Book Read Free

Country At Heart

Page 9

by Mandy Magro

  With a sexy swagger that sparked Summer’s insides like fire crackers, Dean joined them at the table, his chair scraping noisily as he spun it around and then sat on it as though straddling a horse. The conversation between the three of them flowed freely, Summer feeling as though she was somehow already part of the family. It was strange and comforting at the same time.

  His forearms resting on the back of the chair, Dean eyed Summer inquisitively, a wisp of a smile tugging the corner of his lips. Was this girl for real? Did she, a woman accustomed to the high life, really want to get her hands dirty? If so, it made her all the more tempting. With his curiosity piqued he hungered to learn all there was about Summer Milton, her dreams, likes, dislikes, hopes, fears … everything. Now. Tonight. Before she woke up tomorrow and realised she could never fall for a man with so little compared to her. He felt an urgency to capture her heart, to show her what he could give her that no other man could, and prove to her how great her life could be with him by her side. How in the hell was he going to do that in just a few short hours? ‘As long as you agree to come for a motorbike ride tonight, then we’d love you to come and help us tomorrow.’ He watched as she fidgeted with her bracelet, smiling ever so sweetly as she blinked her eyes and then met his gaze. Her bottom lip quivered and she delicately bit it, her eyes briefly revealing the pain he’d seen in them this morning. She looked so potently vulnerable. So much so it made him want to wrap his arms around her so he could protect her with all he had.

  A motorbike ride? Summer couldn’t believe this gorgeous guy was asking her out on a date, well, sort of, and the happiness she felt with this almost overcame her. He made her feel so unquestionably safe. And right now, she needed that more than anything else in the world. She wanted to scream out yes, yes, yes, but instead she did everything in her power to remain composed as she blinked back happy, relieved tears. ‘I’d love to go for a ride, Dean. I adore motorbikes … I always feel so free when I’m on the back of one.’

  Knowing exactly what she meant and finding himself impressed by her reply, Dean tapped the chair enthusiastically as he stood. ‘Great, let’s hit the road then. The spare helmet that my sister uses is in the laundry. I’ll go grab it, back in a sec.’

  As Dean disappeared down the hallway, Summer’s eyes remained glued to his strong physique and the way he carried himself in such a confident yet unassuming manner. He was one of the good guys, a keeper, she could just tell. With her heart rate beginning to pick up momentum, she envisioned being squashed up against him on the back of his motorbike. It would be heaven.

  Turning back to Tony, she smiled softly. ‘You’ve got a wonderful son, Tony. Fighting the war in Afghanistan would be a tough job … you must be so very proud.’ She waited for a reply, discreetly observing his Adam’s apple wobble and his jaw tighten. He was obviously fighting back deep emotions, and she knew just how very proud of his son he truly was, but she could also tell that Tony wouldn’t be one to express his emotions easily.

  Tony nodded, his voice wavering. ‘He’s a good boy, my Sage. I don’t know what I’d do without him.’ He placed his creased hand over Summer’s, which was already resting on the table, startling her. ‘I can tell by the way Dean’s acting that he really likes you … Take care of him, won’t you? He’s had a hell of a lot of hurt in his young life, especially because of me, and I would hate to see him endure any more.’

  Shocked by Tony’s observation, Summer blinked back more tears, the depth of this man’s love for his son awe-inspiring. She wondered what hurt he had come to cause Dean, and how that could even be possible, given their clearly devoted relationship, but knew it wasn’t really any of her business. She gave his hand a gentle squeeze. ‘Trust me, Tony, I will. I promise.’

  A silent powerful moment passed between them, only to be broken by Dean striding back into the room, a helmet in one hand and a woman’s leather jacket in the other. He held up the jacket. ‘I found this, too, it must be Kimmy’s.’

  Tony reached out and touched the leather, a recollection contorting his features. ‘No, Dean, that was your mother’s old jacket, the one she outgrew a few years back …’

  Suddenly realising his mistake, Dean’s smile disappeared. ‘Oh shit, sorry, Dad, I had no idea. I’ll go and put it back …’

  Tony grabbed Dean’s arm before he could stride out of the room. ‘No. I won’t hear of it, Sage. Please, let Summer wear it. She needs something to cover her arms if she’s going on the motorbike, and that jacket would fit her perfectly.’

  Dean hesitated. ‘Only if you don’t mind, Dad.’

  ‘Of course I don’t. Now, off you go, you two. This old bugger needs to get his beauty sleep if we’re going to be busy renovating again tomorrow. And please, son, ride carefully, okay? And watch out for roos this time of the night, the bloody bastards jump out from nowhere.’

  Dean squeezed his dad’s shoulder. ‘Don’t worry, I’ll be careful.’

  Placing his hand on the small of her back, Dean led Summer out of the house and towards the garage. ‘Sorry about the drama with the jacket, I hope you don’t mind wearing it seeing as my mum’s … well … you know …’

  ‘Don’t be silly, of course not. I’m flattered your dad wanted me to wear it.’ Summer slipped the jacket on and then stood to the side of the bike as Dean got settled. She pulled on the helmet, talking as she did, the energy between them intensifying by the second. ‘So where are we heading to?’

  Dean brought the bike to life, giving it a few revs to warm it up, the noise echoing around the garage. ‘Nowhere and everywhere.’

  Sliding himself forward so Summer could climb on, he enjoyed the sensation of her body being so close to his as she got comfy. Her warm breath on the back of his neck enticed goose bumps as he pulled her hesitant arms around his waist, making sure she was flush against him before he rode out of the garage and towards the winding coastal road. The moonlit evening was perfect for gazing out at the ocean, the calm water glimmering like a smooth sheet of crystal beneath the star-studded black-velvet sky.

  Timing the turns perfectly, they leaned into every corner, their bodies in sync, their movements natural. It felt so right having her arms wrapped around his waist. It was if she’d been by his side for an eternity. Breathing in the salty air combined with wafts of her wildflower-rich scent, Dean felt his entire body relax, the stresses of the day evaporating like ice on a hot summer’s day. In her company, it felt like nothing else mattered, as though all his problems were meaningless. He had forgotten how magical falling in love could be, and he didn’t want this feeling to end.

  Dean handled the beast of a bike as if he was performing a dramatic ballet, every movement fluid and effortless, yet tinged with the danger that comes with being at one with the road. It bordered on extremely sensual. He felt Summer snuggling in closer as they cruised along the ocean-fringed road. This was heaven.

  Dropping the gears while slowing the bike, Dean pulled into a cul-de-sac, picking his favourite part of Majestic Beach to sit with Summer. Switching off the Ducati, he waited for her to slide out from behind him, admiring how her long blonde hair fell flatteringly about her pretty face as she removed her helmet. Dismounting from the bike, he did the same. Then, placing both helmets on the seat, he took the plunge and gently grabbed her hand, relieved when she laced her fingers around his as they wandered down to the sandy shoreline. They sat down, making sure to face the sea, the beauty of it beneath the full moon enchanting.

  ‘It’s so beautiful here,’ Summer whispered dreamily, watching a far off oil tanker making its way across the ocean.

  ‘Yep, sure is.’

  Still holding hands they took time to drink in the scenic view. It was a welcome distraction from the wild undercurrent of their shameless emotions, a shared uncertainty of what to do next hanging tantalisingly in the air.

  After a few minutes Summer broke the intimate silence. ‘I like your dad.’

  ‘Yeah, he’s a top bloke, just a little messed up since the ac
cident. I wish there was some way I could help him out, you know, take the pain away. But no matter what I do, I just can’t seem to break down the walls he’s built.’

  ‘Hmm, has he tried talking to a psychologist, or even a counsellor?’

  ‘The stubborn old bugger refuses to go, reckons it’s a sign of weakness, going to a shrink. Says he can deal with it on his own. But from where I’m standing, he seems to be doing a pretty shitty job of it.’

  Summer wanted to ask what had happened, but now wasn’t the time. ‘I’m really sorry to hear that. I hope at some point he sees it’s not weak at all, it actually takes a lot of courage to get help.’

  ‘Argh, tell me about it. But good luck trying to get him to believe that – he’s as stubborn as they get, my old man.’

  ‘Why does he call you Sage?’

  Dean chuckled, his laughter deep and throaty. ‘He’s called me that for as long as I can remember – because I’m such a deep thinker.’

  Summer smirked, her bright green eyes sparkling. ‘Hmm, a deep thinker huh? A bit like me. I like that, Dean, it’s very admirable to see a man with some depth to his soul.’

  ‘Shucks, thanks.’ Dean’s belly filled with fireworks with her compliment. ‘So what did you study at uni?’

  ‘Bachelor of Business, not that I’m going to use it. I couldn’t think of anything more boring then sitting in front of a computer all day long trying to balance figures.’

  ‘What is it you want to do with your life if you don’t want to use your degree?’ He watched as her face lit up with exhilaration. She had a smile that somehow pulled him together, but he knew she’d also have a touch that would tear his resolve apart. This, here, with Summer, was dangerous ground for a man who’d had his heart smashed to smithereens. But something was telling him to go for it or he’d regret it for the rest of his life. Could he trust the feeling?

  ‘I want to reopen the old yoga studio in town so I can educate people on how to live a healthy lifestyle by offering yoga, meditation and massages.’

  His eyebrows shot up, awe for her freethinking spirit filling him. ‘That sounds wonderful. I believe in healthy living, too, and I reckon Edens Edge could do with a holistic centre like that. You go for it – and count me in for the classes and massages when I’m home.’

  Summer squeezed his hand. ‘Thanks for the vote of confidence. My dad’s going to hit the roof when I tell him what I want to do, so I need all the assurance I can get.’

  ‘Well, going by the way your face has lit up, I think he’d be crazy to stop you. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I reckon once you set your mind on something you’d be pretty hell-bent on getting it.’

  Summer grinned wickedly. ‘Dean Lockwood, I love the way you get me.’

  Dean, now completely relaxed in her company, decided to ask the question that had been on the tip of his tongue all night. ‘So, Miss Summer Milton, I have to ask, what made you want to come and see me tonight?’

  In a split second the atmosphere around them shifted, intensified. Summer turned to face him, the moonlight enhancing her exquisiteness. Dean sucked in a breath, keen to hear her answer but at the same time extremely nervous about what it might be.

  ‘I really want to answer that question honestly, Dean, but I’m not sure you want to hear what I have to say, or you’ll think I’m a bit of a weirdo if I say it out loud.’

  Dean chuckled softly, mesmerised by the way her lips moved as she spoke. This woman was fascinating. ‘Trust me, Summer, whatever it is, I won’t think you’re a weirdo.’

  She smiled shyly. ‘Well, let me ask you a question first, and then I’ll tell you, okay?’

  Dean grinned a little uneasily. Was she about to break it to him that she wasn’t interested in him at all? What a fucking fool he’d been if that was so. ‘Go for it.’

  Feeling as though she was already balancing out on a limb, Summer took her time, picking her words carefully so the limb didn’t snap, leaving her falling flat on her face. ‘Do you believe that you can meet someone and just know there is something about them that you yearn for more than anything else in this world?’

  ‘I’m not sure. Yeah, um, maybe?’ Dean had no idea where this was going, but he sure as hell had felt more than just lust when he’d first laid eyes on Summer this morning. It was as if an imaginary piece of string was tying them together, and he hungered for her, not only in body, but in mind and spirit as well. It was a strange sensation, one he’d never felt before. But he wasn’t going to admit it to her, not until she told him her feelings first. It would save a shitload of embarrassment if she were about to tell him she only wanted to be mates.

  Summer nodded gently. ‘Well, Dean, I’ve felt it …’ She hesitated. ‘Today – the second I met you – I felt like I already knew you, like I’d found a purpose in my life.’ She blinked hard. ‘So, in answer to your question, the reason I visited you tonight is because I like you, Dean, and I’d really love to get to know you better while you’re home.’ She smiled nervously, taking his wide-eyed silence as a bad sign. ‘I told you it was weird. I sound like a desperado, but please believe me, I’m not.’

  Dean knew he had to reply but with his heart galloping at a hundred k’s an hour he was struggling to speak. Christ, he could fight a war with nerves of steel, but get him in the company of this woman and he could barely put a sentence together. Finally he choked out some words, hoping they would jumble together and make some sense. ‘I feel the same way, Summer. There’s just something about you that makes me want to get to know everything about you, and more …’ He chuckled softly, shaking his head. ‘I can’t believe I just said that out loud.’ He leant in, placing his finger over her lips and then tracing them every so lightly, the sensation of her skin upon his fingertip creating an ache deep within him. A sigh escaped her as the entire world faded away, leaving only him and her on what felt like a deserted island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

  Stealing the moment, Dean feathered a kiss over her lips, holding back his burning desire as he anxiously waited for her to respond. Her lips warm against his, she deepened the kiss, her tongue exploring his sensually. Placing his arms around her waist he pulled her onto his lap, his fingers running up her back and into her hair. He slowed the kiss by tracing his tongue softly over her parted lips, then pulled back and cupped her cheeks, making sure to capture her eyes with his own. ‘You’re beautiful, Summer Milton, inside and out, and I’m falling for you in a way I’ve never fallen for any woman before. I hope you know what you’re doing, because if you’re going to jump in the saddle with me, you better be ready for the ride of your life.’

  Summer smiled in a way that made his entire body ache. ‘I’m more than willing to jump in the saddle and see where it takes us.’

  Dean smiled, his dimples deepening in his chiselled cheeks. ‘Good, that’s what I wanted to hear.’ His smiling eyes gave way to concern, his brows creasing. ‘And while we’re being open and honest, if I find out the reason you were upset this morning was because some bastard of a bloke has hurt you – well, just say the word and I’ll make him sorry he ever did.’

  Summer flinched ever so slightly and Dean knew he’d hit the nail on the head. Then it dawned on him. Shit, what if she was already spoken for – he hadn’t even stopped to think of that? His hands slipped from her waist, lingering in midair. He could hear the thud of his heart in his ears as he spat the next question out, hating the taste of it in his mouth. ‘You’re not in a relationship with someone else already, are you, Summer?’

  She tersely shook her head. ‘No, Dean, I promise I’m a free agent.’ She traced her fingers over her chest. ‘Cross my heart.’

  Relieved, Dean gently pushed stray hair from her face. ‘I’m not going to pry and ask what happened, and I’m all ears if you want to talk about it, but just know if you’re going to be with me, nobody’s ever going to hurt you and get away with it. I guarantee it.’

  Planting the broadest smile she could muster on her quivering lips, Summe
r laughed out loud, feeling a little over the top. She couldn’t bear the thought of Dean finding out her dirty secret. It had the power to possibly make him think differently of her and that was the last thing she wanted. ‘Oh, don’t worry abut this morning, it was nothing. Just me being a sook, that’s all.’ Desperate to hide her face in case Dean saw through her lies, Summer turned around and snuggled into his strong arms, her gaze coming to rest on the ocean once again.

  Dean gave her a tender squeeze. ‘Are you right to stay here a little longer, and then I can drop you home? I just want to sit and hold you.’

  ‘Sure am. I wish we could stay like this forever.’ Her voice was soft, dreamlike.

  Butterflying a kiss on her cheek, Dean sighed pleasurably. ‘Me too.’

  What a day it had been, to feel the lowest she’d ever experienced in her life this morning, and then to be floating up among the stars with this man tonight. She was mindful she should have time to herself after what happened, to come to grips with it, but she was also acutely aware that Dean was only home from Afghanistan for a few short weeks and she didn’t want to waste any second she could spend with him. Here on this beach, in his arms, rapture filling her, she made a promise to herself that she would make the next two weeks count, and not hold back, and afterwards, once Dean had gone back to war, then and only then, was she going to face up to what Marcus had done to her, and decide whether she was going to do anything about it or just leave it where it maybe should be left – in her past.

  They allowed the magic of the surrounds to fill their senses, no more words necessary. Within minutes, the serenity of the sea had slowed Summer’s racing heart and she once again felt peaceful in Dean’s company. He just seemed to have that effect on her, making her feel as if nothing in the world could harm her when she was with him. And the emotion Dean inspired in her was even more of a reason to not let what Marcus had done to her be known, by anyone, because nothing was ever going to come between her and this gorgeous man. She’d make damn sure of it.


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