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House of Jackals

Page 45

by Todd M. Moreno

  “A charming diversion,” Tenatte said as Wyren finally came down to meet him. “It goes well with those bugbear-baiting pits I hear you keep in your temple cellars.”

  “You do not approve?” the Bishop replied in mock surprise, ignoring the religious jab.

  “I merely know a specialty supplier for artificially created fantasy animals,” said Tenatte. “It will cost, but I can arrange an introduction.”

  “A man of your position,” Wyren breathed, “stooping for a sales commission?”

  “Call it an anti-riff-raff fee,” Tenatte replied. “To weed out buyers who are not serious.”

  Before him, the team supporting the clawed brute groaned as the team favoring the wool-covered animal executed what appeared to be a life-saving maneuver with its thrusters.

  Wyren chuckled as he sat in front of Tenatte. Very well. It was time to come to terms.

  “With the meaty pieces settling from Seffan’s revenge on the wives, children, parents and pets of those he saw as having betrayed him,” Wyren began, his back to the game, “I trust that your lot are not planning to give Legan a new ruling count anytime soon.”

  “Many do not see Derrick as a reliable businessman,” said Tenatte, lifting his snifter to enjoy the aroma before taking a drink. “Do you have a fancy for him?”

  The Bishop could not tell if there was a twinkle in those profane metallic eyes, but he let the insinuation pass as hoots, cries, cheers and boos came up from the lower gallery. He smiled at his guests’ belief that the small, animated ball of wool had met its fate, knowing that within the animal’s puffy coat were quill needles which housed an injectable neurotoxin. Sadly, the larger animal made the paralyzing discovery too late. Worse for the now defenseless beast, by injuring the normally docile animal, it had triggered a retaliatory defense reaction. Screaming in pain, the wounded would-be prey flew into an enraged counter-attack, aided by cross-cutting fangs, hidden by its generous lips. From the mirrored wall behind Tenatte, the Bishop saw a floating burst of red, along with waywardly spinning entrails as the surprised crowd roared.

  “The True Church merely has a quaint fondness for Legan’s rightful lord,” said Wyren, having waited for the noise to subside. “It is so unnatural to respect our laws of succession?”

  “How ‘unnatural’ can anything be if Legan’s rules of succession are so flexible?” Tenatte replied. “But aren’t you engaged in marriage negotiations between Derrick and the Tehasings?”

  “They can be concluded with Lord Jordan, if need be. It is the way with House mergers. One heir can be as good as another.” Wyren nodded toward the free-float chamber. “Many here bet on which animal will win, others on how long it takes a predator to get its meal. Some go for the long-odds, that the prey will reach the game’s time limit and survive. At least until it is ordered up in a special Victory Meal by those with expensive tastes and inclinations.”

  “Do you ever indulge in inclinations of taste, Bishop?” Tenatte smirked.

  Wyren interpreted the question his own way. “Gambling is against my religion, Sir.”

  “Mine too,” Tenatte said with a broad smile. “Well, with your quaint fondness for young Count Derrick, and the DuCideon Brotherhood’s rank appetite for Jordan the Masquerader, wouldn’t it be refreshing to consider engaging the other Possórs who are still around?”

  “You do not mean someone like Derrick’s great uncle, Seonas?”

  “The strings of drug addicts tend to be stronger and easier to pull,” observed Tenatte. “Besides, you said your marital negotiations could be concluded with anyone.”

  “Seonas Possór presents the problem of already having two sons who would have priority to any inheritance. Lord Tehasing will want his own descendant as next in line for Legan’s crown. But let us stick to the facts as they currently exist, shall we?”

  Tenatte took another drink.

  “I understand the Consortium wants to take over CheCredit,” said the Bishop. “We might be willing to withdraw our competing offer, if we can come to a general accord.”

  “You mean you might withdraw Lord Ketrick’s competing offer.”

  Wyren shrugged. “The DuCideon operations will be ours soon enough. Which, by the way, I also hope that you are not looking to take undo advantage of our transitionary period.”

  With the free-float chamber being cleared of debris, from behind the Bishop, Tenatte could see attendants prepare two new animals for entry. The first had the look of an octopod, with an armored hood and specialized tentacles. The second was an insectoid, with two hooked arms and a large harpoon-like stinger. With the inexperienced guests having been tricked by the unexpected capabilities of what they mistook to be a mere sheep-variant, there was a noticeable hesitation in choosing sides for this bout.

  “It would be most unsportsmanlike,” Wyren added.

  Tenatte laughed. “I wouldn’t know. But speaking of transitions, I hear you’ve had some difficulties with your desert-city development contracts in Bairston. Seeing how you’ve been so engaged swallowing up all those DuCideon brothers, we could assume those contracts for you.”

  For whatever the reason, the octopod was not as well supported as the insectoid. One self-designated member of the smaller octopod group went so far as to betray his team, the “traitorous” teen running through his pre-paid power boosts to send the squirming beast straight at the other creature’s stinger. Despite an attempt to divert the approaching danger with its tentacles, the combined momentum of the firing thrusters caused the octopod to be impaled through its beaked underbelly. The fight was thus even shorter than the first.

  “And for that, your word that Derrick lives?” Wyren asked.

  Tenatte sat back in his chair. “You cheat, Bishop,” he said at last. “That last battle was a hologram.” The Consortium representative opened wide the aperture of his metallic eyes and then narrowed them for effect. “Are you being cheap, or fixing the odds?”

  “So Derrick will live?” Wyren asked, ignoring the allegation. In truth, the NDB bishop’s lawyers were very careful in the representations that were made concerning the show. Guessing that Tenatte’s eyes were capable of infra-vision, Wyren made a mental note to install a barrier to nullify the detectible heat differentials, so the cost-cutting illusion could be preserved.

  Tenatte laughed. “For CheCredit, the desert development contracts, and the travel bans on the sons of Lilth Morays in your NDB-controlled territories being lifted.”

  Wyren frowned at the odd demand. Was the Consortium representative serious about putting other possible heirs in contention for Legan’s throne? Were Cary and Curin Morays truly his candidates?

  Tenatte smiled again as two large men dressed in black forced another man into the gravity-lock, a third man bashing the face of a cruise attendant as the dutiful employee tried to stop them. The anti-gravity chamber, at least, was real. On the other side of the chamber, another group of black-clad men were inserting four genetically modified jackals, the dark, bulky animals snapping and growling at one another in hunger.

  “Done,” the Bishop agreed. Not bothering to glance at the mirror behind Tenatte, Wyren was still unaware that the commotion in the lower gallery was anything out of the ordinary.

  Tenatte raised his glass in mock toast as the cries and cheers below turned to screams of horror. Or at least some of them. After first glancing at the mirror, Wyren turned around to see the unfortunate thin, young man with auburn hair helplessly try to maneuver in zero-gravity as the jackals jetted toward him. On his breast pocket was the jackal badge of House Possór. The NDB bishop had seen better look-a-likes for Derrick, but Tenatte’s message to him was clear.

  “Oh my,” said the Bishop, having no need to guess at who employed the men in black. He turned to Tenatte, who took another careless drink as cruise personnel tried vainly to shut down the game’s operations in time. They were unsuccessful. “Hmmmm,” the Bishop mused, “I suppose some of the parents of those kids watching down there will want refund
s now.”

  “Tell them that it was just a practice run for a special show being developed,” Tenatte replied, standing from his seat, “but not to worry: So long as there are no unforeseen production problems, there will be no need to increase ticket prices.”

  Chais Wyren let the man go without impediment.

  After all, they had made a deal.



  Cast of Characters

  ALFUEH, Lon: Director of Government Archives in Pablen.

  ANDIOR, Guerren: Son of the Marquis-Grandee deFenté and old classmate of Derrick Possór.

  ANNI, Ethes: Executive secretary of Vaid Ketrick.

  ARCHEL, Lena (Possór-Carland): Mother of Vialette Carland. Remarried.

  BARELL, Cathena: Soror and truthseer of the Holy Miran Church.

  BETAIS, Jason: Chief agent of the HOPIS field office in Landsig.

  BIAM, Allenford: Senior advisor to the Count-Grandee.

  BREGAN, Elisa: Personal secretary of Amuel Neider.

  CARLAND, Vialette: Niece and godchild of Viscountess Morays.

  CURRECK, Marcea: Housekeeper of Pablen Palace and former HOPIS agent.

  DEPRÉ, Lenalt: Rebel leader.

  DEPRÉ, Nolan: Brother of Lenalt. Deceased.

  DONARRÉ, Justin: First Lord Admiral of the Fleet (Legan).

  DURRIN, Malachi: Rebel rogue initiate.

  HARFLER, Franick: Formerly in the Home Guard. Retired.

  HENELY, Lousin: First Advisor to the Count-Grandee.

  KAMARIN, Taniell: Rebel leader.

  KELLEN, Belene: Matér and former teacher of Derrick Possór.

  KETRICK, Vaid: Regional lord and ranking DuCideon on Legan.

  KLIN, Rommer: Old military comrade of Manus Tillic.

  LERLE, Annika: Rebel lieutenant and mentor of Taniell Kamarin.

  LERRERO, Arle: Commander in the House Guard.

  LINSE, Ashincor: Maternal grandfather of Derrick Possór, now a Patér in Holy Orders.

  MERES, Jair: Field agent in House Possór Internal Security.

  MORAYS, Curin: Lilth Morays’ youngest son and paternal twin of Cary.

  MORAYS, Cary: Lilth Morays’ oldest son of and paternal twin of Curin.

  MORAYS, Lilth (Possór): Viscountess of Voxny and paternal cousin to the Count-Grandee.

  NEIDER, Amuel: Retired Admiral and Governor-General of Galleston.

  NEIDER, Elizabeth: Retired Fleet Admiral and wife of Amuel Neider.

  ORDIR, Nyla (alias): Rogue initiate.

  ORQUÉ, Thadam: Fratér of the Holy Church contracted to the House Guard.

  POSSÓR, Anson: Son of Duke Burin and Duchess Josephine.

  POSSÓR, Burin: Younger brother of the Count-Grandee and second in line to the throne.

  POSSÓR, Cassand Iowynne (Linse): Mother of Derrick Possór.

  POSSÓR, Derrick: Son and heir of the Count-Grandee of Legan.

  POSSÓR, Jordan: Younger brother of Viscountess Lilth Morays.

  POSSÓR, Josephine (Garlet): Commoner-born wife of Burin Possór.

  POSSÓR, Seffan: Reigning Count-Grandee of Legan. Lord Legan.

  POSSÓR, Seonas: Uncle of the Count-Grandee.

  RAJAN, Nierreb: Lifelong friend and companion of Guerren Andior.

  RENIC, Kel: Rebel operative.

  ROUHER, Ilynne: Junior advisor to the Count-Grandee.

  SALIAN, Romell: Lord High Justice of the Empire.

  SCHNYDER, Genethan: Archbishop within the Holy Miran Church.

  STEUBEN, Henrald: Colonel in the House Possór Armed Forces.

  STOUS, Helena: Baroness-Grandia of Gastolos. Lady Gastolos.

  SUKAIN, Carole-Jeanne: Counselor to Derrick Possór.

  TEHASING, Delanna: Princess and heiress presumptive to House Tehasing.

  TENATTE, Anios: Planetary representative from the Consortium.

  TILLIC, Manus: Special Commander in the House Guard and close friend of Derrick Possór.

  VON TACCEN, Willem: Count-patent and representative of the Emperor.

  WARD, Cole: Security commander on Andior flagship: A.M.F.S. Talion.

  WEHRING, Rachel: Former HOPIS agent. Deceased.

  WYREN, Chais: NDB bishop and the ranking NDB on Legan.

  List of Entities

  ASSEMBLY, The: Name assumed by the Rebel leadership on Legan.

  CHURCH of the NEW DAWN BELIEVERS, The: The NDB Church. "The True Church." Institutionally descended from the victor in the ancient Great Dogmatic War.

  CHURCH SECURITY, NDB: Paramilitary arm for intelligence operations and secret services.

  CONFEDERATED ALLIANCE, The: A galactic rival to the Empire.

  CONSORTIUM, The: A major criminal organization within the Empire. Originally founded as an economic council to lobby for government political favor through regulatory manipulation.

  COUNCIL of UNDERLORDS, The: Popular name of the governing body of the Consortium.

  DUCIDEON BROTHERHOOD, The: The Brotherhood. A quasi-religious secret society advancing the economic and political interests of its high-ranking members.

  EMPEROR, The: Imperial Head of State. The Imperial House claims descent from an ancient tribe of conquistadors, known to be devoted to an immaculate manifestation of feminine divinity.

  EMPIRE, The (The Imperium): Founded by the first practitioners of the Mental Disciplines, its aim was to stabilize human civilization and mend the fragmentation which undermined attempts to build a cohesive society. Governed by the Emperor, Parliament, and the Holy Miran Church.

  GRAND-OVERLORD, The: The unknown head of the Consortium.

  HOLY CHURCH, The: The Miran Church. The largest religious organization in the Empire. Headed by the Twin Holy Thrones. A successor to the Old Church, which was defeated in the Great Dogmatic War, its stature rose with the propagation of the Mental Disciplines.

  HOLY ORDERS, The: Any of the many religious orders within the Holy Miran Church, one having discovered and developed the Mental Disciplines.

  HOUSE ANDIOR: Ruling clan of the planet Fenté, with familial ties with the Imperial House.

  HOUSE GUARD: Special division of HOPIS responsible for the safety of the Noble Family.

  HOUSE LINSE: Once a House Possór vassal, its titles were merged with the Crown of Legan.

  HOUSE POSSÓR: Ruling clan of the planet Legan. Established as a Grand House by Torran I after the defeat of Akiel of Carran.

  HOUSE POSSÓR INTERNAL SECURITY (HOPIS): An intelligence and secret service.

  HOUSE TEHASING: Ruling clan of the planet Teviston. An emerging ally of House Possór.

  IMPERIAL ACADEMY: Officer training school for the Imperial Armed Forces, a commission from which being required for Imperial government office and, usually, a title of nobility.

  IMPERIAL JUDICIAL COMMITTEE: Select body within Parliament dealing with the Imperial courts of law and the administration of justice. It has the power to determine certain points of criminal and civil procedure subject to the full review of Parliament.

  IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT, The: Also simply Parliament. Legislative branch of the Imperial government with an Upper and Lower Chamber. The Upper Chamber is restricted to the Grand Houses of the Imperium. The Lower Chamber consists of sub-planetary regional lords.

  IMPERIAL SEVEN-STAR CORPORATION, The: A monopolistic conglomerate controlled by the Emperor through the distribution of corporate directorships to favored Grand Houses.

  PLANETARY DEFENSE COMMAND (PDC): A division of House Possór's Armed Forces coordinating planetary and regional defense efforts. Included in its duties is the general administration of space traffic control.

  TWIN HOLY THRONES, The: Seats of authority belonging to the crowned heads of the Miran Church: the Holy Father and the Holy Mother. A singular reference to their joint rule.

  Places of Relevance

  AFSKAGG MOUNTAINS: Part of a protected wilderness area on Legan.

  BAIRSTON: A small government town in an area once known for weapons’ testing.

rmer regional capital. Site of the largest NDB temple on Legan.

  CORISIA: A planetary system where the Wasserian Armada was defeated.

  CRUCIDEL: Residence of the Viscountess Morays.

  DALGIER: A resort city known for its year-round festivals.

  DOLOREN: Planet used by the Imperial Armed Forces for its Academy.

  FAREDIN: Island county on Legan's smallest continent.

  FENTÉ: Planetary fief of House Andior.

  FERRAMOND: City and site of a small private Miran university.

  GALLESTON: A Crown barony on Legan. Also a historical battle-site.

  GOVERNMENT ARCHIVES: Official repository of governmental files and records.

  HIERADAM: Port city and seat of the duchy of Veron.

  JALMEC: A domed-city on the moon of Noracé, famed for its casino and pleasure resort.

  KELAWAN: Capital of a former Legan marquisate.

  KELTON: Minor spaceport city on Legan.

  LANDSIG: City in the Voxny viscounty.

  LEGAN: Planetary fief and homeworld of House Possór.

  LINSE CASTLE: Former seat of House Linse. Now a Possór residence.

  PABLEN: Capitol city of the planet Legan.

  PABLEN PALACE: Official residence of the Count-Grandee of Legan.

  PALOANCA: Coastal city on Legan.

  REONOM PRESIDIO: Planetary defense installation on the Voxny coast.

  RUDDERUM: Small city in the Northanderland viscounty.

  SENAC: Home planet to one of House Andior's major allies.

  TEVISTON: Planetary fief of House Tehasing.

  VALIER: Home planet of Soror Cathena Barell.

  VERON: An arriere duchy on Legan.

  Other References

  ARRIERE FIEF: Sub-infeudalization, the holder being a liegeman of a liegeman. The sub-planetary holding of a lesser House owing fealty to an Imperial Lord under whom it takes title.

  ARTS, The: The Craft. Psychic techniques akin to the Mental Disciplines. While teachers of the latter emphasize causal methodology and conscious control, adherents of the former rely on ritual and unconscious transformations. Critics point to several limitations: rituals involve time and often unnecessary physical components; rituals obscure the underlying processes, with strict ritualization inhibiting new development; the surrender of full consciousness renders control of the results more difficult. Practitioners of this approach point to the speed at which initiates develop a high level of aptitude, and the greater theoretical (though unproven) power.


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