Wolf Pack Complete Series : Mate (Silver Mountain Wolf Pack), Alpha Bait (Russian Wolf Pack One) and Wild (Russian Wolf Pack Two)

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Wolf Pack Complete Series : Mate (Silver Mountain Wolf Pack), Alpha Bait (Russian Wolf Pack One) and Wild (Russian Wolf Pack Two) Page 3

by Zoe Perdita

  “Holden, you finally brought him?” a man asked from the kitchen as they walked into the wide-open space of the great room.

  “Yeah, I’m Jake Anderson,” Jake said over the captain. He could introduce himself without Holden’s help.

  The man smiled, a rugged scar running down his cheek and over his left, milky white eye. “I’m Timothy. Nice to finally meet you. I hope you like venison.”

  The hearty scent of roasted meat and potatoes lingered around Jake’s nose, and he nodded. This man had to be their omega. Not only was he shorter and slighter than Danny, but his slumped shoulders gave him away. “Yeah, thanks.”

  Timothy grinned, the tight t-shirt and jeans showing off his slender build. His pale red hair looked in need of a trim, hanging into the small wolf’s eyes, and a light dusting of freckles covered his pale cheeks. His delicate features made him look almost feminine. “Of course. Anything for our new member.”

  Jake nodded and put his hands in his pockets. Was he going to have to dominate that one too? He seemed submissive enough already.

  As the omega returned to his cooking another man wandered into the room. The scowl on his face gave away his mood, and Jake set himself for an unpleasant confrontation.

  “This is him? Doesn’t look like much to me,” the man said. He stood as tall as Jake, around six feet, but where Jake’s muscles were sculpted, this man’s body looked more like that of a swimmer, lanky and finely toned. His chocolate brown hair hung to his shoulders in a carefree fashion and suited his even features and shrewd hazel eyes, straddling the line between handsome and pretty. He looked to be in his mid-twenties just like Timothy. Was he the beta?

  “This is Jake, Alex. Show him the respect he deserves,” Holden growled.

  Alex gritted his teeth. “I’ll show respect to my alpha. There’s no need for me to respect some loner.”

  Jake smiled, his teeth showing, as he pounced on Alex. With one sweep of his legs Jake brought the beta to his knees and the lone wolf grabbed the man by his neck. Jake hadn’t survived so long on his own with nothing to show for it even if Holden could overpower him from time to time.

  Alex grumbled, his sharp eyes

  casting a venomous glare at the man who held him. Jake squeezed, just enough so the beta couldn’t speak until he allowed it. “If you’re going to be so obstinate I’ll have to teach you to show me respect,” Jake said, his voice low and dangerous.

  Alex seemed to realize that any sudden move could result in a very painful broken neck. While it wouldn’t kill him, such an injury would take a long time to heal properly. Breathing heavily through his nose, the wolf lowered his eyes in defeat.

  Jake didn’t believe for a second that one display of strength won over the beta, but he slowly let go of the man’s neck nonetheless. What else was he supposed to do? Hold onto him all night?

  “Uh, dinner’s ready,” Timothy, said, smiling and fidgeting his fingers.

  Alex stood up and pushed past the little omega as he walked into the kitchen and plopped down at the table.

  Jake bit his bottom lip. This is why he didn’t want to be part of a pack. The complex dynamics between members generated too much stress. Being alone just made more sense. Damn Holden for trapping him like this!

  Danny and the captain sat at the table. Jake joined them, sitting at the head of the table opposite Holden, while Timothy served them.

  They ate in an awkward silence, the omega dishing up seconds and thirds as needed. Each wolf dug into his own hearty portion, growling and snarling over his plate like the others at the table might steal it. When they finished, Timothy finally sat down with his own food. On either side of the table, Danny and Alex broke open the leftover bones and sucked out the marrow. Jake normally did that too, but Holden held off, pushing his bones to the omega and standing up. If that’s what the alpha did the lone wolf figured he’d better follow suit. He slid his plate to Timothy and wiped his mouth.

  The little omega’s eyes widened as if it was Christmas morning while Alex and Danny frowned. Jake repressed a sigh. Why the hell did Holden think this necessary? He had no idea how to live with a pack. This union could only result in disaster!

  “I’ll give you the tour while they finish,” Holden offered, and Jake followed.

  The house consisted of the great room and kitchen on the first floor, various bedrooms, bathrooms and utility rooms on the second floor, and a game room and meat freezer in the basement. Jake hardly paid attention- the gravity of the whole situation settling around him. Holden expected him to join the pack- dominate Danny, Timothy and Alex into submission and rule as an equal with him. But did the captain even see Jake as a true equal?

  As they ended the tour in the alpha’s master bedroom, Jake frowned. “This isn’t working. It’s too complicated.”

  Holden quietly took off his shirt and set it on the bed. “You haven’t even tried.”

  Jake squared his jaw. “Maybe I’m not interested in trying. This whole thing isn’t going to work for me. I like my house. I like things my way. I don’t like constant power plays and trying to one up other wolves!”

  The captain smiled as he unzipped his pants. “Really? Isn’t that what we have?”

  Jake turned to the window- the sea of trees leading to the twinkling lights of the town below. “That’s different because it’s personal. This is- I’m just not made for it. I’m better on my own.”

  Holden didn’t say anything, but Jake’s hackles rose as the alpha touched his back. The firm grip of his lover’s hand dug into his shoulder. “You’re my mate until death so you’re no longer on your own,” he said as his arms snaked around Jake’s stomach and down the front of his pants. “Do I need to claim you again?”

  Jake growled even as his body leaned back into the strong arms surrounding him. The captain unzipped the lone wolf’s pants, yanking his cock to life in a few swift jerks. Jake moaned, his hips thrusting into the thick-fingered hand gripping onto his member. How was he supposed to be the alpha of a pack and on equal terms with Holden when he couldn’t even overpower the man? Maybe it wasn’t an issue with the other wolves; it was an issue between the two of them.

  The captain’s lips trailed over Jake’s neck, his freehand unbuttoning the lone wolf’s shirt. This was just another one of his power plays, a way to show his dominance over Jake. And every time Jake gave in- every time his body melted into the other man’s- he gave up a little inside. Not only did he give up his power, but also his ability to stand firm. His ability to lead and be an alpha.

  Kisses burned across his shoulders as the captain lowered Jake’s shirt, his fingers tweaking the detective’s nipples into hardened points of pleasure. Each touch drove Jake’s sense of control closer to the edge- closer to giving in and giving up. He couldn’t fight it before so how was he supposed to fight it now?

  Holden yanked off Jake’s shirt and moved to the pants, pulling them down with his boxers in one swift movement. It was always the same and it always would be the same unless the lone wolf did something. If he gave in again he’d never be a true alpha- never control the pack like Holden did. All his power would be a fabrication- a lie- and the other members would be able to sense that.

  Kicking off his shoes and stepping out of the pants, Jake lunged away from his lover. His life and soul were intertwined with the other wolf’s, the tingling thread of their connection wound through his entire being, but that didn’t mean he was always going to be the bottom. In the distance, the rising moon shone down over the land, her gibbous form lending him strength as he bent and shifted.

  The low chuckle of his lover transformed into a growl, and Jake lunged at him. He caught Holden just as the man’s body bent, knocking him down and nipping at his face and arms with angry fangs. The alpha’s form melted into a wolf, his huge shoulders as wide as a tiger’s, and he snapped back.

  Jumping away, Jake puffed his fur and barred his teeth. Both wolves circled each other in a symphony of growls and snarls. The room was large,
but with two oversized werewolves inside it seemed to shrink around them. Good. That would work to Jake’s advantage since he was the smaller of the two.

  Holden bound toward him, and Jake leapt out of the way just a moment before they made contact. The alpha slammed into the bedroom wall, a deafening crash reverberating through the room, and Jake jumped around to face him.

  Already on his feet, Holden lunged again and the lone wolf darted out of the way. This time the alpha crashed into his bed, the king sized monstrosity sliding across the floor and stopping just short of the window.

  Jake leapt before his lover had the chance to stand, closing his teeth in a loose grip over the other wolf’s neck. Holden huffed under him, his chest vibrating with a low growl, but he didn’t try to move. The excitement of victory pumped through Jake’s veins as he held his lover firmly. It might only be the first victory, but it was worth celebrating.

  Slowly, the captain shifted back into his man form and Jake followed suit. Whoever turned first would have a slight upper hand. Unfortunately, Holden gripped onto his shoulders and pushed just as Jake regained his human appearance.

  Caught off-balance, the lone wolf fell but rolled to his feet and scrambled back to the alpha before Holden stood, pinning the man’s body at the shoulders with his powerful legs. Beneath him, Holden wriggled, his lips twisted between a smile and a sneer. “What are you trying to prove, Jake?”

  “That I’m every bit the alpha you are. I can’t rule your pack if we aren’t equals, and we aren’t equals if I’m always on the bottom,” he said and scooted across the other man’s chest, his hardened cock aiming at his lover’s face.

  For the first time since they’d met, Holden’s eyes grew wide, and he looked at Jake with something akin to fear. “You’re serious?”

  “As a heart attack,” Jake said and nudged the weeping head toward the alpha’s lips.

  A shudder traveled through the captain’s body and into Jake’s own, almost like he felt the aching desire of his partner- the itch to give into pleasure while his mind tried to fight it off. Was that how Holden felt when he was in charge?

  Holden’s eyes met Jake’s, and he opened his mouth, flicking out his tongue to welcome the invasion. Each gentle lick took Jake by surprise, the electric tingling in his groin lulling him into complacence with the man beneath him. No! If he gave into the pleasure like that Holden might overpower him again. He had to stay in control!

  With one forceful thrust Jake urged his dick into Holden’s mouth. The captain’s eyes widened, but he clamped his lips over the aching shaft, his tongue and teeth working their usual magic.

  Jake bit back a moan and eased his cock in and out of his lover’s sizzling hold. Slowly, Holden’s hands traveled up to the lone wolf’s hips, the fingers gripping Jake’s ass and slipping open his sensitive cheeks. He ached for a slick finger to slip inside, probe his needy depths into a flurry of passion as he face fucked the man beneath him. Each burning touch added to the flames of desire in his body.

  Suddenly Jake jerked back, his cock throbbing and wet as he pulled it out of his lover’s mouth. “No. I’m going to claim you like you did me. Then we’ll be equal. You feel it too, don’t you?”

  Holden set his lips in a frown, and Jake smiled. “Loosing control isn’t something you like either. Well, I’ll change your mind.”

  The alpha struggled under Jake’s weight, his muscles urging the slightly smaller man off of him. The lone wolf wouldn’t be able to hold off Holden’s superior strength for long. Instead Jake leaned forward, his lips smothering Holden’s in a torrent of passion.

  The muscles beneath him tensed, the captain’s hands gripping Jake’s back like he’d never let go as their tongues mingled together. Pulling back for a breath, Jake smirked and kissed Holden’s neck and down into the forest of his chest hair. The rich musty scent filled the lone wolf’s nose as the man groaned beneath him, hands pulling his hair almost painfully. But he had a mission and subjugation was his goal. He wasn’t going to give in this time.

  The alpha’s cock throbbed, the bulging shaft enflamed with want as Jake teased the tip, gliding his tongue over it in gentle circles. Holden thrust toward his mouth, his chest heaving, but Jake moved away. “I won’t suck you off if you aren’t a good boy.”

  “Fuck you,” the captain breathed, but his voice was gruff with desire not venom.

  Jake chuckled. Now the man knew how it felt, but the prickling need seemed to radiate from his lover over his own skin, engulfing Jake in the overwhelming hunger of lust. Unable to hold off any longer, he lowered his mouth to Holden’s cock, sucking it hard as his tongue danced around the shaft and head. Slick with saliva and pre-come it slipped past his lips and deep into his throat.

  A choked cry from his lover gave him further inspiration, and Jake gripped the man’s hearty balls, rolling them in his hands as his mouth assaulted Holden’s length.

  “Stop! I’m going to- Ah,” Holden groaned. His balls contracted, the alpha’s whole body trembling as he spilt his load into Jake’s mouth.

  The heat danced across the lone wolf’s tongue and down his throat, and he swallowed it all- the seed of his lover tangy on his taste buds. Pulling back, he smiled at Holden, the alpha’s cock deflating and his chest heaving in the aftermath. Jake had done this- elicited that overwhelming response from a powerful alpha. Maybe he did have what it took to rule a pack.

  “I’m not done with you yet,” he said to the captain.

  Holden’s blue eyes hooded with lust, a sheen of sweat shining across his strong body. “No one’s ever made me feel like this,” he panted. “Why can’t I fight you off?”

  “We’re life mates,” Jake said and stood up. “Is the lube in the drawer?”

  Holden set his full lips into a pout, and Jake almost laughed. A new vigor coursed through his veins, an authority he’d never felt before combined with a sense of purpose. Was this what he’d been looking for and not even known it? Not solitude but companionship? “Still trying to hold off?”

  Turning his back, Jake grabbed the lube from the drawer. He wasn’t sure how long he could last, his dick pounded for release, and he didn’t have a cock ring to hold himself back. Suddenly, strong hands gripped his ankles and pulled, sending him crashing to the ground. He landed on his knees, and the scorching body of his lover slinked over him.

  “I’m not giving in that easily,” Holden growled and grabbed the lube from Jake’s hand.

  Damn it! He’d let his guard down and now the captain had the upper hand. Literally! His lover’s large fingers spread his ass and eased inside, the slick digit slamming into his sweet spot with rough intensity as the alpha’s other hand gripped onto Jake’s dark hair and pulled.

  Jake moaned, the electric passion of each thrust exciting his body and willing him to give in. Let the lusty hunger overtake him- tease him into compliance. No! He was an alpha just as much as Holden. He’d prove it! He’d dominate his lover completely!

  Jake kicked backwards- catching Holden by surprise and knocking him off his feet, right as the lone wolf twisted away. Both men stared at each other, their eyes shining in the dim light of the moon. As Holden rose to his feet, Jake pounced, knocking the other man back as he reached for the lube. As the wolves scrambled for the bottle, Jake nipped his lover’s neck, each bite eliciting a new moan, a new surrender.

  Finally, he grabbed the bottle and spilt its contents over his hands. He’d have to move quickly before Holden got away again! Reaching down, he spread the man’s cheeks, his skin feverish under Jake’s touch.

  The alpha stared at him, his body heaving with a longing Jake knew well. Slowly, he slipped his finger into the biting hole and kissed Holden’s full lips.

  “Ah, you’ve really done it now,” the alpha moaned into Jake’s mouth, their lips melting together.

  Jake probed deeper, the squeezing tightness exciting his cock into a hungry fury. Holden’s face twisted as Jake tickled a spongy mass, the alpha twitching as his cock rose to the occasi
on. That was it- the spot to aim for.

  As he slipped in another finger, Holden’s eyes blurred, his body consumed in the fiery desire of the moment. Jake bathed in the sensation radiating from his lover, the beating of his heart and cock, the shallow breathing and barely realized moans. Yes. This was right. They were right.

  Jake lubed himself quickly, the urge to fill up his lover stronger than ever before. Holden needed this just as much as he did. Slipping his hands over Holden’s slender hips, Jake guided his aching cock inside. The fat head forced its way past the gripping entrance, the captain gasping as Jake pushed inside. Dear God, was it going to fit?

  The alpha’s fingers gripped onto his back, nails biting into Jake’s skin. “Relax,” he said and nipped at Holden’s full lips.

  The captain’s face flushed a bright red, his body prickling with an excitement akin to electricity, and he nodded. Slowly, Jake eased into Holden’s heat, the larger man lifting his legs for deeper access and moaning with each well-placed thrust.

  “Fuck, Jake,” he growled.

  The lone wolf smiled. “I can if you want.”

  His lover’s blue eyes blurred with lust and he nodded. “Yes. Fuck me.”

  Jake thrust harder, Holden’s ass throbbing around him in the most delightful way imaginable. He couldn’t last long- not now. Each shove into his lover’s burning depths, clinging onto his member like they never wanted him to pull out, brought him closer to the perilous edge of satisfaction. His balls throbbed along with his cock and he rammed harder, the friction growing with each thrust, each ruthless pounding.

  Below him, Holden’s aching pleasure became Jake’s own. The thread binding them together wound around their needy lust and sharpened it into a point of intensity neither wolf could withstand. Jake thrust, his balls contracting as he burst inside his lover. He groaned just as the alpha did, their bodies one.


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