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A Tank Full of Trouble: A Citrus Beach Mystery (Citrus Beach Mysteries Book 5)

Page 11

by Victoria LK Williams

  "Okay, Toby, you keep an eye on them and let's see just how much they really want to follow us."

  "What are you going to do, Aunt Meg?" Sammy's voice had a touch of fear in it and Megan hastened to reassure the young girl.

  "Sammy, who did we tell you to go to if you ever feel you’re in danger?"

  "The police, or an adult we trust."

  "That's right. And that's just what we’re going to do right now. We're going to drive directly to the police station. We’ll see just how much they want to follow us when we pull in front of the station. I will bet you an ice cream cone they will keep on driving. And then we can turn around and go home. Safe and sound."

  The two kids looked at Megan, pleased that she had a plan to keep them protected. And it sounded like a good plan, too. Toby settled back in his seat and kept watching the progress of the car behind them. Megan decided to have a little fun, why make it easy on them? She knew the streets of Citrus Beach like the back of her hand and she let the other car up and down the streets in and out of shortcuts, but always staying in areas where there was traffic. After all, she had two young children she couldn't put in danger. Finally, she decided they had to be thoroughly lost, and she set her route for the most direct way to the police station. With one eye on the road, she pulled up in front of the station and watched for their reaction. The white Lexus slowed down and even looked like it would turn into a parking spot, but then, as if the driver suddenly realized where they were, the car picked up speed and left them.

  "Way to go, Aunt Meg," cheered Sammy from the back seat.

  "So do we go inside and tell the police?" the ever-serious Toby asked.

  "No, Toby, we have no proof we were being followed or they meant any harm to us. But I’ll text Sheriff Green the license plate number of that car and just let him know what's going on. And then we’re going to go home and enjoy our dinner."

  Megan was true to her word. After texting Sheriff Green, she pulled back out into traffic and drove the opposite way towards her house. All three of them kept a vigilant eye out for the white Lexus, but it never reappeared. When she arrived at her home, Megan pulled up to the security gate with relief. Rather than leaving the gates open for the others, she punched in the code to make sure they closed. All those who were coming for dinner knew the code, so there was no reason to leave the gates open, perhaps allowing in unwanted guests.

  Once she had parked the Jeep, and the kids jumped out taking Barney and all their paraphernalia with them, Megan sighed with relief. It was one thing to take a risk with her own safety, and quite another to put the two youngsters at risk as well. A quick glance around confirmed that Lucy and Paul were already here. The kids ran to the back screen porch tell them all about their adventures. Megan cringed, not sure how Lucy would react to the last 15 minutes of their day.

  Stalling for time, she walked into the front door of her home and checked her message machine. After listening to a few messages she thought might be important, she straightened her shoulders and headed out to the screen porch to join the others. Surprisingly enough, Lucy didn't act upset. As a matter of fact, she came over and gave Megan a tight hug, thanking her for using common sense in getting the kids home safely.

  With that weight off of her shoulders, Megan settled down to enjoy the evening. It wasn't much longer before her daughter Emma arrived with her roommate Taylor and her old basset hound, Fred. Barney was thrilled to see his friend and barked with excitement. As everyone got caught up with each other, the food was brought out and soon they were all enjoying the meal. As expected, Jake showed up just as they were sitting down to eat. When Megan asked him about the box, he only gave her a wink and then continued his conversation with Emma and Taylor.

  By now the youngest of the group had told everyone about the car tailing them from the beach. Jake gave Megan a funny look, but decided not to say anything until he could get her away from the others. He was sure that the car Toby described was the same one he had seen earlier at the beach when Bingo had defended Lynn’s car.

  Pushing that thought aside, Jake rejoined the conversation that was going on around him, laughing and teasing his friends.

  They were winding down the evening dinner when they heard the approach of a small airplane. Megan looked at Paul in surprise, a question in her eyes.

  "I don't remember anyone being scheduled to come land on the airstrip. Did one of my customers call today and say they were coming in?"

  "Oh, I forgot to tell you, Carol Bloomquest was sending Sam in today. She didn't say why. But Sam knows his way around, so it’s not a big deal.”

  Megan looked like she was ready to get up and see who Sam was bringing with him, but Paul volunteered to go instead. As he got up, Jake and Toby rose to go with him. That left just the girls at the table, and the conversation turned from the incoming plane to the newest project that Emma and Taylor were working on at the petting zoo. They all got caught up in the conversation as Taylor vividly described how Emma had tangled with one of the newest goats and had lost. They were still laughing when they heard the men come back. Glancing up to greet Carol's pilot, Sam, Megan's mouth dropped open in surprise.

  "Hello, Megan."

  There standing in front of her was the tall masculine figure of the man who had been on her mind so much the last few days. Aiden Tory had returned early.

  Chapter 21

  While voices of greeting rose around them, Megan and Aiden held each other’s glance, saying everything needed with their eyes. They didn’t speak, there was no need. Finally, the surrounding conversation penetrated their private thoughts and Aiden turned to say hello to Sammy, who was tugging on his arm for attention. Gypsy, his dog, marched right in like she owned the place and sank down in Barney’s bed by the pool.

  Sam, the pilot, thanked Megan for the invitation to dinner when she asked, explaining that he was meeting Janice for dinner. The two of them had a long-distance relationship. Any time that Sam flew into Citrus Beach, they made sure they spent time together.

  “I wanted to drop off my passenger. My orders from Carol is to make sure he was delivered to Megan, first thing,” he laughed and continued. “There are some supplies on the plane she would like you to bring to the house tomorrow. I’ll be back in the morning and we can unload before I have to fly back to St. Louis.”

  With a wave goodbye to the group gathered around the table and pool, he headed to the office where was Janice waiting. As she watched him go, Megan marveled that Janice had kept his pending arrival to herself. Meanwhile, Aiden walked over to sit next to her, taking the glass of wine offered to him by Lucy. Turning to Megan he spoke directly to her.

  “I would have sworn that the last thing I said to you was to stay out of trouble. All week I’ve been getting news about what has been going on around here. I had a feeling I needed to cut my trip short and get back to you. And now I hear someone was following you? Sounds like you need to bring me up to date.” His words were teasing, but Megan could hear the seriousness behind them. She reached out for his hand to reassure him she was fine.

  Lucy knew that they wanted to talk about the attack on Lewis, but she wasn’t sure it in Sammy and Toby’s best interest to be part of the conversation. Emma and Taylor caught her glance, and jumped in to help out.

  “Come on you two -- how about a board game in the living room? Jake, you up for the challenge?” Emma asked as she got to her feet. Sammy and Toby quickly agreed and pleaded with Jake to join them. He needed little persuasion, and soon the adults could hear the five of them inside the house, deciding which game to select.

  As soon as they were sure the kids were involved in their game, the rest started to talk about the attack on Lewis.

  “Have you or the sheriff figured out what both offices were being searched for?” Aiden asked Megan once he heard everyone’s input.

  “I have a few ideas, but not very many solid facts to back them up. Zoe and I have been going through all the files and I think that they were looking
for one particular car.”

  Paul and Lucy looked at Megan in surprise, this was the first they’d heard of her theory. Aiden simply nodded. He knew that her mind had been working overtime, going over every detail again and again. He wouldn’t be at all surprised if she solved the crime before the sheriff. Not that the man was less than capable, but Aiden had spoken to him not all that long ago and the sheriff had a lot on his plate. Not only trying to solve the attack on Lewis, but now he was bombarded with attempted car break-ins throughout the town. The paperwork alone was discouraging the officer.

  "But what particular car? What reason? I still can’t answer those questions. Or maybe I'm completely off track and they were only looking for money."

  Megan's theories were like an invitation for a group discussion. Everybody was tossing out ideas and possible scenarios. It wasn't until Megan saw Jake standing in the door frame that they realized how much time had passed. The living room was now quiet and the game was over. Jake motioned to Megan that he wanted to talk to her. Before he had the chance to say anything Emma and Taylor pushed by and came out onto the terrace.

  "Thanks for dinner, but we need to get back to the farm. Taylor’s sure that there is a foal ready to make his appearance sometime tonight, and she wants to be there for the birth." Megan got her to her feet to hug the girls goodbye. She understood Taylor's desire to be home for the birth of the newest addition to the farm and petting zoo they managed. Taylor’s veterinarian schooling was now at the point where she would able to assist the vet in the delivery.

  "Bring the kids out after school tomorrow so they can see the new foal. There are also a few more additions since they were there last," Taylor added as the young women finished saying goodbye.

  "Oh, can we? Please, please," begged Sammy, excited at the thought of the foal.

  Lucy looked heartbroken as she told the kids plans were made for someone else to pick them up because she had an appointment with a potential new client. Megan saw the disappointed looks all around and wanted to do something.

  "Lucy, I would love to see the new foal, too. I could pick the kids up from school and we could go out to the farm from there."

  Lucy gave Megan a look of thanks and tried to speak over the voices of the two excited kids, who were trying their best to get her to agree to Megan's suggestion.

  "Are you sure? I mean, you picked them up today. I don't want you to feel like we're taking advantage--"

  "Nonsense! I like spending time with these two. And I will be sneaking out to visit the foal anyways. You’ll just be giving me an excuse to cut out of work early and go visit my daughter."

  Lucy laughed at Megan's words. She didn’t need to sneak out to the farm. Plus, she put in enough hours on her business, she would be more than justified in taking a few hours off. Nodding her head in agreement, Lucy grinned at the cheering kids in front of her.

  "Okay, but that means we should leave now. You both have school projects you need to work on if you're not coming home right after school. I'll let Charlotte know the change in plans and count on you, again, Megan, to pick the kids up. Come on you guys, lets hit the road."

  Lucy got to her feet, instructed the kids to make sure the living room was tidied up, and grabbed a few dishes to clear the table.

  "Leave that, Lucy. I'll stay and help with the clean-up. I want to spend some time with my favorite lady anyways." Aiden took the plate from her hand and put it back down.

  With a jolt, the adults realized that Megan and Aiden probably wanted some time to themselves. Everyone said good night and started to leave. Jake exited with Emma and Taylor, forgetting he wanted to talk to Megan about the episode at Neptune's Trident.

  And then there was silence. The house felt peaceful and happy, basking in the afterglow of the time friends spent gathered. Aiden looked at Megan and opened his arms, ready for the welcome home he had been waiting for since he walked in her home. She giggled like a young girl and hurried to him, to be wrapped in a hug that felt wonderful. They stood in each other’s arms for a moment, and then Aiden kissed the top of her head and stepped back.

  “Why don’t we clean this mess up and go for a walk. I’m sure the dogs need to stretch their legs too.”

  “That sounds wonderful. How did Gypsy like her first flight?”

  Hearing her name, the little white and gray shih tzu gave a bark, as if to answer for herself.

  “She did fine, like the diva she is,” laughed Aiden as he shook his head. It still amazed him that he owned such a girly dog. But he loved the puppy and would do anything for her. Since finding her at the scene of a murder, he had adopted the puppy and now the two were as inseparable as Megan and Barney.

  In no time the mess was cleaned up from dinner and they were ready to head out into the cool evening. Megan shivered in spite of the jacket she put on as they walked out the door, and Aiden put his arm around her shoulder. He pulled her close for warmth and marveled at how perfectively she fit. He considered himself extremely lucky to have her in his life. For years there had only been his work at the FBI. Then, at the same time that he was retiring and returning to work in the public sector, Megan came into his world. He had flown to Florida to help solve the murder of his son’s old college roommate, and before he knew it, Megan was working with him on the case. By the time the murderer was arrested he’d decided to pursue private investigations, fallen in love with Citrus Beach, and was halfway in love with Megan Cassidy.

  As he held her close, he admitted to himself that he was completely in love with the woman now. He knew that she shared the same feelings, but wanted their relationship to move slowly. She had lost her husband years ago, and was content with her life, but now she was coming to terms with her feelings for Aiden.

  They walked across the garden path between Megan's house and her office, pausing to stare up at the stars when they reach the wooden footbridge crossed the small creek that divided the property in two. Barney and Gypsy ran ahead of them, excited to be outside in the cool crisp air. With a laugh, the couple followed and soon they were walking along the airstrip. As they walked past the building where Aiden was renting an apartment, Megan asked him if he had stopped off there yet.

  "Only long enough to drop off my bags and then Sam and I came right over to your house." Megan nodded her head in understanding. They said nothing more for a while, simply enjoying each other's company as they walked. When they completed the circle around the property to stand in front of Megan's house they stopped. Aiden took in the sight, feeling like he was at home too. Then he noticed the new vehicle parked in the front.

  "What have we here? A new acquisition during your shopping trip down south?"

  "I’ll have you know, this is Joe Stevens's handiwork. He insisted that I needed a car that people wouldn't recognize so I could scurry around town uninhibited. I have to admit I was against the idea at first, but after driving it for the weekend I think it was a great idea. I love the fact that the four-wheel-drive lets me go off-road when I'm looking for places to take pictures."

  "Can't you do enough damage staying on the road?" Aiden teased.

  Megan laughed along with him, she wasn't going to take offense to anything tonight. But the talk about the Jeep brought back to mind the attack on Lewis and the attempted break-ins.

  "I know were bombarded with a lot of information when you arrived, but I have some thoughts and ideas I'd like to shoot past you. What about a cup of coffee and we can talk?”

  Aiden had been expecting this. Megan tended to have a one-track mind when she was working on a case, but she had an instinct he respected. Opening the door, he bowed to allow her to go in first and followed.

  Half an hour later they were deep in conversation, half of the pot of coffee was gone, and a notebook was filled with scribbles as Megan wrote down Aiden's thoughts and suggestions and added her own to it. She loved when they worked like this, shooting off ideas and going where the tangents would take them. She could imagine herself helping Aiden on many of hi
s cases as his business grew. That is, if he would include her. He seemed to have some idea that she needed to be kept safe, and he was the person to do it. She tried not to be resentful about his protectiveness, but sometimes it was hard. She had been doing things on her own for so long, and wasn’t used to accepting help all the time.

  Megan was defending one of her ideas when Aiden stopped her.

  "Hate to interrupt, but the news is about to come on. I'd like to catch up on what I've missed. Do you mind?"

  Megan looked at the clock over the fireplace. The late news started in just a few minutes. She was as religious about watching the news as Aiden was, and she nodded her head in agreement while she refilled their coffee. She knew they'd be able to pick up right where they had left off with no problems.

  "It looks like our favorite reporter’s still at it. They just announced that she has a special report coming up. I wonder what Kim Heart's up to now." Megan made a face at the TV as one of the other reporters announced that Kim would come up next.

  They both looked at each other and waited for the newscast to continue. After filling in her TV audience on the background of what had occurred earlier in the week, Kim made a startling announcement that made Megan jump out of her seat.


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