Wolf Pack Complete Series : Mate (Silver Mountain Wolf Pack), Alpha Bait (Russian Wolf Pack One) and Wild (Russian Wolf Pack Two)

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Wolf Pack Complete Series : Mate (Silver Mountain Wolf Pack), Alpha Bait (Russian Wolf Pack One) and Wild (Russian Wolf Pack Two) Page 4

by Zoe Perdita

  Jake fell on top of Holden, his breath nothing more than ragged gasps as the rolling waves of passion settled over them. The captain rubbed the lone wolf’s back, his heart pounding in Jake’s ear, and he chuckled.

  “What?” Jake asked in a breathy whisper.

  “You really surprised me, and I haven’t been surprised in a very long time.”

  Jake smiled. “Well, I said we needed to be equals. Now we are.”

  “Yes. We are. I guess that means you’re an alpha too.”

  Jake gripped onto the man underneath him. Yes. He was an alpha- and he had a pack to dominate.

  Chapter 3

  The cool night wind blew through Jake’s fur as he ran. High above in the midnight sky the gibbous moon shone down, the Milky Way bright with stars. Reaching the top of the hill Jake lifted his head to the sky and howled into the night, his voice echoing over the trees and into the valley below.

  He stood on the rock for a moment waiting for an answer but none came. Far away from the town and his mate, he was alone.

  The next day the heat of summer filled the little police station, the air stifling even with the windows open wide on all sides of the building. It made the night before seem like a dream. Too bad the air conditioner chose that morning to quit working. Jake rolled his sleeves up to his elbows and lowered the buttons on his shirt. He would have stripped down to his undershirt if it weren’t against police regulations.

  Sweat trickled down his strong back, and he glanced at Danny sitting at the front desk. The little wolf looked just as miserable as Jake felt- maybe more so. Well, the young man knew what was coming tonight, and he had a choice to make. Accept Jake as the pack’s new alpha or be dominated by him. Of course, he could always run away, but Danny wasn’t the type. He’d have to make a decision and live with it.

  Pushing a strand of dark hair from his eyes and rubbing the stubble on his cheek, Jake sighed. After dominating his mate and boss, Captain Holden Walker, he knew he had the power and drive to be an alpha, but Danny and Alex didn’t have the same opinion. What would dominating two men at once be like- two men who weren’t his mates? Was Holden going to watch? What about the pack’s omega Timothy? Would he accept Jake or not? He had way too many questions and not enough answers. Plus, the heat was giving him a headache.

  Jake pushed aside his paperwork and stood up. The rest of the beat cops were out patrolling their tiny town and for once Jake wished he could join them. Maybe he’d go for a walk to clear his head.

  “Detective,” Holden called from the door of his office.

  “Yeah?” Jake asked, a twinge of desire filled his belly, rolling down to his groin as he looked at his mate and lover. The man was ruggedly handsome- wide shoulders, muscular chest and trim waist topped off with his tan skin, a strong jaw, short light brown hair and killer blue eyes. Just looking at him made Jake’s knees weak.

  Holden wiped a handkerchief across his forehead. “Going out?”

  Jake almost chuckled. It was an old-fashioned thing to do, but Holden was an old-fashioned kind of man. “I was. Do you want me to pick something up?”

  He pulled his wallet out of his pants and nodded. “Please. Head down to Full Moon and pick us up some lemonade. The frozen kind, if you would,” he said and held out a twenty-dollar bill.

  “Will do, Captain.” Jake took the money, his fingers brushing across the alpha’s hand just slightly.

  Holden smiled, his white teeth flashing. The look in his eye- a certain glint of mischief- sent a shiver down Jake’s spine. His lover definitely had something planned for that night, something Jake might not even be aware of. Too bad he couldn’t ask Holden flat out what was going on. But knowing the Captain he probably wouldn’t tell anyway. They might be equals, but that didn’t mean they couldn’t still try and one up each other.

  Not for the first time, Jake wished he knew more about werewolf culture. He really had been a lone wolf for too long. “I’ll be back in a bit,” he said and turned to go.

  As he walked past the front desk Danny glared at him, the young man’s dirty blond hair sticking to his forehead as he perspired in his deputy uniform. Jake smirked at the twenty-two year old. What use was being nice to his new pack mate if the wolf didn’t appreciate it? Plus, kindness never won a wolf respect- they needed to dominate, to control each other- complex pack politics that Jake didn’t fully understand.

  The air outside the station cooled the sweat on Jake’s skin and he smiled at the sun in the afternoon sky as it lowered toward the western mountains. His stomach did a few little backflips as he thought about the night to come and what was expected of him. He’d been able to perform with Holden because the man was his mate- their attraction to each other was undeniable- but what about Danny and Alex? Could he dominate them properly? Without harm or anger? The idea didn’t put him off as long as the two younger wolves enjoyed it- at least once he got started.

  As he walked into the Full Moon Bakery and Café a blast of cool air blew over him. A few locals and tourists sat in the shop enjoying an afternoon coffee, and Timothy moved among them wiping down tables. When the omega spotted Jake his good eye lit up. He wore a little black eye patch over his blind eye.

  “Welcome detective Anderson. Alex will help you at the counter,” he said and pushed the longish red hair over the scar on his face. No wonder the man was an omega. He was hardly five feet eight and his slender build looked more like a bird than a wolf.

  Jake smiled and nodded. “Thanks, Timothy.”

  Alex, the pack’s beta, glowered as Jake approached. His chocolate brown hair was tied back into a short ponytail, although his bangs still hung in his eyes carelessly. He was just as tall as Jake, but his swimmer’s build was lankier; his muscles leaner while Jake’s were more sharply defined. He wore the same uniform as Timothy, a tight black T-shirt and jeans, but on Alex it looked like a second skin. Just eyeing the wolf made Jake’s hackles rise. While he was unsure of Danny, he knew he’d have to dominate Alex if he wanted to join the pack. And the beta wouldn't back down without a fight, that much was certain.

  “Three frozen lemonades, please,” Jake said and handed Alex the twenty-dollar bill.

  For a moment he thought the beta would throw the money back into his face, but the man complied with his order and handed him back the change.

  “For the Captain and not for you,” he growled under his breath as he pushed the cardboard drink holder toward Jake.

  Leaning over the counter, Jake stared into the other wolf’s sharp hazel eyes. “You’ll do it for me soon enough.”

  Alex’s body shook, his teeth bared and his hands balled into tight fists as he glared daggers at the detective.

  Jake smiled. “I’ll see you tonight,” he said and winked as he grabbed the drinks.

  Maybe it wasn’t wise to rile Alex up before officially joining the pack, but something in his blood- an urge for their respect- made it nearly impossible not to.

  “Have a good day, detective,” Timothy called as Jake left.

  Jake nodded at the omega and smiled. Hopefully, when this was all settled it’d be worth it.

  Back at the station Danny scowled at his drink when Jake set it on his desk, but he took a sip nonetheless. Then a man walked out of Holden’s office just as Jake approached, his coveralls and toolbox telltale signs of a repairman.

  “He gonna fix the air conditioner?” Jake asked and set the lemonade on top of a pile of papers on Holden’s desk.

  The Captain took a long sip of the cold drink before he answered. “Let’s hope. Only a couple more hours and we’ll get to go home.”

  Jake nodded and slumped in the chair across from his mate. “So is there some kind of formal initiation ritual I should know about?”

  “Well, you already know what you have to do. Why? Are you having second thoughts again?”

  Jake hadn’t been overly excited about joining Holden’s pack- or any wolf pack- when they first met. He sighed and took a sip of his own tangy concoction. “
They might learn to respect me but that doesn’t mean they’ll like me. It’s a whole new experience for all of us.”

  Holden watched him, his usually sharp blue eyes softening. “I know. But the fate of our moon has spoken and our connection can never be severed- not even by death. They’ll learn to live with it in time.”

  Jake frowned into his drink. That’s just what he was afraid of. “So I have to live with a group of men, half who hate me, and just wait for them to get over it? Should I send the moon flowers to let her know how grateful I am?”

  Captain Walker sighed, his jaw stiffening. “Look, Jake. Do you think this is easy on me? Do you think I wanted a lone wolf as a mate? I did what my instincts told me to do. You know what if feels like- how hard it is to resist the call. And I don’t regret it, not for one second, because I know this is right. But you just don’t even want to try sometimes, do you?”

  Jake glared at the slightly taller man, his green eyes narrowed under his dark brows. “Don’t make yourself out to be the victim. You seemed more than happy to give into your fate. You didn’t want a lone wolf as a mate? Well I never wanted to be a wolf to begin with! I didn’t ask for any of this, Holden. Not one goddamn moment of this life- this fucking burden!” he said, digging his hands into the desk in front of him.

  Captain Walker held his gaze without pity. “I figured that was it. Most people who go through the change usually accept it wholeheartedly or go insane. You became a hermit.”

  Blood pounded in Jake’s ears, and he stood up knocking his chair over behind him. “Like I had a fucking choice! The bastard who bit me ran off into the woods. I was in the hospital for weeks because of that stupid beast. No matter what they did- rabies shots and antibiotics- I just got worse. It’s lucky I was released right before the change. And do you know why I was released? Take a guess, Holden. They sent me home to my parents. They sent me home to die because there was nothing more they could do for me!”

  The Captain’s face softened. “Jake, I-”

  “Shut the fuck up! The first time I changed- the very first time my body broke down and rebuilt itself as a wolf- was in my childhood bedroom. Surrounded by all the toys and trophies my mom spent years keeping perfect. I destroyed it in five short minutes. I would have killed them too if I hadn’t jumped out of the window and ran into the woods. I’m a danger to society and a danger to myself. So I don’t have to accept this- even if I should- it won’t make that any less true!”

  Suddenly, Holden reached across the table and grabbed Jake by the arm, his fingers strong on the lone wolf as he pulled him into a tight hug, his full lips buried in Jake’s neck.

  “I’m sorry,” the alpha whispered.

  Jake’s heart pounded in his chest, his mind urging his aching body to run away from Kellogg and never come back- but the thread that connected his heart to Holden’s kept him still. He swallowed the lump in his throat, the part of him that kept that story hidden for ten long years, and gripped onto his lover’s muscular shoulders.

  Holden’s kissed his rough cheek, the Captain’s lips light as they met his mouth. Jake kissed his mate back with fervor- half fueled by lust and half by his lingering anger. It was a good thing the Captain kept the shades on his office closed that day.

  Jake slammed the door shut and turned the lock as a breeze blew in the open window. It’d been hot before, but now it smoldered in the small office. Holden pulled him back into an embrace; his hands clutched the lone wolf’s back as their tongues explored each other’s mouths.

  Moaning, Jake’s hands traveled down to Holden’s firm ass, squeezing the tight skin between his fingers as he pressed his bulging erection against the other man’s. Sweat dripped down their bodies, the friction from their clothes almost too much. Kissing the alpha’s neck, Jake took in his lover’s rich musty scent, his body singing as he nipped at the taut tan skin.

  “We’re in the office,” Holden growled, actually restrained for once.

  Jake smirked. “So? The door’s locked. No one but Danny’s even here right now. Are you saying you want to stop?”

  Holden rubbed his rock hard cock against Jake’s. “No. Not in the least, but I don’t have any lube.”

  The lone wolf smiled and pushed the Captain back into his chair. “We won’t need it,” he said as he unzipped Holden’s pants and released the stiffened length from the confines of clothing.

  His own dick ached as he lowered his mouth to the engorged member. Above him, Captain Walker moaned as he licked the tip before he swallowed it whole. The veins beat against Jake’s lips as he sucked his lover off- twirling his tongue over the shaft, the heat of his mate engulfing his whole body. Even if he had to live with Danny and Alex, being with Holden like this made it all worth it.

  His lover’s fingers wound through his dark hair as he bobbed his head. Each touch added to the inferno in the lone wolf’s body- the aching heat of need burning deep inside him. Only the alpha made him feel this way. Only the alpha broke down his defenses and got into his heart.

  Suddenly, Holden’s body stiffened, his taste filling Jake’s mouth. Swallowing, the detective leaned back and licked the tip of his lover’s fading erection.

  “We could get in so much trouble for this,” Captain Walker growled, fell to his knees and lowered Jake’s zipper.

  Moaning, the lone wolf closed his eyes and gave in to the passion of Holden’s scorching mouth. The barely realized sensation of teeth grazed over his shaft, cushioned by the miraculous workings of his lover’s tongue and lips. Each thrust into the willing mouth brought him closer to the edge, the build up tingling across his flesh. How did the moon know what he needed even when he didn’t know it himself?

  Hot fingers dug into his thighs, pulling him closer to the edge of pleasure. Jake gave in, let the moment surround him as he pushed every thought and worry into a far off corner of his mind. He’d deal with them later; right now this moment was all that mattered. The flick of a tongue and the squeezing sensation of lips wrapped tight around his aching cock was the final shove. Jake moaned, biting his lip to stifle the sound as he came into his lover’s mouth.

  Holden coughed, but swallowed the load and leaned back on his heels, a smile on his handsome face. “Think you’ll be able to perform tonight?”

  Jake zipped up his pants and thought of the two wolves in need of dominance. “Yeah. No problem. They’ll respect me as their alpha by morning tomorrow.” For once, the words were more than just bravado. They were the truth.

  Later that night all five wolves stood outside the lodge the pack called home, the woods wild and dark around them as the nearly full moon shone her silvery light over the forests below. The pull of her magic sent tickles of excitement over Jake’s naked flesh willing him to change into his wild form and run free. Not yet. He had to wait. It was part of the process.

  He looked at the pack, standing in a group while he stood just outside- the loner. The outcast. It was the role he’d fashioned for himself ten years ago and now all of that was about to change.

  “You three know the rules. When Mr. Walker catches you either give in or he’ll exercise any amount of force necessary to dominate you. Got it?”

  Timothy raised his hand, his slender form and milky pale skin shining in the moonlight. “What if I already accept him?”

  Holden smiled. “Then he’ll have an easy time catching you, Tim.”

  Alex stood with his arms crossed and his hair loose over his shoulders- his trim waist and lanky build on display for any watchers in the night. Danny hunched next to him, shorter and slighter than the beta wolf while still taller than Timothy. His body was the same golden tan as Holden’s, and he scowled into the trees just like Alex.

  The prickling build up of static need filled the air- the desire to get the whole affair over and done with so they could all move on with their lives. For a moment he resented Alex and Danny. If they weren’t so damn stubborn this would be a lot easier. But Jake knew that wasn’t fair. He was just as stubborn as they were, ma
ybe more so. One day, when they met their mates they’d understand what it was like- the aching pull of love’s slender red thread tying their heart to someone special.

  “If you’re ready then let’s go,” Holden said, his body bending and cracking into his large wolf form.

  Jake growled, giving into the moon. The sudden pain of the change overwhelmed his body as paws grew from feet and hands and black fur sprouted over his flesh. Finally, standing in the clearing with every scent right on the tip of his nose, he howled.

  In that moment, Danny and Alex scattered while Holden and Timothy stayed behind.

  Jake padded up to the little omega, his fur a rusty red and his blind eye just as milky as it was in his human form. As a wolf he looked nothing more than skin and bones, and he hunched down in the dirt and lowered his head to the ground, a sign of submission. The lone wolf touched his nose to Timothy’s bent head in acceptance and turned to the wood and the smell of the other two. As he ran after them, Holden and Timothy followed.

  In the forest, scents filled his nose. While Danny and Alex had a head start, they still ran uphill instead of down. Jake thought they’d split up, but they’d actually stuck together. Was this part of their strategy or just a whim? He’d find out soon enough.

  His feet crunched through pine needles and over the dirt and rocks that littered the forest floor. Each bound brought him closer to his destiny, closer to his chance to rule the pack with his lover- his mate- the man he was bound to for life.

  A sudden yelp caught his attention, and he turned toward the sound. Jumping into the small clearing, the moon casting shadows between the trees, he saw Danny limping on his left leg as small whines escaped the young wolf’s mouth.

  Jake held back and sniffed the air. This part of the woods held Holden’s scent, but it also held that of deer, squirrels and some other small animals. Danny’s musk filled his nose overwhelmingly, but that didn’t mean Alex wasn’t hidden somewhere downwind waiting for him to fall for their trap. Or Danny really was hurt and needed help. Damn it! Was he going to look after the wellbeing of his pack or not?


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