Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences
Page 28
(inner self), the otherw orld/underw orld, pleasure, power
(protective), protection (m aternal), rebirth/renewal, revenge,
self-work, the senses (hearing, sm ell), sham anic work, sleep,
spirits, strength, transform ation, travel, wealth, wisdom
Zodiac: Taurus
Time o f Day: Dusk
Element: Water
Trees: Aspen, Poplar
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: action (dream s into reality), balance,
change/s, com m unity (work together), cooperation, creativity
(with available resources), determ ination, family, fidelity, goals,
harmony, the home, motivation, opportunities (never limit
options), skills
Celebrations: Sam hain, Yule
Element: Earth
Solar System: Earth
Element: Earth
Energy: Yang
Tree: Oak
Goddess: Durga
Goddesses: Arianrhod, Artem is, Cailleach Bheur, Freya, Nut
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: abundance, community, connections
(m undane and divine), courage, determination,
Gods: Arawn, Ares, Brahma, Cernunnos, Freyr, Lugh,
encouragem ent, endurance, fidelity, generosity, gratitude,
M anannan, Set, Vishnu
grounding, harmony, healing, honor, increase, knowledge, life,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: assertiveness, authority (spiritual),
luck, m anifestation, order/organize, prosperity, relationships,
battle/war, challenges, courage, crossroads, cunning, danger,
strength, truth, warmth
death, determ ination, encouragem ent, enmity, family, fertility,
fidelity, goodness, healing, honesty, lust, magic, the
otherw orld/underw orld, passion, power, prophecy, prosperity,
A lso known as Dromedary Camel (one hum p); Bactrian Camel
protection, strength, truth (find), wealth
(two hum ps).
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: business, death, endurance,
guardian, guidance, knowledge (hidden), optim ism , patience,
Seasons: Spring, W inter (late
A lso known as W ildcat.
pride, stability, support (burdens), travel
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: balance (creative forces), clarity,
com m unication (m easured), independence, intuition (trust),
knowledge (seek), learning, loneliness (em brace), magic (sex),
psychic ability, secrets
cattle (continued)
------------------- ------- ;-------- 1
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: adaptability, community,
concentration/focus, freedom, respect (self), self-work, the
Solar System: Earth
Moon Phase: Full
senses (sight)
Celebrations: Beltane, Samhain
Element: Water
chim panzee
Gods: Krishna, M anannan
M agical: Fairies
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: aggression (balance), awareness
Goddesses: Anat, Aphrodite, Banba, Boann, Brigid, Cailleach
(self-), change/s, com m unication, community, com passion,
Bheur, Cerridwen, Diana, Hathor, Hera, Hestia, Inanna, Isis,
deceit, intelligence, problem s (solve), skills
)uno, Maeve, the Morrigan, Nut
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: abundance, comfort, connections
chipm unk
(m other goddess), death (funeral rites), enlightenment,
A lso known as Ground
guardian, guidance, the home, love, m otivation, needs
Goddess: Spider W oman
(physical), nurture, patience, pregnancy/childbirth, prosperity,
warmth, wealth
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: abundance , nurture (physical,
spiritual), the senses (hearing), travel
Zodiac: Pisces, Taurus
Season: Winter
Rune: Ur
Energy: Yin
Goddesses: Artemis, Athena, Epona, M inerva, Selene
Gods: Apollo, H elios, Herm es, Ptah, Set
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: abundance, kindness, peace, power
(controlled), responsibility,
stability, strength
A lso known as Mountain Lion, Puma.
Zodiac: G em ini
Solar System: Sun
Issues, Intentions
Powers: balance, confidence, connections,
Seasons: Autum n, Spring
Celebration: I mbole
courage, cunning, fear, freedom, gentleness, growth,
N um ber: 7
Tree: Pine
intelligence, intuition, jealousy, knowledge, leadership, life (take
charge o f), m essages/om ens, opportunities (leap at), power
Goddesses: Artem is, Athena, Cailleach, Diana
(personal), responsibility, self-work, skills, spirits, stability,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: activate/awaken (new adventures),
strength, willpower, w isdom
adaptability, affection, awareness, balance, clarity, cycles,
generosity, gentleness, grace, guidance (souls), innocence,
kindness, light, love (unconditional), peace, purification, purity,
A lso known as Prairie Wolf.
Solar System: Mercury
purpose, rebirth/renewal (fawn), secrets, the senses (listening,
touch), sensitivity, spirits, w isdom
Times o f Day: Dawn, Dusk
Cods: Coyote, Loki
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: acceptance (o f transform ation),
activate/awaken (child w isdom ), adaptability, agriculture,
Zodiac: Leo, Sagittarius
Magical: Fairies
balance, ch ange/s, cleverness, cooperation, creativity, destiny,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: com m unication, enchantm ent, goals,
family, fidelity, goals, illum ination, innocence (renew), insight,
intelligence, introspection, intuition, karma, knowledge
(hidden), leadership, learning, life (avoid com plicating), magic
(keeper), peace, reversal (o f fortune), self-work, the senses
Solar System: Earth, Jupiter
Celebration: Yule
(sight), sham anic work (shape shift), skills, transform ation,
Element: Earth
Energy: Yang
trust, truth, wisdom
Goddesses: Aphrodite, Nem esis
Gods: Adonis, Apollo, Cernunnos, Gwydion, Silvanus
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: knowledge, longevity,
m essages/om ens (from the otherworld/udi/fe), the
otherw orld/underw orld (white), quests (white), rebirth/renewal,
sham anic work, shyness, support
A lso known as Australian W ild Dog.
Also known as Burro, Ass.
Solar System: Saturn
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: adaptability, determ ination, family,
Celebration: Saturnalia
Tree: Holly
friend/ship, intuition, learning, loyalty, protection, the senses
Gods: Apollo, Dionysus, Hephaestus,
(sm ell), support, truth (find)
Goddess: Epona
Pan, Set
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: activate/awaken (w isdom ), th
afterlife, courage, death, d ecisio n /s, learning, opportunities,
Zodiac: Aquarius, Cancer, Capricorn,
' i
* i Solar System: Moon
patience, peace, security, sex/uality, spirits, stability, wisdom
(o f inner potentials)
Celebrations: Lupercalia, Mabon, Samhain, W alpurgis
Elements: Earth, Water
M agical: Fairies, Lares
Zodiac: Capricorn
Solar System: Moon
Goddesses: Artem is, Cerridwen (greyhound), Diana, Epona,
Hecate, Hera, the M orrigan (black)
Element: Earth
Goddesses: Lakshmi, Parvati
Cods: Anubis, Arawn (white with red ears), Ares, Asclepius,
Cods: Buddha, Ganesh, Indra, Shiva
Faunus, Gwydion ( greyhound), H ades, Herm es, Indra,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: affection, balance, battle/war,
Lugh,M abon, M anannan, M ars, O din.Thoth
com m unication (subtlety), community, confidence,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: aggression, agriculture (stimulate
connections (ancient w isdom ), dignity, em otions, endurance,
growth), battle/war, co nscio usness, courage, death, defense,
family, fertility, grace (state of), intuition, learning (and
dedication/devotion, divination, family, fidelity, friend/ship,
teaching), longevity, loyalty, luck, m em ory/m em ories,
growth, guardian, guidance, healing, hexes, love
obstacles, opportunities (education), patience, power (ancient),
(unconditional), loyalty, m agic (general/w hite with red ears),
prophecy, protection, relationships, respect, revenge, the
m agic (crone, black, m oon), nurture, the
senses (sight), sex/uality, strength, success, well-being,
otherw orld/underw orld, prophecy, protection (loving), secrets,
security, the senses (sm ell), sensuality, sex/uality, skills, spirits
(white), support
Zodiac: Aries, Capricorn,
A lso known as W oodchuck,
Solar System: M oon, Saturn, Sun
Celebration: Im bolc
Seasons: Spring (kid),
Season: Winter
Element: Earth
Celebrations: Beltane, Lupercalia
Sum m er
Issues, Intentions e{ Powers: astral realm, beginnings, community,
Elements: Earth, Fire
Tree: Ash
consciousness (deep exploration), cycles, death (without
dying), dream work, family, protection, rebirth/renewal,
Goddesses: Aphrodite, Artemis , Athena, Cailleach Bheur, Freya,
sham anic work (trance), sleep
Gods: Agni, Bacchus, Dionysus, Faunus, H erm es, Mercury, Pan,
Pushan, Silvanus, Thor, Zeus
Solar System: Moon,
Zodiac: Libra
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: abundance, beginnings, connections
(past lives), fertility, independence, life (vitality), magic (sex),
Season: Autumn
Full Moons: April, May
rebirth/renew al, security (em otional/m ountain goat), the
senses (sight), sex/uality (sexual vigor), sorrow, spirits,
Celebration: Ostara
Element: Water
stability, support
God: Eros
Goddesses: Aphrodite, Artemis, Freya, Hecate, Hera, Ostara
Goddess: Nephthys
| Gods: O siris, Thoth
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: ambition, creativity, crossroads,
cycles, death, desire, dream work, fear, friend/ship,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: adaptability, com m unication,
im agination, intuition, m agic (m oon), the mind (quick),
community, family, generosity, gentleness, goodness,
m essages/om ens, prophecy, rebirth/renewal, relationships,
grounding, intelligence, intuition (m aternal), leadership
sensitivity, sham anic work, skills, spirits, witches/witchcraft
(silverback), peace, power, strength, support
Solar System: M oon, Sun
Element: Fire
Zodiac: Pisces, Sagittarius
Solar System: Earth, Moon
Trees: Apple, Ash, Blackthorn, Hawthorn, Maple (field)
Celebrations: Feast o f Epona, Litha, /lid sum m er’s Eve
Herb el Garden: Grape
| M agical: Pixies
Runes: Ehwaz, Rad
Elements: Fire, Water
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: concentration/focus, defense,
M agical: Fairies, Pixies
Herb (% Garden: G orse
fertility, negativity, nurture, pleasure, w isdom
Goddesses: Aine (red m are), Artem is, Astarte, Athena, Demeter,
hippopotam us
Eos, Epona, Macha, Maeve, M odron, the Morrigan, Selene
Elements: Earth, Water
Goddess: Hathor
Gods: Agni, Apollo, Arawn (pale), Belenus, Buddha, Dionysus,
God: Set
Freyr, Gwydion, H erm es, Indra, Lugh, Mabon, Manannan,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: action, creativity, em otions, energy,
M ars, Neptune, Poseidon, Surya, Vishnu
life, pregnancy/childbirth, protection, strength
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: abundance, action (swift), astral
realm, awareness, battle/war, change/s, clairvoyance,
com m unication (across species), cooperation, danger (warn
o f), darkness, death (burial custom s), dedication/devotion,
desire, destiny, destruction, divination, em otions, endurance,
energy, fertility, fidelity, freedom, friend/ship, guidance (souls,
travelers), life, light, love, loyalty, m agic, nightm ares, obstacles,
the otherw orld/underw orld, power (personal), protection
(against abuse o f power), quests (spiritual), rebirth/renewal,
secrets (initiation), sex/uality, sham anic work, spirits, strength,
travel, wealth, youth
White Horse
Goddess: Rhiannon
God: Helios
Issue, Intention/Power: innocence
A lso known as Joeys (Koala babies).
Zodiac: Capricorn, Leo,
Solar System: Sun
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: calm, empathy, gentleness, guidance,
Seasons: Spring, Sum mer
Element: Fire
Energy: Yin
Direction: South
Angel: Raphael
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: clairaudience, clarity,
concentration/focus, knowledge (o fthe unseen),
Goddesses: Anat, Artem is, Astarte (lioness), Brigantia (lioness),
m em ory/m em ories (o f ancestors), the otherworld/underworld.
Cybele, Devi, Durga, Hathor, Hera, Inanna, Ishtar, Isis, Parvati,
spirits (o f ancestors), travel, visions
Rhea, Sekhmet
Gods: Am un, Buddha, Dionysus, H elios, Khnum, Krishna, Lugh.
M ithras, Nergal, Vishnu
Solar System: Moon
Energy: Yin
Mythical: Griffin
Metal: Gold
ss: Aphrodite
Gods: Bacchus, Dionysus, Set
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: affection, authority, com m unication,
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: assertiveness, battle/war (warriors),
community, cooperation, courage, dignity, energy, family,
beginnings (new perspective), com m unication,
integrity, jealousy, justice, knowledge (divine), leadership, light,
concentration/focus, cunning, fear (overcome inner dem ons),
passion, patience, power (fire///on), power (female/Z/oness),
intuition, knowledge (shadow self), magic, obstacles (leap
pride, prosperity, protection, rebirth/renewal, release, respect,
over), power (o f silence), pride, prosperity, the senses (touch),
spirituality, strength, stress, unity, wisdom
sensitivity, sham anic work, spirits, strength, trust (intuition)
Issues, Intentions
Powers: com fort (others), endurance,
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Solar System: Sun
obstacles, security (emotional)
Gods: H anum an, Hermes
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: adaptability, change/s, cheerfulness,
cleverness, com m unication, family, imagination, pleasure,
Solar System: Venus
Seasons: Autum n, W inter
pregnancy/childbirth, protection, self-work, skills, success,
Direction: North
N um ber: 11
well-being, wisdom
Goddess: Freya
Gods: D ionysus, Lugh
Issues, Intentions
Powers: astral realm, clairvoyance, divination,
intelligence, knowledge (hidden), love, m otivation, power
Energy: Yin
Element: Water
(psychic), secrets, the senses (sight), shyness, skills, truth
Seasons: Autum n, W inter
Chakras: Brow, Crown
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: accom plishm ent, awareness (new
depths), clairaudience, confidence, connections (to elders,
Element: Earth
God: Asclepius
inner and outer w orlds), dignity, energy (sexual), illum ination,
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: awareness, darkness, death, energy
independence, intuition, knowledge (self and soul), longevity,
(earth), enmity, fear, guardian, guidance, introspection,
m essages/om ens, rebirth/renewal, respect (self), self-work,
knowledge (hidden), magic (earth), self-work, sensitivity, skills
sham anic work, spirits (banish), strength, truth, w isdom
Gods: Apollo, Ganesh
M agical: Fairies
Season: Spring
N um ber: 13
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: concentration/focus, cunning,