Enslaved by Charybdis

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Enslaved by Charybdis Page 1

by Bruce McLachlan

  Title Page



  Bruce Mclachlan

  Publisher Information

  Enslaved by Charybdis first published in 2002 by Chimera Books Ltd. Published as an eBook in 2011 by Chimera Books Ltd


  Chimera a creation of the imagination, a wild fantasy

  Digital Edition Converted and Published by

  Andrews UK Limited


  New authors are always welcome, or if you’re already a published author and have existing work, the eBook rights of which remain with or have reverted to you, we would love to hear from you.

  This novel is fiction - in real life practice safe sex

  This eBook is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior written consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published, and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. The characters and situations in this eBook are entirely imaginary and bear no relation to any real person or actual happening.

  Copyright Bruce McLachlan. The right of Bruce McLachlan to be identified as author of this book has been asserted in accordance with section 77 and 78 of the Copyrights Designs and Patents Act 1988.

  Chapter 1

  One of the women spotted her and unleashed a plume of air, yelling a silent warning to her fellows. The others darted away, skittish and frightened by the new arrival. Then a few of them realised Mina was too effectively bound to be a Titan and that she was just another fish, although one considerably more blessed than they. These women ceased their flight and swam to meet her. The three of them circled about her examining her costume and her body with visor-hidden eyes. The silver darts began drawing closer, brushing up against her, their latex bodies slithering against hers and sending warm tickles of feeling through the tight sheath.

  A fish rose before her and moved her head in, breathing out a great current of air beneath Mina’s breasts. The cascade rose and rolled over her assets, evoking tingles in her flesh with their spa-like embrace. The fish responsible continued up in the trail of her exhale, running her tongue over Mina’s hidden flesh, and kissing and suckling her nipples with gusto.

  Then Mina felt another fish locking lips to the succulent swell of her bottom, sucking at her mounds before petitioning entry. She leaned over to accommodate her as they all started a languid sinking towards the coral. Immediately, a tongue bored through her sphincter and entered her, causing her to manifest a cry of mercury bubbles from the delightful shock. The fish continued her assault, flashing a frenetic organ into Mina, pushing deep, stabbing at her orifice, anxious to please.

  The third fish descended from above, inverted, and snapped her lips to Mina’s other breast, the two women fawning on her bosom, kissing her cleavage before fixating most diligently and skilfully on her nipples. Mina lifted her legs, using her knees to press against the loins of the first fish, rocking them a little as she felt the base of the shaft inserted within her. The woman stiffened and squirmed a little against her bondage, her arms twisted up her back much like Mina’s. Using her knees to operate the dildo, she continued to rock the intruder into the woman. Meanwhile, the tongue in her anus forced itself forward against the latex, reaching through the restrictions of the uniform to graze her sex.

  Lost to the pleasure of her underwater coupling, Mina did not notice they were passing through the upper reaches of the coral. The fish stayed with her, assaulting her senses, tasting of her as though they had never before been touched and were now indulging a frenzied banquet of tactile delights. She used her legs on the other fish, swapping them around as the tip of a tongue continued to please her clitoris, eliciting swift bursts of pleasure from her loins. She had never before wondered how this aquatic event would actually feel, and she was amazed by it, intoxicated by the surreal nature of her own appearance as well as by that of her anonymous partners. She was wallowing in a trancelike haze from the feel of the waters pressing on them, from the pressure of the rubber sealing her in tight, and from the eager tongues of her fellow fish.

  Mina’s feet landed on the soft sand and she toppled sideways as the fish continued their attentions, zealous in their appraisal of the new specimen. Her gaze was full of latex-bound femininity, with occasional glimpses of bright coral walls towering all around them, contorted and crazy of shape and dazzling of hue. Clouds of sandy particles were kicked up by their squirming play, their bodies pressing together, their fins buffeting the ground, and creating little tornadoes of grit that billowed around them.

  Mina howled her rhapsody through her gag as she climaxed, the woman who had fixed herself like a barnacle to her bottom spilling her tongue across her clitoris, and rubbing it with a flitting adoration to arouse a maximal response. The excitement of the situation had carried Mina almost to orgasm before anyone even laid a tongue on her, and it took little work to finish her off. Air bubbles streamed from her gag, spiralling up towards the moored artificial lights, and up into the darkness far beyond them.

  The orally worshipping fish returned to assail her bottom as Mina’s legs attended the rods of her aquatic comrades, bringing them to similar peaks of ecstasy with the relentless use of the fat shafts. Then, as she lay in a tangled web of bodies, a Ray passed overhead, the dark form beating the waters with her latex wings, her long tail spilling in her wake as she moved through the rocks. Then she suddenly deviated from her languid path, veering aside and diving into the coral to take cover.

  The source of her distress became apparent a moment later as one of the Dryad appeared overhead, passing by with a shoal of adoring nymphs trailing around her. The red-tinted mermaid took a moment to notice the small orgy occurring in the light-bathed grove, and when she did, she began circling her way down towards it. When she arrived she brushed the other fish aside, exercising her authority as she panned her eyes across Mina, who reclined across the sand, submissive to the new arrival.

  The Dryad leaned in and kissed Mina’s breasts before offering her own, pushing the tips through the clouds of air Mina set loose, and letting the crystal gaseous orbs run over her flesh. After treating herself to this devotion for a few moments, she pushed an intruding fish aside and rolled her crimson form to present her buttocks to Mina’s features. She clasped herself to Mina’s bound form and pressed her bottom across her visage. Knowing Dryads tended the garden and were possessed of at least some control over the fish, Mina made sure she did not resist or irk the mermaid with any defiance on her part, unsure of just how much discipline these women could mete out.

  The Dryad rode Mina’s face with glee, using her subject’s nose and visor to rub her buttocks and sex as each breath from Mina sent a new jet of bubbles across her intimate regions, making her shudder with pleasure.

  There was little Mina could do to resist as she was used for another’s satisfaction. She was little more than a latex dildo, and it was a liberating experience. The woman had imposed her control immediately, leaving Mina utterly compliant before her, and though the mermaid was a slave as well, it felt just as pleasurable to be used by another servile as by a Titan. She studied the bizarre view she was presented with as the woman’s latex-clad crotch smeared itself across her visor, cutting off her vision as dancing sheets of air rolled across them both. The unmistakable signs of orgasm played through the mermaid’s form, and as soon as she had drunk her fill, she darted with new motion and intent. Mina was flipped over, the fingerless mittens of the woman spinning her around and forcing her down to the sand, which ti
ckled her nipples as she was ground into the bank by the Dryad. At first she did not resist, but then the woman started to demand admittance into her buttocks with more force, pressing her bunched fingers into her sphincter. Mina shuddered and writhed, only to be chastised as the mermaid ducked in and bit her bottom, delivering a sharp and unexpected nip into her flesh. The flare of distress made Mina quell her defiance and lay motionless, gasping into her gag as the Dryad began pushing a hand into her anus.

  Her tight orifice sparkled with hot flashes of pain as it struggled to accept the intruder. Forcible rocking shoves pushed the hand in further, the sea water a perfect lubricant for the latex-sheathed extremity. With a breathless squeal, and spasmodic responses that rocked her bound form, Mina responded to being mounted on the woman’s hand, her ring painfully gripping the invading wrist. Sobbing from the ordeal she gulped at her air supply, her face pressed against the sand. She could feel the woman moving her fingers inside her, the gloved hand squirming like some intruding animal that had forced an entry and set up home in her nether regions.

  Letting Mina recover for a few minutes, the Dryad kept her subdued by way of soft kisses to her cheeks. But then she began to use her arm once more, moving it back and forth, hauling at Mina as she burbled and chewed frantically on her gag. Fighting the mermaid she struggled to free herself, to pull herself off the trespassing hand and seek cover in the coral until her owners could arrive and take charge of her. But the spiteful nips of the mermaid once more descended and plagued her rear, making her jerk and spasm and unleash huge banks of bubbles as a result of the howling cries she cast into the depths.

  The other fish circled over and around her as a voyeuristic shoal, watching with glee the chastisement and abuse of someone more elevated than they. Mina wore the costume of a chosen slave, and thus they felt little sympathy for her plight; their envy was plain. They would eagerly make use of her if they could, but they would be just as enthralled to see her suffer the attentions of their cruel overseers.

  Keeping Mina pinned down the mermaid scanned the waters, and spotted what she sought. Jabbing a fist in its direction, she sent two fish lancing forward to chase a Ray and force her towards the site, denying her a route out and making it plain the Dryad had summoned her so she had little choice but to obey. The fawning assistants brought the poor Ray girl over, whereupon the Dryad snatched her long tail and began reeling her in, the Ray jerking slightly as her dildos were tugged on. Once the ankles of the Ray had been gained, the Dryad extracted her hand and finally brought Mina’s ordeal to an end. But no sooner had her tract been freed of one latex clad trespasser than a new one was thrust inside her. Mina was dismayed to see the tail of the Ray being fed into her anus as the Dryad forced it in. She struggled to get free, only to have her nipples squeezed and pulled on brutally, bringing her swiftly back under control. Defeated, she lay still beneath her tormentor, the feel of the tail being threaded into her buttocks joined by influxes of brine that sloshed within her as a salty douche.

  Would the Ray be so malicious as to rashly flee the moment she was released? Would a slave torment another slave so readily? Mina knew the sudden haul of the tail from her bottom would be a terrible experience unless undertaken slowly and gently... the Ray was set lose, and to Mina’s relief she did not panic and tear away.

  Yet the Dryad had expected such mercy, and was ready to foil it. Grabbing the Ray she accessed her tank and set loose a great churning geyser of air, draining the tank as the woman jerked in panic. Then she let go of her prisoner and drifted back to watch the show. Mina’s eyes widened in horror as she watched the Ray thrash her wings and fire herself upward, desperate to replenish her air before it ran out. Mina arched her back and screeched into her gag, her body rioting with sensations as the tail was dragged from her, the latex stem spilling swiftly from her buttocks dragging at her tract and reducing her to a writhing wreck. The tail hauled itself free, popping from her chafed orifice and letting the Ray continue her manic dash for air.

  Sobbing in shock, Mina drifted back down to the ground, her anus aching terribly. But she felt a dark delight in her woe, in having been used so mercilessly as an object of spectacle and sadism. The Dryad had proven she was not to be trifled with, that even with their rubber prisons they could punish or pleasure one another, and Mina now knew the value of obedience to these women. No doubt all the fish were treated to such capricious displays of spite.

  The Dryad patted Mina’s head, running her glove along her fin, and then she kicked her feet against the sand and thrust herself up through the herd of fish. The other women immediately began following in her wake, hoping to gain her favour through diligent attention and service to their undersea mistress.

  Mina watched them vanish into the light and the coral, studying their motions as she recovered from her lesson in the rules of this domain. She did not feel contempt for their behaviour, rather she felt a strange sense of accomplishment in having been subjected to an initiation rite and accepted amongst the shoals. Lifting herself up with a wriggle, she batted her fins against the waters and started weaving along the routes of sand that passed through the tangled coral structures. Tropical fish darted away from her as she swam, their rainbow markings and extravagant designs catching the light on their scales - real fish fleeing the approach of an impostor. Through vents in the rock geysers of hot water poured out, rising up in great plumes to feed warmth into what should have been arctic desolation. The nurturing geysers were the source of life for this place, the bosom from which all here fed.

  Mina frowned as she came across a strange new sight cresting a low ridge. She ducked back and watched through a small veil of seaweed, fearful of exposing herself again so soon after her recent experience serving the malicious needs of others.

  In a small clearing, three men were working on some sort of pipe system. Dressed in deep-green suits with incorporated flippers and clawed gloves, each wore a small air tank on his back. Their heads were sealed in angular domes that encompassed their heads and hid all details as they reflected the light of the ocean across their mirrored surfaces. They were laying down a network of pipes in the sand, applying nozzles in covert places, apparently preparing air supplies for a new caste of nymph.

  After watching them work for a while Mina continued her wandering, swimming through the coral marvelling at her new world and becoming acquainted with it, accepting it as it accepted her. She was part of this world now, a fish in the ocean, and she was excited by the thought of all the things she would experience here.

  A slow steady beep began infiltrating her awareness as plugs released the high-pitched song with monotonous rhythm. Guessing she had used up a great portion of her air already, Mina assumed this sound was a warning that her air tank was low. Her cries under the tutelage of the red Dryad had squandered a lot of her oxygen, and she had been so enthralled with exploring her new domain that she’d lost track of time.

  Changing her route she began her ascent, aiming herself towards the now distant dome. The beeps gradually increased in volume and speed, marking the increased urgency of her need. By the time she reached the ranks of refuelling nozzles the beeps were hurting her ears. No nymph would be able to sleep through such a din; the alarm would wake her and send her to preserve her life.

  It took a couple of attempts to make the connection, but once she slid herself onto the fitting a turn of her back locked her tank into place and the beeps decelerated and dwindled into silence as she fed her steel lung. A puff of excess air forced her off the pipe when her tank was full, freeing her from the station. Turning, she commenced a new dive, the colder waters making her shiver and want to bathe in the temperate waters above the coral a little before continuing her journey. Then she noticed two figures heading in her direction. Though there were very few identifying features available because of their costumes, from the few apparent clues Mina recognised Tethys and Oceanus.

  Both her owners wore a set of leggings
that gave the convincing illusion of deep green blue-tinted scales, the fabric rippling with refracted light as they moved, making its artificial skin seem alive and all the more realistic. The leggings flowed down into long clawed flippers, the struts beginning at their feet riding out to stretch a glittering sheet of vibrant red rubber between them before ending in a small hooked claw. The leggings threw up a slender band from their front and back, and the latex strap connected to a wide collar. The length along the front was merely for stabilising the one in back on which their slender air tank lay fitted with a dorsal fin of spines, the black struts rising from the nape of their necks and reaching a peak before dropping back down to end at the base of their spines. The dark fangs stretched the same furious red coating between them, a design also applied to their gloves, which cast a single strap up their arm to connect to the collar and then spiralled down, turning each finger into an extended claw with a colourful webbing hung between them. They both wore a strange mask of deep metallic green resembling mirrored emerald, which like the beaks of wicked birds of prey spilled a hooked snout concealing nasal breathing tubes. The masks left their dark eyes free to peer into the depths, wrapping a slender strap around their cheeks and up across their foreheads, and their flippers gave them a swift pace even as they kicked lazily at the water.

  Oceanus arced around Mina, his long braids fluttering in his wake, his opaque eyes fixed on her, and a broad smile spread across his exposed mouth. She could see the long zipper running down the crotch of his leggings and rising at the back.

  Tethys performed a barrel roll that ended with a plummet down beneath Mina. A quick wriggle, and she was drifting up behind her, running her elongated hands along Mina’s latex curves.


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