Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences
Page 11
Solar System: M ars, Mercury,
Metals: Alum inum , Gold, Lead (aggressive), Mercury, Silver
Zodiac: Cancer
Moon Phase: Full
Full M oon: July
Goddesses: Aine, Arianrhod, Badb, Banba (earth), Bertha (knot),
Boann (water), Brigid (fire), Cerridwen, Danu, Freya, Frigg,
Days: Friday, Monday
Rune: Lagu
Hecate, Holle, Isis, Kuan Yin, Kupala, Maeve, Maia, the
Element: Fire
Direction: North
Morrigan, Nanna, Nephthys, Pele, Sekhmet, Selene, Seshat,
Color: Black
Spider W oman, Xochiquetzal
Trees: Alder (aggressive), Apple, Blackthorn, Bodhi, Elder,
Gods: Am un, A nubis, Cernunnos, Coyote, the Dagda, Ea, Enki,
Hawthorn, Hazel, Laurel, Palm (dragon’s blood), Rowan, W illow
Freyr (rune), the Green Man, Gwydion, H erm es, H orus, Inari,
Indra, Loki, Lugh, M anannan, Marduk, Mercury, M ithras, Odin,
Herb (% Garden: Carnation, Garlic, Goldenseal, Mugwort, Peony
Ogma, Shiva, Thoth
(find som ething hidden), Rosemary, Rue, Sage, St. John’s Wort,
Sunflower, Vervain
Misc. Plants: Cinnam on, Cinquefoil, Frankincense, Ginger,
Ginseng, High John, Mandrake, Mistletoe, M ullein, M ushroom ,
Nettle, Patchouli, Sandalwood, Vanilla
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Amber, D iam ond, Jet, Labradorite,
Lodestone, O bsidian, Sapphire (star), Staurolite, Tanzanite
From the Sea: Conch (love), Pearl
M agical: Brownies, Dryads (earth), Elves, N orns (knot, rune),
A nim al Magic
Zodiac: Leo, Sagittarius
Solar System: Earth
M arine Life: Whale
Insects 01 Misc.: Butterfly, Spider
Full M oon: August
Elements: Air, Water
Anim als: Baboon, Badger, Boar, Cat, Coyote (keeper), Dog
Color: Brown
Tree: Palm (dragon's blood)
(white with red ears), Fox, H orse, Jaguar, Leopard, Mole (earth),
W olverine
Misc. Plants: Coltsfoot,
Herb e( Garden: Catnip, Yarrow
Birds: Blue Jay, Crane, Crow, Eagle, Falcon, Heron, Ibis, Owl,
Pelican, Raven, Seagull (o f in between places), Woodpecker
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Agate ( snakeskin), Cat’s Eye, Hawk’s Eye,
Jasper (leopard skin), T iger’s Eye, Unakite
Reptiles: Cham eleon, Frog,
Mythical: Sphinx, Thunderbird
Snake, Toad
Goddesses: Artio, Bast, Epona, Freya, Rhiannon
Angel Magic
Gods: Faunus, M anannan, Pan,
Anim als: All
Angels: All
Colors: Blue, Pink, White
Black Magic
Herb el Garden: Angelica, Basil, Honeysuckle, Iris, Marigold,
Rose (pink), Violet
Moon Phase: New
Colors: Black, Purple (dark)
Misc. Plants: Flax, Frankincense , Moonwort, M ullein, Myrrh,
Num bers: 1 1 , 1 3
Tarot: Devil
Sandalwood, Thornapple
Trees: Blackthorn, Juniper,
Herb e( Garden: Dill,
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Amber, Amethyst, Angelite, Aquam arine,
Locust, Yew
Blue Lace Agate, Celestite, M oonstone, Morganite, Quartz
Misc. Plants: Asafoetida, Henbane, High John, Mandrake,
M ullein, M ushroom
From the Sea: Angel W ing
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Amber, Jet, Malachite, Onyx, Quartz
Moon M agic
Night Magic
Zodiac: Cancer
Solar System: Moon
Solar System: Moon
Moon Phase: New
Moon Phase: Full
Day: Monday
Celebration: Night o f Hecate
Colors: Black, Blue (dark)
Element: Water
Colors: Silver, White
Herb (% Garden: Jasmine
Misc. Plant: Belladonna
Trees: M im osa, Palm
Gemstones gJ Minerals: M oonstone, Opal (black), Peridot
Num bers: 3, 9, 13
(coconut), Willow
From the Sea: Pearl
Gods: Marduk, Nergal
Herb (% Garden: Carnation (white), Iris, Jasm ine, Poppy, Rose
Goddesses: Diana, Hecate, Kali, the M orrigan, Nephthys, Nut
Anim als: Bat, Cat, Jaguar,
Birds: Flam ingo, Nightingale,
Misc. Plants: Ginger, Ginseng, Lotus, Moonwort, M ushroom ,
Sandalwood, Water Lily
Insectt/M isc.: Firefly
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Beryl, M oonstone, Opal (black), Quartz
Sex Magic
(clear), Selenite
From the Sea: Moon Snail,
Zodiac: Leo, Scorpio, Taurus
Solar System: M ars, Venus
Metal: Silver
Mother-of-Pearl, Pearl
Moon Phase: Full
Element: Fire
Goddesses: Aine, Ariadne, Arianrhod, Artem is, Bast, Cerridwen,
Trees: Olive, Palm (dragon's
Coatlicue, Danu, Diana, Freya, Hecate, Inanna, Ishtar, Isis,
Colors: Lavender, Purple, Red
Luna, Nanna, Rhiannon, Selene
Herb (% Garden: Dill, Garlic, Jasm ine, Lovage, Periwinkle, Rose,
Gods: Khensu, Shiva, Thoth
Birds: Ibis, Owl
Solom on’s Seal, Vervain, Violet
Anim als: Cat, Cattle (cow, white bull), Dog, Hare, Panther,
Rabbit, W olf
M arine Life: Crab, Dolphin
Insectt/M isc.: Moth
M i sc. Plants: Cardam om , Cinnam on, Clove, Coriander, Fairy
Zodiac: Capricorn
Solar System: M oon, Sun
W and, Galangal, Ginger, Ginseng, Henbane, High John,
Moon Phase: Full
Full M oon: September
Mandrake, Mistletoe, Myrrh, O rris Root, Patchouli, Saffron,
Sandalwood, Vanilla, Wormwood
Celebrations: Litha, Twelfth
Season: Autumn
Goddesses: Anat, Aphrodite, Arianrhod, Asherah, Astarte, Bast,
Epona, Freya, Frigg, Hathor, Inanna, Ishtar, Isis, Macha, Maeve,
O gham : Uilleann
Element: Earth
M odron, the Morrigan, Sekhmet, Venus, Xochiquetzal
Direction: North
Colors: Purple, Violet
Gods: Angus, Bacchus, Cernunnos, Cupid, D ionysus, Eros,
Chakra: Root
Num bers: 3 , 4 , 1 2, 13
Faunus, Herm es, Krishna, M ars, Neptune, Pan, Poseidon, Set,
Tarot: Hierophant, Magician,
Tree: Laurel
Anim als: Bobcat, Goat
Herb (% Garden: Bluebell, Cham om ile, Lavender, Lily (turk’s cap),
Birds: Dove, Sparrow
Mythical: Sphinx
Rose (red), Vervain
Solar Magic
Misc. Plants: Dittany, Myrrh, Patchouli, Sandalwood
Solar System: Sun
Herb (% Garden: Heliotrope
Metal: Iron
Misc. Plant: Flax
Metals: Brass, Gold
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Amber,
Goddesses: Aine, Phoebe
Citrine, Sunstone
Gods: Am un, A nubis, Apollo, Balder, Belenus, H elios, Lugh,
M ithra
s, Ogm a, Ra
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Amber, Amethyst (general, love),
Zodiac: Libra
Full M oon: June
Andalusite, Apatite, Blue Lace Agate, Carnelian, Citrine
Season: Sum mer
Celebration: Beltane
(abundance), Emerald, Garnet, Hematite, lolite, Lapis Lazuli,
Lepidolite, O bsidian, Sapphire (dream s), Sard, Staurolite,
Rune: Ehwaz
N um ber: 10
Sugilite (love), Tanzanite, T iger’s Eye, Tourm aline (blue),
Co/ors: Green, Indigo, Lavender, Pink, Red
Trees: Apple, Hawthorn, Hazel, Laurel, Linden, Magnolia,
From the Sea: Cowry
Myrtle, Olive, W illow (pussy)
Goddesses: A riadne, Asherah, Brigid, Danu, Demeter, Seshat
Herb (% Garden: Carnation (pink, red), Clover (red), Gardenia,
Ivy, Lady’s Mantle, Lavender, Marjoram , Pennyroyal, Rosemary,
Gods: Ea, Ptah, Vishnu
Magical: Fairies, Fates, M uses
Vervain, Violet, Yarrow
Anim als: Buffalo/Bison, Cattle, Jaguar, Tiger (new adventures)
Misc. Plants: Anise, D eer’s Tongue, Mistletoe, Saffron, Vanilla
Birds: Condor, Crow, Magpie, Nuthatch, Peacock, Raven,
Sparrow, Swallow, Swan
Minerals: Aquam arine (harmony), Beryl, Citrine,
Lodestone (reconcile), O bsidian, Onyx, Rhodonite, Sardonyx
M arine Life: Dolphin, Orca
| Reptiles: Salamander, Snake
Metal: Silver
From the Sea: Cowry
Insects e[ Misc.: Butterfly,
, • ,
Mythical: Dragon
Caterpillar, Spider
marriage (continued)
m em ory/m em ories (to support, access)
Goddesses: Aphrodite, Arianrhod (handfasting ritual), Astarte,
Solar System: Mercury, Pluto
1 Full M oon: October
Brigid, Chalchiuhtlicue, Freya, Frigg, Gaia, Hathor, Hera, Holle,
Elements: Air, Water
Colors: Orange, Yellow
Inanna, Ishtar, )uno, Kuan Yin, Parvati, Venus, Vesta,
Tarot: Pentacles
Trees: Fir, Pine, Spruce
Gods: Adonis, D ionysus, D um uzi, Freyr, Ganesh, Jupiter, O siris,
Garden: Aster, Basil, Broom, Comfrey, Honeysuckle, Lily
Pushan, Thor, Zeus
o f the Valley, M arjoram , Periwinkle, Rosemary, Rue, Sage
Birds: Duck, Goose, Kingfisher (happy), M ockingbird, Oriole
Misc. Plants: Blessed Thistle, Clove, Eyebright, Ginseng,
Nutmeg, Patchouli
M arine Life: Carp
Mythical: Phoenix (happy)
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Amazonite, Amber, Andalusite
(enhance), Beryl, Calcite, Carnelian, Emerald, Hematite,
Howlite, Onyx, Opal, Pyrite, Sugilite
Goddesses: Banba, Isis, Seshat
God: Surya
Birds: Hawk (including past
M agical: Dryads, M uses
lives), Raven
Anim als: Elephant, Lemur (o f ancestors), Porcupine
Reptiles: Salam ander (soul), Toad | M arine Life: Orca, Whale
Insect/M isc.: Spider
Insects 0/ Misc.: Caterpillar, Cricket, Dragonfly, Ladybug, Moth
Solar System: Jupiter Mercury, Zodiac: Virgo (analytical)
Saturn, Sun
Mythical: Thunderbird
Elements: Air, Fire
Direction: East
Angelic Messages
Colors: Black, Blue, Orange,
Gemstones 0/ M inerals: Angelite,
Num bers: 2 , 3 , 6 , 7 , 9
Herb e/ Garden: Angelica
Tarot: Swords
Messages in Dreams
Trees: Beech (balance), Cedar, Hazel, Holly, Olive, Spindletree,
Tree: M im osa
Misc. Plants: Cinquefoil, Mandrake
Herb e/ Garden: Agrimony, Angelica, Heather, Heliotrope,
Herb e/ Garden: Blackberry/Bram ble, Dandelion, Dill, Fern,
Lovage, Mugwort, Peppermint, Poppy, Rose, Vervain
Grape, Honeysuckle, Lily o f the Valley, M arigold, Pennyroyal,
Periwinkle, Rosemary, Rue
Misc. Plants: Clove, Eyebright, Ginseng, Goldenrod, Grain
(corn), H orehound, Lotus (lucid), M ushroom , Mustard,
Nutmeg, Saffron, Spikenard, Vanilla
Gemstones gJ Minerals: Azurite, Beryl (golden), Chrysocolla,
Fluorite (analytical), Garnet (spessartite), Hematite, Jade
(rational), Lepidolite (change), Kyanite (change), Moonstone
(unite mind, body, spirit), Pyrite, Sapphire, Sphene (think
things through), Sugilite (well-being), T iger’s Eye, Tourm aline
(p in k / remove mental blocks), Zircon (red)
the mind (continued)
Metals: Alum inum , Gold
Have a Calm, Peaceful M ind
From the Sea: Abalone, M oon Snail, Periwinkle (deliberation)
Herb (% Garden: Clover (red),
Misc. Plants: Patchouli,
Goddesses: Athena, Lakshmi, Minerva, Sarasvati
Gods; Apollo, Enki, Ganesh, Hanum an (intellect), Herm es,
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Amethyst, Bloodstone, Blue Lace Agate,
Khnum, Marduk, O din, O siris, Ptah, Thoth
Quartz (clear), Smoky Quartz, Topaz (blue)
Clear the M ind
M agical: M uses, Sylphs
Reptiles: Frog, Lizard
Anim als: Antelope (think on your feet), Giraffe (higher
Tree: Birch
Misc. Plant: Cardamom
perception), Muskrat (resourceful), Orangutan, Sheep
Herb 0{ Garden: Basil, Broom,
Metal: Silver
(ra m ! active)
Lilac, Sage
Mythical: Sphinx
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Amethyst, Amber, Aquam arine,
Birds: Chickadee, Dove (white), Ibis (practicality), Nuthatch
Aventurine, Citrine, Emerald, Herkim er Diam ond, Jasper (green,
(ideas), Owl (white), Raven (thought), Woodpecker, Wren
red, yellow), O pal, Rhodonite, Sodalite
Logic/Logical M ind
M arine Life: Orca
Insect/M isc.: Bee
Zodiac: Taurus
M ineral: Charoite
(rem ove blocks)
Goddess: Seshat
Birds: Crane, Heron
Have an Alert M ind
Open the M ind
Zodiac: G em ini
Misc. Plant: Pepper (black)
Tree: W illow
God: Shiva
Gemstones 01 M inerals: Aquam arine, Carnelian, Smithsonite
Minerals: Chrysoprase , Citrine
Anim als: Jackal, Rabbit
Mythical: Griffin
Have Peace o f M ind
Tree: Apple
Herb 0{ Garden: Valerian
Gemstones gJ Minerals: Chrysoberyl, Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise
Celebration: Earth Day
Chakra: Heart
From the Sea: Pearl
Herb (% Garden: Holy
Tree: Birch
Have a Q uick M ind
Misc. Plants: Lotus, Saffron
Bird: Quail
Tree: Birch
Herb 0{ Garden: Peppermint, Vervain
Minerals: Azurite, Labradorite
Anim als: Hare, Rabbit
Goddesses: Devi, Kuan Yin, Lakshmi, Parvati, Sarasvati
Q uiet the M ind
Gods: Brahma, Buddha, Ganesh, H anum an, Krishna, Shiva,
Herb (% Garden:
Foxglove, Solom on’s
Misc. Plant: Sandalwood
Seal, Violet
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Agate, Amethyst, Danburite, Sodalite
Insect/M isc.: Praying M antis
Soothe the M ind
Herb (% Garden: Borage , M onkshood, Solom on’s Seal, Violet
Misc. Plant: Skullcap
G em stone/M ineral: Rhodochrosite
Solar System: Jupiter,
Gemstones gJ Minerals: Agate (brown), Am azonite (luck with),
Zodiac: Gem ini, Taurus
Mercury, Sun
Aventurine (green), Bloodstone, Calcite (green), Chrysoprase,
Emerald, Herkim er Diam ond, Jade, Jasper (green), Lodestone,
Moon Phases: Full, Waxing
Full M oon: January
Malachite (luck with), M oss Agate, Opal (fire), Peridot, Pyrite,
Days: Saturday, Sunday, Thursday,
Season: Autumn
Salt, Sapphire, Spinel (red), Staurolite, Topaz, Tourmaline
(green), Zircon (brown, green, red)
Elements: Air, Earth
Num bers: l, 4 , 6 , 7 , 8
Metals: Brass, Copper, Gold, Silver, Tin
Tarot: Pentacles
From the Sea: Cowry, Mother-of-Pearl, Pearl
Colors: Brown, Copper, Gold, Green, Orange, Silver
Goddesses: Artio, Brigid, Demeter, Hecate, Juno, Lakshmi, Maia,
Trees: Acacia, Aspen, Cedar, Fir, H orse Chestnut, Laurel, Maple,
Myrtle, Oak, Olive, Palm ( dragon's blood), Pine, Poplar, Spruce
Gods: Cernunnos, the Dagda, D um uzi, Ganesh, Hades, Njord,
Herb (% Garden: Basil, Bergamot, Blackberry/Bramble, Borage,
Pluto, Zeus
Cham om ile, Clover, Comfrey, Dandelion, Dill, Fennel, Fern,
Anim al: Rat
Reptile: Toad
Gardenia, Goldenseal, Gorse, Grape, Heliotrope, Honeysuckle,
To Collect Debts
Iris (blue), Lemon Balm, Marjoram , Peppermint, Periwinkle,
Poppy, Sage, St. John’s Wort, Snapdragon, Spearmint,
Misc. Plants: Allspice, Clove,
Herb (% Garden: Jasmine
Sunflower, Sweet Woodruff, Thyme, Valerian, Vervain
Misc. Plants: Anise, Black Cohosh, Cinnam on, Cinquefoil,
G em stone/M ineral: Tiger’s Eye
Cow slip, Flax, Galangal, Goldenrod, High John, Mandrake
(double), Moonwort, M ustard, Nutmeg, Patchouli, Saffron
needs (to fulfill for se lf and others)
Solar System: Sun, Uranus
Elements: Air, Fire
Zodiac: Aries
Solar System: Venus
Moon Phases: Full, Waxing
Day: Saturday
Moon Phase: Full
Rune: Nyd
Colors: Red, Violet
Chakras: Root, Sacral
Color: Orange