prostitution, 110–114, 114
pulque, 34
Purchas, Samuel, 275, 314
Pyle, Howard, Landing Negroes at Jamestown from Dutch Man-of-War, 1619, 282
Pythagorean tradition, 366
Qasim, Muhammad, Shah Abbas and a Pageboy, 27
Qassabah (Kasbah), 275
Qasvin, 178
Quaife, G. R., 114
quarto. See book formats
Queen’s House, Greenwich, 13
Quirinale Palace, Rome, 28, 253, 321, 329, 335
Rabb, Theodore K., 362, 364
Raleigh, Walter, 19, 84, 90, 155, 198, 310
Ramírez de Guzmán, Alonzo Díaz. See Erauso, Catalina de
Rangda, 237, 238, 366
rape, 28, 114; and loss of honor, 123; in workplace, 123; of Artemisia Gentileschi, 123
rats, 148, 302
Razmnama, 7, 167
Red Sea, 259
Red Seal ships, 326; Seventeenth-Century Red Seal Ship, 327
Reformation, 202, 224, 237
Reichle, Natasha, 366
Reinbold, Ursula, 187
Reis, Yusuf (Jack Ward), 277, 313, 326
religious disputes, 192
religious tolerance, 167
Resnicek, Emil, 153
Reston, James, Jr., 204, 365
Rexroth, Kenneth, “The Signature of All Things,” 227
Ricci, Matteo, 67, 338, 363
Rich, Banabe, 96; My Lady’s Looking Glass, 96
Richelieu, Armand Jean du Plessis de, 16, 100, 230
Riely, C. C., 185
Riggs, David, 362
Rimpa school of Japanese painting, 163
Riza-yi Abbasi, 177–181, 364; Barefoot Youth, 177, 178–180, 181; Caravan at the Tomb of Hatam, 288; European Giving a Dog a Drink, 180; honored with title “Abbasi”, 180; Page with a Golden Goblet, 181, 301; Scribe, 179; three stages of his carrer, 177–178; Woman Seated in a Tree, 179, 181; Wrestler, 179, 181; Youth Reading, 368
Ali Riza Abbasi, calligrapher, 177
The Roaring Girl, 116–117
“roaring girls,” London, 116
Roberts, Josephine A., 363
Robins, Nick, 362
Robinson, David M., 367
Rodríguez-Rodríguez, A. M., 367
Rodríguez Tçuzzu, João, 328
Roe, Thomas, 109, 167–168, 317, 319, 346
Roelofs, Pieter, 364
Roettgen, Steffi, 366
Rogers, Howard, 139
Rogers, Robert F., 363
Rolfe, Bermuda, 129
Rolfe, John, 83, 89, 127, 128, 284, 317; breakthrough in tobacco growing, 129, 131; shipwreck in Bermuda, 128; wives of, 128
Rolfe, Thomas, 130, 131
Romanov, Mikhail I Fyodorovich, 27, 90, 96
Rome, 265–266
ronin, masterless samurai, 111
Roper, Lyndal, 365
Rosecrucianism, 210–216, 365
Rosenkreutz, Christian, 212
Rountree, Helen, 88, 363
Rowe, Nicholas, 128
Roy, David Tod, 365
Rubens, Peter Paul, 152, 154, 364; Adoration of the Magi, 154; The Apotheosis of Henri IV and the Proclamation of the Regency of Marie de Médici, 100; as diplomat, 154; Equestrian Portrait of the Duke of Lerma, 157; Minerva Protects Pax from Mars, 157; Victory and Death of Decius Mus, 157
Rubens House, Antwerp, 154
Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor, 163, 190, 192, 212, 213, 214, 239, 240, 248, 312, 313, 315
Run Island, 25
Russell, Lucy Harington, Countess of Bedford, 13, 362
Sadeler II, Aegidius, Anthony Sherley, 312
Sadra, Mulla (Sadr ad-Din Muhammad Shirazi), 5, 209
Sadr ad-Din Muhammad Shirazi. See Sadra, Mulla (Sadr ad-Din Muhammad Shirazi)
Sagan, Carl, 190
Said, Edward, 256
Saliba, George, 205, 206, 365; Islamic Science and the Making of the European Renaissance, 205
samurai, 324–326
Sangallo, Antonio de, 206
San Juan Bautista, Japanese galleon, 332, 336
Saraceni, Carlo, 253, 321, 366; Foreign Ambassadors, 321
Savage-Smith, Emilie, 365
Schipano, Mario, 255, 290
School of Night, 198
School of the Love Arts, Paris, 113
Schouten, Willem, 23
Schroeder, Susan, 367
Schurz, William Lytle, 37, 362; The Manila Galleon, 37
Schweighardt, Theophilius, The Invisible College of the Rose Cross Fraternity, 210
Scientific Revolution, 190, 204, 365
Scoffing Scholar of Lanling, 28, 220
Scotin, F. G., Pietro della Valle, 255; Sitti Maani Joerida della Valle, 254
Scott, Alison V., 362
Scott, Philippa, 363
scurvy, 35, 46
Sea Venture, British ship, 317
Seggett, Thomas, 200
Seigle, Cecilia Segawa, 364
Sendai, Japan, 330, 335
Seville, Spain, 39, 335
Shah Abbas, 253
Shah Abbas I, Safavid emperor of Persia. See Abbas I of Persia
Shah Jahan, Mughal emperor, 107, 281
Shakespeare, William, 9, 114, 343, 365, 367; as actor, 13; date of death, 9; First Folio, 93; Measure for Measure, 13; The Tempest, 129, 275; The Tragedy of Macbeth, 13, 230, 365
Shapir, James, 367
al-Shatr, Ibn, 205
Shea, William R., 365
Shen Jue, Chinese Minister of Rites, 67
Sheridan, Bridgette, 364
Sherifs of Mecca, 260
Sherley, Anthony, 308, 312, 314, 314–315, 315, 316, 367
Sherley, Robert, 308, 314–323, 316, 318, 329, 346, 367; Letters to Anthony Sherley, 314
Sherley, Teresia, 318
Sherley, Teresia Sampsonia, 315, 346
Sherley, Thomas, 314, 317, 367
Shi jing. See Book of Songs
shoes, kinky, 14, 114, 256
Shoji Jinemon, Japanese brothel owner, 111
Shokoku-ji, 165
Shrine of Imam Riza, 261
Shusaku Endo, 367
Siam. See Ayutthaya (Thailand)
Sidney, Mary, 90
Sidney, Philip, 90, 94
silk, 47–51, 363; “Polonaise” Carpet, 55; Imperial Coat Overvest, 52; Persian, 291–292; Throne Cover with Dragon Decoration, 53
silk-reeling frame, 50, 51
silkworm, 22, 48, 49
Silk Road, 49
silk weaver’s strike, Suzhou, China, 50
Silva, Juan de, 65, 153
Silva y Figueroa, Don García de, 300–308, 339, 367
silver, 70, 256, 262, 274, 302, 325. See also dollar, Spanish; percentage passed through Europe to India, 262; percentage produced in America, 19; Vessel in the Form of a Panpipe Player, 71
Sizemore, Christine W., 364
slavery, 19–20, 267, 272, 282–284, 367; in Algiers. See herein “of Cervantes”; of Malik Ambar, 279; in American mines, 19, 72; Brazilian bandeirantes, 27; of Cervantes, 272; and disease, 284; and Dong Qichang, 134; and Catalina de Erauso, 122; galley slaves, 279; in Goa, 352; Habshis of Ethiopia, 279; in Korea, 295; in the Americas, 282–284; in west Africa, 282; in Istanbul, 267; and Manila-Acapulco galleons, 38; military. See herein “of Malik Ambar”; military and plantation, compared, 281; and Yusuf Reis, 20; slave freed by William Lithgow, 266; and John Smith, 86
Sluiter, Engel, 362
Smith, John, 85–88, 363; Generall Historie of Virginia, New England, and the Summer Isles, 1624, 87
Snyder, Gary, 367
Sobel, Andrew J., 232
Sobel, Dava, 365
Sobredo, James, 362
sodomy, 266, 268, 310
Solomonic Dynasty, Ethiopia, 279
Somerset, Earl of. See Carr, Robert
Songtham, king of Ayutthaya, 326
Sophie, queen of Denmark, 194
Sosa, Antonio de, 367; Topography and General History of Algiers, 274
/> Sotelo, Luis, 330, 331, 334; execution of, 335
Southern School of Chinese painting, 136
Spanish dollar. See dollar, Spanish
Spence, Jonathan, 363
Spencer, Edmund, 343
Spencer, William, 367
Spilbergen, Joris van, 41, 362
Srivastava, Ashok Kumar, 364
Stampa, Gaspara, 113, 364
Steensgaard, Niels, 323, 362
Stepto, Gabriel, 364
Stepto, Michele, 364
Stevin, Simon, 195, 204
Stewart, Alan, 362
Stiattesi, Giovanni, 126
Stiattesi, Pietro Antonio di Vincenzo, 126
Stockholm Syndrome, 127
Strachan, George, 293–294, 367
Strachan, Michael, 367
Strachey, William, 128
Straits of Magellan, 23, 41, 44
Stuart, Mary, Queen of Scotland, 15, 95, 230
Subrahmanyam, Sanjay, 363, 366
Sufism, 99, 181, 209, 210; suppression of, 209
Suleiman I, 272
Summers, Claude, 362
Surat, India, 342
Suzhou, China, silk weavers’ strike in, 50
Swope, Kenneth M., 367
swords, Japanese, 30, 334
Tabriz, 178
Shah Tahmasp, 178
Taichang emperor of China, 135, 185
Taj Mahal, 107
Takeda, Tsueno, 364
Taklamakan Desert, 49
Tamaskar, B. G., 366
Tamerlane, 20, 58
Tang Xianzu, 219
Tantra, 222–223, 223
Tanyu, Kano, 164
Taoism, 217, 218–219, 365
Taqi al-Din Muhammad ibn Ma’ruf, 206
Tassi, Agostino, 28, 123, 124, 253, 329, 335, 366; Japanese Embassy to Rome, 335
Taylor, Gary, 232, 365
Taylor, K. W., 338, 339, 367
telescope, 200
Tepehuan revolt, 78–79, 363
Teresia, 317
Thackston, Wheeler M., 364
Thailand. See Ayutthaya (Thailand)
Thirty Years War, 99, 192, 214, 227, 247, 251, 366
Tibet, 223
Tilton, Hereward, 366
Time of Troubles (Muscovy), 27
tobacco, and James I, 50; and Moll Cutpurse, 117; and Walter Raleigh, 310; farming in Virginia, 129; hookahs, 267, 300
Tokugawa Hidetada, 16, 30, 325, 335
Tokugawa Ieyasu, shogun of Japan, 16, 69, 110, 111, 328, 330, 332, 335; letter to viceroy of New Spain, 332
Topper, David, 364
torture, of Artemisia Gentileschi, 124; of Heo Gyun, 298; of Luis Sotelo, 335; of Thomas Sherley, 309; of William Lithgow, 270
Townsend, Camilla, 363
Toyotomi Hideyoshi, 110, 295, 297, 330
“Treasure Ships” of China, 58
Trinh–Nguyen War, 336
Trinh faction, Vietnam, 336
Trinh Tung, 336
tsunami of 2011, 336
Tübingen University, 189
Tunis, 269, 277
al-Tusi, Nasir al din, 205
ukiyo-e painting theme, 165
underwear, Italian, 289
Uraniborg. See under Brahe, Tycho
Urban VIII, pope, 203
Ursus (astronomer), 193
Uttamatomakkin, Powhatan shaman, 83, 130
Vainker, Shelagh, 363
Valle, Pietro della. See della Valle, Pietro
Van de Passe, Crispijn, 150
Van de Passe, Simon, 130
Van Dyke, Anthony, 126, 154, 316; Robert Sherley, 316
Van Geelkercken, Nicolaes, 63
Van Linschoten, Jan Huygen, 61
Van Suchtelen, Ariane, 364
Van Vliet, Jeremias, 325
Vasari, Giorgio, 147
Velasco, Sherry, 364
Velázquez, Diego, 27, 118
Venice, 31, 114, 266, 344
Veracruz, Mexico, 30, 39, 81, 122
Verma, Som Prakash, 364
Vietnam, 367
Villiers, George, Duke of Buckingham, 14, 27, 28, 155, 157
Villiers, J. A., 362
Vinckboons, David, 141
Virginia Company, 85, 128, 130, 131; policy of kidnapping children, 89
Vizcaino, Sebastian, 331–332, 333
VOC. See Dutch East India Company
Vunda, Emanuele Ne, 253
Waley, Arthur, 363
Waley-Cohen, Joanna, 363
Wang Yangming, 135
Wanli emperor of China, 18, 22, 24, 51, 51–56, 52, 58, 60, 90, 135, 140, 185, 206, 297, 363
waqfs, 288, 367
Ward, Jack. See Yusuf Reis
Ward, Julian, 367
Wardwell, Anne E., 363
warfare, 24–27. See also names of conflicts
War of Dutch Secession, 153–154
waterboarding, 270
Watt, James C. Y., 363
Weeks, Andrew, 365
Whately, William, 95
Whibley, Charles, 116; Book of Scoundrels, 116
Whitehall, London, 13, 14, 31, 90, 130, 187
White Hart Inn, South-gate, 84
Whitney, Isabella, 118
widowhood, 114
Wiesner-Hanks, Merry, 254, 362
Wikipedia, 314
William III of England, 10
Wills, Jr., John E., 76, 254, 361, 367
Wilson, Katharina M., 364
Wilson, Peter H., 366
witchcraft, 324, 365; association with women, 187, 228, 234; Katharina Kepler accused of, 187, 188; Leonora Galiigai charged with, 103; Witches Roasting a Child, 233; Witches’ Sabbat, 234; A Witch Giving an Anal Kiss to Satan, 237
Wittkomer, Rudolf, 366
Wolf, John B., 367
Woolf, Virginia, 95, 363
Wratislaw, A. C., 367
Wright, Elaine, 364
Wroth, John, 93
Wroth, Mary, 90–94, 363, 363–364; The Countesse of Mountgomeries Urania, 93; Lady Mary Wroth with a Theorbo, 90; Pamphilia to Amphilanthus, 94
Wroth, Robert, 90–92
Wu Bin, 182–184, 364; The Buddhist Deity Samantabhadra (Puxian) on a White Elephant, 181; Pine Lodge amid Tall Mountains, 182; A Thousand Cliffs and Myriad Ravines, 182
Xuanzang, 49
Xun Zi, 47–48
Xu Xiake (Xu Honzu), 347–351, 367
yab-yum symbol, 223
Yamada Nagamasa, 30, 324–326, 367
Yates, Francis, 365
Yellow Emperor of China, 349
Yoshiteru Iwamoto, 367
Yoshiwara, pleasure district of Edo, Japan, 110–113, 110–114, 111–113, 165, 364
Yusuf Reis (Jack Ward), 19, 28, 269–270, 367
Zacatecas, Mexico, 78, 363
zanana. See harem
Zeng Jing, Dong Qichang, 135
Zhao Zuo, 133, 140, 184, 184–185; Piled Snow on Cold Cliffs, 133, 140, 184
Zheng He, 58, 208, 363
Zhu Zaiyu, 195
Ziarnko, Jan, Witches’ Sabbat, 228
Zika, Charles, 365
Zohar, 216
1616: The World in Motion was published in March 2012 by Counterpoint Press, Berkeley. It was copyedited by Barrett Briske and proofread by James Donnelly under the direction of Jack Shoemaker and Laura Mazer. Thomas Christensen designed and typeset the book in Garamond Premier Pro, and prepared the index. Beth Metrick managed the printing. It was printed in China on 128 gsm Sun Matte paper, with smyth sewn binding, by R R Donnelley.
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