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Enslaved by Charybdis

Page 17

by Bruce McLachlan

  Spread wantonly upon what felt like a sacrificial altar, she tugged occasionally at her bonds just to feel her own helplessness and distract herself with the pleasure it gave her. Looking across the ceiling, she could see rings set in the stone ready to accept the burden of slaves and bonds. When the door finally started to creek open after what seemed like hours, she strained her head up to see who it was.

  Of average height and slender build, the man was moving into his late forties, perhaps even his early fifties, because his expensive designer suit cheated the more obvious signs of age. The deep red suit possessed a matching tie and was loosely cut to offset his wiry build. He had a soft, clean-shaven face, and his brown hair was swept straight back from his forehead, the sides receding a little to give him the early stages of a widow’s peak. He carried a large leather-bound trunk, and her eyes widened in astonishment at his expression as he looked across at her, his pupils expanding as he drowned his vision with the image of her.

  The door swung closed with a resounding boom, leaving Mina alone with this mysterious individual. She looked at him with veiled intensity, trying to ferret out anything she may have missed about him at first glance. He, too, was devouring her with his stare, his arousal at seeing her thus obviously intense, more intense than she would have thought possible for any jaded Titan.

  ‘Well, here we are at last, Mina, in the flesh for the first time in our long relationship,’ he said quietly.

  She stiffened with surprise. His voice, even without the scramblers and distortion of electronic defences, was recognisable to her. He was Jupiter, her employer, the man who had shaped her career; the man who ran Turan, and who was perhaps even Turan himself, if he truly existed. She tried to say his name through the gag, the ring hindering her speech, but it was such an obvious word he could not help but discern it.

  ‘Yes, it is I. Your face is a wonderful mask of shock. I think it’s the first emotion I’ve ever seen you show,’ he mused, moving in on her and setting down the case. Then he sat down beside her, his legs hanging from the plinth as he propped himself up on one arm and ran the other hand along her body. ‘I’ve wanted you for so long, Mina, ever since you were caught on camera at one of our sister banks accessing a safe deposit box. You were so beautiful, so elegant and fierce, that I became obsessed with you.’ He let his fingers stroll through her cleavage and down to her navel, savouring every pore of her flesh.

  ‘Turan and Korin are merging at the behest of our backers,’ he went on wistfully as his hand reached to cup one of her breasts. ‘It’s a move to help them cement their power, but I managed to earn myself a little treat in the meantime. Before news of the merger slipped out I had you commissioned to investigate this place, to see you snared in it, to dream of you being broken and trained by its Titans. It was I who commissioned Atlas to take you. Working through Hephaestus, I had him convince Poseidon to approach Atlas. With a view to owning you himself, Poseidon told Atlas of the danger of holding you. I knew he would accept, and send you here.’ Holding her breast, he gently caressed her smooth skin, marvelling at its feel, his eyes rolling back a moment as he gasped with wonder.

  ‘So many times I watched tapes of you at those martial arts schools, hidden cameras in the showers, in the halls, outside your home. I studied you. I collected every detail of your life. I have a library of Mina, each frame, each line of data, bringing me to this moment, where I could at last have you all to myself for just a few hours.’

  Leaning in, like a connoisseur of some fine wine he inhaled the scent of her body, taking deep draughts of her natural perfume while he continued to bolster his banquet with the feel of her flesh. Jupiter’s hands slowly wandered over her, touching that which he had so often fantasised about, his fingertips running in light meandering paths, just barely skimming her skin, tickling the fine hairs of her body. His mouth was slightly agape, his breaths racing as he hovered over her cleavage, staring at her with eyes sparkling a rabid prurience. His lips began to fawn upon her, his kisses showering her breasts and gradually working their way up towards the summit, where he shuddered with delight as he took a nipple in his mouth and began sucking it.

  Mina sighed with pleasure, her teats growing stiff from his attention as he moved from one to the other, and then pressed her breasts together, making the journey between the two even shorter. He paused to shrug off his jacket. Throwing it aside he yanked off his tie, ripped open his shirt and flung himself back into position, devouring her nipples with soft groans of utter rapture.

  Grinding her teeth against the gag, Mina lost herself to the feel of being attended to so fervently, to the feel of being worshipped by a zealous devotee. The man who ran the corporation, her paymaster and sponsor, the man who had maintained her previous existence, had fixated upon her, and obsessed about her until he finally had the chance to send her into a scenario where he could possess her. But who were these mysterious backers, the ones who could tell global giants what to do and leave them unable to even question their will?

  One hand continuing to work her breasts, Jupiter started running his tongue lower, licking in long lines across the smooth plains of her stomach. Tasting her skin, mulling over the flavour of the female he so adored and revered, he began to work his way lower. For a while he shifted his head between her widely parted legs, lapping at her thighs, kissing them, stroking and fondling as her excitement grew more and more heated, her sex tingling with need. She wanted to petition him to hurrying up and enter her, but she held her tongue knowing it was just a matter of time before he could wait no longer and possessed her. His adoring lips moved up her inner thighs, ricocheting from side to side before taking a taste of her labia with a single, long lick. Kneading the taut muscles of her forcibly spread legs, he sank his face into her vulva, suckling at her lips and clitoris, flitting his tongue across it and then rolling the flat of his tongue against the erect nugget.

  Mina gave a gasp of pleasure as she felt a finger worming up through her buttocks, squirming and slithering into her anus coated in her juices and his saliva. Armed with these ample lubrications the digit attacked her deliberately clenched sphincter, fighting her resistance and gaining entry. Smothering his features in her pussy he rode the finger in her bottom back and forth, wriggling it from side to side to churn her ring in small circles while his eager tongue continued to pleasure and taste her, the cunnilingus making her head swim with waves of bliss. Jerking herself against the chains, the links rattled across the stone as her flesh slapped against it, her body cavorting as he poured towering spires of rhapsody through her. Unleashing cries through the aperture in the gag she quivered joyously, striving against the bonds that pinned her down across the altar.

  The lapping tongue and assailing fingers came away and the man leapt to his feet, slipping off his trousers and underwear. Then he sank to his knees, grabbed his rampant length, and steered himself into her sodden cleft.

  The feel of penetration on top of the recent oral ministrations thrust Mina into a fit of ecstasy, her sensitive sex responding with exquisite joy as he slid deep inside her, filling her, and began a slow dilatory shuffle, relishing every second of his intercourse with her. On occasion, he paused to kiss and suck at her breasts, letting his lust slacken, delaying ejaculation, stretching his pleasure out for as long as he possibly could. Again and again he worked himself up towards climax, and then paused before repeating the cycle, keeping Mina with him, her own withdrawal from orgasm holding them locked together in the heat of passionate lovemaking.

  Finally, however, he could tolerate denial no longer, the frustration overwhelming the bliss of ravishing the object of his obsession. His rhythm began to quicken, his hips clapping against hers as he sank from root to tip, sheathing himself in full, his legs tightly clenched together, his hands rigid with tension as his upper lip snarled back across his teeth. His eyelids were fluttering, trying to stay open so as to observe her, every blink resented because it deprived him of ye
t another instant of viewing her in reality. Then his back arched with a jolt as he started to spasm wildly, his body quaking as he injected warmth deep into her belly, and the feel of him climaxing inside her dragged Mina in his wake as she came too, crying out through her gag from the searing pleasure.

  Jupiter continued with a few haphazard thrusts, his length slipping back and forth without any force, his strength corrupted by the intensity of his bliss. He sagged slowly against her, remaining inside her, his arms holding her with reverence, his breathing shallow as he recovered.

  Mina twitched beneath him on occasion, her vagina gripping him in fits as she remained restrained, the weight of his body upon her a glorious burden. Then with a choked hiss she acknowledged his flight from her womb, her body straining against the chains as she shook from the sudden flash of new response. Jupiter slid from the slab, kneeling on the floor, where he flipped up the latches of his case and raised the lid.

  ‘I’ve wanted to do so many things to you, sweet Mina, to see you here, bound to my will,’ he muttered, and with the rattle of metal he stood up and stepped onto the plinth again. In his hands he carried a chain hoist, the dense metal oval spitting out two lengths of chain, one thick and one much thinner, both culminating in a hook. With a grunt of effort he clipped the hoist to a ring in the ceiling, emphasising its weight through his efforts. Then jumping down he skipped back to the case, from which he removed a long iron spreader bar. The solid strut was as long as the box containing it, and ended with two metal hoops. One of them held a line of chain that rose towards the middle to a ring, the two lines of chain rising from the ends of the bar to connect, allowing for more stable suspension.

  Next he produced a flared set of leather fetters, the interiors padded to ease the effects of being inverted and held aloft. Without removing her ankle bonds he began to buckle the riveted items into place, his fingers shaking with barely suppressed eagerness. He had clearly dreamed of this moment for so long, he could barely contain his enthusiasm now. Once he had applied padlocks to the buckles so Mina had no hope of removing them, he set loose the manacles at her ankles, treating her with caution, as if he was afraid she would lash out and attack him. He knew more than anyone what she had been, but unlike those who had owned her here, he was oblivious to the fact that, in the hands of a dominant, she was docile and subservient. The Charybdis Project had not broken her but rather seduced her, and its methods constituted a far more intense level of indoctrination than any she had ever known.

  Once the cuffs were on her feet, he used heavy clips to connect them to the spare hoops of the spreader bar, leaving her legs spread wide and ready to be drawn up aloft once he started using the hoist. Taking hold of the more slender chain, he began pulling at it with slow, steady drags, rolling it hand over hand, the hoist cranking loudly as its interior cogs whirled and ground against each other. The device was designed to lift immense weight, and so despite the speed of his easy pulls to the hand chain, the lifting chain moved much more slowly. The translation of his hand motions into hoisting strength was easy and languid, and her legs slowly lifted in a gradual ascent, the chain irresistible, the weight of her body as nothing compared to its sheer hauling power. Almost with deliberate sloth, enabling him to savour the sight in all its lurid detail, the spreader chain was lifted by its ring, dragging up the bar and her feet, and carrying her legs slowly into the air. Her bottom shifted against the stone as she was gradually borne upwards, her tendons and muscles stretched and full of sensation as her joints pulsated from the burden of her weight upon them. Her wrists began to throb as the metal cuffs hauled at her arms, stretching her like a hammock of flesh between the spreader bar and the shackles. And the strain continued to increase as the man ever so gradually continued drawing in the slack.

  Mina mewled and whimpered for his benefit, noticing how much he enjoyed hearing her complain. He knew how deadly she was, and it made him feel all the more powerful to have her under his control. He wanted to break her himself. He wanted to have her defeated at his hands and made compliant to his pleasures. Jupiter had no idea this had already been effectively accomplished, and he was not to know. She suppressed a smile as she increased her protests of his treatment, struggling against the bonds and murmuring curses and defiance, adopting a role she intended to play for personal pleasure.

  ‘Mewl all you want, my love, but you can’t resist me,’ he said in a purring voice, ceasing his pull of the chain and wandering back to his case. Mina was left at an ascending angle, her wrists pulling futilely at the straps, her toes wiggling in the air as the pressure of blood running to her head made her swim within a sense of dark relish.

  Ferreting in the depths of his case, he produced a set of steel shackles. They were linked together by a short chain, the interiors soft with padded leather, the hinges spreading to reveal the locking teeth of the engineered restraints. Dropping them on the slab, he approached the manacles at her hands and opened them, jumping back as she suddenly clawed at him, pretending to be incensed and hateful of this treatment.

  ‘Bad girl,’ he said, his eyes lighting up at the sight of her resistance. ‘Now you put those cuffs on behind your back,’ he ordered, backing up to ensure he was well out of her reach, and moved over to his case again.

  ‘No!’ she gurgled, sneering at him as she chewed on the ring gag. With a sweep of her arm she swatted the cuffs away, sending them bouncing onto the cavernous floor with a clattering rattle.

  ‘Dear me, I can see I will have to show you the folly of resisting me, Mina. I own you. You are my slave and my employee. I will not tolerate disobedience.’ He rose with a cane in his hands.

  Mina faked a squall of fear at sight of the lithe bamboo sceptre. Flinging herself wildly upon the slab she grabbed the ring gag, breaking the buckles and spitting it out. ‘Help me! For God’s sake, someone help me!’ she wailed at the top of her lungs, using her powerful abdominal muscles to lift herself up and grab at the fetters splaying her legs open. Her body swung like a pendulum as she raised herself off the stone and hung in the air, her fingers clawing uselessly against the defiant leather and the dense padlocks. She knew it was futile, but it felt wonderful pretending to fear him, to be panicked and resistant, a hostage and a victim.

  ‘Escape is impossible, Mina; now do as I say and put the cuffs on,’ he commanded, moving a little closer to her while swinging the weapon, making the strut shimmy and shake and hum softly with threatening tones.

  ‘No!’ she cried. ‘Let me go! You can’t do this!’ She continued her fight, her stomach aching from the demands of the position. Slowly she let herself sink back down until she was draped across the slab once more, the back of her head lolling against it. ‘This isn’t happening,’ she whimpered, closing her eyes and mulling over the sweet pleasure of feigning emotions as she played the role she knew would titillate her former employer.

  ‘I can assure you it is, Mina; I mean, does this feel fake to you?’ he asked, and swung the cane so the thin weapon caught her buttock, making her flesh shiver and causing her to yell out in genuine distress.

  Clapping a hand to her hot cheek, she comforted her skin and whimpered softly. ‘You bastard!’ she cried, and then the word turned into another howl as he struck her again. Jupiter began a relentless assault, applying the implement with a steady rhythm, corrupting her ability to form words. Her hands flashed around her cavorting body as she tried to protect herself, making his task harder, forcing him to target random regions, exploiting the wide chinks in her defences as she fought to deny him access to her flesh. Again and again he struck, the burning stripes he applied making Mina howl and struggle all the harder as she tried to shield her most tender regions from his assault. But it simply was not possible; her hands could not hope to cover her breasts, her sex, her thighs and her buttocks all at once. She did not have enough hands for such total defence.

  Jupiter’s eyes sparkled with the light as he worked. Dressed only in his s
uit trousers, his eager arm thrashed out again and again. He was completely hypnotised by the sight of Mina inverted and stretched before him, her pale body glistening with perspiration shimmering in the warm orange glow of the fiery lamps, her athletic form bucking and writhing. Each cry and wail seemed to arouse him further, her song of travail resonating through the chamber and echoing against the stone walls as she became a maenad of response to the freely applied cane.

  A vicious swipe caught her inner thigh, filling the long bound limb with intense strain, and her fictitious rebellion was finally broken. ‘Stop!’ she screamed. ‘Stop! I’ll do it!’ She held her hands out to him in supplication.

  ‘Ensure you do.’ Tossing the cuffs back onto the slab, he swatted her open palm. The flesh burned with the arbitrary impact, and with a yelp she cradled it to herself, rubbing the extremity and whimpering pitifully. ‘Well, come on then,’ he advised sternly, throwing his arm back and readying another swipe for delivery.

  ‘Okay, okay, no, I’ll do it, just stop!’ she begged, her fingers clawing at the stone, swinging around to locate the cuffs. As she gained them she traced their contours, apprising herself blindly of their structure before sliding her wrists into them and closing the perfectly created devices. They locked with a damning click, leaving her hands trapped behind her separated by a slim chain. The loss of even more ability to deny him felt wonderful, increasing her dedication to her helpless role. ‘Are you happy now?’ she hissed, pulling at the bonds, fighting what she herself had just applied.

  ‘Not yet, sweet Mina, not yet.’ He smiled and began to attack her again with the cane.


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