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Enslaved by Charybdis

Page 20

by Bruce McLachlan

  Two leashes of thick chain were then snapped to the front of her collar, the ring welded into the iron accepting the leads as the two women stepped forward, holding the reigns in their burly fists. Mina wilted for a moment under the weight that was upon her, because the chains and restraints were far from light. Gathering her strength she straightened up, the cold lines of iron swinging and brushing against her naked form.

  Having seen that she could bear up under her burden, the two women started leading her out, and accompanied by the clattering melody of her chains, Mina was led back up the short steps and out into the corridor towards her fate.

  Jupiter had sent her here, and crafted her downfall for his own designs just to get a few hours with her. Previously she would have been outraged, and sworn to have him bleeding his life out at her feet, but he had unwittingly sentenced her to heaven, and she could not revile him for that, no matter how selfish his motives had been. If she could just get free now, and back to her owners...

  Her last lingering shred of loyalty to the world above had been destroyed. She had nothing to go back to. Her employers were aware of her failure to bring Charybdis down, and well they should be, because they had planned it. Served up to this place before the companies were spliced together as part of some grand scheme concocted by the all-powerful forces behind them, she had no other obligation now than to her own pleasure, and that of those who wished to make use of her.

  Her escorts brought her to a wall where two sets of chain-link curtains blocked the way. Led through the one on the left, she was guided down a flame-lit passage and shown into a small hall. A chain-link veil presented an exit in each wall, and a squat iron brazier in each corner of the roughly cut, square room roared with smokeless fury, filling it with dancing shadows and rippling light. A row of four stone plinths were set down the centre, the slabs roughly equal in size to tables, with dozens of iron eyelets set along their outer edges. To the left of each table, a couple of yards away, a heavy winch with chains hung from the ceiling, while on the other side of each slab sat a heavy metal trunk.

  Marching Mina to the nearest stone slab, the two women grabbed her by the shoulders and feet and hoisted her onto the platform, laying her facedown and then stepping back to wait silently, their faces grim.

  A set of curtains opened and Hephaestus limped in, three more Cyclops women walking behind him, each of them carrying a metal box, which they set on the slab next to Mina. Without any word of explanation the reticent Titan began unfastening her restraints, setting her free as his aids produced moulded forms of rubber from within the trunks, the new uniform shimmering in the light and wafting the scent of latex into the air as it was brought over to her.

  The Titan removed her ring gag and had the women lean over and press her against the rock as another assistant grabbed her jaws and lifted them up, parting them so Hephaestus could gather up the tubing of one of the deep penetrating gags. The stomach tube was passed into her mouth and fed down her throat, her struggles defeated as the ghastly sensation spilled down her oesophagus, opening her to the control of her oppressors. The mouth plate drew nearer as the wriggling passage of the slick hose continued to drill down her gullet, and the large formed mouthpiece was slotted in.

  An inflator bulb was used to expand the already large dimensions of the device still further, stretching Mina’s jaws upon it more acutely and making her fight the women with more conviction. Kept subdued, she could do nothing as the device gave a soft click, its construction such that it actually sealed itself to her, lodging itself behind her teeth so that no matter what she did, she could not expunge the foul thing. Trying to move her latex buried tongue, she sought to test the security of the device, and found it absolute.

  Thin hoses were taken up and carefully threaded into her nostrils, so air could be force-fed to her. A cup gathered the tip of her nose and was clipped into place, locking to the mouthpiece to leave both intrusions immobile.

  A heavy hood was taken up and forced down over her head. A single fitting, like the breathing port of a gasmask, lay about the lower half of her face. The moulded protrusion snapped its internal arms to the waiting sockets of the hoses, leaving two nozzles protruding from the outward facing sides and a refilling valve at the front. The sheath was tightened to her head with several pulls to its straps, and the dense rubber posture collar was fixed into place, the band incorporated into the hood designed to lift her chin and leave her looking straight up, unable to move from this position.

  Staring through a slender silver visor, Mina moaned around her gags as her arms were roughly manoeuvred, the women and the overseeing Titan manipulating her with the indifference shown to any piece of merchandise undergoing processing. There was nothing she could do to hamper them as the two ends of a rubber tube were fed onto her arms, dragging the limbs into its tight folds, locking her hands into tight featureless mittens at the middle, where they could not touch each other. The two ends reached to her biceps and were buckled to her skin before a second strap was lifted up, the suspender-like fitting connecting them to her collar.

  Her distress intensified as the central point, where her hands lay, was taken and pulled up, twisting her arms up her back until they could use another buckle attached to the rear of her hood to clip the two together. With such effective trammels in place, Mina’s arms were left contorted and useless to her.

  A small canister was removed from a box, the flat, form-fitting storage tank being set under her arms, lifting them up slightly as a cross formation of straps was set around her chest to hold the air reservoir in place. She could see now she was destined to return to the oceans, to hide in anonymity amongst the fish, where no one could find her. The prospect of being lost to such a caste was more than she could stand, for it would almost certainly keep her from ever being discovered by her owners, and she started to fight with genuine effort, throwing her muscles against those of the women, writhing furiously, trying to get free, or at least to stop the rest of the applications. But it was far too late; she had no hope of defeating so many enemies.

  A crop sung against the air and applied itself with barbarous force to her bottom as one of the women beat her buttocks to quell her temper. The crop sung dull tunes through the air and met her flesh again and again. She howled against the gag, tears slipping down to collect against the visor as she cavorted against the imprisoning hands and walls of dense rubber. At last she gave up and resigned herself to the inevitable, and the crop ceased its attentions a moment later as her buttocks throbbed terribly from the adornment of at least a dozen more strident welts.

  Whipped into submission, Mina nurtured the hope that she could somehow swim up to Oceanus and Tethys and use body language to betray her true identity. In her aftershock stupor, she felt them drawing a cocoon of rubber up her body, and her legs being fed into the tight sack. The body sheath rolled from her toes to her neck, the garment clipping itself to her collar before they began tightening the various straps of the vestments, making it cling to her more forcefully.

  Her breasts were sealed in cups that streamlined them against her body, and two hoses were fed through a tight-fitting aperture. The black cables snapped to her facemask and to her tank, giving her access to air, the tank filtering in a sweet-scented oxygen supply.

  She bucked as a long plug was pushed up into her sex, the trespasser set fast with the straps as they gripped her legs, a slit leaving her anus accessible by the Titans of the seabed. Dorsal spines ran along the seam of her legs, the long fins of black rubber an alternative to a tail.

  Mina could now see her future lot in life. As a long black serpent she was to serve in the lowest regions of the ocean depths as a human eel, accessing the valves she had seen being installed in the coral when she was swimming with her beloved owners.

  She was left where she was, able only to writhed against the stone. Breathing steadily of her air supply, she watched as one of the Cyclops women placed a fre
sh canister before her and snapped its hose to the valve before her face. Were the air tanks on her back so meagre that they required filling so quickly? Mina realised they would have to be in order to keep the eel women to the coral, unable to rise above it because they would constantly need to keep filling their small tanks. Against such demands she had little hope of swimming up to meet Oceanus and Tethys should she spot them. It would be the worst of tortures to see them swimming above her, seeking their lost pet, and be unable to reach them.

  Another nymph was brought in and placed on a slab, her body processed by the same relentless rubber bondage that had snared Mina. And after this girl, another nymph was delivered to the chamber, leaving nine of the Cyclops guards either working or idly watching the procedure of entrapment. How many of these gargantuan Amazon warriors did Hephaestus have serving him? How many nymphs did he possess? Was it some sort of punishment for recalcitrant or unruly slaves to be sent down to Hephaestus for a period of tutelage in a bizarre uniform, or as one of his living sculptures?

  Once all three of the nymphs were indistinguishable from each other, a pair of guards took them up by tail and head, holding them like some latex hammock between them and ferrying them through the furthest exit.

  Against a far wall were six hatches of steel set in the stone. The banks of pipes and controls about them indicated they were torpedo tubes redesigned to launch bound female slaves into the sea. Three powerful assistants opened one tube each, and after their spare air supplies were removed, each of the eel women was fed into the smooth polished interior, the steel chute leading into blackness.

  The door clanged shut behind Mina, leaving her in complete oblivion and breathing softly into her tubes wondering what was going to happen to her once she was expelled into the ocean.

  Chapter 13

  With a rushing hiss water began flooding the tube, spilling rapidly around her, churning and full of bubbles that buffeted her form. The flood rose swiftly, riding over her body, rocking her on the severe turbulence. She floated a little upon the waters as the shaft was fully drowned, leaving her studying the empty lightless void. Then upon a pressurised flush of force she was hurled forward, her second skin rippling as the water launched her like a bullet from a rifle. Hurtling with increasing speed she saw a sudden flash of light before her, and she was violently released into the ocean depths. The other two women were on her left and right, wreathed in a column of silver bubbles from their passage. The local fish jerked around and flashed away, the bright tropical breeds and the human variety both startled by the sudden explosive introduction of a new species. The air from their expulsion drifted up towards the surface, and reminded them of their dwindling supply.

  Fighting the impetus of their launch, the three nymph eels used their tails to turn around and thrash from side to side, propelling themselves back towards the ocean floor. The disguised chutes within the coral drifted shut and locked, hiding the port that had given them this second birth into the world of Charybdis. Taking individual paths, they slithered amongst the bright living rock formations searching for a valve as the soft beeps warning them that it was necessary to fill their air tanks began ringing in their ears. Each breath started to grow stagnant as their air supply dwindled rapidly, consumed and expelled as a plume of silver orbs.

  At last Mina spotted one of the silver vents protruding from the sand beneath an overhang of coral. Ducking under this canopy and entering the shade, she locked her face to the metal vent, the three internal holes fixing to her hoses. She felt something shudder down her throat as she was fed a small quantity of nutrient sustenance, and her tank was quickly refuelled, before a puff of excess pressure forced her off of the valve, clearly revealing now the stifling limitations of her new existence.

  What was she to do? She was doomed down here, unable to escape, unable to tell anyone whom she was, unable to reveal her presence and identity herself to those who might be seeking her. She was forced to loiter amongst the valves, her body bound in tight latex, indistinguishable from every other eel. How long would she be kept here? Surely this was not a lifelong sentence? Poseidon, Hephaestus, Atlas, someone had to come for her eventually. But how would they even be able to tell who she was?

  Trying not to panic, Mina frantically pondered what her future held now that she and her fate were for the first time completely anonymous.

  Also Available

  Mina’s capture and imprisonment in Charybdis’s underwater dominion of slavery start in the first of the trilogy, Captured by Charybdis, and her amazing liberation and continuing adventures, intrigue and erotic discipline, unfold in book three, Beyond Charybdis, both also published by us at Chimera:

  Captured by Charybdis

  ‘Now, Miss Kraken, that was very impudent of you in there. Or was it? Did you enjoy your punishment? Was that what possessed you to be so disobedient?’ the ‘doctor’ accused, turning around and lacing his fingers, making sure the gloves were fully on. His voice was muffled slightly, but against the absolute silence she could hear all. The sound of three respirators operating slowly was the only answer, each of their breaths dragging through the layers of protection, purified by their passage.

  ‘Just a few routine checks and we’ll move onto something more interesting, Miss Kraken,’ he stated with mirth, mocking her plight as one of the women stroked her hair, seeking to calm her. ‘Now if you’ll just relax.’

  Mina, an agent of industrial espionage, is hired to investigate the secretive hidden project of a powerful industrialist. Following the trail to Project Charybdis, she finds an underwater world where female slaves serve the lusts of others, unable to escape as they are transformed into latex-bound mermaids, pets, and objects of carnal excess. Some are paid to be present, others are captives who have been abducted and forcibly trained to serve.

  Having blundered into the project, Mina joins the rubber-encased ranks of the deep-sea harem. There she finds new pleasure in her strict captivity as she surrenders herself to those she had been sent to expose, and who now subject her to endless and ingenious acts of depravity.

  Beyond Charybdis

  Again the Titan dragged himself free, moving back and flipping her over onto her front. Mina offered some faint struggles of resistance as he took firm hold of wrists once more, and left herself vulnerable to the relish of having him use his strength to defeat the token offering of rebellion. Slamming her hands forward, stretching them high over her head, he placed the wrists over each other and used one hand to press down on both and capture them. The free hand took hold of his penis and guided it back into her, her parted legs shaking as he sheathed himself back into place, riding her, his hips slapping to her pert and welt-marked rear, reviving the bruises in soft murmurs of contused protest.

  Having been condemned to the ocean depths as a rubber cocooned Nymph, Mina is finally rescued from her lot and returned to her owners. Taken to a remote island hideaway, Mina is trained as a pony and becomes part of the decadent pleasures of the tropical island haven.

  Subject to their every whim, her submissive hunger grows ever deeper from her experiences until during a spectacular display at their host’s party she is offered a succulent fate she dare not refuse.

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