His Little Problem (Rakes of Mayfair Book 3)

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His Little Problem (Rakes of Mayfair Book 3) Page 2

by Melinda Barron

  “Joseph was a good husband, in every way but that. He found me on the streets and took me in. He married me because he needed a woman in his life. People get suspicious otherwise. I loved him dearly and he took very good care of me. My point, Lord Buxton…”

  “It’s Julian.”

  She looked at him and Julian wanted to get up and take her in his arms. Gone was the confident woman who asked him about his lovers. This woman was frightened, asking for something that made her very nervous. Asking for something that she wanted very badly. His cock swelled as she looked at him. He imagined her across his lap, her bottom reddened from his spanking. Such a beautiful woman to have been untouched all these years. The thought was almost unbearable.

  “My point, Julian, is that I have been a widow for almost two years now. It is time for me to wed again but I don’t want the man I marry to know that I’m still virginal. I won’t dishonor Joseph’s memory in that way. But if you take my maidenhead then the person I marry doesn’t need to know about Joseph’s preferences. Only you need to know.”

  Alice looked at the handsome man before her. “My husband trusted you. He spoke of you often. I believe I can also trust you. Unless, of course, your preferences run as Joseph’s did.”

  She lowered her eyes again and Buxton laughed out loud. “I can assure you, Alice that my preferences do not lie where your late husband’s did. Do you need proof?”

  He stood, and Alice looked up at him. He ran his hand over his crotch, where his hard cock rested under the fabric of his trousers. Then he crossed to her and pulled her from her seat, lowering his lips onto hers gently, pressing them together until she sighed in pleasure. Then he reached up and cupped her breast, rubbing the nipple through the material until she moaned.

  “Help me discover who is causing my problem, Alice and I will rid you of your little problem.” His voice was soft and husky against her lips.

  “Keep my secret, Lord Buxton and I will keep yours.”

  “It is a deal then,” Julian replied, and he kissed her again, his tongue gently probing her mouth. She rose up on her tiptoes to try and gain more access to his mouth and he laughed softly.

  “You’re going to be a wonderful pupil, Alice. I have much to teach you about what happens between a man and a woman. Some things you would never have thought about.”

  “Can we do it now?” Her hands were on his chest and her voice was breathy. Buxton laughed.

  “Not yet, little vixen. After the problem maker is identified I will teach you all sorts of new things. I promise.”

  Julian ran his fingers down her cheeks. Then he pushed her head up with his thumbs. “You do know that people are bound to find out we are enjoying each other’s company.”

  Alice smiled. “I do, and I don’t care if they know we are lovers. I just don’t want them to know I’m a virgin.”

  He kissed her again. “Very well, little one. I’ll be in touch.” Then he left and when he got outside the door he smiled to himself. This was going to be an interesting scheme that would bring much pleasure to the both of them.

  Little one. He’d called her little one. No one had ever referred to her in that manner. But then again, she’d never met a man like Julian Gregory before.

  She stared at the place where he’d sat and wondered what in the name of the devil had possessed her to tell him about Joseph, to ask him to take her maidenhead. She still couldn’t believe she’d done it. It was an embarrassment to be a virgin at her age, and she’d made things worse by telling her secret to a man she didn’t even know.

  True, he’d known Joseph, but she shouldn’t have laid all her cards on the table with him. It certainly wasn’t something she’d planned to do. When she’d received his note asking to consult with her about a problem she’d been intrigued. But when he’d walked into the room all her good sense had flown out the window. She’d managed to recover enough to have a civil conversation with him about what he wanted her to do.

  It had helped her to get her emotions under control, but obviously not enough to stop her from telling him about Joseph and her personal life, about her secret. What had she been thinking?

  She put her head in her hands and bent over, studying the floor as if it could give her the answer. She hoped she hadn’t done something that would make her look like an idiot in the man’s eyes.

  What must he think of her now? A virgin who wanted nothing more than to spread her legs for a man she’d just met.

  Joseph had told her once that all men craved sex, whether it was with a woman, or with another man, like he did. He’d offered to help her find a man to take her maidenhead. But she’d refused his offer. Even though he’d taken lovers she didn’t feel like it was being loyal, so she hadn’t taken him up on his offer, or gone out to look for a lover on her own.

  During the two years since Joseph’s death she’d considered it, but she hadn’t really known how to go about it. Somehow, approaching someone at a teashop, or in the park, didn’t seem like the way to find a lover.

  But when Julian Gregory walked into her sitting room she’d known that he was someone she could trust. She also proved that an attractive male could turn her into a blabbering idiot. She knew she had two choices. She could change her mind and tell him that she’d been mistaken, that she’d allowed her emotions to get the best of her and she didn’t want him to take her to bed.

  But she knew she’d never do that. She’d allowed her mouth to get her into this situation, and she wouldn’t back down. She wanted sex, and she wanted it as soon as possible. That meant she needed to do her job, and then collect her reward, so to speak.

  She got up and went to her private study, a room that no one but herself and the housekeeper entered. Once at the desk she took out paper, ink and a quill. Then she wrote out notes about her meeting with Buxton, leaving out his name in case someone broke into her house and took the papers. She also left out the part where he would take her to his bed once the situation was resolved.

  Then she said a silent prayer that it would happen as soon as possible.

  “How do you know you can trust this woman?” Tristan Mallory, Lord Ellington, looked at his best friend and frowned. “This is a huge risk. I think perhaps we should just lie in wait for the person and take care of it ourselves.”

  “Would that not also pose a risk? This way we can get some idea of who is behind the blackmail. We put packing into a bag and leave it for the person to collect. They think it’s the money and take it. They won’t stop to count it in public. Mrs. Hamilton follows that person and we have our blackmailer.”

  Buxton followed Ellington’s gaze as it strayed across the ballroom. The newlywed stared at his wife, Carin. She was with Amelia Turnston, whose engagement to Cannonberry had been announced the night before.

  “Does it not worry you, Julian, that only the single female members of The Club received the blackmail requests? Those of us higher up in society could provide more money. Why would a blackmailer choose a widow to blackmail?”

  “Because he knows those widows are well off,” Buxton replied. “Perhaps he thought the ladies would not come to us. Our reputations alone would show this person that we would not sit still for blackmail. But a lonely widow engaging in activities of this nature would pay up to save her name.”

  Ellington pulled out his pocket watch. “The bag should be in place by now. I hope your little friend is capable of following through on what you’ve hired her to do.”

  Buxton’s cock stirred as he imagined Alice Hamilton, her curvaceous form hidden in men’s clothing as she waited to see who picked up the bag. Then he imagined her moaning as pushed her to her knees and offered her his cock. He intended to do more than rid the sweet little vixen of her maidenhead.

  “That’s what I thought.” The laughter in Ellington’s voice rang out and Buxton shot him a confused look.

  “Thought about what?”

  “I asked you what Mrs. Hamilton was like and you ignored the question. You’re obviously lo
st in thoughts of bedding the woman. Do we have a new member of The Club on the horizon?”

  Buxton shifted in his seat to adjust his hardening cock. “It’s a distinct possibility. And before you ask, no, I haven’t bedded her. Yet.”

  Julian had every intention of keeping Alice’s virginity a secret. He thought about Joseph Hamilton. He would never understand how a man could prefer the company of another man over a woman, especially a woman like Alice. Soft and supple, warm and willing, eager to learn.

  He’d been very tempted to stay the other day but knew that was a bad idea. He wanted her first time to be sweet and memorable. He felt himself harden further and he shifted yet again to make room in his pants. After the first time, she would learn to take things roughly. At least he hoped she would. Not all women were open for the type of sexual activities he enjoyed, but he’d managed to find a few over the years. After Alice’s first experience, he would seduce her into another session, and he hoped that she would give herself over to him in the way he desired. Nothing ventured, nothing gained his father always said.

  “That good, huh?” Ellington laughed at Buxton’s discomfort.

  “What?” Julian asked.

  “Buxton, you’re thinking about bedding her, aren’t you?” Ellington asked.

  “She is rather fetching,” Buxton said. “She has beautiful breasts, and full hips for grabbing hold of while I plow my way inside her.”

  “And we all know how much you like breasts,” Ellington said. “Does she know you’re planning on taking her to bed? Or anywhere else you’d like?”

  Buxton laughed softly. “Let’s get over the blackmail problem, and you leave Alice and her affairs to me. She and I will get to be good friends.”

  “I have no doubt of that,” Ellington said with a laugh. “You can be very persuasive. The question is will she lie down with you, or will she run?”

  Buxton thought about Alice bent over, her hands tied at the wrists behind her back, her legs tied to the bedposts. His cock pulsed as he thought about driving himself into her wet pussy. He could practically hear her words, screaming out for more, and he would give it to her. Then, when his cock was dripping wet he would spread her ass cheeks and dive into that tight, untried opening.

  He needed to push away the thoughts. If not, he would have to find a necessary room and bring himself to orgasm before he wet his breeches like a teenage boy. Ellington didn’t need to know, but the deal Buxton had made with Alice was the sweetest debt he would ever have to pay.

  Chapter 2

  Where are you going?” Alice whispered as she followed the young lad through the park. The bag had been left around midnight and about ten minutes later the young boy had come across the lawn and scooped it up.

  She studied him as he moved. She guessed he was no more than fourteen years old, which meant he was not the blackmailer, unless he was part of a gang. That could be possible. But what seemed more probable to Alice was that the blackmailer had hired the youth to pick up the bag. Which meant the blackmailer was smarter than she’d thought he would be.

  To her, most people that tried to get money by milking others for it were cowards. But this coward had a brain, and that meant he, or she, could be dangerous.

  Alice hoped this turn of events didn’t ruin her chances of seeing who eventually retrieved the bag. She also hoped that if the deal was botched that wouldn’t negate her deal with Lord Buxton. She’d spent the last three days dreaming about lying under him. She had so many questions about the actual act, and things involved with it, like pregnancy. Surely, a man of his experience would know. She didn’t want her future husband to raise another man’s child.

  Alice hid behind a gas lamp and watched as the young boy placed the bag near a large tree near the edge of the park, stretch and then walk away. The bag sat on the walkway and Alice smiled. The boy was walking her way. She hurried behind a tree and weighed the advantages of letting him see her, mainly so she could get a good look at his face. But if he saw he would probably guess she’d been following him, and that wouldn’t be good.

  She took a furtive glance, but in the darkness, she could not make out any of his features. He left the park without seeing her and she turned her attention toward the bag. She sat in the shade of the tree and waited. About twenty minutes later the clomping of horses’ hooves echoed through the night.

  A horse came to a standstill in front of the bag and its rider dismounted. The rider wore a cape, and from this distance Alice could not see if it was a man or a woman. The blackmailer picked up the bag and screamed in frustration.

  Alice smiled because she knew what the woman—for it was a woman who had screamed—encountered; not money, but a bunch of old clothing.

  “Bastards!” The woman looked around the park frantically and Alice flattened herself against the tree. Then, she got an idea.

  She pulled her hat lower onto her head. Following the advice her late husband had given her many years ago, she’d worn padding under her clothing, so she appeared to be an overweight male dressed in ratty garments. She moved quietly to the path and then began walking toward the woman, who was already mounted back on her horse.

  When the woman saw her, she called out. “You, come here!”

  Alice walked toward the woman, careful to stay away from the gas lamps. When Alice reached the rider, she bit her lip to keep from letting out a gasp of recognition.

  “Have you seen any men about? Answer me!”

  Alice fought to keep her voice low. “No, ma’am, not a one. If it’s help you need you can hire me. I’ll run and fetch someone for you if need be. Or deliver a message.”

  The woman let out a grunt of anger and then wheeled her horse about and left. Alice headed in the opposite direction. She was set to meet Julian at his home in an hour. She hoped he would be pleased with the results of her investigation. And she hoped she would receive her payment tonight.

  “It makes no sense. Are you certain it was her?”

  Alice turned an icy stare on Lord Ellington. “I may not be a member of society, but I have attended the theater. Celia Howell is one of the most famous actresses in London. I’ve seen her in several plays.”

  “Please forgive me, Mrs. Hamilton,” Ellington replied. “I should not doubt your information.”

  Alice acknowledged his apology and turned toward Julian. “What happens now, Lord Buxton?”

  “I’m not sure,” he replied. “I need to think. Tristan meet me here tomorrow at noon.”

  Ellington nodded and strode from the room after muttering goodbyes.

  “It’s not what you wanted to hear,” Alice said, her voice soft. She pulled her hat from her head and her long hair tumbled around her shoulders. She hoped that Buxton liked it unbound. “I’m sorry. But this should not negate our deal. Will you take my maidenhead tonight?”

  Julian studied her for a few moments, and then laughed, his voice soft. “Not tonight, sweet one.”

  “But we agreed,” she said, working to keep her emotions under control. But her emotions got the best of her and she stood and stomped her foot, her hands on her padded hips. “My husband thought better of you, of that I’m sure. I did as you asked and brought you the information. You should pay your debt!”

  Julian was grinning, and that made her even angrier. She stomped her foot again.

  “Are you a businesswoman, or a child, Alice?” He indicated she should sit back down. “I understand you are angry, but I am not going to just bend you over and fuck you.”

  She blushed at his use of such a crude word.

  “That’s what you expected, correct?”

  “Yes,” she said. “This isn’t about romance. This is about getting rid of something that should have been taken from me long ago.”

  The grin was still there, but instead of making her angry, it made her insides burn. Maybe if she talked to him nicely he would do as she wanted.

  “I’m sorry for acting like a child,” she said.

  “You are forgiven,
” he said. “I want to finish our business discussion. I don’t believe Mrs. Howell is the real blackmailer. And I believe I will need your help in other things as this matter unfolds. Will you continue in my employ for a while?”

  “I suppose it’s possible,” she said. “But…”

  “But it will cost me more than sex?” he said, that grin tipping up the edge of his mouth.

  “Yes,” she said. “My husband left me well off, but I do still have to have funds coming in.”

  “We’ll discuss an amount later,” he said. “But, you should know that I don’t like tantrums. You behave yourself, do you understand me?”

  She knew she shouldn’t have acted badly, but it was hard when you’d expected one thing and it turned into nothing.

  “How about a bath?” he asked.

  “Excuse me?” she said.

  “I’ve had my housekeeper draw one for you,” he said. “Go upstairs, second door on the left. I will be up there shortly and give you a taste of what you desire.”

  Alice’s spirits lifted. “Truly?”

  “Truly, sweet Alice, but just a taste,” he said. “You’ll learn that taking things slowly will bring about a great deal of pleasure.”

  Alice wrapped the bath sheet around her body and shivered. It was a little chilly, but it was not the cold that caused the quiver. It was the fact that she was naked in Lord Buxton’s bedroom.

  She wondered when the handsome lord would come up and take her in his arms. She wanted to know what it felt like to hold him close. She imagined him kissing her, caressing her. What would his mouth feel like on her neck, her shoulders, her breasts? Tiny bumps took over her exposed flesh. She closed her eyes, dreaming of his touch, sighing in pleasure.

  Then a thought occurred to her that she hadn’t thought about before. Could she convince him to do it more than once? He wanted her to help him in the blackmail investigation. Maybe she could talk him into making this a regular thing until they brought the blackmailer to justice.


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