by Sandra Kynes
Elements: Fire, Water
Celebrations: Beltane, Imbolc,
Day: Tuesday
Mabon, Yule
Energy: Yin
Gods: M ars, Pan, Thor, Vertumnus
Elements: Air, Earth, Fire,
Energy: Yang
Goddesses: Artem is, Flora, th e M orrigan, Persephone
Issues, Intentions e{ Powers: accom plishm ent, action,
Direction: South
Chakra: Root
activate/awaken, attraction, balance (mental), beauty,
Goddesses: Arianrhod, Artem is, Astarte, Brigid, Persephone
cheerfulness, com passion, creativity, deceit, divination,
goodness, happiness, harmony, knowledge, learning, love
Gods: Aegir, Baal, Ea, Odin,
Magical: Elves
(stim ulate), m oods, peace, rebirth/renewal, romance,
O siris, Ra
spirituality, stim ulation
Bird: Goldfinch
Mythical: Phoenix, Thunderbird
Issues, Intentions
Powers: affection, the afterlife, aggression,
authority, balance (m ental), calm , clairvoyance, clarity, comfort,
com m unication, community, concentration/focus, confidence,
consecrate/bless, control (self), courage, determination,
discipline, divination, dream work, encouragem ent, fertility,
fidelity, friend/ship, growth, healing, hexes (break), insight,
introspection, justice, life (vitality), light, longevity, love
(attract), luck, the m ind, money, negativity, nightm ares, peace,
pride, problem s, prosperity, protection (dream s, lightning),
psychic ability, purification, purity, rebirth/renewal, release,
reversal, skills, spirits (sum m on), spirituality, strength,
success, wealth
Castanea sativa, European Chestnut; C. dentate, American
Cupressus sempervirens, Italian Cypress; C. macrocarpa, Monterey
Chestnut— Also known as Candle Tree and Sweet Chestnut
Cypress— Also known as the Tree o f Death
Zodiac: Cancer, Gem ini, Sagittarius, Virgo
Solar System: Pluto, Saturn
Solar System: Jupiter, Sun
Celebration: Yule
Zodiac: Aquarius, Capricorn, Pisces, Taurus, Virgo
Elements: Air, Fire, Water
Energy: Yang
Day: Saturday
Elements: Earth, Water
Chakras: Crown, Heart,
Direction: West
Energy: Yin
Goddesses: Artem is, Boann, Diana
Tarot: Chariot, Empress,
Chakra: Root
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: abundance, hexes (protect from),
justice, love, luck, prosperity, w ishes
Goddesses: Aphrodite, Artemis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate
See separate entry for H o rse Chestnut
Gods: Apollo, Cupid, Hades, Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: acceptance, the afterlife, anxiety,
assertiveness, awareness, banish, bind, blessings, calm, clarity,
comfort, concentration/focus, confidence, consecrate/bless,
death, defense, divination, grief, grounding, happiness,
harmony, healing, honor, influence, inspiration, justice,
learning, life, longevity, loss (com fort), magic (defensive),
m em ory/m em ories (past life), the otherworld/underworld,
peace (in death), power (m ental), protection, rebirth/renewal,
release, security, sorrow, strength, transform ation, truth,
willpower, wisdom , witches/witchcraft
Sambucus, European Elder; S. Canadensis, Com m on
Ulmus procera, English Elm; U. americana, Am erican Elm; U.
Elder— Also known as Ellhorn, Fairy Tree, Lady Elder, Pipe Tree
rubra, Slippery Elm— Also known as Elven (English), Sweet Elm
Zodiac: Capricorn, Sagittarius
Zodiac: Capricorn, Sagittarius
Solar System: Mercury, Venus
| Day: Monday
Solar System: Saturn
Day: Tuesday
Celebrations: New Year's Day, Beltane, Litha, M idsum m er’s Eve,
W alpurgis
Rune: Gyfu
Elements: Air, Earth, Water
O gham : Ruis
Rune: Feoh
Energy: Yin
Tarot: W heel o f Fortune
Elements: Air, Earth, Fire, Water Direction: West
Goddesses: Cerridwen, Danu, Gaia, Magical: Elves, Fairies
Hel, Ran
Energy: Yin
Chakra: Root
Gods: D ionysus, Loki, Odin,
N um ber: 5
Tarot: Death
Anim al: Cattle
Vertum nus
Goddesses: Bertha, Boann, Cailleach Bheur, Danu, Freya, Gaia,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: attraction, beginnings, com passion,
Hel, Holle, Rhea, Venus
dignity, empathy, endurance, grace, grounding, healing,
Gods: the Dagda, Freyr, Vulcan | M agical: Fairies
intuition, life, love, pregnancy/childbirth, rebirth/renewal, sleep,
Issues, Intentions
Powers: abundance, anim als (husbandry),
stability, willpower, w isdom
banish, beauty, beginnings, blessings, challenges, change/s,
Slippery Elm
com passion, consecrate/bless, co nscio usness, creativity,
danger, death (burial custom s), dream work, endings, energy,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: endings, fidelity, protection
fidelity, grounding, healing, hexes, knowledge, life, light, love,
m agic (general, fairy), power (general, inner, magical),
prosperity, protection, purification (general, inner),
rebirth/renewal, release, security, self-work, sleep, sorrow,
spirituality, success, sympathy, wealth, weather (lightning),
well-being, wisdom , witches/w itchcraft
Abies amablis, European or Silver Fir; A. balsamea, Balsam Fir;
Crataegus monogyna, Com m on or English Hawthorn; C.
A. concolor, W hite Fir— Also known as Balm o f Gilead Fir
douglasii, Black Hawthorn— Also known as Haw Bush, May,
(Balsam Fir)
Q uickthorn, Whitethorn
Zodiac: Aries
Zodiac: Aquarius, Aries,
Solar System: M ars
Gem ini, Taurus
Solar System: Jupiter, Mars,
Celebrations: Beltane, Yule
Celebrations: Beltane,
Day: Saturday
W alpurgis
O gham : Ailm
Element: Air
Ogham : Huath
Rune: Odal
Energy: Yang
Anim al: Porcupine
Elements: Air, Fire
Energy: Yang
Goddesses: Artemis, Athena, Cybele, Diana, Frigg, Idunn, Inanna,
Isis, Persephone
Goddesses: Brigid, Danu, Frigg
Magical: Fairies (see)
Cods: Adonis, Attis, Bacchus, Dionysus, O siris, Pan
Gods: Belenus, the Dagda,
Anim als: Hedgehog, W olf
Prometheus, Thor, Zeus
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: beginnings, calm, cleverness,
comfort, creativity, defense, divination, energy, growth
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: attachments (release), challenges,
(spiritual), happiness, harmony, inspiration, life, light,
change/s, creativity, defense, em otions, enchantm ent, energy,
m em ory/m em ories, money, the otherw orld/underw orld, peace,
family, fertility, freedom (inner), growth, happiness (lift
prosperity, protection, purification, reconciliation, spirits
depression), the hom e (clear, prevent evil entering), hope,
(nature spirits), spirituality, support, transform ation
improvem ent (mental), life, love, luck, magic (general,
defensive, fairy), marriage, negativity, patience, peace,
Silver Fir
prosperity, protection, purification, purity, reconciliation,
Tarot: Star
Coddess: Rhea
relationships, security, self-work, sex/uality, sorrow, success,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: awareness (spiritual), hope, insight,
weather (lightning, storm s/protect from ), w isdom , wishes,
introspection, rebirth/renewal, the senses (sight)
Aesculus hippocastanum— Also known as Buckeye. This tree is
Juniperus com m unis, Com m on Juniper; J. scopulorum, Rocky
M ountain Juniper— Also known as G in Berry, Hackmatack,
H orse Savin
Zodiac: Cancer, Gem ini, Sagittarius,
Solar System: Jupiter,
Zodiac: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Elements: Air, Fire, Water
Energy: Yin
Solar System: Mars,
Celebrations: Beltane, W alpurgis,
Mercury, Sun
Goddesses: Artem is, Boann, Diana
Rune: Sigel
Elements: Earth, Fire
Issues, Intentions e{ Powers: banish, divination, healing, luck
(attract), money, prosperity, wealth
Direction: South
Energy: Yang
Chakra: Solar Plexus
Gods: Balder, Loki
Goddesses: Hel, Holle, the M orrigan, Ran
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: action, anger, banish, beginnings,
calm, community, defense, divination, dream work, em otions,
energy, fertility, grounding, happiness, harmony, healing, hexes
(break, protect from ), increase, influence, learning, love
(physical), m agic (black, defensive), negativity, optim ism ,
prosperity, protection (from theft), psychic ability, purification,
(general, spiritual), release, secrets, security, the senses (sight),
sensuality, sleep, spirits, spirituality, strength, transform ation,
well-being, wishes, w itches/w itchcraft (protect from)
Laurus nobilis, Bay Laurel— Also known as Bay Tree, Sweet Bay
Tilia europaea, European Linden; T. americana syn T. glabra and
T. canadensis, Am erican Linden— Also known as Basswood, Bee
Zodiac: Gem ini, Leo, Pisces
Solar System: Sun
Tree, Lime Tree, W hite Wood
Days: Thursday, Sunday
Celebration: Litha
Solar System: Jupiter,
Elements: Air, Fire
Energy: Yin
Zodiac: Gem ini, Sagittarius, Taurus
Mercury, Sun
Chakra: Throat
I M agical: Fairies
Celebrations: Beltane, Litha
Element: Air
Goddesses: Artem is, Ceres, Fides, Gaia
Energy: Yang
God: Odin
Cods: Adonis, Apollo, Asclepius, Balder, Buddha, Cernunnos,
Goddesses: Arianrhod, Freya, Frigg, Ostara, Venus
D ionysus, H elios, Mars, Ra
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: attraction, calm , com m unication,
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: awareness (expand), banish,
divination, dream work, encouragem ent, fidelity, longevity, love
blessings, clairvoyance, clarity, courage, defense,
(open to), luck, marriage, needs, nurture, peace, protection,
determination, divination, dream work, fame, fear, healing
relationships, sleep, strength, stress, support, transform ation,
(general, em otional), hexes (break, protect from ), the home
visions, warmth
(clear), honor, influence, inspiration, intuition, justice, life,
light, longevity, loyalty, magic (general, defensive),
m anifestation, marriage, m essages/om ens, money, negativity,
opportunities, peace, power (general, inner, magical),
pregnancy/childbirth, problem s, prophecy, prosperity,
protection, psychic ability, purification (general, ritual,
spiritual), release, sleep, spirituality, strength, success, truth,
visions, weather (lightning), willpower, w isdom , wishes,
w itches/w itchcraft (protect from)
Gleditsia triacanthos, Honey Locust; Robinia pseudoacacia, Black
Magnolia grandifolia, Southern Magnolia; M. virginiana,
Locust— Also known as False Acacia (Black Locust)
Sweetbay Magnolia
Zodiac: Aries
Solar System: Jupiter,
Zodiac: Capricorn, Libra, Taurus
Saturn, Venus
Moon Phase: New
Celebrations: Mabon, Samhain
Elements: Earth, Water
Energy: Yin
Elements: Earth, Water
Energy: Yang
Goddesses: Aphrodite, Venus
Goddesses: Cerridwen, Hecate, the Morrigan, Sekhmet
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: attraction, clarity, dream work,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: balance, destruction, determination,
fidelity, growth (awareness), harmony, love, marriage, peace,
friend/ship, independence, love (platonic), m agic (black),
protection, psychic ability, purification, purity, relationships,
obstacles (avert, overcom e), power (inner), protection, secrets
sex/uality (sexual attraction), truth, vision s, wisdom
(love), strength
Acacia julibrissin— A lso known as H appiness Tree, Powder Puff
Myrtus com m unis, Com m on Myrtle; Lagerstroemia indica, Crepe
Tree, Silky Acacia
Zodiac: Aquarius, Cancer, Capricorn, Pisces, Virgo
Zodiac: Sagittarius
1 Solar System: Venus
Solar System: Saturn
Element: Water
Celebrations: Lughnasadh,
Days: Friday, Monday
Energy: Yin
Chakra: Brow
Element: Water
Energy: Yin
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: anxiety, calm , consecrate/bless,
determination, dream work, grief, happiness, healing, love,
Tarot: Death, Em press
| Gods: D ionysus, Eros
m agic (m oon), m essages/om ens (dream s), m oods (im prove),
Goddesses: Aphrodite, Artemis, Astarte, Hathor, Ishtar, Venus
peace, problem s, protection, psychic ability, purification,
security, sensitivity
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: the afterlife, com m unication (crepe),
creativity, crossroads, cycles, death, em otions, endings,
favor/s, fertility, fidelity, heartbreak, innocence, life, love
(attract), luck (attract), marriage, money, the
otherw orld/underw orld, passion (sexual), peace, prosperity,
release, sorrow, wealth, youth
Quercus robur, English Oak; Q. alba, White Oak; Q. velutina,
Anim als: Boar, W olf
Birds: Woodpecker, Wren
Black Oak
Reptile: Chameleon
Zodiac: Cance
r, Gem ini, Leo,
Solar System: Earth, Jupiter,
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: abundance, the afterlife, authority,
Sagittarius, Virgo
awareness, battle/war, beauty, blessings, confidence,
Celebrations: Beltane, Litha, Lughnasadh, Mabon, M idsum m er’s
consecrate/bless, consciousness, control, courage, death,
Eve, W alpurgis, Yule
defense, discipline, enchantment, endurance, energy (general,
sexual), fertility, freedom, generosity, healing, increase,
Full M oon: December
Day: Thursday
independence, inspiration, justice, knowledge, life, longevity,
Runes: Ehwaz, jera, Rad, Thorn,
loyalty, luck, money, power (general, inner, personal),
O gham : Duir
prophecy, protection (divine), purification, rebirth/renewal,
Elements: Air, Earth, Fire
Energy: Yang
security, sex/uality (potency), sham anic work, spirits (nature
spirits), stability, strength, success, warmth, wealth, weather
Chakra: Sacral
N um ber: 13
(lightning), well-being, wisdom , witches/witchcraft, youth
Tarot: Emperor, W heel o f Fortune
Herb 0{ Garden: Bluebell
White Oak
M agical: Fairies (see)
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: challenges, comfort, prosperity,
Goddesses: Artem is, Asherah, Brigid, Ceres, Cerridwen, Cybele,
Demeter, Diana, Don, Fortuna, Hera, the M orrigan, Rhea
Gods: Aegir, Apollo, Ares, Balder, Brahma, Cernunnos, the
Dagda, the Green Man, Hades, H elios, janus, jupiter, Mars,
O din, Pan, Perun, Pluto, Thor, Zeus
---------------------- ;------------------ ;----------------------------- ;------;------------ ;------------
Date Palm
Pinus sylvestris, Scotch Pine; P. strobes, White Pine; P. resinosa,
Red Pine
Energy: Yang
Cods: Am un, Vishnu
Zodiac: Aquarius, Aries, Cancer, Capricorn, Pisces, Scorpio
Goddesses: Diana, Inanna
Solar System: Jupiter, Mars,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: anxiety, happiness, hope,
Day: Thursday
lim itations/boundaries, longevity, m essages/om ens,
pregnancy/chi Id birth
Celebrations: Beltane,
O gham : Ailm, Eamhancholl
M idsum m er’s Eve, Yule
Dragon's Blood
Rune: Ken
Elements: Air, Earth, Fire
Zodiac: Aries, Sagittarius
Solar System: M ars
Direction: East
Energy: Yang
Day: Tuesday
Element: Fire
Chakra: Sacral
Anim als: Deer, Porcupine