Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences
Page 21
Celebration: Litha
Energy: Yin
Chakra: Root
Elements: Air, Earth, Fire
Direction: West
Goddess: Epona
Energy: Yin
Tarot: Magician
Issues, Intentions e( Powers:arger, anxiety, blessings, calm,
challenges, com m unication, creativity, endings, happiness,
Goddesses: Cerridwen, Demeter, Diana, Epona, Isis, Juno,
harmony, healing, learning, longevity, love, the mind (peace),
Persephone, Venus
money, needs (em otional), peace, pleasure, problem s,
Gods: H erm es, Jupiter, Mars,
protection, purification, reconciliation (after quarrels), romance,
Magical: Fairies
Mercury, Thor
self-work, sensitivity, sleep, spirits, stress, truth
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: anger, anxiety, balance, banish,
beginnings, calm (em otions), challenges, consecrate/bless,
creativity, discipline, divination, dream work, empowerment,
enchantm ent, enmity, fertility, fidelity, freedom, grace,
grounding, harmony, healing, hexes (break), the home,
im provem ent, inspiration, justice, learning, longevity, magic
(general, defensive, sex), m anifestation, marriage,
m essages/om ens (dream s), the mind (quick), money,
nightmares, optim ism , peace (attract, make), power (inner),
prophecy, prosperity, protection, purification, release, the
senses (sight), sleep, spirits (banish), stress, success, support,
wealth, weather (protect from lightning, storm s),
w itches/w itchcraft (avert), youth
Aloe vera syn. A. barbadensis, Com m on Aloe Vera; A.ferox, Cape
Aloe— Also known as Aloes, M edicine Plant
Pimento officinalis— A lso known as Buffalo Herb
Zodiac: Cancer, Libra, Pisces
Zodiac: Aries, Scorpio
Solar System: Jupiter,
Solar System: Mars
Day: Tuesday
Celebration: Lughnasadh
Moon, Venus
Celebration: Samhain
Element: Fire
Element: Water
Energy: Yin
Energy: Yang
Chakra: Sacral
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: the afterlife, balance (mental),
Issues, Intentions e( Poivers:attraction, business, com m unication,
beauty, friend/ship, grief, lealing, the hom e, longevity, love,
com passion, consecrate/bless, courage, determination, energy,
luck (attract), peace, prote ction (from evil influences),
fear, friend /sh ip , healing, kindness, luck (attract), money
purification, security, sex/i jality (prowess), sorrow, success,
(collect debts), power (general, m agical), prosperity,
spirituality, strength, success, willpower
Pimpinella anisum — Also known as Aniseed, Sweet Cum in
Ferula assa-foetida— Also known as Devil’s Dung
Zodiac: Aquarius, Gem ini, Leo, Pisces, Sagittarius
Solar System: M ars
Element: Fire
Solar System: Jupiter, Mars, Mercury
Energy: Yang
Goddess: Kali
Celebration: W alpurgis
Element: Air
Issues, Intentions e[ Powers: assertiveness, banish, calm, healing,
hexes, m agic (black), protection, purification, the senses
Energy: Yang
Chakra: Solar Plexus
(sm ell), spirits
Goddess: Hecate
Gods: Apollo, Mercury
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: authority, awareness, balance
(em otional), change/s, clairvoyance, consecrate/bless,
Bambusa vulgaris, Com m on Bamboo; B. multiplex, Golden
divination, dream work, energy, fertility, growth, harmony, the
home, loss, love, luck, marriage, money, nightm ares, protection
Solar System: Sun
Element: Air
(in dream s), psychic ability, purification, sex/uality, skills,
sleep, spirits, stim ulation, well-being, youth
Energy: Yang
God: Thoth
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: adaptability, business, divination,
dream work, energy, harmony, hexes (break), longevity, luck
(attract), m otivation, nightm ares, protection, strength, wisdom ,
w ishes
Atropa belladona— Also known as Banewort, Deadly
Solanum dulcam ara— A lso known as Bitter Nightshade, Woody
Nightshade, W itch’s Berry
Nightshade. T h is plant is poisonous.
Zodiac: Libra
Solar System: Pluto, Saturn
Zodiac: Aquarius
Element: Water
Energy: Yin
Solar System: Mercury,
1 Celebration: Samhain
Pluto, Saturn
Tarot: World
Goddesses: Hecate, Macha
Element: Air
Energy: Yang
Issues, Intentions e{ Powers: astral realm, calm , darkness, healing,
im agination, m agic (night), visio n s, witches/w itchcraft
Goddess: Hecate
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: danger, endings, enmity, healing,
Stachys officinalis syn. S. betonica— Also known as Heal-All,
Hedge Nettle, Self-Heal
Solar System: Jupiter,
Zodiac: Aries, Cancer
Celebration: M idsum m er’s Eve
Rune: Ing
Element: Fire
Energy: Yang
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers:arxety, authority, awareness, banish,
calm, dream work, energy, harmony, healing, love, nightmares,
problem s, protection (in dream s), purification, relationships,
release, security, sex/uality, spirits, visions, w itches/w itchcraft
(overcome, protect from)
black cohosh
Cim icifuga racemosa syn. actaea racemosa— Also known as
Sanguinaria canadensis— A lso known as Indian Paint, Redroot,
Black Snakeroot, Bugbane, Squawroot
Solar System: Mars
Solar System: Mars
Element: Fire
Element: Fire
Energy: Yin
Energy: Yang
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: balance, calm, courage, energy
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: attachments (release), courage,
(sexual), fertility, life, longevity, love, lust, money,
divination, family, love, protection, purification, release,
pregnancy/childbirth, problem s, protection, sex/uality, shyness,
strength, stress, well-being
blessed thistle
Arctium lappa— Also known as Beggar’s Buttons, Bur, Great
Cnicus benedictus syn. Carbenia benedicta and Carduus
benedictus— Also known as Holy Thistle, Spotted Thistle
Zodiac: Libra, Sagittarius, Taurus
Solar System: Venus
Zodiac: Aries
Element: Water
Energy: Yin
Solar System: Mars
Celebration: Yule
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers:
balance, calm, defense, energy,
Element: Fire
Energy: Yang
healing, love, negativity, protection, purification
God: Pan
Issues, Intentions e( Poivers;blessings, consecrate/bless, healing,
hexes (break), m em ory/m em ories, prosperity, protection,
purification, stimulation
Potentilla reptons, Creeping Cinquefoil; P. erecta, Erect
Eugenia caryophyllata syn. Syzygium Solar System: Jupiter, Sun
Cinquefoil— Also known as Bloodroot, Five-Fingers, Five-Leaf
Zodiac: Aries, Leo, Pisces,
Elements: Earth, Fire
Zodiac: Taurus
Sagittarius, Scorpio
Solar System: Jupiter, Mercury
Day: Thursday
Energy: Yang
Chakra: Throat
Celebration: Beltane
Elements: Earth, Fire
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: attraction, authority, awareness,
balance (m ental), banish, beauty, beginnings, bind,
Energy: Yang
M agical: Fairies
clairvoyance, comfort, courage, creativity, dignity, divination,
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: astral realm, authority,
em otions, energy, friend /sh ip , happiness, harmony, healing,
com m unication (eloquence), consecrate/bless, defense,
hexes (break), inspiration, longevity, love (attract), lust, magic
divination, dream work, em otions, energy, favor/s, grief,
(sex), m em ory/m em ories, the m ind, money (collect debts),
healing, heartbreak, hexes (break), influence (avert), inspiration,
negativity, power (magical, m ental), problem s, prosperity,
justice, life, loneliness (end), love, luck, magic,
protection, psychic ability, purification, relationships, release,
m essages/om ens (dream s), money, nightmares, nurture,
the senses (sight, sm ell), sensitivity, stim ulation (mental),
passion, peace (attract), power, problem s, prosperity,
success, truth, vision s, warmth, wealth, weather
protection, security, self-work, the senses (strengthen), sleep,
spirits, strength, success, travel, vision s, wealth, well-being,
w isdom , w ishes, w itches/w itchcraft (avert)
Tussilago farfara— Also known as Coughwort, Horsehoof,
Primula veris, European Cowslip; Caltha palustris, American
Cowslip— Also known as Fairy Cup, Key o f Heaven (European),
and Kingcup, M arsh M arigold (American)
Zodiac: Taurus
Solar System: Venus
Zodiac: Aries
Solar System: Venus
Element: Water
Energy: Yin
Rune: Ken
Element: Water
Chakra: Throat
Goddess: Epona
Energy: Yin
Goddesses: Bertha, Freya
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: healing, justice, love (increase),
m agic (anim al), negativity, peace, power, protection, psychic
M agical: Fairies
ability, visions
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: the afterlife, anim als (protect),
beauty, grace, healing, m agic (fairy), money, prosperity,
protection, secrets, spirits, strength, trust, youth
Coriandrum sativum
Zodiac: Aries
Solar System: M ars
Element: Fire
cum in
C um im um cym inum
Zodiac: Aries, Scorpio
Energy: Yang
Solar System: M ars
Element: Fire
Issues, Intentions
Powers: community, consecrate/bless,
fertility, fidelity, happiness, healing, heartbreak, the home,
Energy: Yang
influence, longevity, love (attract), m agic (sex), passion, peace,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: balance (spiritual), banish, fidelity,
protection, security, sleep, stim ulation, warmth, well-being
harm ony (dom estic), the home, increase, longevity, love,
negativity, prosperity, protection, purification, release
deer’s tongue
Frasera speciosa, Elkweed; Trilisa odoratissima, Vanilla
Euphrasis officinalis, Cultivated Eyebright; E. americana, Wild
Leaf— A lso known as Deer Ear (Elkweed)
Eyebright— Also known as Meadow Eyebright, Red Eyebright
Zodiac: Aries, Sagittarius, Scorpio
Zodiac: Gem ini, Leo, Virgo
Solar System: M ars
Element: Fire
Solar System: Sun
Element: Air
Energy: Yang
Chakra: Brow
Energy: Yang
Chakra: Brow
Issues, Intentions
Powers: anim als, authority, awareness,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: clairvoyance, clarity, divination,
challenges, justice, love, lust, marriage, passion, power, psychic
dream work, im provement, insight, intuition,
ability, skills
m em ory/m em ories, the m ind, power (m ental), psychic ability,
the senses (sight), sensitivity, skills, truth, visions
O riganum dictamnus, Dittany o f Crete; Dictam nus albus,
fairy wand
Am erican Dittany
Cham aelirum luteum syn. Helonias dioica— Also known as
Blazing Star, Colicroot, Devil’s-Bit, False Unicorn Root,
Solar System: Venus
Celebration: Samhain
H elonias
Element: Water
Energy: Yin
M agical: Fairies
Goddesses: Diana, Persephone
God: O siris
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: banish, blessings (for children),
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: astral realm, authority, beauty,
fidelity, loss, love, lust, m agic (fairy, sex), protection,
beginnings, control, desire, divination, m anifestation, passion,
purification (em otional), support (from fairies), wishes
spirits, visions
Alpina officinarum— A lso known as
Zodiac: Aries, Sagittarius,
Zodiac: Aries, Scorpio
Zingiber officinale
China Root
Solar System: M ars, Sun
Celebration: Litha
Solar System: Mars
Day: Tuesday
Element: Fire
| Energy: Yang
Element: Fire
Direction: South
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: astral realm, authority, awareness,
Energy: Yang
Chakra: Root
banish, comfort, consecrate/bless, courage, desire,
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: astral realm, beauty, calm , courage,
enchantm ent, energy, enmity, favor/s (judicial), hexes (break,
energy, healing, hexes (break), im provement, inspiration, love,
protect from ), increase, influence, justice, love, luck, lust, magic
luck, lust, magic (general, moon, sex), money (collect debts),
(sex), money, negativity, passion, power, prosperity, protection
passion, power (general, m agical), pregnancy/childbirth,
(psychic), psychic ability, reversal, skills, stim ulation, strength,
problem s, prosperity, purification (inner), relationships
success, s
upport, sympathy, wealth, well-being
(rom antic), release, stim ulation, success, unity, warmth, wealth,
weather (sto rm s/calm ), well-being
Panax ginseng, Chinese Ginseng; P. quinquefolius, American
Triticum aestivum, Wheat; Zea mays, Corn; Hordeum vulgare,
Barley; Oryza sa t’wa, Rice, and many others.
Solar System: Sun
Celebration: Lughnasadh
Solar System: Earth
Element: Fire
Energy: Yang
Element: Earth
Color: Yellow
Tarot: Fool
Celebrations: Im bolc, Lughnasadh, Mabon, W alpurgis
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: activate/awaken, attraction, beauty,
Goddesses: Bertha, Ceres, Cerridwen, Demeter, Inanna
calm, creativity, desire, divination, endurance, energy (psychic),
God: Lugh
M agical: Brownies
fertility, healing, hexes (break), im provem ent (mental),
longevity, love (attract), luck (attract), lust, magic (general,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: abundance , anim als, cycles, fertility,
m oon, sex), m em ory/m em ories, the m ind, negativity, passion,
power, protection, sex/uality (potency), spirits, stimulation,
well-being, wishes
Full Moons: August, September
Goddess: Demeter
Gods: Geb, Odin
Solidago odora, Sweet-Scented Goldenrod; 5. sempervirens,
Seaside Goldenrod; S. uliginosa, Swamp Goldenrod
Solar System: Sun
Season: Sum mer
Solar System: Venus
Full Moons: June, August
Direction: West
Element: Air
Energy: Yin
Tarot: Em press
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: beauty, challenges, divination, loss,
Goddesses: Demeter, Epona, Persephone, Spider Woman,
luck, the m ind, money, prosperity, stim ulation, wealth
Gods: O siris, Quetzalcoatl, Surya
Anim al: Jaguar
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: action, balance, the mind,
pregnancy/chiId birth
grain (continued)
Hyoscyamus niger— Also known as Black Nightshade, Devil’s
Eye. This plant is poisonous.
Goddess: Amaterasu
God: Inari
Zodiac: Aquarius
Solar System: Saturn
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: community, innocence, light, luck,
Rune: Is
Elements: Earth, Water
Goddess: the Morrigan
Energy: Yin
Day: Thursday
Direction: West