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Downs, Jana - Cat and Mouse [Beast Games 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

Page 7

by Jana Downs

  He took a deep breath as he exited the hall. This mating thing while keeping his distance was going to prove harder than he imagined. He either needed to tell Cassisus about the deal he’d struck with Master Flavius, or he needed to do a better job at keeping that necessary distance. He didn’t want to hurt Cass, and he certainly didn’t want to lead him on if Tobias was just going to walk away in a week’s time. It wouldn’t be fair.

  So much for an easy decision. His dreams were going to be confusing and hot tonight. Tobias would need to get some relief beforehand if he had any hope of getting some sleep. It was only when he reached the exit door that he realized that he didn’t have his set of keys for the house security. He sighed. He couldn’t lose those. If Master knew he had misplaced them, he’d be in big trouble. Flavius gave him a lot of freedom with those access codes and metallic inserts.

  He turned and jogged back the way he came. He would just have to go back and get them. He rounded the corner and saw them on the floor right where he’d been sitting. He approached the cell quietly, not wanting to disturb Cassisus if he had, by some miracle, dropped off to sleep in the past thirty seconds since he’d been gone.

  His mouth dropped open as he looked up. Cass’s back was to the hallway near his bed, the naked perfection spotlighted by the dim night light that he’d turned on at the side table. One hand was braced on the table while the other moved along Cassisus’s flesh in an age-old rhythm. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what he was doing.

  Tobias couldn’t do anything but stare as he watched the gladiator’s back and ass flex as he pleasured himself. His own cock throbbed in sympathy, bunching uncomfortably in the confines of his pants.

  “Do you want to see, or do you want to pretend like you don’t and scurry away, little one?” Cass’s deep rumble didn’t even penetrate Tobias’s lusty brain for a full fifteen seconds. It wasn’t until the gladiator turned, revealing the jutting length of his hard-on that the words finally penetrated.

  “I…” Tobias swallowed before licking his lips.

  Cass tilted his head to the side, the movement utterly feline and calculating. “Do you want to watch?” He reached down, the shadows playing along his rippled abdomen, and wrapped his fist around his thick cock. The damn thing had to be eight inches at least. Tobias whimpered, pressing the heel of his hand to his own throbbing member. He’d never felt want this incredibly sharp.

  Cassisus moaned then, the sound low and hungry. Tobias watched as pre-cum decorated the plum-shaped head. Cass used the wetness as lubrication and began stroking himself in earnest, his eyes never leaving Tobias as he jerked himself off. Tobias snatched his hand back as it rubbed unconsciously against his dick. No. Control. Walk away. It wasn’t happening. Tobias was captivated by Cassisus’s movements.

  The cat’s hand moved faster, his other massaging the tight globes of his sac as Cass brought himself closer to the precipice of pleasure. Tobias’s panting increased, and he felt his body crank that much tighter at the sight. Had anything ever been so beautiful?

  Cassisus came with an animal sound of satisfaction, the low animal growl a perfect reflection of the duality of his form. He spilled his pleasure into the circle of his fist, his head tilted back and muscles tensing at the moment of completion. Tobias ached. He was unable to leave but unable to make himself shift so that he could join Cass in his cell. He rested his forehead on the bars and stared at his mate.

  With two decisive strides Cass was right in front of him. Without asking, the cat unbuttoned Tobias’s jeans and pulled his cock through the bars. Tobias made a small sound of protest as Cassisus’s knees hit the floor and his mouth wrapped around his hot length almost simultaneously. Tobias held on to the bars, unable to think past the reality of what was happening.

  “Oh God,” Tobias panted, his grip becoming white knuckled as Cass started purring and lapping at his exposed flesh. He’d never had a blow job before, and damn if it wasn’t better than his cousins bragged about. “Cassisus. Christ, I can’t. Wait.” The orgasm that was burning its way up his spine was not going to be held at bay that much longer.

  Cass drew back and stared up at him with the same hungry expression he’d worn the moment before. “Give it to me, Tobias. Let me suck you down.” The words alone were almost enough to send Tobias careening over the invisible ledge.

  Yes, please. More. “God!” He had no way to compare, but he was pretty sure that Cassisus’s mouth was the best thing that had ever been experienced in the history of sex. The gladiator hollowed out his cheeks, deep throating his length and keeping a firm suction that drove Tobias insane. This is really happening. He hadn’t planned on his evening ending quite like this.

  Suddenly the orgasm he’d been putting off barreled down on him like a freight train. He gave a startled yelp before his cock jerked and shot the sticky proof of his pleasure into Cass’s eagerly suckling mouth. He groaned, unable to do anything but feel in that moment of perfect bliss.

  Slowly he came down from his pleasure high, floating back down to the real world. His thighs were Jell-O, and his prick was overly sensitive as Cass cleaned his length before tucking him back into his pants. All Tobias could do was try and catch his breath and rely on the bars to support him as he sagged against them.

  “That was…” Amazing? Stupendous? Awful of me? Any of those options would’ve done. Tobias felt like a Grade-A prick for having more than one motivation for seeking out his mate. He hadn’t meant for this to happen.

  “Shh, no need for words or reasoning, little one,” Cassisus said warmly, pushing himself to his feet before reaching out and stroking Tobias’s now slightly damp hair. “Take the pleasure I’ve given you as a promise of the things to come. It will only get better from here.”

  God help me if that is the case. Is it possible to stroke out from pleasure overload? “Thank you,” Tobias whispered, needing to say something, anything after that.

  “No. Thank you for letting me. We’ll go as slow or as fast as you want, Tobias. Consider me your willing slave,” Cass rumbled. His voice was playing havoc with the nerves across his body. The way the gladiator talked made Tobias want to melt into a puddle of yes-please and let him do whatever he wanted.

  The words finally penetrated. “Never my slave,” Tobias said, pulling back and nearly stumbling on his unsteady feet. “We’re equals, mates. Even if I yield to you, we’re on the same playing field.”

  Cass considered him. “That’s important to you?”

  Tobias nodded. “It’s everything to me. I can’t be a slave or enslave in this mating. It would kill me.” He craved the equality even in a friendship. In his mating, he demanded it.

  “Such strange ideals from a man born into servitude,” Cass observed. He shrugged. “Okay. I’ll try and make sure that we’re always on the same level. Sound good?”

  Tobias nodded again. Why did he feel like he’d just committed to a lot more than just being companions? The satisfied look on the cat’s face said his theory of what was actually going on had been correct. Cassisus had just taken Tobias’s agreement to mean that Tobias was seriously considering being mated. Christ on a Ritz Cracker. So much for keeping it casual.

  Chapter Six

  Cassisus finished his fiftieth sit-up as Corbin came down the hallway to unlock their cells. Cass had only managed to sleep a few hours last night. He’d been too excited for anything but feverish dreams of the future. He’d pay any sum, complete any task given him, if Flavius would grant him unlimited access to his little mouse. He sighed as he thought of his mate. He’d never imagined they’d come together like they had last night. He hadn’t been planning on sucking him, but damn if he hadn’t been more than happy to do so.

  “You’re awake?” Corbin asked suspiciously. Normally they had to all but drag him out of bed for breakfast.

  “Yep. Awake and ready to go, Lanista,” Cass said with an extraordinary amount of cheer. Nothing could wreck his good mood today.

  The bear did not seem like he was
supportive of this “good mood” plan. “Uh-huh. Good night, Cass? Or have you slept yet?”

  “I slept. I just had a great night with my mate.” Cass puffed up at the thought. My mate. Yeah, that had a great ring to it.

  “Uh-huh. I’m pairing you with Hadrian and Julian today. They know one another well enough to fight as a pair, and I need them to face a strong opponent who won’t clobber them into the sand. Can you provide that?” Corbin asked. He usually waited until after breakfast to ask Cass for anything. The gladiator mentally shrugged. No matter. He was in a great mood.

  “Fine. I’ll take them on during practice. Are they going to be fighting with us in Louisiana?” If they were, Cass would be surprised. They were only six months into their training with Corbin, and the bear rarely allowed anyone without a full year under him to hit the sands on a circuit.

  Corbin shook his head. “They’re going to watch how it’s done, but no, they’re not participating. Master Flavius wants to get them as ready as possible for Europe, though. He was thinking about highlighting them in a few exhibition matches to garner interest.”

  That sounded about right. Hadrian and Julian were identical twins and would be quite striking at an exhibition match with their golden bodies and blond hair. They were still too green for a real match, but they would draw a crowd with those looks.

  “We’re also doing a short practice today. The master has a photographer coming in that will be taking pictures of you and the rest of the school for some advertising. Flavius hopes to pick up a corporate advertising sponsor soon,” Corbin continued.

  Cass grinned at the thought. I’m such a fucking rock star. Soon they’d be doing commercials and all the other stuff the most well-known gladiators in the world did. That meant less time on the sand but with Tobias by his side. Cass could live with that. His mind was already stretching forward to the future and the Olympic games. He’d have to win his match in New Orleans and over half in Europe in order to qualify. He couldn’t wait. He lived for the rush of the arena.

  Corbin unlocked his cell. “All right. Hurry up and grab some breakfast. We’ll have to go through drills, conditioning, and practice before the photographer gets here. The servants will wash and oil you for the shoot after.”

  “I want Tobias to attend me,” Cass said automatically. The thought of his mate’s hands rubbing oil into his flesh did dangerous things to the state of his arousal.

  Corbin nodded. “If Master Flavius can spare him before supper then I’ll see what I can do. Don’t make it a habit to be so demanding with his attentions, Cassisus. Flavius has him performing duties as well. Don’t overburden your mate. Now get down to the mess hall.”

  Cass rolled to his feet before pushing open the cage and striding out into the hallway. “Don’t mind if I do, Corbin.”

  He made his way down the hall and into the dining hall. The long bench tables weren’t as packed as they usually were whenever he dragged himself down here for a meal. His brother saw him, and his eyes widened. Cass grinned and waved. He couldn’t wait to tell Faustus about his night, leaving out the dirty details of course. Who was he kidding? He was going to spill the dirty details as well.

  He plopped down in his usual seat. “Hello, gents. You’re looking at the luckiest man on the planet.”

  Tacitus hid a smile behind his hand and used the other to scribble on his notepad. He’d had an accident when he was younger that took away his ability to speak, so he carried it around to talk to those who didn’t know sign language.

  “You can sign it to me, man,” Cass said, grinning. The only one at the table who didn’t know ASL was Gregori.

  Tacitus chuckled silently and held up the pad. We heard how much “luck” you had last night, brother.

  Cassisus frowned. “How?” Had the servants heard or said anything?

  Tacitus scribbled some more before holding up the pad once again. You weren’t exactly quiet. Your mate sounds hot.

  “He is,” Cass growled. “But I suggest you become deaf as well as mute in the future.” He would have to see if he could get some kind of privacy partition for his cell. He was a mated man now. Maybe he’d ask Flavius for one after he won in Louisiana.

  “You’ve accepted the mating to a mouse far easier than I anticipated,” Faustus said, speaking up for the first time since he’d sat down. “I like the way he looks on you. You seem happier.”

  “I’m very pleased with my mating, Faustus. He was reluctant at first, but he’s coming around.” God, had he ever come around. The look on Tobias’s face as he’d come was etched forever into Cassisus’s mind.

  Gregori snorted. “Aren’t you the least bit suspicious?”

  “What do you mean?” Cass asked.

  “Come on. Don’t tell me you didn’t think it was the slightest bit strange that he came to you last night after Master Flavius tried every other way to get you to come out of your cell?” Gregori slurped down his glass of orange juice before picking up a handful of peeled grapes and tossing them into his mouth. “I’d bet you anything that Master Flavius ordered him into the Ludus to get you to cooperate.”

  The idea didn’t sit well with Cassisus at all. “He would’ve said something.”

  Gregori made a noise of disbelief. “You don’t know him well enough to know if he would’ve said something or not, Cassisus. Maybe you should get to know him before you start waltzing around here all rainbows and sunshine.”

  Somebody kicked Gregori under the table, and Cass bet money that it was Faustus. His mood was suddenly not so pleasant. They were mates. It just didn’t make sense for him to betray the one relationship in the world that came with no strings.

  “It doesn’t matter if Flavius sent him,” Cass muttered, eyeing his full plate with distaste. “He likes me.” No one came apart for him like that without wanting him.

  Gregori continued, “When are you going to get it, Cassisus? Hormones are driving his attraction, not mated bliss.”

  “Okay. You are no longer allowed to talk to my brother, ever,” Faustus rumbled, blatantly kicking Gregori this time. “Don’t listen to him, Cass. He’s just jealous that you got your mate and he didn’t.”

  “Whatever,” Gregori said, pushing back from the table and standing. “Enjoy breakfast, assholes.”

  Cass shook his head as he watched Gregori walk away. “Man, that guy has an attitude problem from hell.”

  No joke, Tacitus signed. But Fautus is right. Don’t listen to him. It doesn’t matter how it happened. It’s just good that he likes you.

  Cass picked at the breakfast ham on his plate. As one of the servants walked by, he caught the scent of mouse. Without thinking, he reached out and grabbed the servant’s arm.

  “Sir?” the servant asked, his eyes cast downward.

  “I need you to get a servant for me from the main house,” Cassisus demanded.

  The servant considered him, his brown eyes calculating. “You want Tobias.”

  “You know him?”

  The servant’s eyes narrowed. “He’s my cousin. He came in pretty exhausted last night after spending the evening with you, gladiator. I think you need to cool your heels and wait for him to come to you. He’s confused by this thing you have going on. The arrogance of you gladiators is astounding.”

  Cassisus admitted that he was shocked for a good thirty seconds as the mouse glared daggers at him and told him basically where he could get off. “He’s my mate, and I would like his company. Get him. Now.”

  “Look, gladiator, I’m not your dog, and I don’t fetch. The servants of the main house are subject only to the orders of the head servant and the Master Flavius himself. You want to have me punished, fine. But I fetch for no man.”

  Faustus growled low in his throat. “How dare you talk to my brother like that!”

  The servant snorted. “Easy, cat. I have no quarrel with you.” He continued to stare at Cassisus. “If you can mate one of us, you can treat the rest of us like we’re equals. You’d do well to remember that. I
f I see Tobias, I’ll tell him you want to see him. But I’ll order him nowhere.”

  With that he walked away, head held high. Cass stared after him in shock. “What. The. Hell?”

  “I don’t know about you, brother, but I think your mating just stirred a whole lot of shit up,” Faustus whispered, staring after the mouse.

  “Have you ever heard a mouse talk to a cat like that?” one of the twins asked in a hushed voice.

  “It’s unnatural,” another gladiator said.

  “Uh, Faustus? Why was he pissed at me?” Cassisus asked.

  “Probably because you were talking to him like an inferior,” Faustus said, biting into a hunk of honey bread. “You were within your rights, though. Everyone knows that gladiators outrank Ludus servants and house servants. Technically the only servants that outrank us are the head servants and the lanista.”

  Cass considered him. “And not technically?”

  Faustus shrugged. “But we’re also all slaves. Just as technically, we’re all on the same playing field, we just have different duties. I hadn’t considered that before.” He looked thoughtful. “Maybe your mating will show us all something new, Cassisus. Seriously, don’t worry too much over Tobias’s motivations for coming to you. If he is half the man I believe is worthy to be mated to my dearest brother, then he will find his way into your heart and into your bed.”

  “Thanks, bro. I appreciate the vote of confidence,” Cassisus said.

  “Let’s move it, boys!” Corbin barked from the doorway. “Daylight is burning, and we’ve miles to go before we sleep!”

  “Cass, you didn’t eat anything,” Seneca, another gladiator whose animal form was a leopard, noted, snatching the apple off Cassisus’s untouched plate.

  “Not hungry.” There were too many things to consider running through his head like so much laundry in a dryer.

  Seneca took another bite out of his apple. “Suit yourself. You’re going to be kicking your own ass later today.”


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