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Enslaved by Charybdis

Page 7

by Bruce McLachlan

  The box stopped and was deserted, leaving her in the empty quiet of the diminutive room, her breaths echoing in the warm interior, the air hot and humid. Lying in the cloying darkness she drifted into a shallow sleep, her familiarity with bondage letting her rest even against the stringent confinement in which she had been placed.

  Shocks to her breasts and belly brought her around again with a croaking howl, and she opened her eyes. Shaking off the dregs of sleep, she stumbled forward and placed her head through the opening. She was in one of the corridors of the complex, stationed in an alcove so her face and prison were flush with the wall. Finding a set of thigh-high boots towering before her again, she licked at the panes of patent leather and latex, cleaning them as she was required to do. Licking across the delightful material, she savoured the latex tang and her own humiliation.

  Once she was done, her head was hauled back inside the box and she was rewarded with a session of teasing without satisfaction. Cursing, she kicked her foot against the wall. She hated being kept frustrated, but similarly she enjoyed it, the chastity belt constantly reminding her she was owned while keeping her libido at such a peak of arousal that she would be willing to perform any act, or undergo any treatment, in an effort to satisfy it.

  Time ticked by at a lethargic pace, the hot interior of the box, and boredom, making Mina test the dimensions of her cell. She tried various positions in which to sit, but not one of them enabled her to stretch out. No matter how she manoeuvred herself, she could not control the building tension in her limbs as they were kept constantly bent, and the refusal of her prison to let her stretch out gradually became more and more infuriating. Then harsh electric kisses to her breasts and belly roused her from her mental quagmire, and again the aperture opened as another passer-by decided to make use of her position. Perhaps Tethys and Oceanus were letting her experience this lowly caste in full for a while, but she dared not think they had deserted her. After all, she had heard them say they loved her.

  When she stuck her head out of the box again, Mina found no boot waiting for her. Instead, hands grabbed her face.

  ‘You got her?’ a woman’s voice hissed.

  ‘Yeah, but hurry up,’ another worried voice replied.

  Blinking against the bright lights beyond her dark cell, Mina saw a wall of shadowy forms moving around her.

  ‘Well, come on then, get it in there!’ a third voice barked.

  Leather gloved hands worked with those already holding her head and began forcing a large spongy ball into her mouth, the foam already moist and acrid tasting.

  ‘Come on, bitch, you can take it!’ a woman commanded in Mina’s ear as she nearly retched against the gag being forced as deep into her mouth as it would go.

  ‘That’s it, now tape it in there.’

  There was a shrill ripping sound as strips of duct tape were spread across her cheeks to seal the gag between her lips. Fighting the orb spreading open her jaws and crushing her tongue, Mina began struggling desperately, aware now that this was no permitted punishment and something was terribly wrong.

  ‘I think she’s starting to figure it out, girls.’

  ‘So what? It’s too late. She’s ours. Now let’s get this done before someone comes.’

  The button was touched and she was hauled back inside the box, unable to cry out. With tears of fear filling her eyes she fought against the shackles, trying to slip the steel covers off her arms, her efforts hampered as she swayed and jerked beneath the relentless attention of her chastity belt. She fell against one side of the box when it moved suddenly, and she moaned in alarm, but she was becoming strangely light-headed, and her alarm intensified when she realised the gag was soaked in some sort of tranquillising compound.

  Then abruptly the door was unlocked and she collapsed on the floor as it opened outwards. She tried to move and fight her abductors, but they knew she was a skilled warrior and had taken the necessary precautions by sedating her. She could wriggle wildly, but she could offer no real opposition to their wishes, only entertain them with her desperate struggles. There were five women in all, each of them sheathed from head to toe in long flowing robes of black leather. She could guess from the narrow mesh slit across their eyes, from their leather gloves and tall stiletto boots, that they were the same wives she had seen with Atlas upon her arrival here. Did the Arabian lord now wish to reclaim the prize he had overlooked? The mere thought of being taken away from her beloved owners and kidnapped drove Mina into paroxysms of despair.

  ‘How’s the tranquilliser working?’ one of the women asked, looking down at Mina where she lay sprawled writhing at their feet.

  ‘It’s working fine,’ reported another as she leant down and lifted one of Mina’s arms. She shook it by the wrist and watched it flop back and forth. ‘She’ll stop struggling in a minute or two.’

  ‘Okay, bring the substitute,’ snapped another girl, and yet another accomplice let out a soft whistling summons.

  The last two wives stepped out from around the corner, looking furtively from left to right. Between them they held a young woman, her head encased in a latex hood with nothing save a hole left for her mouth. The hood was held in place by a steel collar similar to Mina’s, and she wore the same style of chastity belt.

  ‘They don’t look very much alike. You sure this’ll work, Maia?’

  ‘Shut up, of course it’ll work. She’ll be in the box with a hood on. Who’ll be able to tell until it’s too late? Now get them swapped, fast.’

  Forcing the blind girl down beside Mina, the hands of the women worked quickly. They snapped open her arm restraints and punishment bra, transferred them to the surrogate, and locked them before adding the cables and collar chain.

  ‘Have fun in your new prison, slave, and remember, if you speak, you set off your belt, and it’s at maximum setting, so you won’t enjoy that at all,’ Maia warned as she ushered the girl into her new cell. As Mina’s replacement she was locked within the box, which was slipped back into the alcove, unable to broadcast her true identity or complain lest she set off her belt, a distress that would almost certainly render her unconscious.

  ‘Okay, get her up,’ Maia commanded, her hidden eyes fixed on the form now sprawled motionless across the floor before them. ‘Electra, give us the spare robes.’

  Mina wanted to beg them for mercy, to ask them not to do this, not to take her away from those she loved. Tears were running down her cheeks and her heart was full of sorrow at the thought of losing her beloved owners. She did not want to be with anyone else; she wanted her masters, and she wanted to remain theirs forever.

  ‘So, this is the slave everyone’s talking about, the great escape artist, Mina,’ Maia said derisively, lodging a toe under Mina’s side. She flipped the helpless girl onto her back, and placing her boot into her cleavage applied more weight, digging the heel painfully into her bosom and asserting her dominance. ‘Blubbering like a baby, what a joke. Doesn’t look so tough to me.’

  One of the women quickly removed a spare set of robes from within her voluminous folds of leather.

  ‘Get this bitch into them,’ Maia ordered impatiently.

  Instantly Mina was forced to her feet and into the robes, which completely hid her identity. The whole time she was being dressed she tried to stop them, hampering their efforts in the hope someone would come along and discover them.

  ‘Wait,’ Maia snapped, and pulling on one of Mina’s nipples twisted it mercilessly. ‘Do I have your attention, slave? Good. Now be an obedient little bitch and do what we want you to do.’ She slapped Mina’s cheek, making her head loll to one side.

  The women continued their work, bending her weak limbs as was required to seal her in the cool interior of the garment. It was tightened into a more snug fit, and the visor straightened.

  ‘There, now let’s get her to the rendezvous.’

  They started marching back down
the passages with their captive supported between them so she would be indistinguishable from the rest of them. As she was half carried, half stumbled along, Mina gathered her composure. Sniffing back her tears she calmed her emotions and tried to think about what she could do to save herself. Resurrecting a shred of her old calculating self, she promised to find a way out of her new captivity. She had done it once before and she could do it again. Someone would slip up eventually, and she had all the skills she needed to escape and run back to her beloved Tethys and Oceanus. They would be more careful with her in the future, so perhaps what was happening was a good thing, in a way. Her masters would appreciate her even more after losing her and missing her, and she would show them how much she loved them by returning to them after another daring escape. They would keep her close after that to make sure nothing like this ever happened again.

  Mina glanced at the women around her through an obscuring curtain of tight mesh, slightly embarrassed by the weakness she had displayed before them. She vowed it would not happen again, and above all she vowed to make their leader, Maia, pay for humiliating her like this.

  Chapter 6

  The women finally came to a stop and one of them stepped towards a door. Looking covertly over her shoulder to ensure they were alone, she removed a ring from within her robes. It was a skeleton key used to open virtually all doors, allowing its owner to venture wherever she wished.

  Mina was ushered quickly into a room, and the door was closed and locked in their wake. The lights of the chamber rose to a subtle intensity, revealing what looked to be a sort of guest bedroom. To the left was a large bed, black satin sheets stretched across its sprawling surface, a line of pillows placed against the headboard. A squat post at each corner rose approximately two feet, the wood fixed with a semi-circle of metal for restraining slaves. A soft black carpet ran across the floor all the way up to the blue metal walls on which lamps in the form of leaping fish gave off a soft light. No windows were evident; the room was an interior dwelling, and had an air of being rarely used. A dresser stretched the entire length of one wall, a large mirror hanging above it. The room was definitely equipped for use as both a place of rest and of restraint, for rings had been set in the ceiling and others riveted into the floor, making it easy to create masterpieces of bondage.

  Mina was thrown across the floor. She tried to get up, but her limbs failed her as she struggled against the effects of the sedative.

  Maia stepped before her, and once more jabbed a boot in her side. She then transferred it to her captive’s taped cheek, and ground the sharp heel down to make her moan and writhe, sighing with pleasure at the sight of another woman figuratively crushed beneath her boot.

  From her lowly position Mina could see Maia reflected in the mirror over the dresser, her view obscured but not denied by the mesh visor. Her captor was probably one of the most beautiful women she had ever seen. Her body was a glorious sculpture, curvaceous and exquisitely feminine, her full breasts capturing the eye and refusing to let them go. With a short bob of luscious red hair crowning her alluring countenance, the woman’s ice-blue eyes were fixed on Mina. Her thigh-high leather boots were zipped on the inside, and complemented by shoulder-length opera gloves of polished hide. Her entire torso was naked save for jewellery, her nipples and clitoris pierced by golden hoops, the clitoral ring plainly visible because of her hairless sex. Around her neck was a steel collar, and in her hands she held a small metallic tube like a lighter but with a button on top.

  ‘It’s okay to take your robes off, girls,’ Maia announced, and after a spiteful shove she stepped away from Mina and walked over to the bed. She spread herself across it, luxuriating in the cool sleekness of the satin.

  ‘Thank God the master didn’t put the full uniform back on; those new bra cups are really painful,’ Electra commented, extracting herself from within her uniform to reveal a sultry beauty beneath with perfectly straight dark-brown hair, and she was ‘dressed’ exactly like Maia.

  ‘You should have seen the ones we had to wear last year for that party in Zeus’s place,’ Celaeno added, unwrapping herself to reveal a young Asian girl, her tawny skin adorned with the same boots, gloves and collar combination. Her hair was bleached to a pale blonde and fell smoothly down to her pierced breasts.

  ‘That’s only because he’s so promiscuous,’ Taygeta commented. ‘The master wanted us only for himself and ensured we would remain faithful to him that way. Merope overheard him talking on the intercom about it.’ She revealed herself as a tall, slender woman of mixed heritage, her light-brown skin smooth as silk, her body supple and well toned. Her hair was bleached a striking white and cropped to form a spiky bristling carpet over her skull.

  ‘That’s right, but I don’t blame him. Zeus would have been on us in a flash without them.’ Merope, another Asian girl, was a little taller and older than Celaeno. Her hair was the same length but left a natural shimmering black, and across her bottom faded welts were visible.

  ‘I understand that, but he could at least have left us home; I’d have rather he put me in suspension than make me wear that again,’ said a lithe Indian beauty whose dark hair was pulled back into a plait that cascaded all the way down past her buttocks.

  ‘You’d rather have suspension than sex any day, Alcyone,’ mocked the last woman. She was tall and solidly built, her dark skin clinging to alluring muscles. A mane of tightly curled black hair fell around her voluptuous features down to her shoulders.

  ‘You’re such a bitch, Sterope,’ Alcyone said sweetly. ‘So, what shall we do while we wait, Maia?’

  ‘Get that out of the robes first,’ Maia replied.

  Electra and Taygeta moved in on Mina, and pulled the leather robes off her, exposing her.

  ‘We’ve got plenty of time, the master won’t come until he thinks it’s safe,’ their leader added, and rising from the bed, she walked back over to Mina. ‘Let’s string her up. I want to whip her breasts and see what she’s made of.’ She was the head wife here, and jealously guarded her position as Atlas’s favourite.

  ‘You think that’s wise?’ Merope asked with a hint of concern. ‘It will leave marks...’

  ‘Congratulations, Merope, I’ll be using you to warm up my whip arm,’ Maia snapped.

  ‘Maia, no, please, I haven’t healed from the last time!’ The Asian girl whined, suddenly looking distraught as her hand absently traced the residual marks on her buttocks.

  Maia ignored her protest and continued issuing her orders. ‘Electra, Celaeno, get her strung up for me, and make it uncomfortable.’

  ‘Yes, Maia,’ they said in unison, and pranced off on their high boots to the drawers, fishing around inside them for what they sought - ropes and cuffs.

  ‘Oh God, please don’t, not so soon,’ Merope sobbed, aghast that she had to suffer Maia’s sadism yet again.

  ‘Shut up, Merope. You whine too much. Now, Sterope and Taygeta, I want you to get Mina up next to her, back to back, so they can feel each other suffering. I’ll give them both a good thrashing, and then I think we’ll have a little strap-on party. I want to fuck this cute little bitch in every hole she’s got before the master gets here.’ She bent over and sank her hand into Mina’s hair, lifting her head up so she might more easily study her face. Mina grimaced but remained calm, chewing on the gag imprisoning her voice. ‘And if she’s a good little whore, and shows us just how lowly she is, I might even let her off from another whipping, or even a caning. Wouldn’t that be fun, slave? A nice hot cane across those pert cheeks after they’ve been fucked?’ She smiled, tormenting her victim with a forewarning of what she could expect.

  Mina stared back at her without flinching, and even managed a snort of derision. She knew she was going to irk Maia even more with her defiance, but these women had taken her from her beloved owners, and there was no way she was going to give them the satisfaction of breaking her.

  ‘Oh, a little tou
gh girl, are we? Think you’re the greatest thing to hit Charybdis since Aphrodite, do you? Well, I’m going to make you beg me for mercy. I want to hear you whimper, bitch. I want you grovelling at my feet and crying a river of tears.’ She let Mina’s head fall to the floor again. ‘See this, tough girl?’ she queried, holding a device directly before Mina’s veiled eyes. ‘This is the control for your belt. There’s only one setting, though. See if you can guess which one.’ She caressed a leather-clad finger across the button. ‘I want to hear you scream, and you will. I’ll make you cry out eventually, even if I have to abuse you all day.’ She picked at the corner of the tape across Mina’s cheek, and then abruptly ripped it off.

  Mina forced her tongue to the ball and pushed it out. The sodden orb dropped before her, finally allowing her mouth the delicious pleasure of closing. She licked her tingling lips and turned her gaze up to Maia. ‘Screw you,’ she muttered.

  ‘Not likely, bitch. That’s for me and my friends to do to you later.’ She patted Mina’s head in a condescending manner. ‘But seeing as you’re feeling so feisty as to insult me, perhaps you’re ready for a little dose.’ She thumbed the button on the control.

  Mina gritted her teeth and fought to keep quiet as her loins were subjected to the lashing kisses of the belt. The hot spines ate at her sensitive passages, making her jerk and spasm against the floor. Using all her strength to remain quiet, she snorted in agonised breaths and weathered the storm. She would not give in. She would show this woman just how strong she was. She would rewrite the definition of fortitude. When in the loving slavery of her owners she had felt free to shriek and struggle, but this was war and Mina never lost, not to anything or anyone.


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