Whispers From the Dead

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Whispers From the Dead Page 2

by B. L. Brunnemer

  “Okay. Then I’ll tell the twins and we’ll figure out how Ethan keeps pulling you back,” I assured her. How the hell were the twins going to take this? She nodded quietly then turned away from the window and walked further into the house.

  I took a deep breath and let it out. Sophie was ready to go. Shit. At least I had until Monday to figure out how to tell them. I took another deep breath and let it out slowly before heading back outside.

  I joined Miles and Asher at the railing.

  I was in my own head when Asher nudged me with his elbow. “Hey, are you okay?”

  I gave him a tense smile and nodded. His brow furrowed as he kept eye contact, silently asking. Hell, he probably heard me talking in the kitchen anyway. I mouthed Sophie’s name.

  Understanding filled his eyes. He reached over and gave my hand a squeeze. I gave him a squeeze back.

  I turned to the yard just in time to spot Isaac turning towards us with the hose. I instantly dropped as water sprayed over the others on the porch. Shouts and curses filled the air as I stayed dry. The porch shook as the guys ran down the steps after Isaac.

  Laughing, I stood up and watched Asher get the hose from Isaac. Zeke pinned his arms as Asher soaked him head to toe, getting Zeke in the process. The kids and I were in hysterics. I was just getting control of myself when the back door opened. Maria came outside followed closely by her younger sister Ana. Ana was the same height as her sister, with the same beautiful thick black hair, though her amber eyes were lighter than Maria’s. She had a square face and a beautiful smile.

  “What are you doing?” Maria asked, a smile on her face. All the boys immediately let go of Isaac and dropped the hose.

  “Ma! They attacked me!” Isaac shouted.

  “Isaac soaked us on the porch, so we were getting even,” Asher explained. Maria and Ana chuckled.

  “Boys, go get in dry clothes,” Ana ordered. “Pizza will be here in half an hour.” Isaac and Ethan ran for the house. Zeke, Miles and Asher headed for the gate between the yards. They must have had some clothes at Asher’s.

  Maria wrapped an arm around me. I leaned into her hug.

  “How did you manage to get away dry?” Maria asked. I smiled.

  “I saw Isaac with the hose and ducked,” I admitted. They chuckled.

  Ana was the first to sober. She looked out to the yard. “Kids. Inside and in dry clothes. Now!” The younger ones ran for the house while Mateo turned off the water before following. I couldn’t help but admire the way she handled her kids.

  Maria gave me a squeeze. “How are you doing, honey?”

  “Better,” I said.

  She smiled down at me. “Good, I missed my sassy girl.” She squeezed my shoulder. “Come on, let’s set the table.” I nodded and followed her inside, more than ready for dinner.

  * * *

  Dinner was lively with so many in the kitchen. Zeke, Miles and I ended up eating at the counter. I didn’t mind. I was sitting on the counter anyway.

  “Miles, you really need a trim, honey,” Maria said as she helped dish up Isabel’s plate.

  Miles reached up and felt his hair. I bit back a grin as his cheeks tinged pink. I loved watching her mother the boys.

  “I’ll go this week,” Miles agreed sheepishly.

  Maria finished helping Isabel as she asked over the noise from the kids, “Asher? How did your essay for English go?”

  Asher swallowed his food. “I got an A-, I’m not really happy about it but-”

  “It’s still an A,” Maria pointed out with a look. I couldn’t seem to stop smiling. At least until she turned to me.

  “Lexie, what are your plans for tonight?” she asked. “We’re having a board game night with the kids.”

  “Um, well, we’re going to a party on the lake,” I said carefully. I didn’t know if the twins told their mom about going to the party or not. Maria nodded then looked at all the boys.

  “You boys keep an eye out for her. I’m not asking,” she warned.

  “I’d like to see someone try and stop us,” Isaac offered. The guys chuckled. I just shook my head at them and kept eating. Maria went back to questioning each of us, making her way through the room.

  “You know, we could skip the party,” Zeke reminded us.

  “Zeke, I’m going,” I told him. “Jake and Derrick are coming down. I haven’t seen them in weeks.”

  “It should be manageable,” Miles reminded him. “There’s another party out on the Simmons’ property. The crowd should be smaller than usual.”

  I looked up at Zeke with a grin. “See,” Zeke grumbled wordlessly, sounding resigned. I lost my grin. “If you don’t want to go then you don’t have to, Zeke.” He shot me a look. I looked up at him with understanding. A few months ago, Zeke had kissed me. Then I was kidnapped by my stalker. We still hadn’t talked about the kiss yet.

  “Not happening,” he grumbled before biting into a slice of pizza. I went back to my own dinner, dropping the subject.

  After dinner the little ones had to clean up. I took the opportunity to signal to the guys to meet me on the porch. We all slipped out as Maria and Ana started talking in the living room.

  The porch was large and had enough seating for most of us. Putting Sophie out of my mind for now, I sat on the railing in front of the boys since I was going to be talking. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly, hoping it would help with the knots in my stomach. Zeke leaned against the railing on the far-left side of the porch while the others took the wicker couch and chairs. All eyes turned to me.

  I took a deep breath and began. “Today, the doc gave me several things to do this week. The first was to try and get a job at the tattoo parlor in town.” I looked around the group trying to judge their reactions. Asher nodded; everyone else was calm. Now the big one. “Another was to go out alone. Without anyone but Hades.”

  Everyone went still. The only sound was my heartbeat in my ears. It was forever before one of them spoke up.

  “Are you ready for that, Ally?” Asher asked gently. I bit the corner of my bottom lip as I thought about it again. Then nodded.

  “I think it’s time,” I said. “You guys have been so patient with me being scared and clingy-”

  “You’re not clingy,” Isaac snapped.

  “You needed us,” Ethan added.

  “Ally…” Asher sighed.

  “Lexie, you’re family,” Miles pointed out, “we’d do anything to help you.” He leaned forward, his elbows braced on his legs. His emerald eyes on mine. “Don’t factor us in when you think about this. Are you ready to go out on your own?”

  I took a deep breath and thought about it. It was scary, and made my stomach twist but…

  I nodded. “Yeah, I’m tired of hiding behind you guys. I’m tired of being afraid all the time.” My voice turned scratchy. I took a drink from my water bottle before continuing. “I want my life back.” The guys gave me understanding smiles.

  “No,” Zeke growled. And there was the hiccup. Zeke shook his head, his arms crossed over his barrel chest. “No way are you going out without one of us with you.”

  I looked at the others. “Can you guys give us a minute?” The others got to their feet and headed inside. I waited until the door was closed before I got off the railing and moved to stand a few feet in front of Zeke. “Zeke-”

  “Lexie, no,” he growled, his voice hard. His posture was rigid.

  “Zeke. I need to do this,” I said gently. “I can’t hide behind you guys all the time and I don’t want to. That’s not who I am.” Zeke clenched his jaw. I kept going. “I haven’t had a flashback or panic attack in a month. I’m ready for this.” My voice was confident. I had to make this okay for him otherwise it’d just be a huge fight.

  Zeke looked down at the porch and took deep breaths. It was several minutes before he met my eyes. “You text me, tell me where you’ll be and when you get back,” he stated. I went to protest but he cut me off. “It’s the only way I can, Lexie.” I thought about i
t. He was right. Zeke had his own issues to deal with. We needed to work together on this.

  “I can do that,” I agreed. He nodded. I wanted to hug him. But it seems Clay took that away from me. Instead, I reached up and touched the tip of his nose. “Boop.” His lips moved into a half grin, the shadows in his eyes lifting a bit. I smiled up at him.

  I was going to get my life back. I was going to hug Zeke again, get a job, and go out without the boys. I could do this. I got this. Right?

  * * *

  After dark, as we left the twins’ house, the guys were deciding who was going with who.

  “Red’s with us,” Isaac announced. I rolled my eyes.

  “I have room for everyone,” Zeke pointed out.

  “Yeah but you’ll want to leave before everyone else,” Ethan countered. Zeke shrugged. Ethan wasn’t wrong.

  “I’m riding with Miles,” I announced. “You’ve had too much sugar and are bouncing around like a rabbit.” Isaac blew a raspberry at me as he headed towards the car he and Ethan shared. Everyone climbed into their cars and headed for the north shore of the lake.

  “We can leave if you get too uncomfortable, Lexie,” Miles said.

  “Miles, I’m going to be fine. I’m actually looking forward to the party,” I assured him. “And if I have an issue, you guys will be there and you can haul my ass out caveman style.”

  He chuckled. “That may be more Zeke’s style.” I grinned. Zeke had done it before, I doubt he’d have a problem doing it again.

  Miles pulled into a spot near the back of the lot where there were enough spaces for all of us. The others parked next to him. I got out and took a deep breath as we headed across the lot. Music was blasting, and the bonfire was already roaring. I wrapped my arm around Isaac’s as we walked.

  “You’re not drinking tonight?” I whispered. It wasn’t necessary, not with Ethan and Asher talking about some baseball game.

  Isaac’s other hand came up and squeezed my hand on his arm. “Nah, I don’t want to be wasted if you have trouble.”

  I squeezed his arm. “Thanks, Cookie Monster.”

  He smirked down at me. “No problem, Red.” I smiled up at him then turned back to the party on the shore.

  I had already dealt with the dead this morning, and I was determined to have fun. Especially since Sophie’s crossing was coming up. Before dread could ruin my night, I pushed it to the back of my mind and looked around.

  Since the party was on the beach, I hadn’t bothered changing my jeans or shirt. I just took one of my black hoodies with me, pulled my hair into a ponytail and called it good.

  By the time we hit the sand, I could tell the beach wasn’t packed with people and that was perfect for me.

  “Let’s grab some drinks,” Asher suggested. We headed for the drink coolers, Miles behind me, the twins to my sides and Zeke in front of me with Asher. It had become our usual walking pattern. While I appreciated it, I was trying to get out of the safe zone I had put myself in the last few months. I grabbed a bottle of water and looked around the beach.

  A tall, lilac-haired girl darted through the crowd. I flinched but she was on me in a heartbeat.

  “Lexie! You came!” Riley practically deafened me with her shout. I relaxed, laughed and hugged her back. The guys around me relaxed. Riley pulled back. Her pretty oval face and almond eyes beaming down at me. Zeke’s ex-girlfriend was one of my favorite girls around, hands down.

  “I said I would,” I reminded her.

  Riley rolled her eyes and turned to the boys. “Hey guys! Can I take Lexie or are you guys going to tag along for girl talk? Again?”

  I turned to the guys. This would be a good way to ease all of us into me going out on my own.

  Every one of them was frowning, Asher was rubbing his neck, Ethan twisting his rings, Miles tapping that staccato rhythm on his leg and Zeke was running his hand through his hair.

  “If you stick to her like glue,” Zeke said. Riley went still. I tensed. Being friends with Zeke’s ex was complicated. So far, they hadn’t had any major issues, and I was hoping that wouldn’t change.

  “I promise not to leave her alone,” Riley offered. Zeke’s jaw was clenched as he nodded stiffly. Riley wrapped her arm around mine and pulled me away from the guys.

  We walked to the other side of the fire where Jake and Derrick were standing in the sand. Jake was cute, there was no way around it. He was a head taller than me, his short, styled blond hair was streaked with lighter blond highlights. His green eyes were sparkling as he looked at his boyfriend, Derrick.

  “Look who I managed to pry away from the boys!” Riley announced as we reached them.

  Jake turned to me, squealed and practically jumped on me in his rush to hug me. I forced myself to relax as I hugged him back.

  Since January we hadn’t really been able to have our coffee shop gossip sessions. We’d settled for phone calls but it wasn’t the same. He let go only enough to wrap his arm around my shoulders. I turned to Derrick.

  The goth boy was the same height as Jake. His dark hair was streaked with purple and spiked. His average face had a nose ring, eyebrow stud, and lip ring that, oddly, seemed to suit him.

  I smiled. “Hey, Derrick.” Derrick grinned, came forward, and shoved his boyfriend away so he could hug me tight. I chuckled, braced myself and hugged him back.

  “I’m so glad to see you out tonight,” he whispered to me as his light cologne filled my nose. “We’ve missed you. Jake has been impossible.” I giggled as he let me go.

  “Well, I’m back.” I looked over at Jake’s smiling face. “You can’t get away with that anymore.” Jake made an ‘aw shucks’ face as Derrick moved back to his side.

  “So, how’d you get away from the guys?” Jake asked.

  “Yeah, I never thought they’d let you out of their sight,” Riley added.

  “I’m probably not,” I admitted. “I’m sure one of them has me in sight at all times.” Jake, Derrick and Riley looked around me in unison, and they weren’t subtle. I laughed.

  “Yep,” Derrick confirmed.

  “It’s Asher, he’s trying to make it not look obvious,” Jake explained.

  “And failing miserably,” Riley added. “He’s barely talking to the other football players.”

  They were giggling as they turned back to me.

  “We’re trying something new,” I hedged. I really didn’t want to get into it. I looked at Jake and Derrick. “So, how’s coupledom?”

  Jake’s cheeks turned red as Derrick answered, “It’s not bad.”

  I smiled mischievously. “Oh, really?”

  Jake smacked my arm, his face beet red. “Stop it, woman.” I chuckled as he fanned himself. Derrick laughed quietly, making Jake turn vermillion.

  “That good, huh?” I asked, dying to know now.

  Derrick turned to me. “I got my tongue pierced.” Everyone burst out laughing except Jake.

  “Oh my God.” Jake closed his eyes, a pained look on his face. “TMI, babe!” I kept laughing.

  Jake opened his eyes then eyed me. “Don’t make me ask about your love life.”

  “I don’t need a love life, I’m surrounded by hot guys all the time,” I pointed out. Everyone chuckled.

  “Well, you can’t argue with her there,” Derrick admitted with a smile.

  “Now if only she’d do something about it,” Jake added. I rolled my eyes and changed the subject.

  “Derrick, tell me more about this tongue piercing…?” I asked innocently. Jake’s face turned crimson again.

  “Well, so far-”

  “Don’t you dare,” Jake warned Derrick as he held back a smile. Riley and I cracked up. I let the subject drop.

  “So, what’s the latest gossip?” I asked.

  “Well, the latest is that Jason is cheating on Jessica with Michelle Hart,” Riley offered. My mouth dropped.

  “How did I miss this?” I demanded. “Ethan is slacking on his gossip skills.”

  “Word is they were se
en going at it at a party last weekend,” Jake supplied. I cringed.

  “Ew,” I stated. An upbeat song came on. It made me want to dance instantly. I reached out and took Jake’s hand. “Sorry, Derrick, but I need to borrow your guy for a dance.”

  “Go for it,” Derrick said, his hand shooing me as I dragged Jake out near the bonfire where everyone was dancing.

  I moved to the music and danced with Jake to the upbeat tempo. After a couple songs, the music changed to slow song. Jake pulled me in.

  “So, how’s the crush situation?” he whispered. I was so grateful for Jake. He was the only one who knew I was crushing on Zeke, Miles, and Asher. And he didn’t judge me for it.

  I sighed. “Not great. I’m still crushing on them but at the same time I haven’t really felt it for a few months.”

  “What do you mean felt?” He raised an eyebrow and gave me his mischievous grin.

  I shot him a look. “Butterflies, heart pounding. You know. That rush you get when you’re around your crush.”

  Jake’s gaze met mine, the sympathy filling his eyes made me want to squirm. “That might have something to do with January, Lexie,” he pointed out gently.

  “That’s what the shrink said,” I muttered. “She says it’ll come back when I’m ready.”

  Jake’s eyes unfocused. “Or you’ve moved past the ‘oh my God he’s so cute’ phase.”

  “Nope, no, no way. I like that phase,” I stated emphatically. “I don’t even know what’s past that phase.” Jake was laughing when a hand came down on his shoulder.

  “Care if I cut in?” Asher asked. Jake grinned wickedly.

  “Asher, you already had your chance. I’m with Derrick now,” Jake chided. I snickered as Jake let go of me and turned to Asher. “But I guess I can make an exception. Just this once.”

  Jake went to grab Asher to dance with him.

  Asher batted his hands away playfully. “Don’t make me tell Derrick!”

  I started laughing as Asher called for Jake’s boyfriend. Jake stopped messing with Asher.

  “Tattle-tale,” Jake chided before turning to a smiling Derrick. “Hi, babe.”

  “Are you causing trouble?” he asked, pulling him in to dance. Jake draped his arms over his shoulders.


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