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The Italian's Wife

Page 4

by Lynne Graham

  Ezio's face. His security chief was positioned about twenty feet away,

  watching him in frank astonishment. Rio's high cheekbones fired with a

  slight rise of colour.

  'You must be sensible about this...' Rio stated as the baby in his arms

  went all stiff and loosed an anxious little moan of fright at the sound

  of his mother's distress. Timmie was just about to blow. Indeed, any

  moment now, mass hysteria was going to break out and spread like a disease,


  Rio recognised with a very male sense of discomfiture. Dio mio, they

  were in a public place and he didn't know what had got into him. He

  could only recall the savage jolt of pure rage he had felt at the sight

  of Holly trying to sneak away from the safety of the hospital.

  'Please...give him back!' Holly cried.

  An older man unlocking his car just yards away had now halted the

  activity to openly stare, his expression already that of someone

  thinking that perhaps he ought to intervene. Rio threw his proud head

  back and murmured in a tone calculated to soothe, 'My car's just over

  there. We'll discuss this calmly in private.'

  Holly was totally disconcerted when Rio just strode away from her. But

  she raced after him in a panic. As the chauffeur yanked open the door of

  the gleaming silver limousine Rio broke the habit of a lifetime and,

  instead of standing back politely to allow Holly first access, climbed

  in ahead of her, thereby forestalling any possibility of further debate

  in public.

  Holly shot in after him like a mouse in stricken pursuit of a cat. The

  passenger door closed on her. Rio Lombardi had her son clasped under one

  arm while he spoke to someone in his own language on the car phone.

  In a daze of confusion, Holly absorbed the startling sight of Timmie

  smiling up at Rio. Timmie, who never smiled at anyone but her! Her head

  ached even more. She felt clammy and sick and scared. 'Please give him

  back to me...'

  'Look, I haven't got time for this right now. I have a very important

  meeting to get to,' Rio imparted, leaning forward to make some curious

  adjustment to the rear of the leather seat facing them. Before her

  bemused eyes, a child's travelling seat complete with safety restraint

  folded down out of the once flat surface.

  'Mr Lombardi-er-'

  'You can stay at my home for a few days until you feel stronger,' Rio

  cut in flatly. 'You're in no fit state to make decisions right now.

  It'll give you a breathing space.'

  'Your...home?' Holly was so taken aback by that offer coming at her out

  of the blue that she could only stare at his bold bronzed profile with

  wide shaken eyes.

  Rio settled Timmie into the baby seat. After tightening everything up,

  he snapped the harness into place with a definite air of satisfaction at

  his own efficiency.

  'Your home?' Holly watched his manoeuvres in bewildered stillness, quite

  unable to react with any greater volubility. Her head was pounding fit

  to burst and her brain felt like mush, for she had had little sleep

  during what had remained of the night hours while she fretted and waited

  for an opportunity to steal out of the hospital without being noticed.

  'Why not?' Suppressing the faint suspicion that once again he was

  reacting in an impulsive manner that was quite unlike him, Rio told

  himself that rescuing Holly would be his good deed for the year and he

  warmed to the concept at similar speed. He would soon get them sorted

  out. He might have given millions to humanitarian causes but when had he

  ever become personally involved in someone else's problems? But

  intervention was definitely required. Without a helping hand, there was

  an all too real possibility that Holly Sansom would end up selling her

  body for the price of her next meal. A pervert would spot her from a

  distance of a hundred yards, Rio reflected with distaste. She had victim

  written all over her. As for Timmie...well, Timmie was already measuring

  up to follow faithfully in his mother's footsteps.

  'Why...not?' Holly echoed, pressing a weak hand to the bruising that

  still throbbed at the back of her skull. 'Because


  people don't do stuff like that for people they don't know.'

  Rio settled brilliant, dark, deep-set eyes on her. 'Make your mind up.'

  Holly tensed at that demand. He was offering them a lifeline. A roof, a

  bed, no worries about food or the future for a few days. He was an

  incredible guy. He was just so kind. She could not believe how kind he

  was being when he had been so furious with her only minutes earlier. 'OK.'

  'I'll make the arrangements.' Rio swept up the phone and watched Ezio

  answer from the front seat. At one point during that conversation, Ezio

  twisted round to frown in amazement through the glass panel separating

  him from his employer. Rio ignored that pointed reaction.

  That deep, dark, sexy drawl of his just seemed to shimmy down her spine,

  Holly thought absently. She loved his voice even though she hadn't a

  clue what he was saying. Catching herself up on that mortifying train of

  thought, Holly reddened fierily.

  'As soon as I've been dropped off for my meeting, my security chief will

  take you to my town house. Any problems, speak to Ezio. He speaks

  English but most of my household staff don't,' Rio warned her.

  Holly nodded uncertainly, momentarily attempting to picture the kind of

  world where a person had household staff, and then watching the gold in

  Rio's eyes reflect the light, her mouth running dry and her breath

  catching in her throat.

  Rio sprang out of the limo outside Lombardi Industries.

  Ezio cleared his throat. 'Miss Kent won't like another woman in the

  house, boss.'

  Rio froze. 'The wedding's off, Ezio.'

  Leaving the older man gazing after him in consternation, Rio strode on

  into the building, inclining his proud dark

  head in acknowledgement of the doorman's respectful greeting and

  concentrating his mind on the challenging business meeting ahead with

  considerable relief.

  The limo nosed its way with all the arrogant assurance of its owner back

  into the flow of traffic. Holly breathed in slowly and deeply and then

  pinched the back of her hand. The stinging sensation of that small hurt

  convinced her that she was not dreaming. She was really and truly

  sitting in Rio Lombardi's fabulous limousine. For potentially the next

  forty-eight hours she could stop worrying. He had taken pity on her.

  Inwardly, Holly squirmed, the self-esteem that had been battered to

  ground-level in recent months burning at the wretched awareness that she

  was just a charity case to a male like Rio Lombardi. Well, she had never

  let anyone do her favours for free. She would make herself useful round

  his house, repaying his generosity the only way she could. But at that

  moment the simple knowledge that she needed to worry neither about food

  nor shelter in the immediate future was like a giant weight rolling off

  her shoulders.

  Just how had she contrived to sink so low that she was prepared to

  accept such charit
y? It had happened by degrees, she conceded. But

  undoubtedly her biggest and worst mistake had been getting involved with

  Jeff Danby...

  Holly had grown up on a hill farm on Exmoor where her father was the

  tenant farmer. Her parents had married late in life and her mother had

  been forty when Holly was born. That her mother never conceived again

  had been a source of deep disappointment to her parents, for it had

  meant that there would be no son to help out when her father became too

  old to cope alone with the harsh winters and the lambing season and that

  eventually he would have to give up the tenancy.


  She had had a happy childhood and she had enjoyed school. But possibly,

  as an only and much loved child, she had been a little spoilt, she

  conceded with pained hindsight. For, while her parents had urged her to

  aim at a college education, Holly had been more eager to find a job so

  that she could have her own money and spend more time with her friends

  who lived in the nearest town.

  Working in a dead-end job that hadn't struck her as a dead-end job had

  been fine the first couple of years when all that had been in her head

  was buying the latest cheap fashions and finding a boyfriend. But,

  although boys had made her plenty of offers, they had all come with the

  price tag of casual sex attached. And, for all that she had liked to

  pretend to be as cool in her outlook as her peers, Holly had been raised

  in a home where that kind of behaviour was just not acceptable and had

  shrunk from doing anything likely to distress her parents.

  And then Jeff had come along in her eighteenth year, Jeff, with his

  ancient sports car and cheeky grin and impressive aura of

  sophistication. He had been a pool attendant at the local leisure

  centre, much admired by all her friends and seven years older. So she

  had been thrilled when he had asked her out and infatuated by the end of

  the first week, but not so foolish as to jump into bed with him. In any

  case, if she was honest, the sex side of things had never appealed to

  her much, even with Jeff. She had liked the romantic stuff better,

  holding hands, just listening to him talk about his plans to become an

  instructor at some trendy fitness club in London and admiring the fact

  that he had a goal and ambition.

  'He's too flash,' her mother had said when she'd finally met Jeff.

  'He's a big-head,' her father had sighed. 'He's a lot older

  than you are too. You'd be better off with a boy your own age.'

  Jeff had ditched her a couple of times and gone off with other girls.

  Each time he'd come back to her, and she had been so grateful she'd

  repressed her hurt and forgiven him. Then he had got the job he had

  always wanted in London and, struggling to conceal her breaking heart,

  she had gone out with him and his friends for a last-night celebration.

  The drinks had been lined up in front of her and Jeff had kept on urging

  her not to be a killjoy and drink up. He had talked about how she was

  'his' girl and how he would send for her once he got a place of his own.

  Hearing him talk like that, including her in his lofty plans, she had

  almost cried with relief.

  'I really do care about you, Holly,' he had said fondly. 'You're the

  girl I want to marry, so surely you can come home with me tonight.'

  And she had, and she had gritted her teeth in the darkness, tears

  running down her face at the roughness, embarrassment and pain of the

  experience. She had wanted to please him, had so wanted to prove that

  she was not the silly little girl still tied to parental dictums he had

  often accused her of being but a real adult woman capable of loving her

  man and being loved.

  True to his word, Jeff had phoned her while city life was still strange

  to him. She had written great, long, adoring screeds to him and had been

  four months pregnant before she'd even realised that she had conceived.

  During his final phone call, she had begged him to visit for a weekend.

  She had needed to see him face-to-face to share her news. But he had

  complained that it would cost too much and he had not phoned again.

  Weeks afterwards, when she had been climbing the walls with panic over

  his silence and trying to conceal her changing shape from her parents,

  one of her


  many letters had been returned to her with 'Not known at this address'

  written across it. She had not seen Jeff again until she'd finally

  tracked him down in London many months later.

  Emerging from those unwelcome memories, Holly felt cool air on her face

  and only then realised that the passenger door was open. The chauffeur

  was waiting for her to vacate the limo.

  The most enormous house lay before her. It had a gravel turning circle

  in front and tall shaped evergreen trees in fancy metal troughs.

  'Miss Sansom...I'm Ezio Farretti.'

  Holly focused shyly on the heavily built older man with his steady dark

  eyes. 'Nice to meet you.'

  Ezio engaged the employee positioned at the front door in a flood of

  foreign speech, and motioned Holly into the house. Feeling like a third

  wheel, Holly followed him inside and skimmed an intimidated glance round

  the huge hall, the fantastic staircase and the big pictures adorning the


  'Come this way, Miss Sansom,' Ezio urged.

  'What's that language you speak?' she asked to fill the silence.


  He showed her into what appeared to be a drawing room. Well, she

  adjusted, what she would call a drawing room, because the opulent sofas

  and marble fireplace were way too grand to belong in a humble sitting

  room. A fire glowed in the iron grate. Holly had not seen a real fire

  since leaving home, and without warning her eyes smarted as she pictured

  the cosy farmhouse kitchen where her parents sat by the fire on cold nights.

  Ezio extended a notepad and pen. 'Will you make a list of supplies for

  you and your son?'


  'Anything you require.'

  She reddened to the roots of her hair. 'I don't have any money.'

  'That's not a problem.'

  The waiting silence that followed embarrassed her into making up a list.

  Nappies, a feeding cup and baby juice were really all she had to have.

  She was down on her luck but she was not a freeloader, and she was sure

  to get the chance to wash their clothes.

  'You should put down a few more things.' Ezio's voice was gruff.

  Holly shook her head. Having to put down even the necessities had hurt.

  Rio Lombardi was putting them up and he would be feeding them as well.

  The very last thing she wanted to do was cost him money into the bargain.

  Ezio led her up the imposing staircase. The magnificent landing was

  adorned with gilded furniture that looked as if it belonged in a palace.

  But then, Rio Lombardi's home was just like a palace, Holly conceded in

  a daze. She was shown into a fabulous guest room, complete with an

  adjoining bathroom, and then into the smaller room next door which

  contained a cot. The cot, which contained several very new-looking toys,

  surprised her.
Belatedly it occurred to her that perhaps Rio Lombardi

  was or had been married and had children. Tensing, tummy suddenly

  feeling hollow, she asked Ezio right out.

  'The boss is...single,' the older man stated after a slight hesitation.

  'But he often has relatives with kiddies to stay. The Lombardis are a

  big family and very close.'

  As Ezio departed Holly glimpsed her reflection in a mirror and a

  mortified gasp left her lips. The backside of her jeans was filthy,

  probably from the road the night before. Fetching a couple of the toys

  from the cot, she took Timmie


  into the bathroom, set him down with them on a bathtowel and then

  stripped down to her skin. Everything she wore went into the bath to

  steep in hot water. She stepped into the separate shower cubicle but

  could only run the water in bursts because she couldn't close the door

  properly while she watched over Timmie. Her son could not yet crawl but

  he could cover a surprising amount of distance by rolling.

  It was such bliss, such utter bliss to feel truly scrubbed clean again.

  Making use of the luxury toiletries in the corner shower compartment,

  she shampooed her hair and then conditioned it for the first time in

  many months. Having pounded her clothes back to cleanliness with soap,

  she then realised in dismay that there were no radiators in which to dry

  them. At that point, a knock sounded on the bedroom door.


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