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Something Sparked-nook

Page 11

by Mari Carr

  That thought was the last rational one she had as she let herself be swept away by Luc’s kisses. She felt the bed shift next to her and, though her eyes were closed, she was aware of Diego moving closer. The second Luc released her, Diego was there, claiming his own kisses.

  Jeannette offered no resistance. She had grown used to their touches, their close proximity. The fears that had consumed her in the past seemed a distant memory. For the first time in far too long, she felt a definite flicker of some pretty serious arousal.

  Diego must have sensed her acquiescence. His hands drifted beneath her shirt, finding her breasts. They’d treated her with nothing but kid gloves since the beginning, so Diego’s rough touch caught her unaware. He gripped one of her breasts with a firm hand and squeezed. She groaned against his mouth, the sound encouraging him. With strong fingers, he found her taut nipple, pinching it in a way that sent a lightning bolt of electricity straight to her pussy.

  She gasped then clenched her legs together tightly, trying to contain, to control the bone-shaking need ravaging her body.

  What the hell was happening to her?

  Diego continued to wreak havoc on her breasts and lips and, despite her best efforts, she couldn’t still the steady thumping between her legs, no matter how hard she pressed them together.

  Then, that effort was halted when Luc’s hand drifted to her knee. She tried to resist his effort to tug her thighs apart, but he was stronger than her and her heart wasn’t really in to keeping him out.

  Like Diego, he wasted no time burrowing his fingers underneath her clothing. She turned her head away from Diego, gasping for air. She couldn’t breathe. Her heart was racing once more, but suddenly she didn’t mind the pounding beat.

  Diego didn’t attempt to reclaim her lips. Instead, he moved on, kissing her cheek, nipping at her earlobe, and then sucking gently on her neck as he continued to play with her nipples.

  Jeannette’s hips jerked roughly when Luc’s finger grazed her clit. It had been a light touch, but the impact of it shook her hard.

  Diego’s lips left her neck and he studied her face. She was powerless to shield her emotions. Luc stroked her clit again, applying more force this time.

  She cried out loudly. “Oh my God.”

  She could feel both men looking at her. Somewhere deep inside, she wondered why she wasn’t embarrassed, wasn’t uneasy with that intense scrutiny.

  “Touch her again, Luc.”

  Jeannette sucked in a breath and held it, anticipating what the next touch would do to her. She was in a foreign country, looking at a landscape she’d never, ever seen before. It was beautiful.

  “Please,” she whispered. The words were a desperate plea, but she didn’t have a clue what she was asking for.

  Luc found her clit once more. This time it was no hit-and-run. He rubbed the sensitive flesh, took the distended nub and pinched it lightly. He worked that tiny place until her hips were rising, seeking more stimulation.

  She was on the precipice of something that felt like the world’s most powerful panic attack, yet this wasn’t something she wanted to go away.

  As Luc continued to stroke her clit with his wicked fingers, Diego held her gaze, forced her eyes to remain on his. Her eyelids started to slide shut, but he shook his head, his face determined, so strong. “Don’t look away.”

  His tone was deep, commanding, sexy as fuck. Somehow the sound melded with Luc’s touches and she disintegrated.

  One minute she was static electricity, the next she was weightless, floating. The feeling was pure magic.

  Until it wasn’t.

  As her orgasm started to waver, Luc upped the ante. Too much. He slid one finger inside her…

  Ice water rushed through her veins, tamping out any fires still flickering after her climax. She jerked awkwardly, sitting up and sliding away from him until her back was pressed tightly against the headboard.

  Her quick retreat startled both of them.

  Jeannette was mortified by her behavior, but her head was swimming in a sea of utter terror and Ohmyfuckinggod, that orgasm rocked. The pieces didn’t fit together. Not even close.

  Diego narrowed his eyes and for a moment, she saw awareness.

  No no no. Jesus. No.

  “Wow,” she said, forcing a lighthearted lilt to her tone. It fooled no one, but she forged on anyway. “That was…just wow. That was some serious distraction.”

  Diego scowled and Luc was visibly upset. Clearly he thought he’d hurt her. Or scared her. Which he had. Not that she was going to admit it.

  “Can I ask you guys for something?” She was desperate to provide a bit of distraction herself.

  Luc nodded. “You can ask us for anything.”

  For weeks, she’d studied Luc and Diego together, recalling the night she had watched them kiss. On nights when she struggled to find sleep, it was that image, that memory that soothed her, that helped her find peace.

  “You haven’t…” She swallowed heavily, trying to find the courage to give a voice to her thoughts.

  “Haven’t what?” Diego prodded.

  “You haven’t kissed each other or touched or…” There was no way she could say the last word.

  She didn’t need to. Diego wasn’t shy. “Fucked?”

  She nodded.

  Diego gave her an exasperated look as Luc shook his head and said, “Jesus, Jeannette. Do you honestly think we can’t control those impulses? You’ve been the victim of a crime. All that matters right now is you.”

  Now that Jeannette had managed to turn the focus away from her foolish reaction, she realized there was something else she wanted. “I want to watch you.”

  Luc frowned. “You what?”

  “I want to watch you. Together.”

  Luc’s mouth opened then closed like a gaping fish. However, Diego appeared less surprised, less averse to the request.

  “You want to watch me fuck Luc.” It wasn’t a question, though it certainly answered one of hers. Diego was the giver and Luc was the taker. No real surprise there.

  “Is that how it usually works?” she asked.

  Luc’s eyes rolled toward the ceiling. “Are we seriously having this conversation?”

  Again, Diego didn’t hesitate. “Yes. That’s how it works.”

  “Can you…? Would you…?”

  Diego moved closer to her. She was still pressed tightly against the headboard, the position leaving her absolutely no room for retreat. He placed his palms against the smooth surface on either side of her head, but he didn’t touch her.

  “You’re sure this is what you want?”

  She nodded slowly.

  “Fine. Tonight you get a reprieve. But I don’t want you to think you’ve escaped. You’re hiding something from us, Jeannette.”

  “I don’t know what—”

  He placed one finger on her lips. “You can keep your secret one more night. But tomorrow we’re going to ask you for the truth. I hope you’ll give it to us.”

  Jeannette didn’t respond, didn’t even bat an eye. She couldn’t. She’d kept her personal hell buried too deep for too long. She wasn’t sure she could give them what they wanted.

  Diego didn’t wait for her to answer. Instead, he turned around, gripped Luc by the neck and pulled him close for a kiss that was achingly beautiful.

  Every conscious thought, all her anxiety, melted away as Jeannette watched Luc and Diego kiss. While it was apparent Diego was the more dominant of the two, Luc was by no means submissive. Both men made demands and concessions. They took and they gave. It was hot, incredible.

  The kissing lasted longer than she would have expected. In her mind, she’d always assumed that guys weren’t into foreplay. She pictured every guy on the planet with a Wham, Bam, Thank you, Ma’am mentality. At least that was how it had played out in her ridiculously limited experience. Guys undressed and fucked with reckless abandon. Everything was done simply for their own personal pleasure.

  That wasn’t how it was pla
ying out between Luc and Diego. Their kisses, their touches were all designed to bring each other pleasure. Luc broke the union of their lips and leaned down, digging his teeth into Diego’s pec. The bite looked painful to Jeannette, but the expression on Diego’s face told a different story. Luc clearly knew what his lover liked and he was giving it to him.

  Diego’s working knowledge of Luc was just as vast. Diego reached for his friend’s cock, cupping it through the thin layer of Luc’s pajama pants, evoking a deep, hungry groan. Neither man held back anything.

  At one point, they were gasping, their foreheads resting against each other’s. Diego surprised her by speaking to her, not Luc.

  “I swear to God, this is the last time, Jeannette.”

  “What?” she asked, her voice hoarse, throaty. Like the men, she was struggling to regulate her own breathing. The air in the room was thick, humid, heavy.

  “The next time Luc and I are together, you’re going to be with us. A part of this. It doesn’t work without you.”

  Strangely, she didn’t feel as if she was separated from them. If anything, she was in the midst of it all. Her body was tingling, her pussy wet. Maybe they weren’t touching her, but damn if she didn’t feel as though they were. She needed Diego to understand that. “I’m right here.”

  Both men turned to look at her and she saw awareness dawn.

  “Jesus,” Luc muttered. “You feel it, don’t you? Everything.”

  She nodded.

  Diego’s eyes had grown darker, black than the darkest night. “Take off your clothes, Jeannette.”

  She hesitated. It was the wrong thing to do.

  Diego’s dominance reared.

  “Goddammit. We’re not going to touch you. But you’re not going to be some passive observer either. Take off that fucking t-shirt. And the panties. I want to see you.”

  She’d never been naked in front of them. Hell, she actually couldn’t recall the last time she’d been naked in front of anyone. It had been years.

  Despite that, she found her hands drifting to the hem of her shirt, almost of their own volition. The material felt like a sexual caress as she drew the soft cotton over her head. Then she shifted to her knees and slid her panties down. Both pieces of clothing hit the floor in a quiet swish.

  Neither man moved as she undressed, their eyes glued to body. Luc’s nostrils flared as once more, his breathing accelerated.

  “Beautiful,” Luc murmured.

  Diego didn’t speak, but his gaze told her everything. He liked what he saw. He wanted her.

  In the past, the sort of passionate, desire-filled looks she saw in their eyes would have terrified Jeannette. Tonight, they only fueled her own hunger.

  “Don’t stop,” she finally prodded when Diego’s hand fell away from Luc’s cock.

  Diego stood from the bed. “No one’s stopping.” With that reassurance, he gripped the elastic of his lounge pants and tugged them down.

  Her mouth went dry as she got her first unobstructed view of his cock. “Oh fuck,” she muttered, panting heavily. Here came the fear.

  “Jeannette.” Diego said her name loudly, firmly. “Listen to me,” he added when she started to tremble. “We’re not going to touch you tonight, angel. You have our promise on that.”

  Simple functions seemed to fail her. Her eyes had gone dry from her sudden inability to blink, her lungs burned from a lack of air and her lips were actually numb.

  “Do you hear me?” he repeated.

  Somehow she found the strength to nod.

  “Do you want us to go on?” Luc asked quietly.

  She was tired of being paralyzed by fear. So she pushed the terror down, deep. She wanted this more than she wanted to escape. “I do.”

  Luc moved very slowly as he stood as well. No doubt he hadn’t forgotten how he’d spooked her earlier. She forced herself to take a deep, steadying breath.

  “I’m okay, Luc.” Her tone sounded stronger than she felt, but it seemed to set the men’s minds at ease.

  Luc stripped off his pants, but he didn’t give her much time to study what he’d unveiled. Clearly he didn’t want her to panic again.

  He reached out for Diego, who met him halfway. They stood at the foot of the bed, the kissing resuming. Both of them were holding, caressing, stroking each other’s cocks. She was overwhelmed by the strength, the speed of their actions.

  To her novice eye, it looked almost aggressive, rough, painful. Yet, they continued to groan and beg each other for more.

  Diego reached the breaking point first. He broke off the kiss and turned Luc away from him, pressing on his lover’s shoulders until Luc was bent over the end of the bed.

  Jeannette still sat propped against the headboard. Luc’s new position left his head close to her feet.

  “Open your legs, Jeannette,” Diego instructed.

  This time, though the request was just as intimidating and frightening, she didn’t hesitate to obey.

  She spread her legs apart, perfectly aware that both men had a bird’s-eye view of the whole kit and caboodle.

  “Fuck me.” Luc breathed out the words on a long sigh.

  She started to grin, but was distracted when Diego walked to the side of the bed and opened the nightstand drawer. After he’d retrieved a tube of lubrication and a condom, he returned to his place at the foot of the bed, directly behind Luc.

  The two had clearly been lovers a long time. Neither of them issued instructions or wavered. They knew their way around all of this. Diego squeezed the lube onto Luc’s ass, working it in with his fingers. Luc’s eyes drifted closed, his face the picture of utter bliss.

  Once more, Diego took his time, used his fingers to drive his lover crazy while drawing out the anticipation, the moment. After several minutes, Jeannette began to feel, to share, Luc’s impatience.

  “Goddammit, D. Fuck me. Please.”

  Diego gave no indication that he’d heard. Instead, he said, “Jeannette.”

  Jeannette had been so spellbound by Luc’s face, by the fast, deep motions of Diego’s fingers, she hadn’t looked up at him in several minutes.

  Her gaze lifted.

  “I’m going to fuck Luc now.”

  She nodded. “Yes,” she whispered.

  “I want you to touch yourself while I do it. Rub that pretty little clit just like Luc did earlier.”

  The second Diego issued the command, she felt the unbearable need to do just that. She wasn’t much for masturbation. Jesus. She wasn’t much for anything. For years, she’d simply thought of herself as asexual. She’d accepted that as fact and moved on.

  The ache between her legs proved that theory wrong. Dead wrong.

  Diego donned the condom then placed the head of his cock at Luc’s ass. However, he made no move to push in. His eyes rested firmly on her.

  He was waiting for her to do as he’d instructed. Her hands shook slightly as she lifted them. Luc and Diego watched her actions.

  With one finger she stroked her clit, the delicate touch incredibly powerful.

  “Ah,” she cried. Then, unwilling to resist, she moved in for more. Her touches became less tentative, faster. She applied more pressure and suddenly understood that rough didn’t equate to pain. It meant pleasure. So much fucking pleasure.

  Despite the waves of warmth gushing over her, through her, Jeannette didn’t miss it when Diego tightened his grip on Luc’s hips and slowly pushed his cock inside.

  Luc wasn’t a quiet lover. As Diego pumped his dick harder, faster, Luc’s words mingled with sounds of the men’s flesh slapping together and the cries Jeannette couldn’t hold back as she moved her fingers over her tingling, pulsing clit.

  “God, D. Yeah. Right there. Fucking right there.” Luc pressed his forehead against the mattress for a moment before looking up at her. “You’re so wet, Jeannette. Next time I’m going to put my mouth on that pretty pussy of yours. Going to drive my tongue into all that sweet warmth.”

  Jeannette imagined Luc’s lips on her cl
it and her arousal grew. His words felt like voodoo, a magic spell. She was so damn close to coming.

  That last orgasm—her first ever—had taken her by surprise. This one was building slowly. She knew where she was going this time and she couldn’t wait to get there.

  “Can’t. Stop.” Luc beat his fist on the mattress as his climax raced toward him.

  Diego didn’t offer his lover a reprieve, didn’t slow down his relentless, powerful pace. His fingers dug deeper into Luc’s hips as he used his grip to drag him back.

  Luc was the first of them to fall over. His voice was thick, hoarse as he cried out his release. Jeannette watched his reaction with wonder, then her gaze met Diego’s.

  Sometimes she felt as if she could get lost in Diego’s eyes. The two of them continued their strokes—Diego’s cock pounding into Luc’s ass as her fingers flew over her clit. She recognized the moment Diego started to lose control. The image fired her own orgasm and she lost the ability to hold Diego’s gaze. Her eyes drifted closed as lightning struck.

  She was a trembling, sweaty mess, lying in a fetal position at the top of the bed when she finally drifted back down to earth. Luc was still facedown over the mattress and for a moment, she thought he was asleep. Diego had withdrawn from his friend’s body and disposed of the condom somewhere. He was sitting on the edge of the bed. Luc chuckled when Diego slapped his ass.

  Jeannette felt a bit like laughing herself. She’d spent the last couple of weeks in a haze, wondering if she’d ever manage to feel alive again. Then she reconsidered the timeline.

  She’d been sleepwalking since the day her parents died.

  Since the day Billy took her virginity.

  She choked back a sob, unwilling to let the men see her sudden distress as a flood of painful memories crashed down on her head. She had thought there was peace in forgetting.

  She’d been wrong.

  Luc and Diego had taken her out of the dim coolness of her cocoon and exposed her pale, naked flesh to the bright sunshine.

  There was no way she wasn’t going to get burned.

  Chapter Eight

  Morning came too soon. Jeannette closed her eyes more tightly in an attempt to block out the sunlight streaming through the window. Diego had promised a day of reckoning. Today.


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