by Sandra Kynes
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: deceit (unveil falsities), guidance
danger, deceit, destruction, enchantm ent, guidance,
(find talents), skills, wisdom
introspection, m essages/om ens, secrets, shyness, skills,
spirits, success, visions
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: freedom, gentleness, the mind,
problem s (solve creatively)
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: adaptability, em otions (navigate),
guardian, guidance, lim itations/boundaries, the mind
(resourceful), the senses (trust)
Zodiac: Aquarius
Solar System: Moon
Seasons: Spring, Sum mer
Elements: Earth, Water
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: clarity, connections (spirit realm),
Energy: Yin
Goddess: Cerridwen
rebirth/renewal, sham anic work, skills, spirituality
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: balance, community, empathy,
encouragem ent, energy, fidelity, freedom, friend /sh ip , grace
(state o f), guidance (souls), happiness, healing (with laughter),
im agination, jealousy, life, loyalty, the otherworld/underworld,
patience, pleasure, power (female), support, transform ation,
polar bear
prairie dog
A lso known as Ice Bear,
Seasons: Spring, Sum m er
Element: Earth
Season: Winter
Water Bear.
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: affection, community, family, the
Element: Water
Direction: North
home, the senses (touch), support
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: challenges, courage, danger, death,
defense, determ ination, dream work, endurance, fear (none),
guidance (spiritual), independence, introspection, knowledge
Solar System: Moon
Season: Spring
(traditional), nurture, power (protective), problem s, protection
Times o f Day: Dawn, Dusk
Celebrations: Beltane, Ostara
(m aternal), quests, rebirth/renewal, revenge, reversal, self-work,
Goddesses: Hecate, Ostara
M agical: Fairies
the senses (hearing, sm ell), sham anic work, skills (survival),
sleep, spirits (com m unicate with), strength, transform ation,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: abundance, anxiety, attraction,
visions, wealth, willpower, w isdom
awareness, divination, fear (overcom e), fertility, gentleness, the
home, intuition, life, love (attract), m agic (m oon), the mind
(alert, quick), security, sensitivity, sex/uality, spirits, well-being,
Season: Autumn
Element: Fire
Trees: Fir, Pine
M ineral: Salt
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: aggression, defense, happiness,
innocence, m em ory/m em ories, protection (inner child), respect
(for differences), security, self-work (individual path), spirits
(realm ), trust
Seasons: Spring, Sum m er
Element: Water
Zodiac: Aquarius, Pisces
Celebration: Im bolc (ewe)
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: adaptability, balance, confidence,
Goddess: Hecate
Gods: D um uzi, Hades (black)
defense, determ ination, guidance (seek), knowledge (hidden),
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: abundance, balance, beginnings,
shyness, sleep, transform ation
confidence, courage, determ ination, nurture (ewe), security,
sensitivity, spirits, support
Gods: Ganesh, Shiva
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: adaptability, community,
Solar System: Sun
Season: Spring
cooperation, cunning, defense, determ ination, fertility,
Celebration: Im bolc
Goddesses: Brigantia, Brigid
intelligence, money, problem s, success, wealth
Gods: Agni, Dionysus
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: grief, innocence, quests (for divine
knowledge), rebirth/renewal, youth
Solar System: Moon
Direction: North
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: abundance, death (funeral rites)
freedom, guidance (o f souls), knowledge
Zodiac: Aries
Solar System: M ars, Sun
Season: Spring
Celebration: Ostara
Issues, Intentions
Powers: com fort (in solitude), connections
Element: Fire
Chakras: Solar Plexus
(past lives), healing, insight, knowledge (self), trust (instincts),
Gods: Agni, Am un, Ea, Herm es, Jupiter, Khnum, O siris, Pan,
w isdom (ancient)
Poseidon, Zeus
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: fertility, generosity, healing,
im agination, inspiration, the mind (active), power, warmth
------- •------------------------- ------------------- [
A lso known as Polecat.
| Goddess: Hecate
Zodiac: Taurus (white)
Solar System: Moon
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: aggression, attraction, confidence,
Moon Phases: Full, New
Celebration: Yule
courage, cycles, determ ination, energy (understand), fear,
Element: Fire
Energy: Yang
gentleness, independence, peace, respect (se lf and others),
self-work, sensuality, sex/uality, truth, willpower
Direction: North
Goddesses: Durga, Kali
Gods: Bacchus, Dionysus, Shiva
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: action, activate/awaken, confidence,
Zodiac: Virgo
Celebration: Yule
connections (past lives), courage, danger, dedication/devotion,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: abundance, action, balance,
desire, energy, faith, guardian, longevity, manifestation (new
change/s, com m unication, community, concentration/focus
adventures), passion, power, protection, sensuality, strength,
(on solutions), danger (avoid), innocence, knowledge, needs,
negativity, trust
Goddess: Demeter
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: awareness, battle/war (warriors),
clarity (for hidden m eaning), com fort (in solitude), creativity,
deceit, intelligence, power (supernatural), prophecy, revenge,
secrets (discover), success, witches/witchcraft
blue jay
Solar System: Mercury
Element: Earth
Goddess: Gaia
God: Mars
Zodiac: Aquarius______________ | Elements: Air, Water____________ I
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: adaptability, assertiveness, astral
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: adaptability, the afterlife, astral realm,
realm, connections (heaven and earth), courage, death,
beginnings, challenges, clarity (o vertim e ), creativity, endings,
dedication/devotion, fear, knowledge (higher), loyalty, luck,
endurance, freedom, intuition, m essages/om ens, patience,
> magic, opportunities, the otherw orld/underw orld, power (use
problem s, prophecy, purification (spiritual), quests, spirituality,
wisely), prophecy, psychic ability (dabble), skills (develop and
strength, transform ation, travel
use appropriately)
Zodiac: Cancer
Element: Water
Seasons: Summer, Winter
Directions: East, North, South
Time o f Day: Dusk
Goddess: Rhiannon
Chakra: Throat
Angel: Auriel
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: accom plishm ent, activate/awaken,
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: courage, energy (dark mother),
change/s, confidence (unassum ing), creativity, fertility,
guidance, the home, knowledge (natural world), life (go with
gentleness, growth (spiritual), happiness, love, motivation,
the flow), m essages/om ens, the otherworld (access),
reversal, transform ation
rebirth/renew al, sham anic work, support, w isdom
Chakras: Heart, Throat
Element: Earth
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: activate/awaken (inner voice),
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: abundance, comfort, community,
beauty, connections (past lives), consecrate/bless (through
divination, family, fertility,
song), creativity, friend /sh ip (com panion), happiness,
power (inner voice), rebirth/renewal, security, spirits
harmony, healing, intuition, love, luck, self-work (finding your
soul path), sensitivity, spirituality
Goddess: Cerridwen
O gham : Quert
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: connections (spirits of the dead),
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: balance, clarity, creativity, family
death (black), guidance (o f so u ls), nurture
(fatherhood), friend/ship, intuition, knowledge (seek), life
(vitality), love, nurture, romance, self-work, the senses
(listening to inner voice), well-being
Zodiac: G em ini
Solar System: Sun
Time o f Day: Dawn
Celebration: Lughnasadh
Season: Spring
N um ber: 7
Colors: Black, Red, White
N um ber: 5
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: action, activate/awaken, balance,
Tree: Ash
Goddesses: Amaterasu, Brigid
cheerfulness, community, fear (overcom e), knowledge, the
Gods: Apollo, Ares, Asclepius , Attis, H elios, Herm es, Lugh,
m ind, m oods (attitudes, understand), truth
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: activate/awaken, anger, confidence,
connections (past lives), courage, crossroads, death (funeral
rites), energy (solar), guardian, guidance, healing, kindness,
light, lust, negativity, optim ism , protection (psychic), secrets,
sex/uality, spirituality (vigilance), stim ulation
Solar System: Sun
Element: Air
Solar System: Moon, Sun
Elements: Fire, Water
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: action, connections, healing, insight,
Season: Spring
O gham : Coll
leadership, lim itations/boundaries, m anifestation, prophecy,
Tree: W illow
Magical: Fairies
protection, purification, rebirth/renewal, the senses (sight),
spirits (contact), strength
Goddesses: Artemis, Athena, Badb, Hera, the Morrigan
Cods: Apollo, Hephaestus, H erm es, Lugh, M anannan
corm orant
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: abundance, astral realm, balance,
Celebration: Ostara
O gham : Onn
concentration/focus, connections (otherworld, past lives),
Element: Water
creativity, cycles, death, divination, endurance, grace, guardian,
healing, honor, independence, introspection, justice, knowledge
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: community, death (burial custom s),
(self), learning, longevity, magic, the mind (logical), the
independence, prophecy, skills, transform ation
otherw orld/underw orld, patience, peace, protection (children),
rebirth/renewal, reversal, secrets (keeper o f), sham anic work,
support, transform ation, travel, well-being, wisdom
Seasons: Spring, Summer, W inter O gham : Luis
Zodiac: Aquarius, Gem ini,
Solar System: Jupiter, Sun
Leo, Scorpio
Element: Water
Energy: Yin
Celebrations: H unting o f the Wren,
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: abundance, affection, clarity
Season: Sum mer
(em otional), com fort (em otional), com m unication, community,
connections (past lives), em otions (explore), energy, fertility,
O gham : loho [young eagle)
Elements: Air, Fire
fidelity, guidance, marriage, nurture [female duck),
Directions: East, North,
opportunities, protection, sh am an icw o rk (helper), stress ( male
Mythical: Griffin
South, West
duck), support, transform ation
Goddesses: Isis, Justitia
Gods: Agni, Ares, Belenus, Jupiter, Lugh, O din, Pan, Zeus
Issues, Intentions e{ Powers: activate/awaken, adaptability,
authority, awareness, balance, battle/war, beauty, change/s,
clarity, com m unication (judicious), confidence, connections
(between w orlds), cooperation, courage, creativity, dignity,
enlightenment, fear, fidelity, freedom, goals, grounding,
guidance, healing, illum ination, inspiration, intuition, karma,
knowledge, life, longevity, magic, m essages/om ens, motivation,
opportunities, passion, peace [golden), power (controlled),
prosperity, psychic ability, purification, rebirth/renewal, respect,
the senses (sight), sham anic work (shape shift), spirits
(connection w ith), spirituality, strength, success, support, truth
(hidden), vision s, wisdom
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: abundance, confidence, guidance
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: abundance, balance, com m unity
(between w orlds), peace
(and personal purpose), knowledge, m agic (night), the senses
(touch), stability, transform ation (from darkness to light)
Zodiac: Capricorn
Solar System: Sun
A lso known as Thistle-bird, Wild
Goddesses: Freya, Frigg,
Season: Sum mer
Elements: Air, Fire
Celebration: Litha
Tree: Cedar
Cods: H orus, Khensu, Ra
Misc. Plant: Thistle
M agical: Elves, Fairies
Issues, Intentions e{ Powers: beauty, clarity, growth (personal),
guidance (soul on its journey), healing (soul), learning (and
Angel: Auriel
teaching), loyalty, magic, m essages/om ens, morality, power
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: activate/awaken, awareness
(elem ent air), quests (gyrfal
con), strength
(deepen), balance, change/s, com m unication (all levels),
community, determ ination, enchantment, family, fertility,
happiness, introspection, power (o f the voice), problem s
(resolve family issu es), rebirth/renewal, spirits, wealth
Zodiac: Libra
Solar System: Sun
Energy: Yin
Seasons: Spring, Sum mer
Season: Autumn
Celebration: Mabon (wild)
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: affection, family (unity), healing (old
w ounds), nurture, pride, rebirth/renewal, relationships,
O gham : Ngetal
Element: Earth
self-work (past lives), travel
Goddesses: Aphrodite, Bertha,
Gods: Am un, Brahma, Ceb,
Hera, Isis, juno
O din, O siris, Ra
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: abundance, action, comfort,
Season: Spring
com m unication, community, cooperation, danger (warn of),
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: beginnings, challenges,
divination, family, fertility, fidelity, freedom, growth, guardian,
consciousness (higher), cycles, fear (disregard), happiness
guidance, happiness, the home, im agination, inspiration, love,
(satisfaction), life (flowing with its rhythms), love, passion,
marriage, m essages/om ens, m otivation, the
sham anic work, travel, wisdom
otherw orld/underw orld, power, quests, self-work (soul
pathway), spirits, spirituality, support (general, o f others during
healing), travel (safe return)
Snow Goose
Zodiac: Capricorn
Moon Phase: Full
Celebration: Yule
Solar System: Moon
Zodiac: Cancer
Goddess: Nephthys
God: Apollo
Goddess: Isis
Cods: Herm es, Thoth
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: adaptability, the afterlife, change/s,
clairvoyance, clarity, concentration/focus, divination, favor/s,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: abundance, death, enchantment,
m essages/om ens, m otivation, the otherworld/underworld,
enlightenment, healing, m agic (general, m oon), the mind
prophecy, skills, spirits (contact)
(practicality), prophecy, sensitivity, sensuality, well-being,
w isdom (ancient)
Celebration: Yule
| O gham : Ailm
Element: Water
Season: Winter
God: Gwydion
Celebrations: Litha, Yule
Direction: North
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: cunning, deceit, divination, guidance,