Enslaved by Charybdis

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Enslaved by Charybdis Page 2

by Bruce McLachlan

  Oceanus closed in, turning his head so he might avoid knocking beaks as he kissed his wife before kicking off in a direction chosen at random.

  Tethys ducked her head in his direction to indicate their intentions to Mina, and then brought her arms down with a single flap so her webbed hands launched her after her spouse, her legs kicking gently.

  Mina shimmied her shoulders and began flapping her legs, using her tail to catch up with them, having to work considerably harder than the Titans because of her restrictions. She was glad she was in shape. Otherwise, she would be lagging behind the nobles gasping for air after just a few minutes.

  Chasing after the cruising Titans, Mina admired their forms as they slithered through the ocean, their bodies tightly encased in winking latex that teased her hungry eyes as she felt her lust for them burning inside her. They were a magnificent sight, and she felt all the more proud of being owned exclusively by them. She hoped she was special to them, and that with her skill and devotion she would be able to keep them entertained for life.

  As they swam admiring the garden, Mina caught sight of other action. Here and there she spotted other nobles fulfilling their water-born heritage. Then she thought she caught sight of movement amidst the coral. She peered harder, watching the craggy rainbow surfaces and plumes of vegetation carefully... there was a winking movement, and she spied a figure speeding through the uneven tunnels and rough formations. When it scooted across a clearing, the sight of the Titan awed her. It had to be Medusa, the Gorgon. Sealed within a cat suit of black latex with green-tinted scales running down its length, the woman’s body looked even more beautifully voluptuous, ripe with plunging curves and ample assets.

  From the waist down, her legs were moulded into a single serpentine stem that rolled on until it ended at a point. She thrashed this tail in the manner of a serpent, the design of the appendage working to transform her wriggling efforts into an effective means of propulsion that enabled her to weave through her territory at an alarming rate. Her hands were cut off at the fingers, letting her four-inch long nails emerge and curl around, their pointed black lengths drifting idly at her sides. Her mask incorporated a mane of serpents, each crafted to perfection and looking disturbingly real as they dragged along in her wake, her face a moulded mask of sneering fury and eyes glowing a fierce sanguinary hue. Then, just as quickly as she had been spotted, the Gorgon ducked back into deeper waters and was lost to Mina’s scrutiny.

  Tethys and Oceanus came to a slow halt, treading water at a determined depth and scanning the ocean floor. Mina pulled up between them, and their hands absently followed her body, caressing her breasts and running through her long rubber mane. Following her owners’ jet eyes, she spotted several new fish scrambling through the coral, trying to use it as a means of cover from pursuit. The new fish were much like Dryads, save that their arms had been folded up behind their backs and secured with straps, their pointed gloves pawing at the water as they dashed by in a panic. Each one had been afflicted with a ring gag, their open jaws corrupting their efforts to swim quickly. The straps at their bottoms were tighter, pulling their cheeks apart and leaving their sphincters more exposed than normal. The material of their costumes was a striking orange-and-yellow collage of scales, with black vertical stripes slashing down across every inch. Like human tiger-barbs, they tore through the rocks, fleeing something.

  Mina studied the area they were so intently vacating, fanning out and splitting up to increase their chances of personal success. Two figures strolled the ocean bed, their weighted garments making them seem like lunar walkers as they took bounding steps from one rocky outcrop to another. From the back of their heads poured a thin metallic cable that extended back across the seascape, hanging in the waters to prevent it becoming snagged in the rocks as they travelled. A second such lifeline was attached to their waists, the duel cables sweeping back towards the dome and giving the two figures as much air as they required, negating the need to interrupt their pastime with something as tedious as refilling their tanks.

  One was dressed for war, and Mina assumed he was Ares. The muscular man was tall and his shoulders were broad, his sturdy build emphasised and exaggerated by his armoured diving suit, so that his dimensions seemed almost inhuman. Metal plate-mail was set across his black latex sheath, the sections burnished to a mirror finish and fitted to his contours. His face was a featureless black shadow as a result of a latex hood and mask, and over it was a standard Greek helm, the polished silver armour throwing up a plume of crimson spines. The Titan strode boldly across the landscape, cradling a long tubular device in the manner of a weapon.

  At his side walked his female counterpart, a towering woman encased in a similar warlike suit. The black latex revealed her toned physique, and the steel plates atop it added to her imposing dimensions. A silver mask, the artificial visage moulded into that of a serene and exceptionally striking face, hid her real features. Strands of latex hair spilled across her hood, drifting behind her on the currents as she watched the hunting ground holding a similar weapon as her male companion. It had to be Artemis, goddess of the hunt.

  Suddenly, Mina spotted a fish hiding from the two massive predators, her bottom cheeks wide as she rubbed them against a rock in a desperate effort to dislodge something. Artemis spotted her and levelled her weapon, throwing the device onto her shoulder and taking aim. The girl fish immediately broke cover, ignoring shelter in favour of dashing for freedom, a panicked and foolish strategy. A wink of metal in the woman’s sphincter caught Mina’s eye - a lodged implant whose purpose was about to be graphically explained. The device wielded by Artemis spat forth another small tube, the rounded point of the torpedo driving against the waters as the hidden propeller at the base thrashed wildly, leaving behind a curling tunnel of agitated water. Revealed in this turbulence was a slender wire, the almost imperceptible cable paying out from a reel situated beneath the launcher. The missile arced swiftly towards the hapless fish as she continued trying to outrun it, but it was far too swift and possessed of a mechanical relentlessness. The torpedo closed in, attracted like a moth to a flame, focusing its singular automated mind to the tracking device in the woman’s bottom, the device she had been so desperately trying to get out of her. Then suddenly she dove down, sweeping her legs with great kicks, plummeting beneath another hiding fish before continuing her flight. The second startled fish looked behind her, and jerked in alarm when she saw the torpedo heading for her. Having transferred the dogged eyes of the device to other prey, the first treacherous fish quickly fled, leaving the new victim to kick her legs into the floor and vault desperately upwards.

  With a smooth arcing turn, the torpedo followed the second fleeing fish and thrust itself into her anus, sheathing itself almost to the base. The woman arched her back until she almost doubled over, her legs kicking and her cheeks clenching as she struggled to force the invader out of her. Then suddenly bubbles escaped her sphincter as something was inflated within her tract, its expansion preventing her from spitting out the accursed underwater arrow, her body jerking spasmodically as the pressure bloomed inside her.

  Artemis threw an arm up, punching the water with a victorious gesture before holding her palm out to her fellow hunter, Ares, who slapped her exposed hand with jubilation. She then flicked a switch on the tube, and digging her boots into the coral braced herself for a new struggle. Like an angler battling a ferocious quarry, she let the motors of her weapon draw the spiked fish in as her prey wriggled and resisted with all her strength. The caught fish thrashed madly, the process of being reeled in by her buttocks obviously one she found less than enjoyable. When the fight grew too stressful, and Artemis was tugged forward a step, the Titan touched another switch, causing the fish to jolt to attention. The voltage nips had the desired effect of wearing down the resistance of the hooked prey, and soon the woman had been reeled in all the way, exhausted and defeated by her fight.

  Grabbing her catch’s fins,
Artemis slung her launcher over her shoulder and removed the spare oxygen cable from her waist. From the stout end of the lifeline, she pulled out a smaller hose she clipped to the refilling nozzle of her captive’s air tank. The fish struggled weakly as her entire reserve was ejected, the vast thundering geysers of air pouring into the waters and rushing back up to the surface. The main cable was then restored to Artemis’s waist, and the fish was left languishing at the end of a short hose, unable to break free because she was now completely dependent on her captor for air. The wire attached to the torpedo dildo was removed and fastened to the next shaft, the ammunition stored within the internal compartments of the launcher.

  Mina watched the caught fish evincing an occasional throe of discomfort as her electrical castigation continued, the bulb in her sphincter inflating a little more every few minutes punishing her for being captured so easily. How long a fish evaded being snared determined how long she was subjected to such diabolic punishment, a chillingly effective incentive to hide for as long as possible.

  The two hunters continued stalking their human prey, weapons levelled and ready to fire should they gain a clear shot at an exposed fish. Mina felt a pang of envy, for she would not have minded pitting herself against their skill; to be hunted as game was an intriguing idea. She became enamoured with the notion of weaving amongst the rocks trying to evade being impaled on a pursuing dildo that was inflated from within and used as an anchor to reel her in. She found herself becoming increasingly aroused by the thought, and hoped that one day she could be forced into a tiger-barb outfit and set loose to try and escape the hunters. It would, of course, be a useless fight in the end, for no matter how well she eluded them, she would have to emerge from the rocks to refill her tank at some point, and like a bird fluttering before ranks of shotguns on a country estate, she was sure to be struck.

  As they watched the hunt continue, Oceanus took hold of Mina’s shoulders and brought her before him. Holding the mane atop her head, he released his sex and positioned himself to spear her bottom. Then he waited, the head of his erect shaft kissing her expectant anus.

  Ares and Artemis fired together as a trio of fish made a run for the upper reaches of the dome. Their air warnings had gone off, and the torpedoes rushed up after the panicked women as they tried to outrun each other, for only two of them would be caught. The third fish would have the chance to refill her tank on the other side of the dome, hoping the complex would shield her from the torpedo’s sensors, and once she had a fresh supply of air she could outlast all the other fish.

  Mina watched with wide eyes, mentally projecting herself into their caste, imagining her body wracked by the pain of exertion as she fought to win the race and outpace the others, her muscles burning, her lungs aching. She imagined the shafts rising from below and streaming towards her buttocks, one of them ready to stab her and make her its prisoner, the hunting hook of the anglers inescapable. Then one fleeing woman gave a sudden flurry of manic thrusts with her tail, and slipped ahead of the others, leaving the stragglers to be speared by the missiles, their backs arching and their bodies stiffening as they were penetrated. And the instant the metal shafts plunged into them, Oceanus thrust into Mina, filling her at the exact moment of their capture. She almost climaxed from the perfectly timed penetration, her eyes widening as she kept them fixed on the captured fish and imagined herself being speared. But where the caught fish were now being hauled back down to the sea floor, Mina was being slowly rocked into, her sphincter gripping her owner’s immersed shaft as she revelled in his trespass. The Titan held her tightly in his arms, pulling her head back by her fin, his flippers keeping them both aloft as he drove casually into her, savouring the act with no sense of urgency. With voyeuristic delight they watched the prey being hauled in as their struggle was crippled by bursts of precursor shock from the plugs inflating inside them. The sight of their subjugation made Oceanus grow larger and harder inside Mina, and the depths he drove himself into had her gasping with rapture as he rode her quivering body.

  The third fish vanished behind the upper reaches of the complex, leaving the slower pair to be clipped to their new hoses, and repeatedly subjected to the punishment their sloth and lack of skill had brought them. They could not leave their hosts, for to do so meant drowning, so they simply hung in the water, wracked by discomfort and the knowledge that they would have to improve their fitness, training themselves to be quicker for the next hunt.

  Continuing his dilatory coitus, Oceanus stopped treading water so that he and Mina began drifting downwards. Tethys followed them, anchoring herself to Mina by holding onto her breasts and massaging them, using the stiff rubber claws to tickle her nipples.

  Several fish had gathered near them, and were circling their position. Either they were merely watching, or they were trying to draw attention to themselves in the hope of being included in the exchange. But the couple had eyes only for the hunt and were aware only of Mina.

  Artemis noticed the spectators and looked up, her gorgeous visage meeting the dark eyes of the Titans. The huntress waved to them, acknowledging their presence before throwing her launcher to her arm, her peripheral vision having spied a dash of orange-and-black amidst some nearby rocks. The fish broke lose and kicked upwards, only to have a torpedo set on her heels. She instantly changed her mind and tried to make for the rocks, but halfway there she succumbed to the more frenzied beeps of her air tanks and whirled around again, hoping she might outpace the torpedo, her desperation destroying her logic. She had barely cleared a few yards when the smooth path of the empowered dildo rode in between her cheeks and plunged into her bottom, throwing out its internal balloon and lodging itself firmly in place.

  With a flurry of movement Artemis scrambled forward and stabbed the switch to punish the fish for a prolonged period as the latex form whirled and squirmed. When Artemis finally let go of the control the woman went limp, twitching a little from the savagery of her discipline.

  Tethys turned her face downward, regarding the seabed beneath them as their descent revealed a woman lying beneath an outcrop resting, keeping her breaths slow and gradual to conserve air. The Titan cast her head down, her legs flipping up after her as she used great beats of her arms and mad kicks of her legs to carry her down as swiftly as a living javelin.

  The fish never even saw her coming. One minute she was in reclusive shelter, the next a latex-clad female form had locked claws to her mane.

  Tethys laughed into the water, letting loose bubbles as she drew the fish from her hiding place, lifting her up into the open. The woman battled with all her might, but Tethys’s flippers and hand paddles were far more effective than her tail, and she could do little to escape their grip. Exposed to the hunters she thrashed and fought to get free as Tethys locked her arms about her torso, hugging her close and exposing her bottom to the coming assault.

  Ares took slow and methodical aim. The hunter flicked something on the launcher, and drew a bead on his target. He had apparently switched off the tracking system and was aiming manually.

  Squealing her dismay in great silver clouds of bubbles, the fish watched as the object of her damnation fired from the tube, and streamed towards her in an unwavering straight line.

  Oceanus picked up his pace inside Mina, riding towards climax.

  The anal archery tournament began with a near miss as the torpedo struck the fish’s left cheek. The propellers cut out immediately, and as it drifted back, the tip suddenly started to billow out into a latex balloon, swelling in all directions as the device began sinking. Ares clenched a fist as he cursed his failure and began reeling in the empty hook, and Mina was amazed at how large the exposed latex bulb was growing. Would it grow to such dimensions inside a host? Personally, she doubted she could accommodate such a monstrous orb in her tracts.

  Artemis mocked her partner with a sullen shake of her head and drew aim herself, carefully following the barrel sight and taking into considera
tion the slow sinking plummet of her target. The next missile was set free while Ares yanked at his launcher, trying to get his unused rod back so he could fire again. But Artemis was a surer shot than the god of war, and the arrow found its mark in the anus of the slave girl. She fought Tethys’s grip as the bulb sank into her buttocks, and she jerked and thrashed madly during the excruciating process of being filled and reeled in.

  As the shaft thrust itself into its host, Mina’s sphincter clenched in response to the hot semen pouring into her own orifice as her owner jammed his shaft inside her, punishing her deepest regions as he climaxed. She jerked in his hold, wracked with pleasure at the feel of being attended to so intimately by him.

  Tethys released the target, letting her be served up to her fate as she began swimming back to her husband. Oceanus remained inside Mina for a moment, relishing the wanton grip of her anus upon his length. When he finally pulled free his hard flesh drew against her insides and sent ghostly flares of sensations through her muscular ring. No phallus had ever pleased her as much as Oceanus’s just had, and she did not know whether this was because of skill, his size, or because of the perpetual arousal wrought by her depraved surroundings.

  With a dextrous flash the two Titans turned and began heading back to the dome, swimming lazily and taking in the scenery as they went. Mina followed them, her bottom still relishing its penetration, the feel of Oceanus strong inside her as she discharged the residue of his lovemaking. The warning tunes of low oxygen rang in her ears and she hurried to keep up with her owners, hoping they were planning a direct route back to dry land. And as she followed in their wake, she began to suffer a distinct feeling of being watched. It did not feel like the usual automated study of the cameras Charybdis had stationed throughout his domain, but felt more like a more personal observation of her form. Such an instinct had saved her more than once, and she did not disregard it. She scrutinised the seabed and the waters, wondering who, or what, was watching her.


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