Rise From The Embers (Lightness Saga Book 4)

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Rise From The Embers (Lightness Saga Book 4) Page 10

by Stacey Marie Brown

  “Lexie?” I looked toward where Zoey stood, her arm outstretched toward a retreating girl. Lexie’s mouth contorted, her eyes creased with pain. “Lexie, stop.”

  The girl ignored her as she ran from the room, agony crumbling her hard exterior.

  What the hell was going on?

  “Let her go.” Ryker grabbed Zoey’s arm, stopping her. “She needs a moment. This is a lot for her to take in. She realizes he had whole other lives before her. Loved other women.”

  Zoey nodded but stared after the girl, worry rumpling her forehead.

  Annabeth came up beside Zoey, touching her back. “I’ll go check on her.”

  “Thank you.”

  Annabeth jogged for the door, reaching it.


  A loud explosion detonated from outside, blistering my ears. A wave of magic collided into the room, splintering the glass, the floor jolting under us, shoving everyone off their feet. Annabeth screamed, her body flying into the air. I watched Cooper leap for her before my ass hit the wood planks and my head cracked on the floor.


  Another surge hit. Firecrackers of magic snapped and crackled outside, shaking the castle. Then it died away, the sounds of birds and people squawking outside in terror.

  “Kennedy!” Lorcan scrambled over to her.

  “I’m all right.” She sat up, looking out the window.

  “What the hell was that?” I pushed up, looking over the room, seeing if everyone was uninjured.

  Annabeth was on top of Cooper, his arms wrapped around her protectively. She looked at him.

  “You okay?” he asked, their faces only a sliver a part. She nodded, a deep blush on her cheeks. She pushed out of his grip, rising to her feet, then turned away to check on her family.

  Eli helped me to my feet, his gaze roaming over me. No words, no linking. We didn’t need to. I gave him a nod.

  “Everyone okay?” Kennedy rose to her feet.

  “My lady?” Torin bolted into the room, sweat lining his forehead.

  “I’m fine, Torin,” she responded.

  “He’s here.” Torin rushed to her side. “He’s demanding to see you.”


  “The new King.”

  “Stavros is here?” Fionna’s thick Irish accent filled the room, dancing with fury. Her feet already marched for the door. “That arsehole has my little girl and Nic.”

  “Fi! No!” Kennedy called after her, but she marched on, determination set along her jaw.

  Fionna was the first, but the rest of us sailed after her, sprinting for the gates; it seemed none of us liked being left out of the action.

  It was time I met my great-uncle, introduced him to the whole family, and hopefully my sword to this throat.

  Chapter 9


  As though an earthquake shook through the fault lines, chunks of the stone buildings fell to the ground, small hairline cracks zigzagged through the weaker foundation, but everyone appeared to be unharmed. Large groups milled in the streets and courtyards of the village and castle as our group walked by, then followed us to the entrance.

  From what Fionna said about Stavros, this was simply a greeting. He enjoyed making dramatic entrances.

  Torin, Sturt, Castien, and Georgia flanked me, with Lorcan, Dax, Dom, and the rest of my elite team right on their heels. Torin stood in front of me on our walk out, checking for threats, but the moment I saw Stavros, I took the lead. The closer I got to him, the more I saw the family resemblance between him and Lars. Same dark hair and yellow-green eyes, but Stavros wore his hair long and uncombed. He was dressed in nice suit pants, but they fit him loosely, an untucked white button-up shirt, sleeves rolled up, drooped off his sharp shoulders.

  He was wearing Lars’s clothes. But Lars’s build was tall and extremely toned. Stavros was skinny and slightly shorter. The clothes hung off him like a teenager dressing in his dad’s suits. I felt in my gut this was on purpose. He wanted to take everything of the old King’s. Demean it. Depreciate Lars’s standing in people’s eyes while needling those of us close to Lars.

  Stavros stood at the gates, where my protective barrier formed around the castle grounds. At least a hundred strighoul stood around him, armed, and howling at our presence, sending chills over my skin. Dread braided with anxiety, my throat clamping shut. Eyes from my own kingdom watched my every move.

  Forcing my head higher, I rolled my shoulders back. I could not show any fear. Without Lars, people were ready to see how fast I would fall lacking the King’s pillar of strength.

  Stavros’s mouth broke into a condescending grin at the sight of me, and his scrutiny rolled over my frame, as if he were thinking, That’s it? This is the Seelie Queen?

  “Well, aren’t you just adorable.” He chuckled, rubbing his hands together. “Not sure if I should bow or give you some candy. Maybe sit you on my knee and spank you.”

  My jaw cracked, my teeth grinding together. Would there ever be an end to patronizing, narcissistic men?

  “Stavros,” Fionna snarled, stepping past me. My arm went out, holding her back. As Queen, there were certainties I come to understand:

  1. I had to always be front and center. No one could look like they overpowered me, unless it was a guard trying to protect me.

  2. I had to make the decisions for everyone.

  3. No matter how scared, inexperienced, or angry I was, I could never show it. I had to play the game.

  “Wow.” Stavros’s gaze switched from Fionna to me. “I see it now—the resemblance, Fi-Fi. Little sister is a hottie too. Sweeter and more innocent looking, but I enjoy all types of women. It’s a blessing and a curse really.” He sighed dramatically, then winked at me. “Can’t wait for us to get acquainted.”

  Lorcan’s growl vibrated behind me, his chest bumping my arm.

  “Ah, that’s sweet. Your little pet is all ready to nip at my heels.”

  “If I’m so nonthreatening, why don’t you come closer and try to pet me?” Lorcan stood still, but his frame puffed up, ready to attack at any moment. The rest of the dwellers crept in closer. When mated to one, you became part of the whole pack. Each one would risk their life to protect me. To guard any of the mates or each other.

  “Boy, our time will come when either you will become one of my pets or you will be fed to my servants behind me.” Stavros flicked his head back to the horde of strighoul behind him, drumming their weapons on the ground, who were cheering at the thought of their next meal.

  A throb of magic pulsed through me. Lorcan was losing his temper, his anger bristling off his skin. If Stavros made one move, we’d have a battle right here.

  “You made such a grand entrance.” I took a step, wanting all the attention on me. “I’m going to assume you are here for a reason?”

  Stavros’s chartreuse eyes landed back on me. He and Lars were different but similar enough to confuse your head. It was similar to when you saw someone out of the corner of your eye you thought you knew, but when you fully looked, it was someone else entirely.

  “I demand you kneel to me.” He shoved his hands in his pockets, looking as though he were asking me for the time. “Since your little group is ready to attack me, I’m feeling it might be pointless to ask nicely.”

  Several people behind me laughed at the idea I would kneel to him.

  “And it’s probably a waste of my time to ask the same of you.” I clasped my hands, trying to act as nonchalant as him. “It looks like neither of us is going to get what we want.”

  He grinned, baring his white teeth. “You’re going to be more enjoyable than I thought.”

  “The feeling is not mutual.”

  “Guess it will be my burden to bear.” He strode to the edge of the protected line. “That’s not going to keep me out for long. When I have the stone, there is no shield I won’t be able to tear down as if it’s tissue paper.” He tapped at the buffer, smiling as it sizzled and crackled against his skin, showing not even a flinch of pai

  “Our deal still holds, Fionna.” He indicated to her, withdrawing his hand from the protection field. “You want to see your little girl again? You bring me your boyfriend and that dear great-niece of mine.”

  My eyes pinched together. Knowing Ember as long as I had, she would not stay hidden. She operated on impulse and heart.

  “Only cowards use a little girl to hide behind.” Ember’s rage laced deeply through her words as she moved beside me. “I’m right here, uncle. You want a family reunion or something?”

  Stavros’s eyes widened, moving over her. “Wow,” he muttered, then quickly regained himself, the smug smile back on his face. “Look at you. You couldn’t be more of a spitting image of your father and mother. I’ve never seen a dae in person before. You are exquisite.” He examined her like she was an animal in the zoo.

  Ember shuffled uncomfortably, narrowing her eyes into daggers.

  “Come over and give your uncle a hug.” Stavros held out his arms.

  “Sure thing, uncle.” Ember drew her sword, moving forward. I grabbed her, pushing her back next to Fionna. Both were hotheaded and ready for blood.

  Seeing me push back Ember made Stavros howl with laughter. “Oh, I can’t wait to have you all. Every day will be so entertaining.”

  It was then I realized he didn’t want us to merely bow to him, but to collect us. I didn’t even want to imagine how he would do that. You know perfectly well, Ken. Even if I had yet to meet her, if he threatened Piper, there wasn’t anything Fionna or I would do to protect her. She was my niece. A child. I would do what I needed to save her life.

  Even enthrall people.

  Horror bubbled in my stomach, churning and gurgling.

  “Long live the King!” Voices suddenly shouted out from the expanding crowd who came to watch the spectacle. The ones I was protecting. My head jerked to the horde, heat icing my blood. Stavros’s laugh squawked into the air like a flock of crows, clawing and biting at my nerves.

  “Even they are ready for a true leader.” He held up his arms, turning toward the villagers. “Who is tired of being represented by an incompetent leader? A child? One who understands humans more than your needs and wants?”

  Cheers rose along the masses.

  “A Druid was never meant to lead you,” Stavros shouted. “They should have remained our servants. Now they think they can rise above us. Rule us.”

  “No! No!” A chant started. My head grew hazy, my legs wobbly. But I forced my chin higher. No matter what, I would not show fear or weakness.

  Most of the crowd stayed quiet, but with every word, it felt that Stavros was pulling in another to his side.

  “The King who sympathized with humans and welcomed a Druid Queen is gone. I am the rightful King. The true King. Some of you might even remember me. I am back and will return the kingdom to its rightful ways.” More shouts and applause picked up; his strong voice seeming to easily sway the crowd.

  In the year and a half I had been ruling, I had learned a lot. But I was still new. Young. Every day I discovered more, but I had leaned on Lars too often to guide me through sticky situations.

  Now I stood alone.

  Stavros’s magic was centuries ahead of mine. Aneira, Lars, and even Stavros started out like me once, new to their reign, more vulnerable, but they became almost indestructible. Being Queen, I was harder to kill, but I could in no way challenge an ancient High Demon King. Fionna had more experience to challenge him than I, which did not bode well for the already controversial Seelie leader. Me.

  Stavros continued to shout. “The time will come when you will be free of her. Of her manipulation and lies of a better world. But for now, those of you who want to follow me and be on the right side from the start, your loyalty to the crown will be greatly rewarded.”

  It only took a few heartbeats before more than a dozen people walked to the King as though he would make everything all right.

  My nails drove into my palms until I felt drops of blood roll down my knuckles.

  “It’s already crumbling at your feet.” Stavros faced me, a self-satisfied smile lighting up his eyes. “I might not even need another fortnight. You will be throwing yourself at my mercy by the end of this one.” He waved to a group of strighoul behind him. “But if you need a reminder of what I will do to the pretty incubus and adorable little girl…”

  Six strighoul hauled two objects to the border, dropping them on the ground. Another six dragged only one right behind.


  Three bloody and beaten bodies lay in the dirt, auras so dim I didn’t know if any of them were alive.

  “Shite.” Fionna put her hand to her mouth. “No.”

  It took everything in me to not react, to not go running up to the men.

  “There are a lot more where that came from. That big guy…” He pointed at the half ogre laying on the ground, who had been at Lars’s side for decades. “My strighoul really wanted to have him for dinner. You should thank me.”

  Breathe in. Breathe out. Slow.

  “Every day you don’t bring me what I want…someone dies. Painfully. He’s the first. Showing you I am a man of my word.” Stavros’s relaxed humor had dropped, his focus pointed directly at me. “And Queenie…you think you can fight me? You have no idea what I have coming over land and water. You thought the war with Aneira was bad? I’ve been gathering my troops for a long time. Preparing for this. Your refusal will merely mean more innocent lives lost. You have no chance against me, the rightful King.” With his last statement he swiveled dramatically around, like he was in some cheesy play, and disappeared into the throng behind him.

  None of us moved, watching the threat retreat into the forest. The last strighoul slipped away and my guards ran for the protective shield, Fionna shoving them aside and dropping to her knees.

  “Goran.” She leaned over, putting an ear to his chest. “He’s still alive!” She shoved up her sleeves, a spell already humming from her throat.

  My feet carried me quickly to Travil, his face so badly sliced up he was barely recognizable, but his aura still sputtered around him.

  “Get a healer to him now.” I pointed to Travil, then moved on to Rimmon, falling next to the massive brute. He was frightening to look at but loyal and protective of Lars. A few times he had even protected me.

  “Rimmon.” Ember kneeled on the other side, her face twisted in agony. “No…stay alive, big guy.”

  I could no longer see his aura, but I still felt the need to try.

  “Majesty, we’ll do this.” Torin tried to pull me back, but I yanked from his grip, my hands hovering over the huge man’s torso.


  No life buzzed from him.

  “No.” I gritted through my teeth, panic strangling my throat. An incantation spit over my lips, trying to heal. No. No. It can’t be too late. Not again...

  Jared. My family. Owen. Wizard.

  More blood on my hands.

  All their images layered over the man lying below me. The horrifying emptiness told me it was too late, but my heart wouldn’t give up. Terror shook my arms, my hands pushing down harder, trying to stop the flow of blood.

  “No. Dammit…do not die.”

  “My lady, stop!” Torin grabbed for my arm again. “He’s already dead.”

  “No!” I glared at Torin, shoving him away. “I’m not giving up on him.”

  I continued to chant, trying to sense any thread of life in him, energy funneling from me like a water hose.

  “Hey.” Lorcan squatted down, getting in my eye line, his voice soft. “You have to stop, li’l bird. You’re just hurting yourself.”

  Ignoring him, I shoved more energy into Rimmon, feeling the darkness.

  “Enough.” Lorcan seized my arms, pulling me to my feet and away from the man. “Look at me.”

  My nostrils flared as I watched Goran and Travil being carried off to the healers. Goran was conscious, his eyes open and narrowed with anger. Fionna stood back, a strange s
orrow creasing her features, her head bowed away from Goran’s glare.

  “Look. At. Me.” Lorcan growled. My eyes flicked to his. His voice was hard, but his eyes were filled with love and compassion. “He’s not Jared,” he whispered so only I could hear. “There’s no one you can save who will ever bring Jared back or fill that hole.”

  A whisper of a cry broke from my lips. He pulled me to his chest, holding me tight. Only a few sobs emerged before I bit the rest back.

  Not yet. Don’t break down here. There are scared villagers who need your strength. Your guidance.

  Lorcan’s hands cupped my cheeks, his eyes speaking to mine. I am here. Whatever you need, li’l bird.

  I know. Thank you. I rubbed my stained fingers over his, then pulled his hands away from my face. My clothes were stained with blood, but I cleared my throat, stepped around him, and hitched back my shoulders. I needed to convey strength and power.

  Before my people, I inhaled deeply.

  “It is true. Lars is no longer King.” I held up my hands to the murmur rushing through the villagers. “But I am still your Queen. Even if you do not believe in me or never wanted me, I will fight for each and every one of you until my last breath. There is nothing I won’t do to protect this kingdom.” I straightened my back more, my voice carrying over the crowd. “He spoke of a ‘better time.’ The better times are before us, not behind. Our world is one now. There is no going back. Fae and humans live together. Only dictators use the false ideal of one race being better than another. Even for fae, the freedom he speaks of is false. His good days mean when he sits fat and happy, while everyone else suffers, including you.” My voice rang out strong, reverberating against the walls of the castle. “I will not sugarcoat this: a war is coming. Once again, your rights and freedoms are under threat. I understand if you want to flee, but if Stavros wins, there is nowhere you can go that his tyranny won’t find you. I know you are scared and still weary from the previous war. But know I will stand by your side. I will not let him win.”

  Cheers went up in the crowd. “We will fight with you, my lady,” a woman screamed.

  “I hope it won’t come to that, but I want you to be ready. Prepare your homes and families. Whatever you need, my guards will get for you. I extend my gratitude to you all.” I dipped my head in thanks to them. Death would come to many, and I appreciated those who stood here with me.


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