Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences
Page 41
Trees: Ash, Yew
Tarot: Hermit
Tree: Alder
Garden: Lily o f the Valley
God: Balder
Misc. Plant: Henbane
Goddess: Freya
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: activate/awaken, change/s, freedom,
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: challenges, introspection, release
harm ony (inner)
jera/g er <>
ing /in guz/ing w az $
December 13-27
1 Sym bol: <>
May 14-28
Symbol: f
Letter: J
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Letters: Ng
Zodiac: Taurus
Solar System: Sun
Time o f Day: Dusk
Moon Phase: New
Tarot: Judgement
Element: Water
Direction: West
Tree: Apple
Misc. Plant: Betony
Tarot: Fool
N um ber: 9
God: Freyr
Tree: Oak
Herb g£ Garden: Rosemary
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: awareness (self), fertility, growth,
Goddess: Freya
God: Freyr
love (family), success
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: accom plishm ent (rewards), cycles,
fertility, peace, prosperity
ken/kenaz/kano <
m an/m annaz/m ann
September 13-27
Symbol: <
April 14-28
Letter: K
Zodiac: Virgo
Letter: M
Solar System: jupiter
Solar System: Venus
Element: Fire
Tarot: Magician
Tree: Holly
Tarot: Chariot
N um ber: 6
God: Odin
Tree: Pine
Misc. Plant: Cowslip
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: creativity, intelligence, self-work
Goddess: Freya
nyd/nauthiz/naudhr ^
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: clarity, creativity, enlightenment,
Novem ber 13-27
Symbol: >
illum ination
Letter: N
Zodiac: Capricorn, Scorpio
la g u /la g u z/lo g r/la f f
Tarot: Devil
Tree: Beech
April 2 9 -M a y 13
Symbol: [
M agical: Norns
Letter: L
Solar System: Moon
Issues, Intentions e{ Powers: endurance, lim itations/boundaries,
Day: Monday
Element: Water
needs, obstacles (self-im posed)
Tarot: Star
Tree: W illow
Gods: Balder, Njord
M agical: Elves
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: balance (em otional), creativity,
fertility, intuition, justice (law), magic, relationships, strength
odal/othila/othala/ethel X
rad/raid o/reid h/raidh o
May 29-June 13
Symbol: x
A ugust 29-Septem ber 12
Symbol: fc
Letter: O
Zodiac: G em ini
Letter: R
Zodiac: Leo, Sagittarius
Moon Phase: Full
Day: Wednesday
Tim e o f Day: Noon
Element: Fire
Tarot: Moon
Tree: Hawthorn
Direction: South
Tarot: Hierophant
Cods: O din, Thor
N um ber: 5
Tree: Oak
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers; the hom e (ancestral land),
Herb g£ Garden: Mugwort
Anim al: H orse
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: com m unication, guidance, quests,
travel, unity
peorth/perth/perthro £
January 13-27
Symbol: t
sigel/sow elu/sow ilo
Letter: P
Zodiac: Capricorn
February 12-26
Symbol: t
Solar System: Saturn
Day: Friday
Letter: S
Zodiac: Aquarius
Time o f Day: Dusk
Element: Water
Solar System: Sun
Day: Sunday
Direction: West
Tarot: W heel o f Fortune
Time o f Day: Noon
Element: Fire
Tree: Beech
Herb g£ Garden: M onkshood
Direction: South
Tarot: Sun
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: d e cisio n /s (choices), illum ination,
Tree: Juniper
Misc. Plant: Mistletoe
secrets, transform ation (inner)
Gods: Balder, Thor
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: energy (life), success, well-being
th o rn /th urisaz k
ur/uruz h
July 2 9-A ugust 12
Symbol: k
July 14-28
Symbol: h
Letters: Th
Zodiac: G em ini
Letter: U
Zodiac: Cancer, Taurus
Solar System: Mars
Day: Thursday
Time o f Day: Midnight
Element: Earth
Time o f Day: Dawn
Element: Air
Direction: North
Tarot: High Priestess
Direction: East
Tarot: Emperor
N um ber: 3
Tree: Birch
Tree: Oak
God: Thor
God: Thor
Anim al: Cattle ( ox)
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: change/s, defense, quests, self-work,
Issues, Intentions e{ Powers: energy, life (vitality), power (healing),
purification, strength, well-being
tyr/thorn f
w yn/w unjo/w ynn k
February 2 7-M a rch 13
Symbol: t
October 13-27
Symbol: k
Letter: T
Zodiac: Gem ini, Libra
Letters: V /W
Zodiac: Leo, Libra
Day: Tuesday
Time o f Day: Midnight
Tarot: Strength
Tree: Ash
Element: Earth
Direction: North
M i sc. Plant: Flax
Goddess: Freya
Tarot: Justice
Tree: Oak
God: Odin
M agical: Elves
Herb 0{ Garden: Sage
God: Thor
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: friend/ship, happiness, light, peace
(inner), success
Issues, Intentions
Powers: battle/war (spiritual w arrior), enmity,
honor, justice
[c o n t e n t s ]
N o rth
E a rth
N o rth w e st
N o rth e a st
W h ile t h is is a c a t c h - a ll s e c t io n , it s e n t r ie s a r e n o le s s im p o r t a n t t h a n t h e o t h e r s . S in c e a n c ie n t t im e s , t h e e le m e n t s h a v e b e e n
S am hain
T im e o f
Im bolg
c o n s id e r e d a s t h e f u n d a m e n t a l b u ild in g b lo c k s a n d o r g a n iz in g
L ittle Sun
p r in c ip le s o f t h e u n iv e r s e . L ik e w is e , n u m b e r s w e r e s e e n a s p r o
W est
M abon
nbsp; W ater
A i r
v id in g s t r u c t u r e t o t h e w o r ld a s w e ll a s a m e a n s o f e x p r e s s io n .
C ups
Sw ords
C o lo r s s y m b o liz e a ll e n e r g ie s a n d a s p e c t s o f life , a n d c a n h a v e
a n im m e d ia t e e ffe c t o n o u r m o o d s . C o u ld t h is b e b e c a u s e th e y
re la te to t h e n a t u r a l w o r ld o r b e c a u s e t h e b a s ic s e v e n - c o lo r s p e c t r u m r e la t e s to t h e m a g ic a l n u m b e r s e v e n ?
S o u th w e st
S o u th east
P urple
A s p r e v io u s ly n o t e d , I h a v e u s e d t h e t e r m s yin a n d yang to S o u th
d e s ig n a t e b a s ic e n e rg y in o r d e r t o a v o id g e n d e r b ia s a n d e x p r e s s Fire
W ands
d e e p e r m e a n in g . In t h e ir c y c le o f b la c k a n d w h it e , y in a n d y a n g
s y m b o liz e c y c lic a l t im e a n d t h e w a x in g a n d w a n in g o f t h e m o o n ,
Figure 5: T h e W h eel o f the Year
a s w e ll a s t h e le n g t h e n in g a n d le s s e n in g d a y lig h t o f t h e s e a s o n s .
Minerals: Agate (tree), Ametrine, Angelite,
air A
Aragonite, Aventurine, Blue Lace Agate, Celestite, Chrysoberyl,
Symbol: a
Zodiac: Aquarius, Gem ini, Libra
Desert Rose, Moldovite, O pal, Q uartz (clear), Sodalite, Sphene,
Solar System: Jupiter,
Staurolite, Topaz (blue), Tourm aline (blue)
Season: Spring
Mercury, Uranus
From the Sea: Angel
Metals: Alum inum , Mercury, Tin
Time o f Day: Dawn
Celebration: Ostara
W ing, Jingle
O gham : Onn
Runes: Beorc, Hagai, Thorn
Goddesses: Amaterasu, Athena, Arianrhod, Hera, Nut, Phoebe
Direction: East
Energy: Yang
Gods: H erm es, Khnum, Mimir, Mercury, Quetzalcoatl, Thoth,
Colors: Blue (light), Gray, Lavender, Pink, Red, Silver, White,
Yellow (bright, light)
M agical: Elves, Fairies, Pixies, Sylphs 1 Angels: Michael, Raphael
Chakras: Crown, Heart,
Anim al: Gazelle
Insect: Firefly
N um ber: 5
Birds: Albatross, Condor, Eagle, Falcon, Hawk, Seagull
Tarot: Fool, Swords, Wands
Mythical: Dragon, Sphinx,
Sense: Smell
Trees: Acacia, Alder, Apple, Ash, Aspen, Cedar, Chestnut, Elder,
Elm Fir, Hawthorn, Hazel, Holly, H orse Chestnut, Laurel,
Ritual Tools: Athame, Incense, Sword Principle: To Know
Linden, Maple, Mesquite, Oak, Olive, Palm, Pine, Sycamore,
W alnut, Yew
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: acceptance, action, Astral Realm,
beginnings, business, clairvoyance, clarity, com m unication,
Herb (% Garden: Agrimony, Anem one, Bergamot, Borage, Broom,
concentration/focus, consecrate/bless, creativity, divination,
Clover, Comfrey, Dandelion, Fern, Ivy, Lavender, Lily o f the
enchantm ent, energy, enlightenm ent, fairness, freedom,
Valley, Marjoram , M arigold, Mugwort, Peppermint, Primrose,
harmony, healing, im agination, inspiration, intelligence,
Sage, Spearmint, Thyme, Vervain, Violet, Yarrow
intuition, justice, knowledge, learning, life, light, loss, magic
M i sc. Plants: Anise, Bamboo, Bittersweet, Eyebright,
(anim al, dragon), m em ory/m em ories, the m ind, money,
Frankincense, Coldenrod, H orehound, Meadowsweet,
motivation, order/organize, power, protection, psychic ability,
Mistletoe, Myrrh, Nutmeg, Reed, Sandalwood, Star Anise,
purification, relationships, release, the senses (hearing, smell,
W ormwood
touch), sham anic work, spirits, spirituality, travel, visions,
weather (general, lightning, storm s), willpower, wisdom
Zodiac: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo
Gemstones gJ Minerals: Agate, Alexandrite, Amazonite, Amber,
Andalusite, Apophyllite, Calcite (green), Cat’s Eye, Cerussite,
Solar System: Earth, Saturn,
Season: Winter
Chrysocolla, Chrysoprase, Diopside, Emerald, Fluorite,
Hematite, Jade, Jasper, Jet, Kunzite, Malachite, M o ss Agate,
Celebrations: Earth Day, H unting o f the W ren, Yule
Peridot, Petrified Wood, Q uartz ( rutilated), Salt, Smoky Quartz,
Time o f Day: Midnight
O gham : loho
Staurolite, Sugilite, Tourm aline (black, brown, green,
watermelon), Turquoise, Unakite
Runes: Is, Tyr, Ur
Direction: North
Metals: Lead, Mercury
Colors: Black, Brown, Green,
Energy: Yin
From the Sea: Coral (black)
Chakra: Root
Num bers: 4, 6, 8
Angels: Gabriel, Auriel
Tarot: Pentacles
Goddesses: Anat, Ariadne, Artemis, Asherah, Bertha, Ceres,
Demeter, Gaia, Kore, Nephthys, Persephone, Rhea, Rhiannon
Trees: Ash, Blackthorn, Cedar, Cypress, Elder, Elm, Holly,
Juniper, Locust, Magnolia, Maple, Oak, Olive, Pine,
M agical: Brownies, Dryads, Elves, Fairies, G nom es, Pixies
Pomegranate, Rowan, Spruce, Witch Hazel
Gods: Adonis, Arawn, Cernunnos, Dionysus, Geb, the Green
Herb (% Garden: Comfrey, Fern, Honeysuckle, Ivy, Jasm ine,
Man, Khnum , Marduk, Mimir, Pan, Prometheus, Vishnu
Mugwort, Prim rose, Sage, Vervain
Anim als: Antelope, Arm adillo, Badger, Bear, Boar,
M i sc. Plants: Cinquefoil, Clove, Grains, Henbane, High John,
Buffalo/Bison, Cattle, Deer (stag), Dog, Elephant, Goat,
H orehound, Mandrake, Patchouli, Reed
Groundhog, H ippopotam us, Jaguar, Mole, Otter, Pig, Prairie
Dog, Wolverine
Birds: Blue Jay, Chicken, Crow, Goose, Sparrow, Swan, Turkey,
Reptile: Crocodile, Snake, Toad, Tortoise, Turtle
Symbol: A
Zodiac: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Insect/M isc.: Dragonfly
Solar System: Jupiter,
Season: Sum mer
M ars, Sun
Mythical: Dragon, Selkies
Ritual Tool: Pentacle
Tim e o f Day: Midday
Celebrations: Beltane, Im bolc, Litha
Sense: Touch
Principle: To Be Silent
O gham : Ur
Runes: Dag, Ken, Rad, Sigel
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: abundance, acceptance, agriculture,
anxiety, balance, beginnings, business, comfort,
Direction: South
Energy: Yang
com m unication, consecrate/bless, conscio usness, creativity,
Colors: Crim son, Gold, Orange, Pink, Red, W hite, Yellow
cycles, death, endurance, energy (general, receptive), family,
fertility, gentleness, grounding, growth, healing, hexes, the
Chakra: Solar Plexus
Num bers: 1 , 3 , 9
home, justice, life, m agic (dragon), m anifestation, money,
Tarot: Judgement, Swords, Wands
nurture, the otherw orld/underw orld, patience, peace,
Trees: Alder, Ash, Beech, Blackthorn, Cedar, Cherry, Chestnut,
ncy/childbirth, prosperity, protection, purpose,
Elder, Hawthorn, Holly, H orse Chestnut, Juniper, Laurel,
rebirth/renewal, relationships, the senses (sm ell, touch),
M esquite, Oak, Olive, Palm (dragon’s blood), Pine, Pomegranate,
sensuality, sex/uality, spirits (nature spirits), stability, strength,
Rowan, W alnut, Willow, Witch Hazel, Yew
success, support, travel, warmth, wealth, weather, well-being,
willpower, wisdom
Herb (% Garden: Amaranth, Anem one, Angelica, Basil, Carnation,
Chrysanthem um , Dill, Fennel, Garlic, Goldenseal, Gorse,
Heliotrope, H ibiscus, Holy Basil, Lovage, Marigold, Pennyroyal,
Peony, Peppermint, Poppy, Prim rose, Rosemary, Rue, St. John’s
Wort, Snapdragon, Sunflower, Sweet Woodruff, Vervain
M i sc. Plants: Allspice, Asafoetida, Betony, Black Cohosh,
Gods: Agni, Belenus, Brahma, Dionysus, H ephaestus, H orus,
Blessed Thistle, Bloodroot, Cinnam on, Cinquefoil, Clove,
Inari, Indra, Khnum, Mimir, Nergal, Njord, Perun, Prometheus,
Coriander, Cum in, Deer’s Tongue, Flax, Frankincense,
Galangal, Ginger, Ginseng, High john, Mandrake, M ullein,
Anim als: Goat, Hedgehog, Horse, Lion, Porcupine, Sheep
M ustard, Nettle, Nutmeg, Pepper, Thistle, Wormwood
(ram ), Tiger
From the Sea: Coral (red)
Birds: Crane, Eagle, Falcon, Heron, Macaw, Peacock, Quail,
Gemstones G[ Minerals: Agate ( banded, black, brown, fire, red, red
Robin, Swallow, Woodpecker, Wren
banded, snakeskin), Amber, Am etrine, Apache Tears, Beryl
Insects 0( Misc.: Bee, Cicada, Firefly, Ladybug, Praying Mantis,
(golden), Bloodstone, Calcite (orange, red), Carnelian, Citrine,
Diam ond, Garnet, Hematite, H erkim er D iam ond, Jasper (red),
O bsidian, Onyx, Opal (fire), Peridot, Pyrite, Quartz,
Mythical: Dragon, Phoenix
Ritual Tools: Censer, Wand
Rhodochrosite, Rhodonite, Ruby, Sard, Sardonyx, Serpentine,
Sense: Sight
| Principle: To Will
Smoky Quartz, Spinel, Staurolite, Sunstone, T iger’s Eye, Topaz,
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: action, activate/awaken, ambition,
Tourm aline (red), Tsavorite, Zircon (red)
anger, authority, battle/war, cheerfulness, com m unication,
Metals: Antimony, Brass, Gold,
concentration/focus, confidence, consecrate/bless, courage,
Angel: Michael
Iron, Steel
creativity, defense, desire, destruction, divination, energy, faith,
freedom, healing, honor, illum ination, influence, inspiration,
Goddesses: Aine, Am aterasu, Bertha, Brigid, Danu, Durga, Freya,
Hestia, Kupala, Pele, Phoebe, Sekhmet, Spider W oman, Vesta
intelligence, intuition, justice, leadership, life, light, love, lust,
magic (general, defensive, dragon, sex), the m ind, motivation,