Moon Phases: Full, Waxing
Full M oon: April
M ithras, O siris, Pushan,
Silvanus, Surya
Season: Sum m er
Celebrations: Earth Day, Ostara
Goddesses: Amaterasu, Asherah, Athena, Ceres, Cybele, Flora,
O gham : Gort, M uin (inner)
Runes: Beorc, Ing
Gaia, Isis, Kore (plant and anim al), Lakshmi, Maia, Ostara
Elements: Earth, Water
Tarot: Swords
Anim als: Antelope, Bat, Cougar, Dog
Colors: Copper (professional), Green, Purple, Turquoise
Birds: Crow, Cuckoo, Goose, Magpie, Raven, Robin, Turkey,
Trees: Birch, Cedar, Hawthorn, M agnolia (o f awareness)
Herb (% Garden: Angelica, Blackberry/Bram ble, Cham om ile,
M arine Life: Crab
Reptile: Lizard
Geranium (inner), Grape, Heather, Ivy, Thyme, Yarrow
M i sc. Plants: Anise, Mandrake, Patchouli, Reed, Water Lily
Color: Blue (light)
Misc. Plant: Sandalwood
Gemstones G[ Minerals: Agate ( banded, tree), Alexandrite,
Am azonite, Apophyllite (green), Aragonite (blue), Azurite,
G em stone/M ineral: Peridot
Charoite, Chrysoprase, Fluorite (green), Herkim er Diamond,
jade, Jasper (green), jasp er (p ictu re/o f awareness), M oss Agate,
Peridot (psychic), Phenacite, Ruby, Sm ithsonite, Topaz (blue),
From the Sea: Cowry, M ussel, Periwinkle
Zodiac: Leo
Solar System: Neptune
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Lapis Lazuli, Sapphire, Tourm aline
Colors: Blue (dark), Brown,
Rune: Eoh
From the Sea: Coral
Trees: Alder, Blackthorn,
Misc. Plant: Sandalwood
Holly, Pine
Herb (% Garden: Broom,
Day: Sunday
From the Sea: Pearl
From the Sea: Pearl
Dandelion, Violet
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Hematite, Kunzite, Labradorite,
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Agate ( snakeskin), Ametrine, Angelite
O bsidian, Onyx, Sunstone, Tourm aline (green, pink)
(spirit), Fluorite, Lodestone, Ruby, Tourmaline
Bird: Falcon
Gods: Anubis, Ea, H erm es, Janus, Jupiter, Neptune, Pushan (of
cattle, o f the dead, o f roads), Ra, Thoth, Zeus
O gham : Ur
Color: Lavender
Goddesses: Athena, Bertha (o f beasts), Cailleach Bheur, Epona,
Freya, Frigg, Idunn, Inanna, Isis, Ishtar, Juno, Justitia, Kuan Yin,
Misc. Plants: Frankincense, Lotus, Myrrh, Sandalwood
Trees: Fir, Pine
Anim al: Bear
M arine Life: Salm on, Shark
M agical: Dryads, Lares, M uses
Birds: Bluebird, Vulture
M arine Life: W hale
(o f family)
(the arts)
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Amber, Amethyst, Ametrine, Beryl,
Anim als: Bat (ofthe night), Cam el, Cattle (cow), Dog, Hyena,
Calcite (pink, red), Celestite, Citrine, Diopside, lolite, Lapis
Jaguar, Mole, Muskrat, Panther, Tiger, W olf
Lazuli, Malachite, Sugilite, Zircon
Birds: Chicken (rooster), Crane, Goose, Hawk (goshawk), Heron
(great blue), Owl, Raven, Vulture (o f mysteries)
Mythical: Dragon (o f treasures), Griffin, Sphinx
Zodiac: Leo
Solar System: M oon, Neptune
Gods: Ea, Ganesh, H erm es, Janus, Jupiter, Mimir, Neptune, Ra,
Thoth, Zeus
O gham : Fearn, Tinne
Rune: Rad
Anim als: Badger, Cam el, Cattle (cow), Dog, H orse (travelers),
Colors: Blue (dark), Brown, Red, Tarot: Fool (needed), Swords
Koala, Mole, M ouse, Muskrat, O possum (find talents),
Raccoon (seek), W olf (dreams)
Trees: Alder, Blackthorn, Holly,
Direction: Northwest (of
Birds: Blackbird, Chicken (rooster), Duck, Eagle, Egret (between
w orlds), Goose, Heron ( great blue), Lapwing, Macaw, Owl
Herb (% Garden: Dandelion, Honeysuckle, Mugwort, Sage,
(burrow ing), Parrot, Raven
Violet, Yarrow
M arine Life: Salm on, Seal, Seal Lion
Misc. Plants: Lotus, Sandalwood, Wormwood
Insects gJ Misc.: Bee (to spirits), Cricket (self), Firefly (in the
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Agate ( snakeskin), Amethyst, Ametrine,
Fluorite, Jade, Kunzite, Kyanite, Lodestone, Malachite,
Guidance o f Souls
M oonstone, Morganite, M oss Agate, Onyx, Q uartz (clear),
Staurolite, Tanzanite, Tourmaline, Unakite
Anim als: Deer, Fox, Horse,
Reptile: Cobra
Otter, Reindeer
Metal: Bornite
From the Sea: M ussel, Pearl,
Birds: Chicken (hen), Falcon (the soul on its journey)
Magical: M erm aids
W helk
Spiritual Guidance
Angel: Raphael
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Azurite,
Tarot: Star
Goddesses: Athena, Fortuna, Freya, Frigg, Inanna, Isis, Ishtar,
> Citrine
Juno, Justitia, Kuan Yin, Maat, Minerva
Anim al: Polar Bear
Zodiac: Libra
Solar System: Venus
Minerals: Amber, Amethyst, Apatite, Carnelian,
Celestite, Chrysocolla, Citrine, Diam ond (pink), Garnet, Kunzite,
O gham : Ngetal, Saille
Rune: Hagai (inner)
Larimar, Lepidolite, M oonstone, M oss Agate, Petrified Wood,
Element: Air
Num bers: l, 3, 6
Quartz (clear), Rose Quartz, Selenite, T iger’s Eye, Tourm aline
Tarot: Lovers, Temperance
(pink, watermelon), Tsavorite, Zircon
Colors: Aqua, Blue (light, dark), Green (sea), Pink, White
From the Sea: Coral, Moon Snail, Scallop
Trees: Apple, Aspen, Cherry, Cypress, Fir, juniper, Magnolia,
Goddesses: Athena, Hestia, Gods: Mabon, Mithras
Olive, Rowan, Spruce, Sycamore
Ishtar, Vesta
Herb (% Garden: Agrimony, Am aranth, Anem one, Angelica,
Angel: Raphael
Anim als: Beaver, Buffalo/Bison
Bergamot, Blackberry/Bram ble, Broom, Carnation, Catnip,
M arine Life: Dolphin, Goldfish, Porpoise, Whale
Cham om ile, Clover, Daisy, Foxglove, Gardenia, Geranium ,
H ibiscus, jasm ine, Lavender, Lilac, Lily o f the Valley, Primrose,
Birds: Canary, Dove, Kingfisher, M ockingbird, Peacock,
Pheasant (cosm ic), Quail
Rose, Rue, Sage, Strawberry, Sunflower, Valerian, Vervain
Domestic Harm ony
Misc. Plants: Aloe, Bamboo, Betony, Cinnam on, Clove,
Frankincense, Lotus, Meadowsweet, Reed, Sandalwood,
Misc. Plants: Cum in,
Tree: Pine
M ullein, Patchouli
Zodiac: Aquarius, Scorpio
Solar System: Earth, Moon, Sun
Herb (% Garden: Agrimony, Am aranth, Anem one, Angelica, Basil
(relationships), Blackberry/Bramble, Broom, Carnation,
Moon Phase: Full
Full Moons: January, October
Cham om ile, Clover, Comfrey, Daisy, Dandelion, Fennel,
Season: Spring
Days: Monday, Sunday, Tuesday
Feverfew, Foxglove, Garlic, Gardenia, Geranium , Goldenseal,
O gham : Ailm, Huath
Celebrations: Earth Day, Im bolc
Heather (physical), Heliotrope, Honeysuckle, Ivy, Jasmine,
Lavender, Lemon Balm, Lily o fth e Valley, M arigold, Marjoram,
Elements: Air, Earth, Fire,
Directions: East, North
Mugwort, Pennyroyal, Peppermint, Rose, Rosemary, Rue, Sage,
St. John’s Wort, Spearm int, Sweet Woodruff, Thyme, Valerian,
Chakras: Brow, Heart
Num bers: l, 3, 7, 9
Vervain, Violet, Yarrow
Tarot: Sun
Misc. Plants: Allspice, Aloe, Asafoetida, Belladonna, Betony,