Fienberg, Nona, 363
Figueroa, Don García de Silva y. See Silva y Figueroa, Don García de
Findly, Ellison Banks, 109, 364
firearms, 314
Flores, Jorge, 363
Fludd, Robert, 215, 240; Diagram of Perception, 215
folio. See book formats
Forbidden City, Beijing, 22
Formosa, 324
Francken II, Frans, Witches’ Sabbat, 234
Frano, Veronica, 113
Fraser, Antonia, 362
Frederick II of Denmark, 191
Frederick V, Elector Palatine, 99, 214, 249
Freely, John, 365
Friedrichs, Christopher R., 366
Frith, Mary (“Moll Cutpurse”), 116
Fun in Acapulco, 34
Galeano, Eduardo, 72, 363
Galigai, Leonora, 101; The Decapitation of Leonora Galigai, 105
Galilei, Galileo, 14, 187, 195, 365; Calculating Device, 199; Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief Systems of the World, 203; Pages from The Starry Messenger, 201; Phases of the Moon, 197; The Starry Messenger, 200, 337
Galilei, Maria Celeste, 196
Galilei, Vicenzo, 195; The Dialogue on Ancient and Modern Music, 195
galleons, 362; and Japan, 331; arribadas, 35; contraband on, 37; difficulties of voyage, 35–36; fiesta de las señas, 36; in 1615–1616, 35; routes taken, 36; size of, 34; taxation of cargo, 37; value of trade by, 22
Garber, Marjorie, 120
Garrard, Mary D., 364
Gates, Jr., Henry Louis, 366
gazetteers, Chinese, 349
Geelkercken, Nicolaas, 11, 42, 362
Gentileschi, Artemisia, 28, 122–127, 142, 149, 254, 364; Allegory of Inclination, 126, 127; Judith Slaying Holofernes, 124, 126, 127; Susanna and the Elders, 28
Gentileschi, Orazio, 122
Gerbier, Balthasar, 157
Gerhard, Peter, 363
Gessel, Van C., 367
Gheyn, Jacob de, The Old Philosopher Chilo Lacedæmonius, 193
Gilbert, William, 204
Gilder, Joshua and Anne-Lee, 193–194, 365
Gillis, Cynthia, 364
Gingerich, Owen, 191
Ginzburg, Carlo, 365
Giraldez, Arturo, 362
Goa, India, 20, 24, 44, 57, 61, 64, 74, 302, 303, 307, 308, 313, 318, 337, 351–352
Golconda, India, 262
golden age concept, 16–17, 355, 362
Goldish, Matt, 366
Goltzius, Hendrick, 149, 364; The Fall of Man, 150, 152; Icarus, 148; Jupiter and Antiope, 150, 153; Lot and His Daughters, 152; Right Hand of the Artist, 149
Gómez de Sandoval, Francisco, 1st Duke of Lerma, 156
Goodrick-Clarke, Nicholas, 365
Gouge, William, 247
Goytisolo, Juan, 272
Gradie, Charlotte M., 363
Gramaye, Jean-Baptiste, 275
Greer, Germaine, 94
Gregory XIII, pope, 9, 205
Groenevelt, F., 149
Guam, 363
Guazzo, Francesco Maria, A Witch Giving an Anal Kiss to Satan, 237; Witches Roasting a Child, 233
Guhyasamaja, 223
Guy Fawkes Gunpowder Plot, 15
Habsburg empire, 23, 99, 127, 153, 154, 157, 191–192. See also names of Habsburg rulers
Haight, Ian, 367
hajj, 258–262, 366
Hamilton, Helen, 265
Hannay, Margaret P., 363
harem, 108
Harington, John, 13
Harriot, Thomas, 198
Hartog, Dirk, 339
Harvey, William, 216
Hasan, Abul, 168–171; Jahangir’s Dream of the Visit of Shah Abbas, 170–171, 304; Saint John, 167; Squirrels in a Plane Tree, 167, 168–170, 171; The Mughal Emperor Jahangir Shoots an Arrow through the Mouth of the Decapitated Head of Malik Ambar, 20, 170; The Presentation of a Book by Sadi, 170
Hasekura Tsunenaga, 30, 253, 329–334, 335, 367
Hashim, Jahangir, 168
Hay, James, 18
Hecate, 232
Hejaz, 258
Henri III of France, 100
Henri IV of France, 100, 100–101, 101, 244
Henry, John, 365
Henry, Prince of England, 14
Heo Gyun, 295–298, 367; “At the Refugee Camp”, 296; The Tale of Hong Gildong, 297
Heo Nanseolheon, 298
Hindemith, Paul, 251, 366
Hirsh, James, 362
history as narrative, 11
Ho, Tae-young, 367
Hoberman, Louisa Schell, 362
Hole, William, Coryate and the Venetian Courtesan, 342
Hongwu emperor of China, 57, 216
Hopkins, A. G., 361
Hormuz, 260, 318, 341, 342, 352
Hosokawa Gracia, 66
Howard, Frances, Countess of Essex, 96, 264, 310
Howe, Eunice, 366
Huang, Ray, 361, 363
Huaynaputina Volcano, 147
Iceland, 277
index of prohibited books, 204
Infanta Isabella. See Isabella Clara Eugenia
Inquisition, Roman, 202; Spanish, 270
Ireland, 270, 278, 308, 310
Isabella Clara Eugenia, Infanta, of Spain, 154, 156
Isfahan, Iran, 178; New Julfa, Armenian district, 291–292
Ishinomaki, Japan, 336
Istanbul, 205
Iwasa Matabei, 113, 164–165, 364; Court Ladies Viewing Chrsanthemums, 113
Jahan, Nur, 104–110, 107, 364
Jahangir, Nur-ud-din Salim, Mughal emperor, 16, 20, 30, 104, 106, 107, 108, 109, 168, 208, 262, 288, 318, 346. See also Mughal painting; his menagerie, 171–173; Jahangir and Prince Khurram with Nur Jahan, 107; obsession with Malik Ambar, 280–281
Jahangirnama, 168, 171, 176
James I of England and VI of Scotland, 13, 14, 15, 19, 23, 50, 51, 83, 89, 90, 96, 99, 127, 128, 142, 155, 214, 216, 230, 234, 236, 244, 249, 309, 362; Collected Workes, 355; Daemonologie, 13
janissaries, 275, 279
Japanese screen painting, influence seen in Mexico, 69
Jerusalem, 263, 269
Jesuit reductions, Argentina, 27
Jesuit Rites Controversy, 338
Jewish ghetto, Venice, 344
Jin Ping Mei. See Plum in the Golden Vase
Jobin, Bernhard, A Jewish Woman Gives Birth to Two Piglets, 244
John Donne, on Thomas Coryate, 343
John Paul II, pope, 204
Jones, Ann Rosalind, 363, 364
Jones, Inigo, 13, 18, 90, 127, 155, 345, 355. See also under masque, court, for specific masques
Jonson, Ben, 13, 28, 90, 92, 93, 117, 210, 231, 232, 343, 345, 355, 362. See also under masque, court; Collected Workes, 93; “Sonnet to Lady Mary Wroth,” 92; The Alchemist, 92; The Devil Is an Ass, 231
Joosten, Jan, 328
Judaism, associated with witchcraft, 103
Jung, Carl, 239
Kaaba, 258
kabbalah, 99, 210, 213, 216, 224
Kalin, Ibrahim, 365
Kalman, Maira, 188
Kamarupa Seed Syllables, 221, 365
Kamen, Henry, 254, 362, 363
Kandahar (Afghanistan), 105, 170
Kano Eitoku, 163–164, 364
Kano Mitsunobu, 163–165; Snowy Pine, 164
Kano Naizen, 164
Kano Sanraku, Peonies, 164
Kano Sansetsu, 164
Kano school of Japanese painting, 163–165
Kano Takanobu, Hotei, 162
Kano Tanyu, 165
Kasbah. See Qassabah
Katz, David S., 366
Keeling, William, 317
Kepler, Johannes, 14, 187, 337, 365; “Cosmic Cup”, 190–191; The Cosmographic Mystery, 190, 195; The Dream (Somnium), 189; laws of planetary motion, 190; New Astronomy, 190; Pages from Kepler’s Calculations, 204
Kepler, Katharina, 14, 187, 227
Khan, Asaf, 174
Khan, Chengiz, 279
Khan, Inayat, 176–177; Inayat Khan, 1
600, 176; Inayat Khan Dying, 176
Khusrau, Mughal prince, 109
Kim, Kichung, 367
King, David A., 365
King, Margaret L., 363
King James Bible, 244
Kita, Sandy, 364
Knox, John, The First Blast of the Trumpet against the Monstrous Regiment of Women, 95
Ko, Dorothy, 363
Kodai-ji, 165
Koenigsberger, H. G., 362
Koestler, Arthur, 365
Koi, Kano, 164, 165
Korea, Japanese invasions of, 295–298, 367
Kottman, Karl A., 366
Krakatoa volcano, 147
Ladrones. See Mariana Islands
Lake, Rodrigo Rivero, 363
Lake Como, Italy, 347
Lamb, H. H., 364
Lamster, Mark, 364
Lanfranco, Giovanni, 253, 329, 366; Foreign Ambassadors, 253
Lar, Pakistan, 321
Larkin, William, 14, 96
Latin Quarter, Paris, 100
Lavagnino, John, 365
Lee, Christopher, 361
Leeflang, Huigen, 364
Lee Dal, 297
Legge, James, 363
Leigh, Dorothy, 98–99, 364; The Mothers Blessing, 98–99, 99
Leigh, Ralph, 98
Lemay, J. A. Leo, 86
Lepanto, battle of, 24, 272
Lerma, Duke of. See Gómez de Sandoval, Francisco, 1st Duke of Lerma Levack, Brian, 365
Levant Company, 309
Levenson, Jay A., 363
Lewalski, Barbara Kiefer, 362
Le dynasty, Vietnam, 336
Le Maire, Jacob, 42, 63
Li, Chinese Empress Dowager, 52
Libri, Giulio, 200
Lieberman, Victor, 361, 362
Li Liufang, Gazing at Snow along the Riverbank, 140
Lindley, David, 362
Lin Feng, 59
Lisbon, Portugal, spice markets, 44
literacy, 99
Lithgow, William, 28, 263–271, 276, 366; A Most Delectable and True Discourse of an Admired and Painfull Peregrination in Europe, 264; origins, 265; The Author in the Libyan Desart, 268; The Author in the Racke at Malaga, 271; The Gushing Teares of Godly Sorrow, etc., 265; The Modell of the Great City of Fez, 269; The Totall Discourse, of the Rare Adventures and Painfull Peregrinations, etc., 264, 271
Little, Stephen, 365
Little Ice Age, 113, 146–148, 364
Livingstone, David, 62
Li Zhi, 135
Lloyd, David, The Legend of Captain Iones, 87
Lockhart, Alice, 265
Lockhart, James, 367
longitude, 337
Longobardi, Nicolas, 338
Louis XIII of France, 16, 90, 100, 101, 102, 103
Lowe, Kate, 366
Luijten, Ger, 364
Luther, Martin, 97, 203, 224, 226
Macau, China, 57, 59, 337
macrocosms and microcosms, 212, 215, 216, 220, 226, 365
Mac faction, Vietnam, 336
Maddison, Francis, 365
Madonna and child painting motif, 97, 109
Madre de Deus, Portuguese ship, 317
Magellan, Ferdinand, 200
Mahabharata, 7
Maier, Michael, 5, 215, 239–240, 251, 366; Atalanta Fugiens, 212, 240, 243, 251. See also Merian, Matthieu
Malaysia, 324
Malick, Terrence, 363
Malleus Maleficarum (Hammer of Witches), 236
Mami, Arnaut, 272
Mangan, Jane E., 363
Manila, Philippines, 11, 22, 24, 30, 34, 35, 37, 38, 44, 59, 63, 64, 65, 66, 70, 80
Mann, Charles C., 361
Mansur, Ustad, 171–190, 364; Dipper, 173–174; Dipper and Other Birds, 170; Dodo, 174; Dodo and Other Birds, 172; North American Turkey, 171; turkey cock, 172–173
map of world from 1616, 11
Marcus, Leah Sinanoglou, 367
Margolis, Howard, 204
Mariuccia (Maria Tinatin de Ziba), 299, 341, 342, 353
Marlin, Hilary, 364
Martinez, Enrico, 39–40, 362
Mary, Queen of Scots, 362. See Stuart, Mary, Queen of Scotland
masque, court, 10, 13, 14, 362; Christmas, His Masque, 355, 367; expense of, 18, 19; The Golden Age Restored, 13–31, 16, 18, 19, 22; Lovers Made Men, 18; The Masque of Beauty, 18; The Masque of Blackness, 90; The Fortunate Isles, and Their Union, 210; The Vision of Delight, 28, 131
Mathes, Valerie L., 362
Matoaka (“Pocahontas”), 28, 83–89, 127–132, 130, 363; at court masque, 131; death and legacy, 131; kidnapping of, 89
matrilineal vs. patrilineal societies, 89
Mawangdui, 49
Mayer, Roberto, 362
Mayon Volcano, 147
McCrory, Donald, 367
McGaha, Michael, 367
McGill, Forrest, 367
Mecca, 258
Mede, Joseph, 247
Medici, Cosimo II de, 126
Medicis, Marie de, queen of France, 101, 102, 103, 244
medicine, 293
Medici Oriental Press, 205
Mehmed III Adii, Ottoman sultan, 16
Melaka, 24, 57
Mendieta, Eva, 364
Merian, Matthieu, Alchemy and Geometry, 240; Following the Footprints of Nature, 240; Its Nurse Is the Earth, 251; Placing the Stone on the Mountain, 212; The Philosopher’s Egg, 240; The Wolf Coming from the East and the Dog Coming from the West Have Bitten Each Other, 243
Meriweather, G., 367
Mermaid Inn, London, 343
Merrim, Stephanie, 364
Mexican War of Independence, 35
Mexico City, 39; flooding and drainage, 38
Michaels, Leonard, 114
Middleton, Thomas, 13, 314, 365; “Come Away, Hecate, Come Away”, 232, 365; A Portrait of the Artist as a She-Owl, 231; Measure for Measure, 13; The Patient Man and the Honest Whore, 117; The Roaring Girl, 116, 364. The Tragedy of Macbeth, 13, 14, 230, 230–232, 365; The Witch, 231, 231–234, 365
midwifery, 100–104, 364
millennarianism, 69, 247–248
Miller, Naomi J., 94, 363
Milton, Giles, 362, 367
Minchin, Susie, 367
Modena, Leon, 243–245, 366
Modena, Mordecai, 245
Moliere, 113
Moll Cutpurse. See Frith, Mary (“Moll Cutpurse”)
Moluccas, 25, 44, 47, 61, 64, 65, 80
Moscow, 315
motherhood, 97–99. See also Leigh, Dorothy
Mound of Ears (Mimizuka), 295
mountains, 58; Alps, 347; as spiritual places, 182–184; Mexican, 33, 78, 79; Mount Arafat, Saudi Arabia, 258; Mount Chickenfoot, China, 350; Mount Huang, China, 348, 349; Mount Jinhua, China, 347–348; Potosí, 71–76
Mozambique, 62
Mughal painting, 165–177, 364. See also names of individual artists
Mukai Shogen (Mukai Shogen Tadakatsu), 328, 329, 330
mulberry trees, 22, 48, 49
Mungello, D. E., 363
Murad III, Ottoman sultan, 206
Murano, Italy, glassworks, 31, 199
muraqqa’, Persian painting albums, 178
Murashige, Araki, 164
Murúa, Martín de, 77
Mus, Decius, 155
Muscovy, 300
Nagoya Castle, 165
Nahagirnama, 176
Nahualism, 237
Namala, Doris, 367
Nanha, The Submission of Rana Amar Singh to Prince Khurram, 281
Nanjing, 182
Naples, 257, 352
Nasr, Seyyed Hossein, 365
Navarre, 100
Needham, Joseph, 51, 218, 363, 365; Science and Civilization in China, 51
Needleman, Jacob, 365
Nestorius, 253
Neugebauer, Otto, 205
Newman, Andrew J., 361
Newport, Christopher, 317
Newson, Linda A., 367
Nguyen faction, Vietnam, 336
Nguyen Phuc N
guyen, 336
Nouroz, Persian festival, 108
Nurhaci, 24
Nur Jahan. See Jahan, Nur
nutmeg, 23, 25, 64, 362
O’Flynn, Dennis, 362
octavo. See book formats
Odcombe, 343
Olivier, Jacques, An Alphabet of Women’s Imperfections, 95
opera, The Harmony of the World (Hindemith), 251; L’Orfeo Dolente (Belli), 90; The Peony Pavilion (Tang Xianzu), 219
Orgel, Stephen, 362
orientalism, 17, 256
Osaka Castle, 165
Overbury, Thomas, 96, 97, 264, 310; “A Wife,” 96, 97
Pacheco, Francisco, Catalina de Erauso, 118
Padua, Italy, 113, 187, 195, 196, 198, 199, 200, 266
Pal, Orataoaditya, 364
Palazzo del Capitanio, Padua, 187
Paludanus, Bernardus, 61
Panek, Jennifer, 364
Paracelsus, 216
parda (seclusion of women), 108, 109
Parker, Charles H., 361, 367
Pasha, Nasuf, 318
pastoral romance as literary genre, 94
Paul V, Pope, 14, 30, 201, 330, 333
Pebworth, Ted-Larry, 362
Penrose, Boies, 265, 269, 366, 367
Perkins, Wendy, 364
Persepolis, Iran, 341
Persian Gulf, 260
perspicillium. See telescope
Peterson, Thomas K., 362
Petrarch, Francesco, 16
Peyton, Walter, 317
Phelan, John Leddy, 367
Philippines, 332, 335
Philip II of Spain, 247
Philip III of Spain and II of Portugal, 17, 22, 77, 156, 330, 334
Philip IV of Spain, 122
Phillips, Carla Rahn, 362
picaresque novel, literary genre, 119
pieces of eight. See dollar, Spanish
pilgrimage, 258–262
pirates and piracy, 41, 59, 60, 80, 266, 274, 275, 278, 297, 324. See also corsairs
plague, 114, 148
Platonic solids, 190
The Plum in the Golden Vase (Jin Ping Mei), 219–221, 365
Pocahontas. See Matoaka (“Pocahontas”)
Poland, 315
“Polonaise” carpet, 55
Poma, Guaman, 20, 22, 74, 147, 333, 363; A Spanish Traveler Mistreats His Native Carrier, 77; Deceitful Sorcerers and Witches, 236; The First New Chronicle and Good Government, 22; Huaynaputina Volcano, 147; Indian Parents Defend Their Daughter from the Lascivious Spaniard, 74; Punishments of Miners, 22
popes of Roman Catholic church. See Alexander VI, Gregory XIII, John Paul II, Paul V, Urban VIII
Popkin, Richard Henry, 366
population decline, 24, 140
Portuguese, in East Asia, 59
Potosí, Bolivia, 19, 20, 22, 71, 71–74, 72, 74, 78, 363
Pound, Ezra, 363
Poupard, Paul, cardinal, 204
poverty, 262
Powhatan, 87–88
Presley, Elvis, 34
printing press, 16
prisons, Fleet, 308, 310; King’s Bench, 308; Marshalsea, 271; Newgate, 117; Tower of London, 19, 96, 97, 155, 254, 264, 309, 310
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