His Little Problem (Rakes of Mayfair Book 3)

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His Little Problem (Rakes of Mayfair Book 3) Page 3

by Melinda Barron

  Or maybe she was just fooling herself. She’d already told him she needed money if this was going to become a regular job. He would probably see that as payment enough. She knew about Julian Buxton. He was quite the man about town. He was known for the many ladies with which he kept company—ladies that had money and were much younger and prettier than Alice. She needed to face the fact that she would probably warm his bed once, and that was not tonight.

  She shivered again, and the door opened.

  “I love finding a naked woman in my bedroom,” Julian said. In the light from the fire and the small number of candles placed around the room she could see his seductive grin.

  She wasn’t sure what exactly to do so she stayed in place, clutching the huge bath sheet to her body. She frowned a little as he moved away from her toward the divan near the fireplace. He sat down in the middle of the sofa and stretched out his arms along the back, crossing his legs and giving her a wicked smile.

  “Come here, my innocent one.”

  She crossed to him quickly, smiling as she stopped in front of him. She bit her lower lip and looked at him inquiringly. When he didn’t say anything, she sighed and dropped the bath sheet to her feet.

  Julian’s sharp intake of breath gave her courage and she sat on the space where his leg crossed over his knee. She leaned over and kissed him softly. It wasn’t the first time she’d kissed a man, but it was the first time she’d done it naked. It made her feel warm, and desired.

  He pulled her closer and kissed her deeper, his hands roaming her thighs before he circled behind her and rubbed the upper part of her bum and the lower part of her back.

  She moaned and then broke the kiss. “Don’t you want to use the bed? If you’re worried about getting blood on your bedclothes we can put the bath sheet under me. That way I can take it when I leave, and your housekeeper need not know you had a virgin in your bed.”

  Julian continued to caress her, his hands moving up and down her bare back. Alice felt the thrill of need building in her center. She smiled at him as he studied her, and then the bottom dropped out of her stomach.

  “There will be no virgin blood spilt tonight, Alice,” Julian said, his voice low. “I’ve told you that already. But there will be pleasure.”

  Alice tried to stand but Julian’s hands held her firmly in place.

  “You had me come up here to get ready. Or at least I thought that’s what I was doing.” Shame burned in her cheeks. How could she have done this? Was she so desperate to lose her maidenhead that she had thrown herself at the first available man? Now, that man was going back on his word. She sat naked on his lap and he mocked her.

  Buxton pulled her closer, his lips mere inches away from hers. “I do intend to abide by our bargain, Alice. But if you remember, the bargain was that when my tormentor is identified then your problem will be gone. The blackmailer is not yet identified therefore payment can’t be made. Yet. But we can make a small payment, so to speak.”

  Alice started to struggle against his hold. “Let me go. You are going back on our deal. I thought you were an honorable man.”

  Julian tightened his grip on her waist. His cock hardened against her bottom, and his grin seemed even wickeder than it had before. “I want to play with you, Alice, to take my time, to make you enjoy it as much as I will.”

  “But I want—” She stopped speaking when he put his finger against her lips,

  “I understand what you want, Alice,” he said. “But you have no experience in these matters, and I do. Let me lead you. Follow my commands. Let me show you how incredible things can be.”

  “But you won’t…” she stopped speaking and swallowed hard. “You won’t take my maidenhead.”

  “In my own time, I will,” he said. “I will give you such pleasure tonight, pleasure that will make you soar and beg for more, even though you have been a very naughty girl tonight. Tantrums are not acceptable behavior. Neither is questioning my actions. I am in charge, Alice.”

  “You should have given me these terms when you agreed to my offer.” Despite her words, Alice felt a sense of excitement, mixed with a sense of fear. She’d never taken a submissive position with a man, even with her husband.

  “If we are not going to have intercourse I want to know exactly what will happen before I agree to your terms.” Alice stared down at him. In response to her words he chuckled. Then he pulled her closer and pulled her nipple into his mouth, sucking it hard as she gasped and arched into him.

  He pulled the hard nub between his teeth and flicked his tongue over it repeatedly. Heat and desire built inside her, pushing away any thought she’d had about trying to get dressed and leave the house as quickly as possible.

  Yes, she could live with this, for a short time anyway. If this was a small taste of what he could give her she couldn’t wait for the full meal. Or at least she thought she could. The more he nibbled and sucked the more she thought she would lose her mind. The world spun around her, and if it wasn’t for the fact one of his hands was on her hip, she was sure she would lose her balance and fall to the ground.

  “You’re centering too much on me fucking you.”

  Alice inhaled sharply at his coarse words. Her excitement increased when he pulled her close and then lifted her in the air and tossed her onto the bed as if she were light as a feather.

  “You see, Alice, there is more to pleasure than just fucking,” Julian said. He stood at the bottom of the bed, centered between the two posts. “In fact, the real pleasure comes from activities before the actual, shall we say joining. I’ve already said fuck tonight and I could tell by the way your body tensed that it was almost too much for you to handle.”

  “You’re making fun of me,” she managed to say.

  “I think teasing you is going to bring us both great pleasure,” he said. “Tell me, Alice, have you ever been with a man, and I’m not talking about fucking—oh my, I used the naughty word again, didn’t I? Well, forget that and answer the question.”

  “Forget that?” She wanted to tell him he was insane if he thought she would be able to do as he asked, since it was really the only thing on her mind.

  “Answer the question,” he said.

  “No,” she responded.

  “Why not?” He cocked his head and the look he gave her said he wasn’t quite sure how to take her answer. She cocked her head in the other direction and stayed silent.

  “Please answer the question,” he said.

  “Why should I open myself up to you any more than I already have?” she asked. “I was under the impression we had an agreement. Instead, I did my part, and you’ve refused to hold up your end.”

  “You’re naked on my bed,” he said. “I would say that is a good start. I am in control. You will do as I say, or there will be consequences. Now, answer me.”

  “No,” Alice repeated. “I’m not a simpering little debutante you can order around. Either fuck me—and yes, I said fuck—or let me get dressed and leave.”

  It was on the tip of her tongue to tell him she would ruin his reputation around town, tell people that he was supposed to pay a debt to her, but had refused. But something told her he would tell everyone that his obligation had been of a sexual nature, and she didn’t want everyone in town knowing she was a virgin. It had been embarrassing enough to tell him.

  “This is your last chance to do as I ask, Alice,” he said. “If you continue to refuse what happens next will land on your shoulders.”

  The dark, seductive tone of his voice cut to her core, and excited her more than she thought possible. It would be an easy thing to give him the answer he wanted, to tell him she’d never had a man touch her, until tonight.

  She centered herself in the center of the bed, sitting with her back against the headboard. A smile crept across her lips right before she said, “If you want an answer to your question you’re going to have to drag it out of me. I’ve given everything in this bargain and you’ve given nothing. I refuse to keep giving when you
give nothing.”

  His lips curled upward, and her nipples hardened even more.

  “Well, this should be entertaining,” Julian said. Instead of coming toward her, which was what she’d expected, he crossed to the wardrobe across the room. He opened a drawer and rooted around, as if he were looking for something.

  “If you’re searching for money that’s not what I want,” she said. “I want your cock—and yes, I said cock.”

  “Naughty girl,” he said as he closed the first drawer and opened another. “Here we are. I’d forgotten where I’d put it.”

  He turned back to her and she could see a length of rope in his hands. He let one end drop to the floor and held the other high, making it look like a dark snake in the firelight.

  “Last chance,” he said.

  Despite the fact that her mouth was now dry, and her heart seized, Alice shook her head. “As I said, make me.”

  “Very well.” He crossed the room quickly. Too late, Alice vaulted toward the opposite side of the bed. But it was as if he’d anticipated her move. He gathered her in his arms and a sharp, “Oomph,” left her mouth as he tossed her back toward the top. He straddled her and gathered her arms above her head, wrapping the rope around her wrists as she struggled under him. Within minutes he had the rope secured to the headboard. He stood and pulled her down so that she was flat on her back.

  She struggled against her bonds and anger shot through her as he laughed.

  “Let me go! Let me go, now!”

  “I gave you the chance to cooperate, but you refused,” he said. “Did you notice your arms aren’t tied to the headboard? That’s because it makes you mobile. I can turn you over and spank that pretty, little bottom of yours. Now, answer my question.”

  “Do you think the ropes are going to loosen my tongue?” She clamped her lips together and glared at him. Her words sounded braver than she felt right now. She was naked in front of a man for the first time in her life; no, not in front of him, but under him. His thighs rested against her hips, and to her surprise he leaned over and kissed her, his lips hard and demanding.

  Alice tried to move her head away, to break the contact, but he kept her in place. When his tongue pushed against her lips, she shook her head and started to say no, but that was all the opening he needed. He stroked her tongue with his, and deep, penetrating desire spread through her.

  Why wouldn’t he just fuck her? It’s what they’d agreed upon.

  “You see, sweet Alice, so many lovers go straight for the fucking,” he kissed her jaw. “It takes all the fun out of things. Hard, demanding play can bring a couple closer together. It makes the climax so much sweeter.”

  “Does a woman climax?” Oh, damn her for opening her mouth. She hadn’t expected to ask him questions. She wanted to stay silent, to not give in to him. But this was all too much for her.

  “If she has the right lover she does,” he said. “And for you, I am the right lover. Now, I’m going to lift up and turn you over, so I can see that lovely bum.”

  “Why?” She didn’t fight him as he turned her. The ropes bit into her wrists as they twisted.

  “I told you there would be consequences,” he said, and then he slapped her bottom.

  “Stop that!” Alice’s cries were punctuated with several more hard slaps against her bare behind. Buxton remained silent as he spanked her, alternating cheeks. He sat on her thighs and rubbed her cheeks after the first initial slaps.

  “You have no right!”

  Julian slapped both cheeks again, alternating between them. “I have every right. You offered yourself to me. I took you up on that offer.” He slapped her bottom, then caressed it before he slapped it again. “As far as I’m concerned, you belong to me now, Alice.”

  “This wasn’t our agreement,” she said. As he slapped and caressed, slapped and caressed. He didn’t answer her, and Alice lost count of the numbers of swats that hit her bottom. All she knew was that her bum was burning, and a warm feeling was spreading through her, a mixture of pain and pleasure that she didn’t know how to process. She should be screaming, she should tell him to leave her alone. Instead, she lay silent underneath him, taking what he gave.

  Would he take her after it was over? Was this some sort of game he played before he fucked his lovers?

  “Alice, what are you feeling?” He had stopped spanking her, and he leaned over and kissed her shoulder. “Do you like this? Are you crying, or are you moaning with pleasure?”

  It was a mixture of both, but she would be damned if she told him that. She squeezed her eyes shut and kept her mouth closed.

  He flipped her onto her back, and when her bottom rubbed against the bed covering she groaned. She wanted to tell him to leave her alone, but she was slick with desire, and when his fingers slid through her wetness she groaned.

  “Julian, Julian, oh, please take me.” He was by her side now, his fingers continuing to explore her quim.

  “Spend for me, sweet Alice. I want to see it. I want to feel your body quake.” His fingers snaked up her quim, and he took hold of the bundle at the top and squeezed. A queer feeling spread through her and she bucked into his touch.

  “Julian!” She reared against his touch as her body quaked. When she collapsed against the bed she heard him chuckle.

  “Does that answer your question about spending, sweet Alice?”

  “I don’t like you,” she said on a sigh.

  “Liar.” He kissed her gently, and when it was over she couldn’t help but laugh.

  “I want to play with your cock,” she said. “Please, untie me.”

  “Not tonight, Alice,” he said. “We will take things slowly. I meant what I said earlier. You offered yourself to me, and as far as I’m concerned, you’re mine. When I think you’re ready I will fuck you until you scream for me. And that’s exactly what I’ll give you.”

  “Please, Julian,” she said.

  “Well, I suppose since you asked so nicely I can let you see it. But you can’t touch.”

  He moved off the bed and sat in a chair near it. She watched as he stroked his hands up and down the insides of his thighs, and then he undid his breeches, his cock springing to life. He licked his palms and then he started to stroke himself.

  Her eyes widened as he worked himself, and when he groaned she saw a stream of what she knew was semen shoot out.

  Julian groaned and relaxed in the chair. “I meant what I said, Alice. You’re mine. You’re too delicious to let go of.”

  His words were sweet, and Alice couldn’t help but giggle, despite the discomfort on her behind. She watched as he got up and washed himself. After he was naked he undid the ties on her hands and helped her under the bedclothes. He gathered her in his arms and said, “Sleep, Alice, and in the morning, we might play again.”

  She put her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. If she had anything to do with it, they would play, and he would fuck her.

  Chapter 3

  I thought you understood me last night when I said that you belonged to me now.”

  Alice turned away from the looking glass at the dressing table and smiled at Lord Buxton. He sat with his back against the headboard, his hands behind his head. His chest was bare, and the covers barely concealed his cock. Part of her wanted to go over and touch him. She definitely wanted more than what they’d had last night.

  But she didn’t want him to know that. She’d made a fool of herself last night by begging for what he’d promised. She wouldn’t do it again today.

  “Good morning, Julian. I hope you’re feeling well today.”

  “How dare you try and leave without my permission.”

  Alice’s back bristled like an angry cat. She turned back to the mirror and fluffed her hair. “I’m not used to asking permission to come and go. I need to go home and change clothes and that is what I’m doing. Forgive me for breaking the rules.”

  Buxton didn’t miss the note of sarcasm in her voice. “We need to discuss those rules.” He pat
ted the bed next to him. “Take off your clothing and come back to bed.”

  Butterflies took flight in Alice’s stomach as she thought about last night’s events. She rubbed her wrists and prayed he didn’t notice.

  “You can’t be angry with me for going to my own home.” Even as the words came out Alice knew they weren’t true. Despite the fact they hadn’t fucked, a bond had formed between them last night, and Julian was in charge.

  Julian was definitely in charge of that bond. She wasn’t exactly sure how she felt about that. She’d expected sex from him, and nothing else. But he was bringing her to a place she didn’t want to go.

  She’d suffered pain and humiliation during her first marriage, which had been stressful beyond belief. Physical contact was all she desired.

  “Come back to bed,” he repeated.

  “I think not,” she said. “If you are not going to pay me as we agreed then perhaps we should talk about monetary compensation. I think fifty pounds should do it.”

  “And I think you should do as I said, Alice,” he said. “I do not take no lightly. Should I punish you for leaving my bed without permission? Perhaps more of what happened last night. Only this time I will spank you harder.”

  “You are not my husband. I do as I please.” She looked into the mirror and watched his reflection in the mirror.

  “No, I am not your husband, but you are mine,” he said. “We are not done with our business, and until we find the blackmailer…” There was a slight pause. “If you like we will discuss things in bed, but you will be naked.”

  A knock on the door made her jump.

  “Sir? Lord Essex and Lord Ellington are here and they say it’s quite urgent.” Alice didn’t know the name of the butler, but he sounded rattled.

  “Perhaps you should greet them without clothes on,” Alice said.

  “Show them into the library and serve them tea and food,” Julian said loudly. “Tell them we will be down shortly.”


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