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A Shade of Midnight

Page 1

by Renee George

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Note from Renee George

  eBooks by Renee George

  A Shade of Midnight

  Midnight Shifters, Book 4

  Renee George

  Published 2016 by Book Boutiques.

  ISBN: 978-1-944003-13-5

  Copyright © 2016, Renee George.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Book Boutiques.

  This book is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, locales, or events is wholly coincidental. The names, characters, dialogue, and events in this book are from the author’s imagination and should not to be construed as real.

  Manufactured in the USA.

  Email with questions, or inquiries about Book Boutiques.


  “I’ve always found a 9MM to be an excellent problem solver.”

  Empath Mina Vail spent the last two years trying to forget her time as an assassin for Caledon’s ex-king and move on with her life in the human world. Now she runs a security business that doesn't involve killing anyone (most of the time), she has good friends she can count on, and she keeps her relationships easy and carefree. But when her lover is accused of murdering a co-worker, and her ex is the investigating cop, Mina is forced to face her dark past...and her growing feelings for two very different men.

  Gav Doyle, a cop and a werelion, wants to pair bond with Mina, but while she likes a man who can make her roar, she isn't interested in a lifetime commitment. Eric Bishop, a new partner in a large architect firm and a half incubus, thinks Mina is the cure for his insatiable appetites.

  When Mina, Gav, and Eric attempt to track the real killer, they end up in the crosshairs between Queen Benoica and the rebel faction who want her off the throne at any price. With the lives of her two loves on the line, will Mina be forced out of the light of her new life and back into the shade of her past.


  This story has been a long time in the making, and there were times during the process that I wanted to throw my laptop against the wall. However, the final product, I hope is worth all the pain and suffering (my family had to endure), and that fans of Midnight Shifters will find “A Shade of Midnight” a great addition to the series. That said…

  I must thank my BFF Michele Bardsley, who tirelessly put her editing skills to good use in helping me make this novel a keeper. Also, my sister Robbin, who is one of the best beta and proof readers I know. You all should thank her! She asks the questions that as an author, I sometimes assume the reader already knows. I have to acknowledge my BFF Dakota Cassidy who stayed up late nights with me for writing sprints. All three of you make my life soooo much better. I value your friendships more than I value coffee (so you know my love for you knows no bounds!).

  And finally, I want to thank the fans who love this series for giving me the passion to keep writing it.


  For Michelle.

  Your patience knows no bounds.

  Chapter 1

  Mina Vail patted her 9mm pistol resting comfortably on her hip. Guarding Siggy Mayhem, a minor pop star with a major ego, brought out her inner homicidal maniac. Siggy’s manager, Brick Mason, had hired Artemis Protect Services after Siggy received multiple death threats via social media. It wasn’t hard to see why someone wanted to kill him. A little less than thirty minutes with the guy, and Mina was ready to shoot him.

  Siggy leaned against the wall near the elevator. He made grunting noises while playing a video game called Zombie Pigeons on his smartphone. Every time he frantically swiped at the screen, she wanted to punch his boyishly handsome face.

  She pushed the button on her Bluetooth earpiece. “Bobby. All clear?”

  “All clear,” came Bobby’s reply.

  “Copy that,” she said into her mic. Her partner in Artemis Protective Services, Bobby Porter, a black belt in karate and an expert in multiple weapons, had been Mina’s friend for several years. In her past occupation, Bobby had helped her out a jam more than once. He was ex-military, and for a human, he’d seen too much to be surprised by her abilities. Tonight, he was in charge of securing the lobby while she babysat the money. They’d recently hired Mike Bodine, a former Marine, as backup muscle. It was Mike’s first gig with them, and Mina and Bobby were both curious to see what kind of mettle the former soldier was made of—hopefully not at the client’s expense.

  “Yes!” Siggy shouted while pumping his fist. He caught Mina’s look and grinned. “Level fifty-six, baby.” He wore a pale blue T-shirt with a deep-vee and skinny jeans that sagged around his hips but hugged his legs. He was good-looking—if you liked the Justin Bieber-One Direction type. Siggy had come to Kansas City to play Kemper Arena, and it was Mina’s job to make sure he survived his press conference and autograph session.

  Mina was just hoping she could survive him. A ding alerted her to the elevator’s arrival. She peeked around the corner. No passengers. Good. Mina ushered Siggy swiftly into the car and pushed the button for the first floor.

  “Hold the elevator,” a deep masculine voice yelled from the hallway.

  Mina peered down the hall and wet her lips. Mmm. Nice.

  He was tall, at least 6’4”, medium blond hair, and under the tight black pants and a cobalt single-button Jacket, she could see he had broad shoulders, a narrow waist, and long muscular legs. Tempting, but uh-uh. She was off men, even if they happened to be unbelievably beautiful.

  Tall, dark, and off limits arrived at the doors just as they were closing. His arm shot out in between the sliding panels, making them bounce open. Mina stepped forward with cat-like quickness, placing her hand on the man’s chest. Incredible heat poured down her arm, not burning hot, just strong sensual warmth. Her nipples went rigid under her black leather jumper.


  His mouth—upper lip slightly fuller than the lower—curved upward in a gorgeous smile. His remarkable bright green eyes were accented with gold rings around his pupils. Her breath caught in a short gasp and her tongue went tingly. This guy exuded major sexual mojo. He was definitely other worlder. Had to be. A human wouldn’t affect her empathic ability with such force. She couldn’t detect any sense of malice or threat from the stranger. It seemed the only danger he posed was to her libido.

  Heat and desire rolled off the man, and Mina fought the impulse to close the distance between them and kiss his luscious mouth. Instead, she shook her head and nudged him back one step into the corridor. “Sorry, stud.” She swallowed the thick lump in her throat. “You’ll have to take the next elevator.”

  He tilted his head to the side, raised an eyebrow, and backed away. “No problem, hot stuff.”

  Yikes! His smooth low voice sent goose bumps over her body.

  He winked. “You don’t remember me do you?”

  Mina shook her head. “I never forget a face, mister, and believe me, if we had met, I would not have forgotten you.”

  He smiled, his eyes alight with amusement. “Flattering.”

  Mina tightened her grip on her 9mm as the doors closed between them. “Damn,” she mumbled then turned her attention back to protectin
g the client.

  The pop star must have heard her exclamation, because he leaned against the elevator rail and whispered to her, “Hey, Mina, what say we blow this joint and take a little me and you time?”

  “I don’t get paid enough to babysit after hours.”

  He snuggled his body in closer to hers. “Ouch. You’re going to hurt my feelings.” His chin brushed against Mina’s shoulder.

  “If you keep touching me, you won’t survive the trip to the lobby.”

  Siggy put up his hands defensively. “Hey, baby, what’s with the ’tude? Why wouldn’t you want the Siggy-experience? After all, I’m going to be a legend.” He smiled—very self-assured.

  Mina shook her head at the idiot then tapped her earbud. “Bobby, everything set?”

  A voice came back over, “Yeah, boss, good to go.”

  “Mike, you set?”

  “Yeah, no problem,” said the new recruit. She hoped Mike had the stuff because she’d hate to find out he didn’t during such a critical event.

  The elevator slowed to a stop. “Stay right behind me and to the left,” she told Siggy.

  “Jesus, you’re all business,” he huffed.

  “That’s why you pay me the big bucks.” The doors opened to the lobby. Mina let a hint of a smile tug at her lips before she stepped out between Siggy and a mob of screaming teens chanting his name.

  * * * *

  The meet and greet autograph session had gone on for thirty minutes. Over twenty-nine too long by Mina’s estimation. Siggy’s manager, Brick Mason, had joined them. He stood behind his client, his gaze glued to his phone and fingers flying as he texted. Mina scanned the people crammed into the space. She was amazed at the gaggle of teenagers, boys and girls alike, along with some twenty-somethings who wanted to get close to Siggy Mayhem.

  A sudden wave of rage slammed her empathic abilities, effectively bringing her to a halt. The channeler of those negative emotions—a stocky man with dark glasses and a gray trench coat—weaved his way through the press of bodies. Though Mina couldn’t see his eyes, his hatred for Siggy was easy to read, but it was a bit more difficult to decipher his intentions. One thing was certain, however. He wasn’t a line-jumper trying to get a poster signed.

  “Mike,” she said into the headset, “glasses at two o’clock.”

  “See him, boss lady,” was his response.


  “Copy that, partner,” Bobby said.

  Staying close to Siggy, who was too busy flirting with a giggling brunette to notice imminent danger, Mina tracked Bobby and Mike as they threaded through the crowd.

  Five-ten, with dark brown hair cut in a military fade, and built like a bulldog, Bobby Porter intimidated men twice his size. Mike, built leaner and slightly taller than Bobby, was no slouch in the intimidation department either. They started to close in on the target, coming at Mr. Trench Coat from different angles.

  “Take it slow, boys. We don’t want to cause a panic.”

  They both gave slight nods. Siggy leaned back in his chair. “You look hot in black leather, baby.” He patted her on the ass, and if he hadn’t been paying her five hundred dollars an hour, she’d have broken his hand.

  Her gaze returned to the angry man.

  He reached inside a pocket.

  “Be alert. He’s digging.” She wanted to knock the guy on his backside, but no sense in getting arrested for assault because a suspicious-looking character was hunting for his phone.

  Mina laid her hand on the Siggy’s shoulder as she pulled her 9mm and laid it against her thigh. Mr. Trench Coat withdrew the object from his pocket and Mina instantly recognized the grip of a gun.

  She shoved Siggy off his chair and pinned him to the tile. “Get down, Mr. Mason.” Brick dropped to the floor without an argument. Kneeling behind the table, she watched as Bobby and Mike moved swiftly toward the threat.

  “You, like, can’t treat Siggy like that,” said a girl with pink hair. “He’s, like, a star.”

  Mina ignored the girl, and whispered, “He’s packing. Take him down.”

  Bobby tackled him from the right side as Mike threw his body low to the man’s left. Mr. Trench Coat slammed to the floor on his backside, struggling as Bobby and Mike attempted to subdue him. The crowd drew back, murmuring as they pulled out their smartphones and started taking pictures and filming.

  Mina’s gaze switched to the perpetrator. Damn it. Somehow the bastard managed to keep a hold of his gun. He raised the barrel and aimed toward the ex-Marine.


  Mina’s shouted warning came too late. The gun wielder squeezed off a round, nailing Mike in the shoulder. He fell back, blood spurting. People screamed and panicked, some running toward the exit, others toward the back of the room, and yet others hiding behind each other.

  Bobby kicked the assailant’s hand and the gun skittered across the floor. Following with a knee drop to the chest, Bobby ended the fight by cold-cocking him with the butt of the 9mm. He rolled the guy over and put cuffs on him.

  Mina allowed Siggy to sit up, and the man looked pale and shaken. She gestured to his manager. “Get him out of here.” Brick didn’t need to be told twice. He hauled Siggy to his feet and hustled him toward the elevator.

  Mina went to check on her men. Bobby knelt next to Mike using cloth napkins to keep pressure on the wound. “How bad?” she asked.

  Bobby smiled. “Went clean through. I called 9-1-1. Ambulance is on the way.”

  Mike grimaced. “It hurts like shit.”

  “Well, kid,” she said, “welcome to private security.” She patted him on the back. “Nice move out there, by the way.”

  “Thanks, boss.”

  “How’s the client?” asked Bobby

  “I think he’s going to need a new set of britches.”

  Grinning, Bobby shook his head. “They don’t pay us enough to change diapers.”

  * * * *

  Eric Bishop watched from across the street as the police hauled away the trench-coated man. He hadn’t expected to run into Semina Vail, not after all these years. He’d been meeting with the hotel’s vice president and security officer now that he’d brought the company on as a new client for their top of the line security system. Seeing Mina, feeling her touch, had taken all his energy—the heat he’d felt in her presence and the rush of his own blood pounding his arteries until he thought he would burst, had nearly undone him.

  Eric had been a normal kid. Nothing special. But when he’d reached puberty, something inside him mutated, and with the mutation, his physical appearance changed as well. He grew six inches, his skin cleared up, and suddenly women, and some men, couldn’t resist him. He learned quickly he had no real super powers except the ability to seduce just about anybody whether he wanted to or not. When his grandfather saw what was happening to Eric, he revealed a dark family secret. Eric carried a demonic presence inside him. An incubus.

  Eric had almost laughed in his grandfather’s face, but he could be scary when angered, so Eric resisted the urge. According to the old man, the incubus gene occurred every two generations in the males of his mostly human family. He’d been in the second generation since the last and the only male. His grandfather told him he had to hide what he was at all cost. There wasn’t a cure, the elder Bishop explained, but finding one right lover might keep his incubus side from seeking out many.

  * * * *

  Mina spent most of the night downtown at the cop shop. Dealing with human law enforcement meant a shitload of bureaucracy and red tape. At least, she wasn’t in front of a warden tribunal. When the new Triune of Caledon dissolved the group, Mina had had her doubts about the wisdom in doing away with a system that had kept others in check for more than a thousand years, but Gray and his shadow warriors had been even scarier in some ways. The incidence of OW crimes had gone down significantly, even the crimes against humans, which in the past, the wardens usually ignored.

  After she had signed her witness statement at the polic
e station, she spent the rest at the hospital with Mike. The ex-Marine was tough and finally talked her into going home. She arrived at her apartment about four a.m. She shed her clothing and put on her favorite night shirt. A faded blue shirt, with a cartoon panda on the front, his arms open, the words “I’m huggable” underneath, and made of the softest tee-shirt material ever, hung just past her thighs.

  She couldn’t stop thinking about the well-dressed man at the hotel. He’d definitely made an impression. Mina had chosen a solitary life, but she never felt settled.

  She rubbed her eyes, turned on the lavender infuser next to the bed, and flopped back on her pillow. Fantasies would do for now. She concentrated on the gorgeous man who’d managed to raise her desire with a simple touch. Oh, my green-eyed mystery man, make my wet dreams come true.

  With one last wistful sigh of regret, Mina closed her eyes and conked out.

  Chapter 2

  The phone rang, rousing Mina from a hard sleep. She looked at the alarm clock. Jeezus, it was six in the morning. Fumbling for her smartphone, she knocked it on the floor. “Damn it!” When she retrieved it, she swiped open the call and said, “Hello. You’ve woken Mina Vail. Be afraid. Be very afraid.”

  “Semina?” the female voice on the other end answered. “You sound gruff, babe. Rough night?”

  “Hey, Charlie.” Mina relaxed. “You should know better than to call me before ten.” Charlie had been her best friend since the sixth grade, and she was one of the few people allowed to call Mina by her legal name.

  “I know, I know,” she said, “but I have a favor to ask, and I wanted to catch you before I headed to work.”

  Rubbing her sleep-worn eyes, Mina sat up on the edge of the bed. “Name it.”

  “Well, why don’t you hear what it is before you make any promises?”

  * * * *

  After Mina hung up the phone, she found herself wide-awake despite getting only two hours of sleep. She tried closing her eyes and making her mind blank. When that didn’t work, she tried reading and soft music, but nothing helped. Charlie had asked Mina to escort her younger brother to a formal business party later in the week. Apparently his date had canceled at the last minute, and he needed someone on his arm to impress. Charlie was the one person Mina never wanted to disappoint, so she’d said, “Yes.”


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