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One Great Year

Page 43

by Tamara Veitch

  “And all roads lead away from the Light,” Grey Elder added slyly. Ignoring the interruption, he continued speaking to Elijah. “Helghul, your soul is unified with the beast and always will be. You would not have had the lives you’ve had if not for the Darkness! Your cycle would have been nothing.”

  “I played my role! I played a role I didn’t know how to deny. Where there is evil, there is goodness; inside me there must be goodness,” Elijah yelled, struggling to help his mother untie him while Grey Elder watched unperturbed. It was too late, everything had gone as planned. The vibration shook their bones and the ominous “A” note grew louder.

  “I will open your veins and your body will be consumed by the beast. Your soul, which was promised to the dark energy and allowed it to breach the chasm and enter this world, will stay bound to it. Together we will reign over the Earth,” Zahn rejoiced. He walked toward Eden and Elijah, his handsome face calm and serene as if he were taking an afternoon stroll. A curved blade glinted in his hand.

  “No!” Eden shouted, stepping between Elijah and the Elder.

  “The time has come!” Grey Elder shouted, barely audible over the music. The room had grown bright with starlight, brought in through celestial vents and ricocheted by crystals that had been placed deep inside the walls of the Pyramid when it was built. The Emerald Tablet, despite having been pushed aside, was still in the center of the vents inside the coffer and was drawing the starlight into the Pyramid.

  Soon the Tablet would measure the unseen fabric of the world’s collective consciousness and would expand it. Grey Elder intended that the darkness of the world’s despair would prevail and, through the tablet, would resonate into the Universe. The Dark Age would go on. There would be no ascending Bronze Age.

  The light landed where Elijah lay struggling. The chamber shuddered and shook as the ground quaked violently, and the energy was sent down the passageways into the surging waters of the Nile. The waters, which held memory, were read by the machine.

  Outside, people clung to the trembling Pyramid. The river continued to flow perilously through Cairo to the sea. The stars illuminated the sky, revealing the destruction unfolding. The debris and bodies of the unfortunate floated in the moat that had formed around the Pyramid.

  There were all kinds of prayers, in many languages, and they were not only from the people clinging to the pyramids. All around the globe, despite Grey Elder’s best efforts, despite the Nobu virus and the riots and the wars, despite all the fear that had been carefully orchestrated, people were hopeful. Prayer groups gathered and people meditated. Leaders of all religions, mediums, psychics, people on the corner … they all prophesied a better world. Scientists considered intelligent design. All over the world people embraced love and virtue and their energy mattered.



  The commander in Torres del Paine felt the threat before he saw it. Facing the tent from five yards away, the soldiers could now feel the strong tremor shaking the ground and air around them. The other guards stood back, waiting for their orders before proceeding. The energy was intense. Had Grey Elder neglected to consider this? How had he allowed this?

  The mystified commander ordered the heavy trap door unlocked. As it was opened, light and energy billowed from the passageway, and soldiers were thrown back by the force of it.

  Just as White Elder had led the other Elders and the people of Atitala on the night of the exodus, someone had led the Emissaries. Had Grey Elder misjudged his former students and underestimated their understanding of the Grid, or had he known it would happen? Had he known that putting the Emissaries together would have such a powerful effect on them and would allow them to remember? Marcus had put it all together. Marcus, with his ancient memory, had reminded them of their purpose and had helped them to unite.

  The commander shouted and the guards began frantically descending the steps into the bunker. Their weapons were drawn; they had no idea what to expect.

  The Emissaries were joined arm in arm, chanting deep intonations of “om.” Their auras had swelled and grown dramatically so that each one was like a thousand more, and they were no longer separate and distinct from one another. Their ethereal spirits hovered side by side, levitating well above their motionless, barely breathing bodies. The magical shapes of the Unity Grid flowered above them in the air, changing like sand patterns on a drum as the frequency heightened.

  “Open fire! Open fire!” the commander shouted in fear and confusion. “Take them down!” he howled from his place on the stone floor, his arms shielding his eyes and mind from the brilliance around him.

  Across the globe Giza glowed brightly with a phenomenal charge of energy as the Great Pyramid revved to life. Quinn had barely exited the Descending Passage before it completely filled with water. Hunched over, he was growing frantic as he clambered up the squat Ascending Passage. Ahead there remained a faint glow, lighting his path. When he finally reached the Grand Gallery he was able to stand, but only for a moment, before entering the passage to the Queen’s Chamber. The Pyramid was vibrating noticeably, and he knew that if he found the source of the haunting notes that were sending shivers through him, he would likely find Theron.

  Quinn scrambled, unable to stand upright and dripping wet, into the arched room of the Queen’s Chamber. Nothing. No one. Quinn knew he had to get to the King’s Chamber before it was too late. He must not lose Theron again. If they were going to die tonight, he was determined they would do so together.

  Eden stood protectively between Elijah and Zahn and, despite his inclination to do so, the constrained boy was helpless to protect her. Zahn was bigger, stronger, and armed with a dangerous curved dagger. Eden had no weapon and no magical powers to stop him, but she would not stand by and watch as her child was sacrificed. Elijah, still bound, wriggled violently. Against him the Emerald Tablet shook, and it rattled his bones inside his skin.

  Eden lunged at Zahn, attempting to knock the knife away. The Elder anticipated her easily and countered, roughly pushing her backward. She stumbled against the coffer where Elijah lay helpless and struggling. As the Elder lunged again, the mother threw herself protectively across her child.

  Quinn burst into the tiny room just as Zahn struck, avoiding Eden and slicing brutally into Elijah’s forearm.

  “As it is below, so it shall be above!” the Elder shouted. The boy screamed in agony, but it was inaudible over the roar of the resurrected Pyramid. Orion and Draconis illuminated the chamber, drawn in through the celestial vents, their concentrated energy directed into the coffer where Elijah and the Emerald Tablet lay.

  Quinn bodychecked the Elder harshly away from the coffer, who was jolted against the nearby wall as the dagger flew out of his hand. A fierce howl was coming from Elijah, adding to the pandemonium. Eden’s hands were covered in Elijah’s blood, as she wrapped her desperate fingers around her child’s gaping injury. The gash drained into the stone coffer. A dark soup, something more than blood and less than human, stirred within the wound.

  Zahn watched triumphantly as a ghostly serpent with ten heads and the body of a dragon rose like toxic black smoke from the boy’s torn flesh. It slipped through Eden’s hands, expanding and becoming material and solid in the emerald glow. It represented a departure from humanity; the evil that lay within every person if they opened themselves to it. It was a horrible reminder of what the soul could become.

  The horrific beast filled the air above them. The young boy watched in terror as the creature screeched from ten fanged mouths, swooping and hovering, its barbed tail and vicious talons whipping the air barely above their heads.

  Quinn repositioned the trembling Emerald Tablet protectively on Elijah’s heaving chest and threw himself across both Eden and Elijah.

  Take hold of the Emerald Tablet! Quinn commanded telepathically to Eden, his voice useless in the noise.

  It’s too late. The world is dark and humanity is doomed. Helghul, from within the beast you w
ill reign powerfully. You are the King of the Adversaries. You have helped make possible the continuation of this Dark Age, Grey Elder promised with mind pictures. The beast prepared to devour Helghul’s current body and claim his pledged soul.

  Elijah’s lips moved, but his words could not be heard. He had grown too weak from his injury and the room too loud.

  “I choose the Light,” he had said.

  With Quinn protectively overtop of her, Eden shifted one of her bloody hands from the wound of her son and placed it on the Tablet, which was pressed to his chest. The beast struck, using its razor-sharp tail like a spear, and pierced Quinn’s back, pushing easily through him and then through Eden and Elijah. Still sandwiched against the Emerald Tablet, the three became One. One energy. One destiny. And like the strands of a whip, their impact was more formidable and fierce when combined. The trinity of their souls joined and exploded, splintered by the powerful resonation into the Universe.

  Marcus and Theron’s spirits lifted through the layers of the King’s Chamber, their bodies left behind, and they soared freely. Blinding green light burst from the coffer. Zahn was thrown back as the Pyramid was finally fully ignited by the Emerald Tablet, magnifying the consciousness of all of the world’s people into the Universe beyond.

  A shift in the world’s consciousness had occurred—as it had many times before and as it would many times to come. Around the world it was felt, seen, and heard.

  Back at the bunker in Chile, at that very same moment, with his arms shielding his eyes from the brilliance around him, the commander had shouted, “Open fire! Open fire! Take them down!”

  The shouts had not affected the circle of Emissaries in the bunker. The fear and panic of their captors had done nothing to dispel their unified hope and compassion.

  The guards had rushed in as ordered. Some had simply dropped their guns and fallen to their knees—they had been helpless, mesmerized by the sparkling orbs of light that were reflected around the space. Those who had been unmoved and unable to see the orbs had blasted round after round of bone-splitting ammunition.

  Ravaged by gunfire, one by one the Emissaries’ souls had been released and the last ties to their bodies had been severed. The Emissaries had felt no pain as their human shells collapsed, useless and abandoned, in bloody ruin, to the floor.

  The bodies were now obscured by the brilliant celestial bloom that filled the room. Their Oneness, now untethered, resembled a starburst. It was like a newborn child pushing forth in a fit of blinding, glorious color and emotion. The beauty, the vision, was nothing compared to the feeling! Every molecule resonated with overwhelming, perfect, and unconditional love.

  Their Oneness, the Unity Grid, lifted out of the bunker, passing through the copper ceiling. The Emissaries were free of their prison. Floating and bursting into the sky, their bubble expanded and grew enormous. It lifted into the heavens. Their rainbow bridge became visible around the world, connecting with similar blooms that had been simultaneously unleashed in the moment that the Emerald Tablet had revived the Great Pyramid of Giza.

  The Emerald Tablet connected the energy of the world’s people and echoed their compassion and love. The miracle that was occurring was obvious, and around the planet people watched in awe. The waters, the mountains, the stones, and the sacred Earth glowed, trembled, and vibrated. The Grid appeared in the sky like an office tower, with multicolored lights turning on—three, five, eight, thirteen windows at a time—as the web became visible and dazzling in the sky.

  The loving and compassionate people cried out with joy and answered, raising their hands and their hearts to the sky. It mattered not whether they had or had not been marked. The vaccinations had been no more than a scheme by Grey Elder to divide people and to incite fear among them. It mattered only what was in their hearts. All fear, doubt, and human need were forgotten. The Source was revealed to all, if they would only choose to see it. Many gave themselves up to the Oneness and felt their human bonds release. Winds howled and trumpeted in celebration. Millions of souls traveled upward, regardless of their religion or color. They were sucked like jewels through the hose of a vacuum.

  To those left behind, staring in awe and terror, it looked like a million lightning strikes punishing the Earth, and fire erupted where each strike had hit. They were stunned and blinded by the brilliance and implication of it. Innumerable electric branches touched the planet and were gone, sweeping up the people who had renounced the Darkness and who had sought virtue, leaving fire in their stead. There were blank spaces and burning earth where people had stood seconds before.

  Those who remained on the Earth didn’t understand. Their consciousness was not able to comprehend anything but the destruction and the lightning that continued to pummel the planet. Across the globe, those lingering gawked in disbelief and fear. They did not recognize the all consuming feeling of love that was pouring forth, so they were frightened. They understood only the destruction and chaos around them. It was what they had expected. It was what their consciousness was ready to accept.

  This was the moment, the last possibility of redemption. The people left behind had one last chance to accept the Universal Truth of the Grid—to choose to see, or to turn away and deny it. Those who were not ready, and the dark souls, did not see.

  The Emerald Tablet had read the collective consciousness of humanity—despite Grey Elder’s best efforts, there was enough goodness, and the Great Pyramid had exploded with light and color. The prism had projected a brilliant rainbow far into the Universe. A higher dimension had opened up as the spiritual world above had become connected by a rainbow bridge to the material world below.

  Marcus and Theron had left their ruined bodies and had come together in a burst of blinding light and color as they ascended to the new world above the old. Free of their human shells, they flew, twisting and blending with one another, their energies uniting in their new form. The love! The love that had never left them, even as they were separated and torn apart, was realized once more. It was powerful and exhilarating, and their energies connected in rapture.

  She looked like a shimmering ghost of herself as she had been in Atitala, the same tiny green eyes and freckled nose, with translucent auburn hair flowing behind her. Marcus shimmered, muscular and brown, his dark curls shining. The soulmates embraced in a cosmic kiss surrounded by shimmering flecks of light and shining orbs, as the stars around them joined in celebration. At last reunited, their joy was immeasurable.

  They joined the Grid above and were deposited in the higher world. The dimension hovered magically above the lower and was lush and full of life. The glorious population vibrated with song as they greeted one another.

  “I promised I’d never leave you,” Marcus said to Theron.

  “Nor I you,” Theron replied lovingly.

  Nearby the energy of Amnut pulsed familiarly through the assemblage. Amnut had ascended, and Marcus and Theron felt him and were glad. But where is Helghul? Marcus and Theron wondered. Where is Helghul? Where is Grey Elder?

  The dark beast had been banished back to the dimension below, rejected by its host. It was resealed into a dark chasm until a time when it would be called upon again by those wishing to harness its power.

  On Earth, there were so many people missing. The world continued on without them. For those left behind, there was no explanation or rationalization. Those remaining mourned and struggled to go on as normal, but so much of the goodness was gone. It was what their collective consciousness had manifested for them, and they suffered and learned from it.

  In the heavens above hovered the Higher Earth, the home to those who had ascended. It was an elevated, parallel dimension. The Great Year continued its eternal cycle, above as it was below, and they were now free to learn greater lessons.

  White Elder made her way through the Emissaries, and Theron rushed into her waiting embrace. Her hands, the hands Theron had known so well as a child, lovingly stroked her hair.

  “I have been waiting for
you. I am so pleased,” her mother whispered in her ear. Theron was happy to once again be in her arms.

  “I am so grateful that I didn’t always have the memory to miss you as I know I would have!” Theron said.

  Marcus reflected on his own years of longing.

  “I am always with you,” White Elder assured and, still holding her daughter, she turned to Marcus. “Even through the harshest circumstances, you have endured and have continued learning. We were right to choose you.”

  An Emissary by mistake? No, an Emissary by choice, Marcus thought.

  “I never doubted you. If only you could see yourself through my eyes,” Theron added, smiling, and reaching out to him.

  “An interesting prospect Theron, and now a choice must again be made. This Great Year continues. Will you return as Emissaries to the world below and continue to guide humanity to a new Golden Age?” White Elder asked.

  All around them Emissaries were being reunited with their loved ones, their soul groups reconnecting. Marcus and Theron looked into one another’s eyes and saw love and understanding. They both knew what they would do, and together, they made their choice.


  Bauval, Robert and Adrian Gilbert, The Orion Mystery (New York, Three Rivers Press, 1994)

  Carlson, Randolph, Randall Carlson presents: The Great Year,

  Charles, R.H., The Book of Enoch,

  Cruttenden, Walter, Cosmic Influence, podcast

  Cruttenden, Walter, The Great Year, narrated by James Earl Jones,

  Dalai Lama XIV, His Holiness the, How to Practice: The Way to a Meaningful Life (Simon and Schuster, 2003)

  De Santillana, Giorgio and Hertha Von Dechend, Hamlet’s Mill (David R. Godine Publisher, 1977)

  Dona, Klaus, The Hidden History of the Human Race, Project Camelot,


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