Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences
Page 15
Contact Spirits
Zodiac: Aquarius, Pisces,
Solar System: jupiter, Pluto
Sagittarius, Scorpio
Herb 0{ Garden: Lilac,
Colors: Indigo, Purple, Yellow
Moon Phase: W aning
Full Moons: April, March
Misc. Plants: Lotus, Wormwood
Day: Sunday
O gham : Fearn
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Amethyst, Emerald , Labradorite,
Elements: Air, Water
Direction: South
M oonstone, Sugilite
Colors: Blue, Silver, Violet,
Chakra: Crown
Goddess: Arianrhod
Gods: Arawn, Ogma
Anim al: Polar Bear (com m unicate with)
Birds: Condor, Kite
Num bers: 5, 7 , 8 , n , 12
Tarot: Fool, Hierophant
Holy Spirits
Trees: Acacia, Bodhi, Cedar, Cherry, Elder, Fir, juniper, Laurel,
Palm (dragon's blood), Pine, Poplar
Herb (% Garden: Angelica, Colum bine
Bird: Dove
Herb 0{ Garden: Angelica, Dandelion, Gardenia, Geranium ,
Nature Spirits
Heather, Heliotrope, Holy Basil, jasm ine, Lady’s Mantle, Lilac,
Element: Earth
Color: Green
Passionflower, Prim rose, Rose, Sage, St. John’s Wort,
Sunflower, Yarrow
Bird: O riole (tree
Trees: Fir, Oak, Pine, Spruce
Misc. Plants: Allspice, Cinnam on, Frankincense, Grain (rice),
Lotus, Myrrh, Reed, Sandalwood
Protect Against Spirits
Goddesses: Bast, Hecate, Kupala
Gemstones G[ Minerals: Alexandrite, Amber, Amethyst,
Zodiac: Capricorn, Taurus
Solar System: Saturn, Sun
Andalusite, Apophyllite, Azurite, Bloodstone, Blue Lace Agate,
Moon Phase: New
Full M oon: October
Calcite (clear), Celestite, Danburite, Desert Rose, Diamond,
Fluorite (violet), Garnet (black), Herkim er Diam ond, lolite, Jet,
Element: Earth
Colors: Brown, Gray, Silver
Lapis Lazuli, Lepidolite, Lodestone (find your path), Malachite,
Chakra: Root
Num bers: 4 , 8
Moldovite, M o ss Agate, O bsidian, Pyrite, Quartz (clear),
Tarot: Pentacles
Misc. Plant: Spikenard
Sapphire, Serpentine, Sphene, Staurolite, Sugilite, Tourmaline
(brown), Turquoise
Trees: Ash, Beech, Birch, Elm, Oak, Sycamore
Metal: Copper
Herb 0{ Garden: Angelica, Bluebell, Comfrey, Holy Basil,
Hyacinth, Ivy, Lavender, Sage
Goddesses: Danu, Isis,
From the Sea: Scallop, Whelk
Kuan Yin, Lakshmi
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Amazonite, Amber, Amethyst, Ametrine,
Beryl, Calcite, Celestite, Chrysocolla, Chrysoprase, Garnet
Gods: Buddha, the Dagda, Krishna, O din, O siris, Quetzalcoatl,
(black, red), Hematite, Herkim er Diam ond, lolite, Jasper
Shiva, Vishnu
(picture, red), Kyanite, Onyx, Rhodochrosite, Sphene
Anim als: Cat, Fox, Gazelle, Jaguar, Lion, Ocelot
From the Sea: Clam, M ussel
Gods: Ganesh, Ptah
Birds: Albatross, Canary, Chicken (rooster/vigilance), Crow,
Goddesses: Holle, Maat, Vesta
Angel: Auriel
Eagle, Goose, Macaw (scarlet), Magpie (in everyday life),
Nuthatch, Swan
Anim als: Cam el, Cattle (bull, ox), Cougar, Donkey, Goat, Zebra
Reptile: Cobra
Bird: Flamingo
Reptile: Tortoise
Insects 01 Misc.: Bee,
Em otional Stability
M arine Life: Dolphin, Seal
Herb 0{ Garden: G eranium , Passionflower
Mythical: Dragon (power), Unicorn (purit; y, revelation)
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Angelite, Tourm aline (black)
Deepen Spirituality
Gem stone/M ineral: Apatite
Colors: Black, Purple
Solar System: Sun
Element: Fire
M ental Stimulation
Colors: Orange, Red, Yellow
Tarot: Cups
Herb e[ Garden: Basil
Misc. Plant: Clove
Trees: Ash (psychic dream s), Cherry, Pine
Gemstones G[ Minerals: Apatite, Danburite, Peridot, Smoky
Quartz, Topaz
Herb (% Garden: Angelica, Broom, Carnation, Comfrey, Fennel,
Foxglove, Garlic, Goldenseal, Jasm ine, M onkshood, Pennyroyal,
Peppermint, Rue, Saffron, Sage, St. John’s Wort, Spearmint,
Thyme, Yarrow
Misc. Plants: Anise, Blessed Thistle, Cinnam on, Coriander,
Galangal, Ginger, Ginseng, Goldenrod, Nutmeg, Sandalwood
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Am ber (happiness), Apophyllite
(intuition), Aquam arine, Bloodstone, Garnet (happiness), lolite,
Lapis Lazuli, Quartz (clear), T iger’s Eye
From the Sea: Abalone,
Metal: Alum inum
Gods: Aegir, Baal, M anannan, Marduk , Perun, Shiva, Surya,
Thor, Zeus
Birds: Chicken (rooster), Hawk,
Goddess: Sarasvati
From the Sea: Coral
Solar System: Venus
Element: Water
Metals: Antim ony (build), Copper, Gold, Iron, Steel
Colors: Blue, Pink, Violet
Goddesses: Anat, Artem is, Artio, Athena, Diana, Durga, Epona,
Trees: Apple, Birch, Linden, Spruce, Sycamore, W itch Hazel
Hathor, Hecate, Ishtar, Kali, Macha, Maeve, the Morrigan,
Herb el Garden: Angelica, Aster, Basil, Bergamot, Catnip,
Cham om ile, Comfrey, Dandelion, Dill, Fennel, Foxglove,
Gods: Aegir, Apollo, Ares, Cernunnos, the Dagda, Hanum an,
Geranium , Honeysuckle, Hyacinth, Jasm ine, Lavender, Lemon
H orus, Mabon, M ars, M ithras, Njord, O din, Ogma, Perun,
Balm, Marjoram , Peppermint, Primrose, Sage, Strawberry,
Prometheus, Ra, Shiva, Thor, Zeus
Thyme, Valerian, Vervain, Violet
Anim als: Badger, Bat, Bear, Boar, Buffalo/Bison, Cattle (bull, ox),
M i sc. Plants: Black Cohosh, Myrrh, Nettle, Skullcap, Vanilla,
Cougar, Elephant, Elk, Gorilla, H ippopotam us, H orse, Hyena,
Leopard, Lion, M oose, Panda, Polar Bear, Tiger, Wolf,
Gemstones el Minerals: Agate (banded), Amber, Ametrine,
W olverine
Angelite, Apophyllite, Aquam arine, Aragonite, Azurite,
M arine Life: Carp, Dolphin, Salmon
Bloodstone, Blue Lace Agate, Carnelian, Celestite, Chrysocolla,
Chrysoprase, Diam ond (pink), Dioptase, Hematite, Herkim er
Birds: Albatross, Condor, Eagle, Falcon, H um m ingbird, Starling,
Diam ond, Howlite, Jade (blue), Jasper, Kunzite, Labradorite,
Lepidolite, M oonstone, Morganite, Onyx, Peridot, Petrified
Reptiles: Crocodile, Snake
Mythical: Dragon, Griffin,
Wood, Quartz (blue), Rhodonite, Rose Quartz, Smithsonite,
(python), Toad
Sodalite, Staurolite, Sugilite, Sunstone, Tiger's Eye, Topaz,
Inner Strength
Tourm aline (blue, pink), Turquoise
O gham : Fearn
Element: Water
Metals: Gold, Silver
From the Sea: Coral
Trees: Apple, Sycamore
Herb el Garden: Daisy, Di
Goddess: Kuan Yin
God: Ganesh
Gemstones el Minerals: Aventurine (green), Charoite,
Anim als: Cat, Lion
Bird: Duck (male)
Chrysocolla, Chrysoprase, Labradorite, Turquoise
M arine Life: Dolphin
Angel: Michael
Bird: Penguin
Zodiac: Capricorn, Scorpio
Solar System: jupiter, Sun
Gemstones gJ Minerals: Agate (black, brown, red banded),
Alexandrite, Amazonite, Amber, Amethyst, Andalusite,
Full M oon: March
Days: Sunday, Thursday
Aventurine (green), Bloodstone, Carnelian, Chrysoprase, Citrine,
Celebration: Litha
O gham : Ur
Garnet, jasp er (yellow), Labradorite, Lodestone, Malachite,
Runes: Ing, Sigel (in life), Wyn
Element: Earth
Peridot, Pyrite, Rose Quartz, Sodalite, Spinel, Sunstone,
Tanzanite, Tourm aline (green), Turquoise, Zircon
Directions: North, South
Num bers: 3 , 7 , 8
Metal: Gold
From the Sea: Cowry
Tarot: Chariot, Em press, Pentacles, Sun, W heel o f Fortune,
Goddesses: Anat, Badb, Brigid, Durga, Hecate, Lakshmi, Maia
Colors: Brown, Gold, Green, Indigo, Orange, Purple, Silver,
Gods: Apollo, Baal, Belenus, Ganesh, jan u s, M ithras, Njord,
O siris, Poseidon, Saturn, Thoth, Zeus
Trees: Apple, Aspen, Cedar, Elder, Hawthorn, Laurel, Mesquite,
Angel: Raphael
Oak, Olive, Palm (dragon’s blood), Rowan, Spindletree
Anim als: Elephant, Monkey, M ouse, Rat, Weasel, W olf
Herb e[ Garden: Angelica, Basil, Bergamot, Cham om ile, Clover
Birds: Eagle, Nighthawk
M arine Life: Carp
(red), Geranium , Lemon Balm, Marigold, Peony, Solom on’s
Seal, Sweet Woodruff, Vervain, Yarrow
Reptiles: Toad, Tortoise,
Insect/M isc.: Cicada
Turtle (sea)
Misc. Plants: Allspice, Aloe, Cinnam on, Cinquefoil, Clove,
Business Success
Frankincense, Galangal, Ginger, High John, Mistletoe, Mustard,
Myrrh, Patchouli, Sandalwood, Vanilla
Zodiac: Virgo
Gods: Inari, Mercury
Gemstones gJ Minerals: Fluorite, Tiger’s Eye
Zodiac: Cancer
Rune: Ehwaz
Cods: Apollo, Bacchus, Byelobog, Ea, Herm es, Loki, Shiva
Element: Earth
Chakra: Root
Anim als: Cam el (for burdens), Deer (stag), Dingo, Dog, Elk,
Goat, Gorilla, Otter, Prairie Dog, Sheep
N um ber: 2
Colors: Orange, Yellow
M arine Life: Salm on,
Rept/Ves; Alligator, Salamander,
Trees: Birch, Fir, Hazel (from fairies), Holly, Linden, Maple
W hale
(family issues), Pine, Sycamore
Birds: Blackbird, Crane, Duck, Eagle, G oose (general, o f others
Herb 0{ Garden: Angelica, Bergamot, Cham om ile, Dill, jasm ine,
during healing), Owl, Parakeet, Pelican, Swan (during
Lavender, M onkshood, Poppy, Spearm int, Vervain
Misc. Plants: Aloe, Fairy Wand (from fairies), Galangal, High
jo h n, M ullein, Sandalwood
Insect/M isc.: Bee
Emotional Support
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Agate (black), Apatite, Aragonite, Calcite,
Danburite (angelic), Diam ond (white), Hematite, Jasper,
Herb (% Garden: Gardenia
M oonstone, O bsidian, Rhodochrosite (during transitions),
Gemstones gJ Minerals: Garnet ( hessonite), Kunzite, Rhodonite
Ruby, Sphene, Tourm aline (black), Turquoise
From the Sea: Angel W ing, Murex,
Metal: Steel
Slipper Shell
Goddesses: Iris, Isis, Kuan Yin,
Angel: Raphael
travel (to initiate, for guidance
Gemstones G[ Minerals: Alexandrite (spiritual), Amber, Amethyst,
a n d /o r protection during)
Apophyllite (green), Azurite, Blue Lace Agate, Charoite, Jet,
Zodiac: Sagittarius
1 Solar System: Mercury, Sun
Labradorite, Malachite, Moldovite, O bsidian (em otional), Onyx,
Days: Monday, Wednesday
Rune: Rad
Quartz, Smoky Quartz (conscious), Sodalite, Staurolite, Sugilite
(inner), Topaz, Tourm aline, Unakite
Elements: Air, Earth
Direction: West
Metal: Mercury
Colors: Brown, Orange
Num bers: 5, 7
From the Sea: Coral, Periwinkle, Sand Dollar, Slipper Shell
Misc. Plants: Cinquefoil,
Tree: Olive
Goddesses: Artem is, Cailleach Bheur, Cerridwen, Coatlicue,
Hecate, Isis, Kali, Parvati, Pele, Sekhmet
Herb 0{ Garden: Comfrey (safety), Dandelion, M orning Glory,
Gods: Angus, Apollo, Attis, Cernunnos, Gwydion, H orus, Odin,
O siris, Poseidon, Zeus
Gemstones gJ Minerals: Amethyst, Aquam arine, Beryl, Carnelian,
Emerald, Garnet (black), Herkim er Diam ond, jasp er (leopard
Anim als: Bat, Bear, Coyote, Otter, Pig, Polar Bear, Raccoon
skin), jet, Malachite, Moldovite, M oonstone, Peridot, Phenacite,
M agical: Fairies, Salam anders
| M arine Life: Dolphin
Sapphire, Staurolite, T iger’s Eye, Turquoise, Zircon (blue)
Birds: Albatross, Bluebird, Corm orant, Crane, Duck, Flamingo
Metals: Alum inum , Silver
| From the Sea: Scallop
(from darkness to light), Heron, Seagull, Swan, Vulture
Goddesses: Coventina, Epona, Fortuna, Freya, Hecate, Pele
Reptiles: Frog, Lizard (newt), Salamander, Snake, Tortoise
Gods: Angus, Apollo, Byelobog, Dionysus, Freyr, Ganesh,
Insects 01 Misc.: Beetle, Butterfly, Caterpillar, Cicada, Dragonfly,
H erm es, Janus, Khensu, Mercury, Njord, O din, Poseidon,
Moth, Scorpion
Pushan, Ra
Angel: Raphael (safety)
Anim als: Aardvark, Bat, Bear, Camel, Caribou, Chipmunk,
Zodiac: Scorpio (distrust)
Rune: Eoh
Giraffe, Horse, Jackal, Lemur, Wolverine
Directions: North, South
Color: Green
M arine Life: Dolphin, Porpoise
| Reptile: Turtle
Tree: Pine
Misc. Plants: Cow slip, Thistle
Birds: Albatross, Crane, G oose (safe return), Grosbeak, Grouse,
Herb (% Garden: Basil, Heather, Pennyroyal, Peppermint,
H um m ingbird, Partridge, Seagull, Swan
Raspberry, Rose, Spearm int
Insects G[ Misc.: Butterfly (m onarch), Snail
Gemstones: Amazonite, Apophyllite, Blue Lace Agate, Charoite,
Chrysoprase, Diam ond, Fluorite, Spinel (red), Tanzanite, Zoisite
From the Sea: Cockle (in se lf), Jingle
Goddess: Fides
Gods: Marduk, O siris
Anim als: Coyote, Gazelle, Hyena, Jaguar, Leopard (intuition),
Porcupine, Rhinoceros (instincts), Squirrel, W olf
M arine Life: Dolphin, Manatee, Porpoise
Birds: Hawk (goshawk), Parakeet, Swan, Vulture
Insects 01 Misc.: Ant, Butterfly, Cricket, G rasshopper (inner voice)
truthr />
Zodiac: Gem ini, Sagittarius
Full M oon: 13th
Zodiac: Libra, Pisces, Sagittarius
Solar System: Venus
Days: Monday, Tuesday
O gham : Duir
Celebrations: Ganesh Chaturthi,
Rune: Rad
Element: Fire
N um ber: 7
Colors: Pink, White
Num bers: 3 , 1 0 , 13
Chakra: Throat
Tarot: Moon, Sun
Tarot: Temperance
Trees: Apple, Holly
Colors: Black, Blue, Brown, Indigo, Purple, Red, Violet, White
H erb (% Garden: Broom, Comfrey, H ibiscus, M arjoram , Rose
Trees: Alder, Blackthorn, Bodhi, Cypress, Laurel, Magnolia, Pine
(pink, red)
Herb (% Garden: Aster, Bluebell, Carnation, Chrysanthemum
Misc. Plants: Cardam om , Ginger, Mu llein, Nettle, Reed
(white), Daisy, Sage, Snapdragon, Valerian
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Amazonite, Charoite, Lapis Lazuli, Rose
Misc. Plants: Clove, Eyebright, Lotus, Sandalwood
Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Turquoise, Zircon
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Agate, Amazonite, Aragonite,
Chrysoprase, Danburite, D iam ond, Dioptase, Emerald (inner),
Goddess: Amaterasu
God: Buddha
Garnet, jade, jasper, Lapis Lazuli, M oss Agate, Sapphire, Smoky
Anim als: Kangaroo, Lion
M arine Life: Carp
Quartz, Spinel (red), Tanzanite, T iger’s Eye, Topaz (blue),
Insect/M isc.: Ant
Metal: Copper
Tourm aline (blue)
Goddesses: Bast, Demeter, Kali (cosm ic), Maat, Rhiannon
Gods: Anubis, Apollo, jupiter, Mabon, Marduk, M ithras, O siris,
Ra, Shiva, Surya, Thoth
Magical: M uses (artistic,
Angels: Gabriel, Michael
Anim als: Aardvark, Boar (find), Buffalo/Bison, Coyote, Dingo
(find), Lynx, M oose, Otter, Pig, Skunk, Squirrel, W olf
M arine Life: Whale
Insect/M isc.: Dragonfly
Birds: Chickadee, Eagle (hidden), Hawk (seek), Nuthatch,
Ostrich (spiritual), Owl, Woodpecker (reveal)
warmth (to give, receive)
wealth (to acquire, keep)
Zodiac: Aries, Leo
Solar System: Sun
Solar System: Jupiter,
Zodiac: Taurus
Mercury, Pluto
Season: Sum m er
Day: Sunday
Rune: Feoh
Element: Earth
Celebration: Beltane
Elements: Earth, Fire
Direction: North
Colors: Gold, Green, Purple
Direction: South
Colors: Orange, Pink, Yellow
Trees: Acacia, Apple, Cedar, Elder, H orse Chestnut, Myrtle, Oak,
Herb (% Garden: Fennel, Feverfew, H ibiscus, Marigold,