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Playing for Keeps (Feeling the Heat Book 6)

Page 18

by Alison Packard

  Caressing his nape with her fingertips, Amy smiled. “Among other things.”


  Among other things.

  That phrase and what it implied had been boomeranging inside Rick’s brain since he’d left the parking garage. In fact, the moment he’d seen Amy in the garage a lot of things had flooded his brain. None of which had anything to do with crepes and everything to do with the way she’d kissed him. He hadn’t had a shot of Jack in two years, but his reaction to her kiss was like a straight shot of alcohol burning its way down to his gut and then firing through his veins.

  After a stop at a twenty-four-hour market to pick up a few essentials for crepes and those ‘other things’ she’d mentioned, he strode, head bent to shield his face from the icy breeze, along the block of Victorian homes toward her apartment. Although dawn was only a few hours away, several New Year’s Eve parties were still in full swing. Muted sounds of music and laughter had emanated from more than one of the houses he’d passed on the eight-block hike from his SUV. Finding a spot large enough hadn’t been easy and made him thankful for the underground parking in his building.

  The sight of Amy’s car parked in the shallow driveway next to Jade’s white sedan indicated that she didn’t have to worry about parking. He slipped between the two cars and approached her front door. The blinds on the tall, slim window next to the front door were closed, but the porch light cast a welcoming glow.

  A few seconds after he knocked on the door, she pulled it open. “Hi,” she said, motioning him inside with a sweep of her hand.

  “Sorry it took so long.” He held up the bag as he brushed past her. “There was a minor accident at one of the intersections and then I had to make a stop at the market. You said you had the basics but I need some special ingredients.”

  “No worries. I got home a few minutes ago.” She closed the door then locked it. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

  “No.” He shook his head. “Just kick back, relax, and let me do the work.”

  “Okay.” She smiled and sifted her fingers through her hair. “In that case, do you mind if I take a quick shower?”

  A picture of water sluicing over her naked body flashed through his head.

  How about I join you?

  Shit. Did he say that out loud? She wasn’t looking at him funny, so no. “Go ahead. You’ve got time.”

  “Great.” She motioned toward the kitchen. “I don’t have a lot of pots and pans, but I think you’ll find everything you need.”

  “Do you have a blender?”

  “Cupboard next to the stove. It’s old, but it works,” she said with a wry grin and moved past him. He turned and watched her until she disappeared. For a moment he stood frozen in the living room, staring at the festive Christmas tree in the corner as he imagined her slipping off her clothes, stepping into a steamy shower, and soaping every inch of her body.

  With a shake of his head, he forced the image away and moved to the small kitchen where he set the grocery bag on the counter by the stove and divested himself of his coat. It didn’t take him long to get the lay of the land. He found everything he needed and set to work making the crepe batter. After he’d placed the batter into the fridge to chill, he started on the filling using the ingredients he’d picked up the store. He left one item in the bag. It wasn’t for the crepes, but unless he was reading the situation entirely wrong, it was something he’d need later.

  During their marriage, Jill had insisted on doing the majority of the cooking, but after she died and he finally got his head on straight, he’d found the act of creating a meal for himself helped him establish a pattern of normalcy. And after he’d rejoined the team last season, he still got the chance to cook when the team wasn’t on the road.

  By the time the filling was ready, the sound of running water coming from the bathroom had stopped, as had the soft hum of a blow dryer. He wanted the batter to chill a little while longer so he used the time to locate the silverware, plates, and napkins, and to set two place settings on the breakfast bar.

  “Need some help?”

  Rick turned and whatever he’d planned to say totally escaped him as Amy moved toward him. Gone was the heavy makeup, cleavage-baring tank top, fishnet stockings, and thigh-high boots, and in their place was a pair of light gray sweatpants that clung to her curves yet flared out at the ankles, and a light pink shirt that didn’t disguise the fact she’d opted to go braless after her shower.

  “No. I’ve got it under control.” Or at least the crepes were under control. Controlling his desire was a different story. The sight of her taut nipples straining against the fabric of her shirt had the blood rushing straight to his dick. He cleared his throat and moved to the refrigerator to retrieve the batter. Any thought of the frigid air wafting from its depths and cooling him off was quickly dashed. He was so aware of her he couldn’t think of anything else. “Is Danny with the O’Briens tonight?” he asked, closing the door and slanting a glance at her as she slid onto the stool in front of one of the place settings.

  “Yes. I’m picking him up tomorrow at noon.” She tucked her hair behind her ears. “Lucia said it was to give me time to sleep in but I think it’s because she loves having him around. She has a maternal streak a mile wide. Jade’s lucky.”

  Rick didn’t miss the wistful tone in her voice. He was curious about what had happened between her and her mother and hoped she’d someday trust him enough to tell him about it. “I get the impression the O’Briens are like parents to you and Danny.”

  “They’re wonderful. Lucia won’t hear of me giving her money for watching Danny. She says she’s practicing for when she has grandchildren.” She let out a soft laugh. “As if she needs the practice.”

  While Rick prepared the crepes, Amy entertained him with a few anecdotes of her New Year’s Eve at Stylus, one of which included a close encounter with a bottle sparkler that had almost set her wig on fire. It struck him as they bantered back and forth that he’d missed having someone to spend time with at the end of the day. It wasn’t that he was the world’s greatest conversationalist, but the best part of every single day he’d known Jill was just being in her company. And his best days since the off-season began had been the ones he’d spent with Amy. And Danny.

  Rick placed a plate in front of Amy and grinned when she stared in awe at the three crepes stuffed with a cream cheese and berry filling. “You even decorated them with blueberries and powdered sugar.”

  “I always say if you’re going to do something, you should do it right,” he said, as he set his plate on the breakfast bar and slid onto the stool next to her.

  “Really?” She picked up her fork and gave him a saucy smile. “I’ll have to remember that.”

  Amy didn’t know which was better. The crepes or the anticipation of what would happen after she and Rick had finished them. Still, she hadn’t eaten anything in almost twenty-four hours and the crepes were so delicious that for a short time she forgot she was hungry for something more than food.

  Well, almost.

  Sitting next to Rick at the breakfast bar she was acutely aware of everything about him. His subtle scent; a mixture of soap and cologne that was unique to him invaded her senses. He’d shaved so the stubble was gone, but even without it he was sexy as hell. Underneath the navy blue Henley shirt, the play of his muscles as he’d worked in the kitchen had riveted her. The sleeves had been pushed up to his elbows to reveal his muscular forearms. She was taller than average, but next to Rick she felt almost dainty.

  With a happy sigh, she set her fork on her empty plate. “On a scale of one to ten, your crepes are a definite ten.”

  “I told you I had mad culinary skills.” He looked pleased as he grabbed their plates, then slipped off of his stool and rounded the counter to place them in the sink. Amy’s gaze lowered to his perfect ass. Boxers, briefs, or the ever popular boxer-briefs? She’d find out soon.

  Just then he turned around and she jerked her gaze up to meet his. War
mth surged over her skin and she was sure she was blushing. Still, with a backside like his he should be used to it. “You don’t have to do the dishes. You can leave them in the sink. I’ll do them tomorrow.”

  “It is tomorrow. But I won’t argue about the dishes. It’s the only part of cooking I don’t like,” he said as she hopped off of her stool and joined him in the kitchen. She reached for the brown paper grocery bag he’d placed on the counter next to the stove and let out a surprised yelp when he cut in front of her and grabbed it first.

  “What’s in the bag?” She set her hands on her hips, curious as to what he didn’t want her to see. “A secret ingredient you used in the crepes?”

  “Maybe.” A hint of a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. “Maybe not.”

  “Color me curious.” She snatched the bag from his grasp, then, laughing at his dumbstruck expression, she stuck her hand inside and pulled out a box of condoms. “So this is why you had to stop at the store.” Grinning, she inspected the box and read the large script aloud. “Ribbed for her pleasure. What do you think that means?”

  “I’m not really sure, but I think it means woman gets more stimulation during...” He paused, then amusement flashed in his eyes. “Okay. I can see by that shit-eating grin you’re messing with me. And for your information the condoms aren’t the only reason I had to stop at the store. You said you didn’t have cream cheese, whipping cream, or berries. All of which I needed for the crepes.”

  “Did you stop at the twenty-four-hour market on Bryant?”

  He nodded. “Why?”

  With a mischievous smile, she side-stepped around him and grabbed the tote bag she’d hung on an oversized metal hook on the end of the breakfast bar. “I was in and out before you got there,” she said as she pulled out three small boxes of condoms and set them on top of the counter along with his box. “I wasn’t sure what size to get so I bought regular, large, and extra-large. I’m sure the guy at the cash register thought I was on my way to an orgy.”

  “You could have told him they make great water balloons.”

  “And you’d know this how?” she asked, slipping the handles of the tote over the hook. She turned to find Rick leaning against the edge of the counter in front of the sink. She crossed the short space between them and in a quick move, braced her palms on the countertop and lifted herself up to sit on its smooth surface.

  “When I was at UT a few of my buddies used to fill them with water and have water balloon fights. They’re actually pretty durable.” He chuckled. “They also make excellent balloon animals.”

  “This is what you did in college?”

  “I didn’t say I participated.”

  “But you did.” She cocked her head and arched a brow at him. “Didn’t you?”

  He pushed off the counter and moved to stand in front of her. “Maybe once or twice.”

  “Will you make a condom balloon animal for me?”

  “I made you crepes.” A smile crinkled the corners of his eyes. “Isn’t that enough?”


  “Are you always this demanding?” he asked with a laugh.

  “Only when I want something.”

  Their smiles slowly faded. Rick lifted his hand and gently caressed her cheek. The pad of his thumb brushed over her lower lip and the desire she’d held in check since they’d kissed in the garage returned full force. He skimmed his fingers over her jaw, then to her neck. She sighed and tilted her head slightly to the side. “What do you want right now?” he asked in a low voice.


  The smoldering heat in his eyes sent a jolt of need straight through her. He lowered his head and pressed his lips to the soft skin of her neck, just behind her ear. “I’m glad I’m not the only one who bought condoms,” he murmured against her skin.

  “Great minds and all that.” Amy slanted her face toward him and with a low groan he covered her mouth with his. Instantly, everything inside of her melted. She’d been kissed before, but no one tasted as warm and delicious as Rick. No one had ever excited her as much as Rick. Soon, all thoughts, except for one, evaporated as the sensation of his tongue exploring her mouth pumped heat and desire through her body.

  More. She wanted more of him.

  As if he could read her mind, he placed his palms on her knees, spread her legs, and moved to stand in between her splayed thighs. She ran her hands over his broad shoulders, then skimmed her fingers through his hair. Every thundering beat of her heart echoed in her ears. Every nerve ending in her body sizzled like a live wire. His hands slid around her hips as he cupped her bottom and pulled her closer. She moaned and pressed her pelvis against the hard bulge in his jeans.

  He pulled back much too soon. Biting back a whimper of protest, she opened her eyes. Rick was staring at her, his eyes heavy-lidded with arousal. His hair was tousled from her fingers and his breathing was ragged.

  She had to exhale to find her voice. “You’re not thinking of leaving, are you?”

  In response he slid his hands up and under her knit top to cup the fullness of her breasts in his palms. Her breath caught in her throat and her nipples grew taut as he lightly brushed them with his thumbs. “What I’m thinking has nothing to do with leaving.”

  “Fair warning: I haven’t done this in a while.”

  A smile curved his firm lips. “Me either.”

  “Unless you count my vibrator.”

  His thumbs stilled and something flared in his eyes, making them appear even darker. “I think you just made me harder.”

  “Good.” She reached behind her and grabbed the box of condoms he’d bought and then looped her arms around his neck. “Shall we take this to my bedroom?”

  “I thought you’d never ask.” He slid his hands back to her bottom and lifted her off the counter. She hooked her ankles behind him and nuzzled his neck as he carried her out of the kitchen, across the living room, and into her bedroom where the vintage table lamp she’d found at a garage sale bathed the room with a soft, rosy glow.

  Like the rest of the apartment, her bedroom was sparsely furnished. Because it was cheaper, she’d almost purchased a twin bed when she and Danny had moved in but at the last minute she’d changed her mind and went with a full-size. A wise decision considering what was about to happen.

  Unhooking her ankles, she lowered her feet to the floor and reluctantly relinquished her hold on his neck. She set the condoms on the nightstand behind her, then turned and reached for the hem of his shirt with both hands and lifted. He raised his arms and let her pull it over his head. The shirt dropped to the hardwood floor, along with her jaw. “Holy shit,” she whispered. A sprinkling of dark hair covered the defined muscles of Rick’s chest, then arrowed down the middle of the most perfect abs she’d ever seen, before disappearing into the waistband of his jeans. “You do work out a lot.”

  “It’s part of my job.”

  “I like your job. Please keep doing it.” She smiled and made a circling motion with her finger. “Turn around.”

  His eyebrows lifted a fraction, but he obediently turned around. It was no surprise that the back view was just as amazing as the front. His sculpted shoulders tapered to a narrow waist and slim hips. Unable to resist, she touched his skin. It felt as hard as steel under her fingertips, but unlike the cold unforgiving metal, his skin was warm and supple. Taking a step forward, she slid her arms around his waist and pressed the softness of her body to the hardness of his. His swift intake of breath indicated he wasn’t immune to her breasts, stomach, and thighs plastered against him.

  Laying her cheek against his shoulder, she found the fly of his jeans, and with a quick flick of her wrist, she opened the button. Someone’s racing heartbeat echoed in her ears; she wasn’t sure if it was hers or his. She slowly lowered the zipper and he went still. Sliding her hand between his open fly, she rested her palm on his bulge and discovered he was either a briefs or boxer-briefs man. The fabric molded to his groin was the only thing between her and
his cock.

  A tremble went through his body. “’re killing me,” he said, his voice thick with desire.

  Turning her head, she kissed his shoulder blade. “This isn’t such a bad way to die, is it?”

  “No. It’s not.” He covered her hand with his and urged her to massage his erection. After almost a minute of sensuous stroking, he stilled her hand. “Any more and I’ll be done before we’ve even started. I want to make this last.”

  “Then how about we get you naked?” She pulled her hand from under his and while he toed off his leather sneakers, she slid his underwear and jeans down his legs. When they bunched at his ankles, she helped him step out of them, and then, as he turned toward her, she straightened and pointed to the bed. “Sit,” she said, lowering her gaze. Suppressing the urge to wrap her fingers around his erection, she placed her palm on his chest and urged him backward until he sat on the quilt that covered the bed. He stared up at her, his eyes dark and intense.

  Unable to help herself, she let her gaze roam over him and the word spectacular came to mind. Although muscular, he was lean. There was no extra fat on him anywhere. Why hadn’t some underwear company hired him? Were they crazy, or what? His abs were rock hard, and his thighs were thick and covered with fine, dark hair. He leaned back, bracing his palms on the quilt, seemingly unaware of how damn hot he was even with his socks still on. With a smile, she crouched in front of him, lifted his foot and peeled off a sock, then did the same with his other foot. Although it took everything she had to not lean forward and touch him, she braced her hands on his knees and pushed herself up.

  Standing before such perfection might make even the most gorgeous woman feel slightly imperfect, but she didn’t hesitate to reach for the hem of her top and lift it over her head. She tossed it on the floor, then hooked her thumbs in the waistband of her sweat pants and dragged them down her legs. Stepping out of them, she kicked them aside and looked at Rick.

  “You’re beautiful,” he said, lowering his gaze to her breasts, and then lower still. “So beautiful.” He leaned forward, extending his hand. “Come here.”


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