by Sandra Kynes
Energy: Yang
Chakra: Crown
Goddesses: Aphrodite, Artemis, Astarte, Cybele, Diana, Ishtar,
Mythical: Dragon
Isis, Rhea, Venus
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: attraction, banish, battle/war, bind,
Gods: Attis, Bacchus, Dionysus, Pan, Poseidon, Silvanus,
ch ange/s (m anifest), confidence, consecrate/bless, courage,
defense, determ ination, empowerment, energy, fidelity, healing,
hexes (break, protect from ), the home, honesty, influence
(avert), inspiration, love (attract), luck, lust, magic (general,
anim al, defensive, dragon, sex), money, negativity (end
patterns), obstacles, passion, peace, power (inner, magical),
problem s, protection (psychic), psychic ability, purification,
release, reversal, security, sex/uality (potency), spirituality,
success, willpower
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: abundance, activate/awaken, banish,
Punica granatum — Also known as Grenadier
beginnings, bind, blessings, confidence, courage, creativity,
Zodiac: Scorpio
cycles, defense, desire, em otions, endurance, energy, fertility,
freedom, friend/ship, grounding, growth (spiritual), guardian,
Solar System: Mercury
Day: Saturday
harm ony (dom estic), heartbreak, hexes (break, protect from ),
Celebration: Samhain
Elements: Earth, Fire
the hom e (clear), honor, hope, inspiration, intuition, justice,
Energy: Yang
Tarot: High Priestess
learning, longevity, m agic (defensive), m em ory/m em ories,
money, motivation, negativity, peace, prosperity, purification,
Goddesses: Astarte, Ceres, Hera,
God: Attis
rebirth/renewal, reconciliation, release, reversal, self-work, the
senses (listening, sm ell), spirits (nature spirits), spirituality,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: the afterlife, balance, blessings,
stim ulation, strength, support, transform ation, trust, truth,
clarity, consecrate/bless, creativity, death, divination, family,
wealth, well-being, wisdom
fertility, grounding, the home, hope, innocence (recover),
longevity, love (boundless), loss, luck, the
otherw orld/underw orld, prosperity, protection, security, wealth,
w ishes
Populus nigra, Black Poplar; P alba, W hite Poplar; P canescens,
Sorbus americana, Am erican Rowan; S. aucuparia, European
Gray Poplar
Rowan— A lso known as M ountain Ash, Sorb Apple, Witchwood
Solar System: Saturn
Celebration: Beltane
Zodiac: Aquarius, Capricorn, Sagittarius
Element: Water
Energy: Yin
Solar System: Moon, Saturn,
Day: Wednesday
Sun, Uranus
Goddess: Asherah
Gods: Brahma, Pluto, Zeus
Celebrations: Beltane, Imbolc,
Anim al: Beaver
O gham : Luis
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: astral realm, courage, divination,
endurance, grief, money, problem s, prosperity, spirituality,
Rune: Elhaz
Elements: Earth, Fire
strength, wealth
Gods: the Dagda, Pan, Thor,
Energy: Yang
Black Poplar
Goddesses: Aphrodite, Brigantia, Brigid, Cerridwen, Hecate,
Goddess: Persephone
Luna, Selene
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: death, defense, loss, prophecy
M agical: Elves, Fairies
M arine Life: Salmon
W hite Poplar
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: astral realm, authority, battle/war,
God: Hades
bind, blessings, challenges, clairvoyance, consecrate/bless (by
fairies), dedication/devotion, defense, destruction, divination,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: determination, hope, rebirth/renewal
enchantm ent, family, fertility, forgiveness, grounding, guidance,
harmony, healing, hexes (protect from ), im agination, insight,
inspiration, karma, knowledge, learning, life, luck, magic
(general, fairy), power (general, m agical), prophecy, protection
(by fairies), psychic ability, security, self-work, the senses
(control), skills, spirits, success, vision s, weather (lightning),
w isdom , witches/witchcraft
Platanus o cc id e n ta l, Am erican Sycamore; P. acerifolia, London
Juglans nigra, Black or English W a l n u t cinerea, Butternut or
Plane Tree— Also known as Buttonwood, Great Maple
W hite Walnut
Solar System: Jupiter, Venus
Zodiac: Gem ini, Leo, Virgo
Solar System: Jupiter, Sun
Celebration: Im bolc
Elements: Air, Water
Elements: Air, Fire
Energy: Yang
Energy: Yin
God: O siris
Chakra: Brow
Goddesses: Hathor, Isis, Nut
Goddesses: Aphrodite, Artemis, Astarte, Diana, Rhea
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: abundance, anxiety, astral realm,
Gods: Apollo, Dionysus, Jupiter, Thor, Vishnu, Zeus
com m unication, determ ination, encouragem ent, endurance,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: blessings, ch ange/s, clarity,
energy, favor/s, gentleness, harmony, learning, longevity, love,
consecrate/bless, fertility, healing, inspiration, intelligence, the
obstacles, patience, protection (provide shelter), purification,
m ind, power (m ental), prophecy, protection, purification
rebirth/renewal, stability, strength (inner), stress, support,
(inner), spirits, transform ation, wealth, well-being, wishes,
w isdom
w itches/w itchcraft (protect from)
Pussy Willow
Salix babylonica, W eeping W illow; S. nigra, Black W illow; S.
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: divination, life, marriage
discolor, Pussy W illow— A lso known as the Tree of Enchantment
Zodiac: Aries, Capricorn, Pisces, Taurus
Solar System: Moon, Venus
Day: Monday
Celebrations: Beltane, Samhain O gham : Saille
Rune: Lagu
Elements: Fire, Water
Energy: Yin
Chakra: Heart
N um ber: 5
M agical: Fairies
Goddesses: Artem is, Athena, Brigid, Ceres, Cerridwen, Danu,
Diana, Hecate, Hel, Hera, Ishtar, Luna, the Morrigan,
Persephone, Rhiannon
Cods: Arawn, Belenus, Herm es, Loki, Mercury, O siris,
Poseidon, Zeus
Birds: Crane, Dove
| Insect/M isc.: Bee
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: adaptability, the afterlife, beauty
(weeping), beginnings, bind, blessings, com m unication,
connections, consecrate/bless, courage, death, dream work,
enchantm ent, energy (psychic), fertility, freedom, grace, grief
(weeping), healing, inspiration, intuition (trust it), knowledge,
loss (com fort), love (forsaken), magic (general, m oon), magic
(defensive/b/oc/c willow), the m ind (open), nurture, optim ism ,
the otherw orld/underw orld, power (general, m oon), prophecy,
protection, relationships, skills,
sorrow, spirits, strength,
willpower, w ishes, witches/w itchcraft
witch hazel
H am am elis virginiana, Com m on Witch Hazel; H. vernolis,
Taxus Canadensis, Am erican Yew; T. baccata, English Yew. These
Spring Witch H azel— Also known as Snapping Alder,
trees are poisonous.
W interbloom
Solar System: Jupiter,
Zodiac: Capricorn
Zodiac: Libra
M ars, Saturn
Solar System: Saturn, Sun
Celebration: Samhain
Celebrations: Ostara, Sam hain, Yule O gham : loho
Ogham : Eamhancholl
Elements: Earth, Fire, Water
Runes: Eoh, Elhaz, Hagai
Elements: Air, Fire, Water
Energy: Yang
Energy: Yin, Yang
Tarot: Death, World
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: anxiety, banish, courage, divination
Goddesses: Badb, Banba, Cailleach Bheur, Don, Hecate, Hel,
(love), fidelity, healing, inspiration, learning, loss, problems,
protection, sex/uality, stress, willpower, wisdom ,
Gods: the Dagda, H erm es, Loki, Lugh, O din, Saturn
witches/w itchcraft
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: adaptability, the afterlife, change/s,
com m unication (with the dead), death, destruction, divination,
enchantm ent, grief, knowledge, longevity, magic (black),
nightmares, the otherw orld/underw orld, protection, psychic
ability, rebirth/renewal, skills, sleep, sorrow, spirits (comfort),
strength, vision s, witches/w itchcraft
Angelica archangelica, Com m on Angelica; A. atropurpurea, Great
Aster novi-belgii, New York Aster; M ountain Aster— A lso known
Angelica— Also known as Archangel, Angelic Herb
as M ichaelm as Daisy, Snowsprite, Starwort
Zodiac: Aries, Leo
Zodiac: Sagittarius, Virgo
Solar System: Sun
Rune: Elhaz
Solar System: Venus
Element: Water
Celebrations: Beltane, Imbolc,
Energy: Yin
Celebration: Mabon
Element: Fire
Sam hain, W alpurgis
Goddess: Venus
M agical: Fairies
Energy: Yang
Tarot: Sun
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: cal m, happiness, innocence, love
Goddess: Venus
Angel: Michael
(unconditional), m em ory/m em ories, release, stress, truth
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: acceptance, attraction, balance,
banish, beauty, beginnings, bind, calm , community,
consecrate/bless, defense, divination, dream work, energy
(spiritual), friend /sh ip , growth, harmony, healing, hexes (break,
protect from ), insight, inspiration, introspection, longevity,
m agic (angel), m essages/om ens (from angels, dream s),
negativity, peace, power (fem ale), problem s, protection
(divine), purification, security, self-work, the senses (listening),
sorrow, spirits (holy), spirituality, stability, stim ulation,
strength, stress, success, support, visions, witches/witchcraft
(protect from)
O cum um basilicum, Sweet Basil; O. m inim um , Bush
M onarda didyma, Scarlet Bergamot; M. fistulosa, Wild
Basil— Also known as Com m on Basil, St. Joseph’s Wort,
Bergamot— Also known as Beebalm, Oswego Tea (Scarlet)
W itches Herb
Zodiac: Gem ini, Virgo
Zodiac: Aries, Scorpio
Cods: Krishna, Vishnu
Solar System: Mercury, Moon,
Element: Air
Solar System: M ars, Pluto, Venus
Day: Tuesday
Celebration: Im bolc
Element: Fire
Direction: East
Energy: Yang
Energy: Yang
Goddess: Lakshmi
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: anxiety, assertiveness, authority,
awareness, balance, calm , concentration/focus, confidence,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: the afterlife, assertiveness, attraction,
control, courage, discipline, dream work, em otions,
balance, banish, business, calm (inner), cheerfulness,
encouragem ent, energy, goodness, grief, happiness, harmony,
clairvoyance, clarity, concentration/focus, confidence, courage,
hexes (break), love (open to), money, m oods (im prove),
defense, discipline, divination, energy, family, fertility, fidelity,
optim ism , peace, power (m agical), problem s, prosperity, sleep,
friend/ship, goodness, grief, happiness, healing (relationships),
stress, success, support, wealth, youth
hexes (break), the home (peaceful), honesty, influence, love
(reconcile), luck (attract), magic (angel, defensive),
m em ory/m em ories, m essages/om ens, the mind (clear),
money, negativity, peace, power, problem s, prosperity,
protection, psychic ability, purification, relationships, release,
the senses (sm ell), sex/uality, sorrow, stim ulation (mental),
strength, stress, success, sympathy, trust, wealth, wishes,
witches/w itchcraft
blackberry/bram ble
Rubus allegheniensis, Com m on Blackberry; R. villosus, American
Cam panula rotundifolia— A lso known as Harebell
Blackberry— Also known as Brambleberry, Brummel
Day: Monday
Celebration: Beltane
Zodiac: Aries, Scorpio, Taurus
Tree: Oak
Magical: Fairies (see), Pixies
Solar System: M oon, Venus
Element: Water
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: abundance, action, attachments,
Celebrations: Beltane, Im bolc, Lughnasadh, Mabon
balance, enchantment, fear, freedom, friend /sh ip , grief,
kindness, love (unconditional), luck, magic (fairy),
Ogham : Mu in
Energy: Yin
manifestation, negativity, obstacles, prosperity, self-work, sleep,
Goddesses: Brigid, Danu, Freya,
Magical: Fairies
spirits, stability, truth, witches/witchcraft
Gods: Bacchus, the Dagda, D ionysus, M anannan, O siris,
Borago officinalis— A lso known as 1 Bee Bread, Starflower
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: attachm ents, com m unication, death,
Zodiac: Leo
Solar System: Jupiter
envy, fertility, grounding, growth, happiness, harmony, healing,
Element: Air
Energy: Yang
intuition, luck, the m ind, money, prosperity, protection,
purification (inner), spirits, wealth
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: authorii ty, awareness, beauty,
beginnings, business, calm , coura ge, happiness, the mind
(soothe), money, passion (heal frc m), power, psychic ability,
purification, (inner), skills, sorrow
cham om ile
Nepeta cataria— A lso known as Cat Mint, Cat’s Play
Cham aem elum nobilis syn. Anthemis nobilis, Roman
Cham om ile; Cham om illa m atricaria syn. M atricaria recutita,
Zodiac: Cancer, Libra, Pisces
Solar System: Venus
nbsp; Germ an Cham omile
Celebration: Samhain
Element: Water
Zodiac: Cancer, Leo
Direction: West
Energy: Yin
Solar System: Sun
Day: Monday
Goddesses: Bast, Sekhmet
Celebrations: Litha, W alpurgis, Yule
Element: Water
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: acceptance, anger, anim als, beauty,
Chakras: Solar Plexus,
courage, dream work, energy, fertility, friend /sh ip , happiness,
Energy: Yang
harmony, the home, love (attract), luck (attract), magic
(anim al), nightm ares, peace, problem s, psychic ability, sleep,
Issues, Intentions e{ Powers: anger, anxie *ty, attraction, balance,
spirits, strength, stress
beauty, blessings, calm (em otions), cc •mmunication, creativity,
determ ination, dream work, energy, ge rntleness, grounding,
growth, harmony, healing, hexes (brea k), insight, introspection,
intuition, justice, love (attract), luck, rr lanifestation, money,
m oods, nightm ares, patience, peace (i nner), problems,
prosperity, purification, security (emot ional), sensitivity, sleep,
stress, success, support, visions, weal th, w ishes
chrysanthem um
Chrysanthem um m orifolium syn. Dendrathem
Trifolium pretense, Red Clover; T. repens, White Clover— Also
grandiflorum — Also known as M um s
known as Trefoil
Zodiac: Scorpio
Solar System: Sun
Zodiac: G em ini
Solar System: Mercury
Celebration: Mabon
Element: Fire
Element: Air
Direction: East
Direction: South
Energy: Yang
Chakra: Root
Energy: Yang
Insect/M isc.: Butterfly
Tarot: Em press
God: Gwydion
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: cheerfulness, innocence (white), love
M agical: Fairies
(red), problem s, protection, strength, truth (white)
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: acceptance, banish, beauty,
community, dream work, enchantm ent (fo u r-lea f, fear, fidelity,
friend/ship, harmony, healing, hexes (protect from ), intuition,
kindness, love (attract), luck (fo u r-lea f, m agic (fairy), money,
power (m ental), protection, release, wealth, youth
Red Clover
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: balance (spiritual), calm, em otions,
grounding, luck, marriage, the mind (calm ), prosperity, success
colum bine
Aquilegia vulgaris, Carden Colum bine; A. Canadensis, Wild