Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences
Page 44
Direction: South
ocean, pink), Jet, Kunzite, Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli, Larimar,
Color: White
Num bers: l, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13
Lepidolite, Lodestone, Malachite, M oonstone, Morganite, M oss
Trees: Acacia, Alder, Ash, Aspen, Blackthorn, Cedar, Chestnut,
Agate, Opal, Peridot, Petrified Wood, Q uartz (blue, clear, green,
Fir, Hawthorn, Hazel, Holly, Juniper, Linden, Locust, Maple,
tourmalated), Rose Quartz, Salt, Sapphire, Selenite, Smoky
Oak, Olive, Palm (dragon’s blood), Pine, Pomegranate, Rowan
Quartz, Sodalite, Staurolite, Sugilite, Tourm aline (watermelon),
W alnut, Witch Hazel, Yew
Tsavorite, Turquoise
Herb e( Garden: Agrimony, Anem one, Angelica, Basil, Bergamot,
From the Sea: Coral, Cowry, Mother-of-Pearl, Pearl
Borage, Broom, Carnation, Cham om ile, Chrysanthem um ,
Metals: Copper, Lead, Mercury,
Clover, Dandelion, Dill, Fennel, Fern, Feverfew, Garlic,
Reptiles: Frog, Toad, Turtle
Goldenseal, Gorse, Heliotrope, Holy Basil, Honeysuckle,
Lavender, Lily o f the Valley, Lovage, Marigold, Marjoram,
Anim als: Bear, Cattle (ox), Fox, Leopard, Lion, M oose, Otter
M orning Glory, Pennyroyal, Peony, Peppermint, Rosemary, Rue,
Birds: Crow, Dove, Duck, Grosbeak, Owl, Q uail, Swallow, Swift
Saffron, St. John’s Wort, Snapdragon, Sunflower, Sweet
Insects el Misc.: Butterfly, Spider Mythical: Dragon, Unicorn
W oodruff
M i sc. Plants: Allspice, Anise, Asafoetida, Bamboo, Betony,
first chakra/root/base
Bittersweet, Blessed Thistle, Bloodroot, Cinnam on, Cinquefoil,
Clove, Coriander, Cum in, Deer’s Tongue, Eyebright, Flax,
Sanskrit Nam e: Muladhara
Location: Perineum
Frankincense, Galangal, Ginger, G inseng, High John,
Zodiac: Aries, Capricorn, Sagittal ius, Scorpio, Taurus
H orehound, Mandrake, Mistletoe, M ustard, Nettle, Nutmeg,
Solar System: Earth, Mars,
Pepper, Reed, Star Anise, Thistle, Wormwood
Moon Phase: Full
Mercury, Saturn
From the Sea: Coral (red)
Colors: to activate: Red; to
Element: Earth
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Agate ( banded, black, brown, fire, red, red
balance: Black
banded, snakeskin), Amber, Amethyst, Ametrine, Andalusite,
Trees: Cedar, Chestnut,
Herb (% Garden: Rosemary,
Apache Tears, Aventurine, Beryl (golden), Bloodstone, Calcite
Cypress, Elder
(orange, red), Carnelian, Cat’s Eye, Chrysoberyl, Citrine,
Diam ond, Fluorite, Garnet, Hematite, H erkim er Diamond,
Misc. Plants: Clove, Ginger, Myrrh, Patchouli, Vanilla
Jasper (leopard skin, red, yellow), Lodestone, O bsidian, Onyx,
Minerals: Agate (banded, black, brown, fire, red, red
O pal, Pyrite, Q uartz (clear, rutilated), Rhodochrosite,
banded, tree), Ametrine, Andalusite, Aragonite, Beryl,
Rhodonite, Ruby, Sard, Sardonyx, Serpentine, Sphene, Spinel,
Bloodstone, Calcite (red), Cerussite, Diam ond, Garnet (black,
Staurolite, Sunstone, Tanzanite, T iger’s Eye, Topaz, Tourmaline
red, rhodolite), Hematite, lolite, Jasper (brown, leopard skin, red),
(red, watermelon), Zircon
Jet, Kyanite, M oss Agate, O bsidian (gold sheen,
Metals: Alum inum , Antimony, Brass, Gold, Iron, Mercury, Steel,
rainbow, snowflake), Onyx, Opal (black), Petrified Wood, Pyrite,
Quartz (clear, tourmalated), Rhodochrosite, Rhodonite, Ruby,
Salt, Sard, Serpentine, Smoky Quartz, Spinel (red), Staurolite,
Anim als: Bear, Boar, Deer
Mythical: Dragon, Phoenix,
Tourm aline (black, brown, orange, pink, red), Zircon (red),
(stag), Tiger
Birds: Crow, Owl, Pheasant, Quail, Swallow, Swan
Metals: Copper, Gold, Iron, Lead
From the Sea: Abalone, Clam, Coral (black, red), Mother-of-Pearl
God: Brahma
Reptile: Snake
Sounds: to activate: Lam; to
Sense: Smell
move energy: Oh
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: attachm ents, comfort, endurance,
grounding, life (vitality), manifestation, motivation, needs,
Sanskrit Nam e: Svadhisthana
Location: Just below navel
security, stability, support
Zodiac: Cancer, Libra, Scorpio,
Moon Phase: Waxing
Solar System: Mars, Mercury, Moon, Pluto, Venus
Colors: to activate: Orange; to
Element: Water
balance: Brown
Herb e( Garden: Pennyroyal,
Trees: Oak, Olive, Pine
Misc. Plants: Allspice, Myrrh, Nettle, Patchouli, Pepper,
Sandalwood, Vanilla
Metal: Copper
Gemstones G[ Minerals: Agate (brown, fire), Alexandrite,
Am azonite, Ametrine, Apache Tears, Aquam arine, Aragonite,
Aventurine, Azurite, Calcite (orange), Carnelian, Citrine,
Diam ond, Garnet (hessonite, red), lolite, Jasper (brown, leopard
skin, ocean), Jet, Kunzite, Kyanite, Labradorite, Larimar,
Lodestone, Malachite, M oonstone, O bsidian (rainbow), Onyx,
Opal (fire), Peridot, Quartz (clear, rutilated), Rhodochrosite,
Rhodonite, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sard, Sardonyx, Selenite,
Sm ithsonite, Smoky Quartz, Spinel, Sunstone, Tanzanite,
Tiger's Eye, Tourmaline (black, brown, green, orange, red,
watermelon), Unakite, W ulfenite, Zircon (brown), Zoisite (green)
From the Sea: Abalone, Coral, Cowry, Mother-of-Pearl, Pearl
God: Vishnu_____________________ | Reptile: Snake______________
Sense: Taste
Sounds: to activate: Vam; to move energy: O O (as in boo)
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: abundance, connections, creativity,
desire, em otions, fertility, freedom, motivation, passion,
Location: Between navel and
Sanskrit Nam e: Manipura
pleasure, sex/uality
Solar System: Jupiter, Mars,
Moon Phase: Waxing
Mercury, Sun
Zodiac: Aries, Cancer, Leo,
{Elem ent: Fire
Sagittarius, Virgo
Colors: to activate: Yellow; to balance: Brown ( yellowish)
Misc. Plants: Anise, Cardam om ,
Tree: Juniper
Cinnam on
Herb e[ Garden: Cham om ile, Fennel, jasm ine, Lavender, Lemon
Balm, Pennyroyal
Gemstones G[ Minerals: Agate, Amber, Am etrine, Andalusite,
Apatite, Beryl (golden), Bloodstone, Carnelian, Cerussite,
Charoite, Chrysoberyl, Chrysocolla, Chrysoprase, Citrine,
Danburite, Diam ond, Howlite, Jasper (leopard skin, yellow), jet,
Malachite, M oonstone, O bsidian (gold sheen, rainbow), Opal
(fire), Peridot, Pyrite, Quartz (clear, yellow), Rhodonite, Ruby,
Smoky Quartz,
Spinel, Sunstone, Tanzanite, Tiger's Eye, Topaz, Tourm aline
From the Sea: Abalone, Coral (red), Mother-of-Pearl
God: Agni
{Anim al: Sheep (ram)
Reptile: Snake
{Sense: Sight
Sounds: to activate: Ram; to move energy: Ah (as in father)
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: authority, confidence, courage,
energy, power (personal), pride, respect, sensitivity,
transform ation, willpower
fourth chakra/heart
Sanskrit Nam e: Anahata
Location: Center o f chest
Solar System: Jupiter, Saturn,
Moon Phases: Full, New
Sun, Venus
Zodiac: Cancer, Gem ini, Leo,
Element: Air
Libra, Taurus
Colors: to activate: Green; to balance: Pink, Rose
Trees: Chestnut, Willow
Misc. Plant: Saffron
Herb 0{ Garden: Gardenia, Jasm ine, Lavender, Rose, Spikenard,
Birds: Canary, Robin
| Reptile: Snake
Gemstones gJ Minerals: Agate (green, tree), Alexandrite,
Am azonite, Ametrine, Andalusite, Apophyllite (green),
Aquam arine, Aragonite (blue), Aventurine, Bloodstone, Blue
Lace Agate, Calcite (green, pink), Charoite, Carnelian,
Chrysoberyl, Chrysocolla, Chrysoprase, Danburite, Desert Rose,
Diam ond, Diopside, Dioptase, Emerald, Fluorite (green), Garnet
(black, rhodolite, spessartite), Howlite, )ade, Jasper (green, ocean,
pink), Kunzite, Kyanite, Labradorite, Larimar, Lepidolite,
Malachite, Moldovite, M oonstone, Morganite, M oss Agate,
O bsidian (rainbow, snowflake), Peridot, Petrified Wood, Pyrite,
Quartz (clear, green), Rhodochrosite, Rhodonite, Rose Quartz,
Ruby, Selenite, Serpentine, Sm ithsonite, Staurolite, Sugilite,
Topaz, Tourm aline (brown, green, pink, watermelon), Tsavorite,
Turquoise, Unakite, Zircon (green), Zoisite (green)
From the Sea: Abalone, Cockle, Coral, Mother-of-Pearl, Pearl
Sanskrit Nam e: Vishuddha
Location: Base o f neck
Metal: Gold_______________________ | Sense: Touch__________
Zodiac: Aquarius, Gem ini, Taurus,
Moon Phase: W aning
Sounds: to activate: Yam; to move energy: Aye (as in play)
Solar System: Mars, Mercury, Saturn, U ranus, Venus
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: affection, balance, beauty,
com passion, empathy, healing, love, m indfulness, nurture,
Colors: to activate: Blue, Turquoise; to balance: Aqua
Element: Air
Tree: Laurel
Herb (% Garden: Agrimony, Cham om ile, Peppermint, Sage
Misc. Plants: Clove, Coltsfoot, Myrrh, Star Anise
Metal: Silver
Gemstones gJ Minerals: Alexandrite, Am azonite, Ametrine,
Angelite, Apatite (blue), Aquam arine, Aragonite (blue), Azurite,
Beryl, Blue Lace Agate, Calcite (blue), Celestite, Charoite,
Chrysocolla, Chrysoprase, Citrine, Diam ond, Garnet (black),
Hawk's Eye, Jasper (ocean), Kyanite, Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli,
Larimar, M oonstone, O bsidian (rainbow, snowflake), Onyx, Opal
(blue), Peridot, Q uartz (blue, clear), Sapphire, Sardonyx,
Selenite, Sodalite, Spinel, Tiger's Eye, Topaz (blue), Tourmaline
(blue, green, red), Turquoise, Zircon (blue)
From the Sea: Abalone, Mother-of-Pearl
God: Indra
Location: Above and between
Sanskrit Nam e: Ajna
Anim al: Elk
Reptile: Snake
Zodiac: Aquarius, Pisces,
Birds: Bluebird, Canary, Robin, Sparrow
Mythical: Unicorn
Moon Phase: W aning
Sounds: to activate: Ham ; to move
Sense: Hearing
Solar System: Jupiter, Mercury, Neptune, Uranus, Venus
energy: EE
Colors: to activate: Indigo; to
Trees: Apple, M im osa,
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: com m unication, creativity,
balance: White
Spruce, Walnut
inspiration, release, truth
Herb (% Garden: Honeysuckle, Mugwort, St. John’s Wort, Violet
Misc. Plants: D eer’s Tongue, Eyebright, Frankincense, Lotus,
Nutmeg, Patchouli, Sandalwood, Star Anise
From the Sea: Abalone, Mother-of-Pearl
Gemstones G[ Minerals: Amethyst, Ametrine, Angelite, Apatite,
Apophyllite, Aragonite (blue), Azurite, Blue Lace Agate, Calcite
(clear), Cat’s Eye, Celestite, Charoite, Danburite, Diamond,
Diopside, Fluorite, Garnet, Haw k’s Eye, Hematite, lolite, jade
(lavender), Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli, Larimar, Lepidolite,
Moldovite, Morganite, Opal, Phenacite, Quartz (clear),
Rhodonite, Sapphire, Sardonyx, Sodalite, Sphene, Sugilite,
Tanzanite, Tiger's Eye, Topaz, Tourm aline (blue)
Anim als: Antelope, Giraffe,
Bird: Vulture
M oose
Reptiles: Lizard, Snake
Sense: Intuition
Sounds: to activate: Om ; to move energy: MM
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: clairaud lienee, clairvoyance, clarity,
healing, illum ination, imagination, insight, intuition, psychic
ability, vision s, w isdom
Sanskrit Nam e: Sahasrara
Location: Top o f head
'— one
Solar System: Neptune,
Moon Phase: New
Zodiac: Aries, Leo
Solar System: Mercury, Sun
Saturn, Uranus
Day: Sunday
O gham : Ailm
Zodiac: Aquarius, Capricorn,
Element: Air
Rune: As
Tarot: Magician
Colors: to activate: Violet, Purple; to balance: Gold, White
Colors: Gold, Orange, White, Element: Fire
Herb el Garden: Honeysuckle, 1 Trees: Chestnut, Palm (dragon’s
Lavender, Rose
Energy: Yang, Yin
Metal: Gold
Misc. Plants: Frankincense,
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Agate (red), Amber, Angelite,
Metal: Gold
Lotus, Myrrh
Aquam arine, Azurite, Beryl (golden), Citrine, jasper (green),
M oss Agate, O bsidian Sunstone, Topaz, Turquoise
Gemstones G[ Minerals: Agate (tree), Alexandrite, Amethyst,
Am etrine, Angelite, Apophyllite, Aragonite, Beryl, Blue Lace
Goddesses: Aphrodite,
Gods: Apollo, Freyr, Hephaestus,
Diana, Vesta
Agate, Calcite (clear), Celestite, Cerussite, Charoite,
Chrysoberyl, Citrine, Danburite, Desert Rose, Diam ond (white),
Mythical: Unicorn
Angel: Raphael
Fluorite (violet), Garnet, )ade, Labradorite, Larimar, Moldovite,
Issues, Intentions e( Powers: accom plishm ent, action, ambition,
O bsidian (rainbow), Opal, Phenacite, Quartz (clear,
assertiveness, beginnings, business, courage, creativity,
tourmalated), Sapphire, Selenite, Serpentine, Smoky Quartz,
determ ination, harmony, healing, independence, inspiration,
Sodalite, Sphene, Staurolite, Sugilite, Sunstone, Tiger's Eye,
leadership, light, luck, money, optim ism , order/organize, peace,
Topaz, Tourm aline (blue), Turquoise, Zircon
power, self-work, willpower
From the Sea: Abalone, Coral (white), Mother-of-Pearl, Pearl
God: Shiva
Anim als: Antelope, M oose
Reptile: Snak
Sense: C osm ic C onsciousness
Sounds: to activate: Om ; to move energy: Eng
Issues, Intentions
Powers: connections (divine), consciousness,
energy (cosm ic), enlightenment, illum ination, knowledge,
spirituality, w isdom
2 -- tWO
3— three
Solar System: Mars,
Solar System: Jupiter,
Zodiac: Gem ini, Taurus
Zodiac: G em ini
M ars, Moon, Saturn
Day: Monday
O gham : Eadha
Day: Wednesday
O gham : loho
Rune: Hagai
Element: Water
Rune: Ur
Element: Fire
Colors: Blue (dark), Green, White
Energy: Yin
Colors: Green, Lilac, Mauve, Violet
Energy: Yang
Tarot: High Priestess
Metal: Silver
Tarot: Em press
Metal: Tin
Gemstones el Minerals: Agate (green),
Gemstones 01 Minerals: Agate (tree), Amber, Amethyst,
Garnet, Jade, M oonstone, Sapphire,
From the Sea: Pearl
Aventurine, Calcite (blue, green), Chrysoprase, Garnet, Lapis
Tourm aline (watermelon), Zircon (red)
Lazuli, Ruby, Sardonyx, Spinel, Sugilite, Tourm aline (black)
Goddesses: Ceres, Frigg, Rhea, Venus
Gods: Loki, Saturn
Goddesses: Hecate, Modron
| God: Pluto
Angel: Gabriel
Issues, Intentions 01 Powers: action, ambition, authority, balance
(m ental), beauty, beginnings, com m unication, connections,
Issues, Intentions gJ Powers: adaptability, balance, challenges,
control, creativity, crossroads, cycles, discipline, endings,
change/s, deceit, dream work, empathy, friend/ship,
friend/ship, harmony, healing, im agination, life, love, luck,
gentleness, im agination, increase, insight, intelligence,
magic (m oon), m anifestation, the m ind, m otivation, pleasure,
introspection, intuition, love, m essages/om ens, the mind,
pride, protection, psychic ability, success, unity
patience, rom ance, security (em otional), support, visions
4— four
5— five
Solar System: Earth, Jupiter,
Solar System: Jupiter, Mars,
Zodiac: Leo
Zodiac: Leo, Taurus
Mercury, Uranus
Mercury, Venus
O gham : Onn
Rune: Dag
Day: Tuesday
O gham : Beithe, Ur
Element: Earth
Energy: Yin
Rune: Rad
Element: Air
Colors: Blue, Brown, Gray
Tarot: Emperor
Colors: Gray, Red, Silver, White