Book Read Free


Page 91

by S. E. Akers

He lowered his gaze. “Do you trust me?”

  “Yes,” I murmured, my voice stripped from any doubt.

  Tanner didn’t breathe another word after he extended his hand. Gently, I placed my hand in his while my eyes stayed fervently locked on his gaze, yielding my unwavering permission. With a tender squeeze, Tanner began guiding me straight into the shower. He stopped just in front of the waterfall. The mist from the water was tickling my already enlivened senses and goading the anticipation building in my chest.

  “Close your eyes,” Tanner said, soft and commanding. He pulled me into his arms as soon as my lids sealed. “Now, just hold on,” was the last thing I heard him say before he led me underneath the surging stream and then his mouth enveloped mine, kissing me the deepest he had yet. Then the most peculiar mystical sensation swept through me that was both soothing and yet undeniably invigorating. My body suddenly felt as free-flowing as the fluid sheets of water raining down all around. It was only a matter of seconds before I sensed Tanner giving my hands a gentle pull. I followed him out from the cascading waterfall to find that we weren’t in his bathroom anymore. We were still in a bathroom, though it wasn’t the same one I’d entered only minutes ago. My bewildered stare floated around the unfamiliar space, paying particular attention to the striking black marble tile canvasing the walls and floor. Sunlight was streaming into the room through an airy pair of French doors. We definitely weren’t down inside the cave anymore.

  I turned to him. “Where are we?”

  Tanner grinned. “See for yourself.”

  I stepped out of the shower and headed slowly towards the glass doors, completely mystified. A mesmerizing canvas of blue struck my eyes when I peered through the glass, both flooding the sparkling azure waters below and then stretching straight up to bathe the sky with merely a kiss of the striking hue. My eyes fell to the sea below where I trailed what seemed like a never-ending line of boats circling a bustling bay. Almost inescapably, I turned to focus on the vibrant structures battering my peripherals from all directions. A charming field of disarray littered the surrounding terrain. Colorful stucco buildings were crammed everywhere, like a stuffed box of crayons, and all of them were unmistakably weathered and winsome in their own unique way. I opened the double-doors and leaned over the ledge-like balcony. A quaint street lay directly below me, lined with cobblestones and teeming with people. I inhaled a deep breath, still grappling with my bearings. The salty sea air tickled my nose immediately. Its scent was much more fragrant than the ocean air around Tanner’s house, hinting a distinct whiff of citrus within its mix. A sprawling mountain lay in the hazy distance that boasted a presence so commanding you would think it held watch over the entire city. My captured eyes swept the stunning panorama for a final assessment. Without fail, the combination of the landscape’s vivid architecture and its spectacular natural setting created the most charming blend of casual chaos I’d ever seen. I was completely blown way.

  Tanner sidled beside me. “Kamya’s not the only one who can teleport,” he affirmed with a boastful smile.

  “We’re in Italy,” I surmised with his craving in mind.

  “Naples to be precise,” he clarified. “You have to come here if you want the best pizza in the world.”

  “Of course,” I agreed, my smile fanning even wider.

  Tanner led me over to an armoire and opened its doors. Tucked inside was a vast collection of female clothing articles. “You’ll find everything you need in here,” he assured.

  A thought surfaced as I shifted a few hangers. It was one of a greenish-nature and probably needed to be raised delicately.

  “Whose are these?” I posed, batting my most convincing doe-eyes.

  His own eyes tapered insightfully. “They’re yours.”

  Good answer… I felt as flattered as I was delightfully surprised. “When did you do this?”

  Tanner leaned against the armoire. “The first morning you arrived.”

  I could feel my smile set to explode. An even better answer.

  “Believe it or not, I’d planned a much different summer,” he revealed. “But Silas was onto me as soon as I’d left that morning. That’s why he staged your little surprise . . . to put things into perspective. One emotional slip up and any intensive training would’ve been the last thing on my mind. I’d asked him to procure the imp just to throw him off my scent.” Tanner let out a thwarted laugh. “He saw his opportunity to throw a wrench in my plans and ran with it.”

  I couldn’t help finding some amusement in Silas’ efforts. Of course it was easy to laugh about the sneaky baptism he’d given me now with the way things had turned out. But I was far from chuckling then.

  “This is an awfully long way to come for pizza,” I remarked. “No matter how good.”

  “I didn’t bring you here just for the food. I know you want to discover more about me, and my past. This is the ideal place to start.”

  Now these were the kinds of bombs I liked.

  He pointed to a couple of drawers housed in an antique vanity. “You’ll find an assortment of toiletries in there, so hop to it,” Tanner instructed and then strolled out of the bathroom. “As soon as you’re ready, we’ll head down the street and eat. Don’t forget . . . I’m still hungry,” he insisted with a teasing sweep of my frame.

  I whirled around as soon as he’d pulled the door to a close. I was just that elated. Tanner… Being in Italy… And now he was about to share a part of himself with me… I plopped down onto the vanity stool, overwhelmed with excitement. I never wanted this feeling to end.

  I officially broke my record for speedy showers and was ready in thirty-seven minutes flat — hair dried and make-up applied. I’d chosen a dressy silk halter and a pair of long pants to wear with it that matched its color perfectly. I loved how the shade of teal amped-up my natural blue eyes, as well as the thought he’d put into selecting the hue.

  Tanner was stretched out in a leather chaise when I emerged from the bathroom. The apartment was extremely intimate, even smaller than Bethesda’s loft. Everything resided within the walls of this one sweeping room. Cozy seating… Rows of bookcases… A modest kitchenette… A small bistro table with two chairs… And grand sleigh bed, all right out in the open.

  He rose to his feet, eyes focused and bright. “I think the heavens created that color just for you.”

  His compliment sparked my eyes like the blaze of a freshly lit candle, which in turn, shied my flattered & flushed face towards my chest.

  Tanner approached me intently. “You were wearing a similar color when you arrived at Malachi’s mine.”

  I lifted my gaze to his, oddly amused. “I’m surprised you even noticed over your clipboard,” I grinned, grateful that he’d finally offered me the perfect opportunity to dig that one out of my mental arsenal. After all, ignoring a girl tends to entrench a ruffling memory in her head like a tick on a hound dog. And I felt better already.

  “Oh, I noticed,” Tanner insisted. He took my hands and gave them a stirring squeeze. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you that morning . . . not after getting that first taste of your lips I’d been craving.”

  My heart soared like a rocket. If memories wore like clothes, that one would be threadbare from the number of times I’d replayed it over and over. “Do you want me blushing all day?” I posed, embarrassed.

  “I wouldn’t mind at all,” he smiled.

  I flashed my naked wrist. “I’m without my ruby cuff. You can sense my emotions just fine.”

  “Not for long. You’ll be wearing it soon enough . . . and you should,” he added, though he sounded far from pleased. “But I can’t pretend I won’t miss feeling your emotions, because I will.”

  “I don’t think full access is wise,” I replied. I’m vulnerable enough.

  Tanner pulled me into his arms. “I suppose I agree.”

  “Good,” I smiled.

  The Amethyst Talisman took me down to a charming pizzeria just up the street a ways. Thankfully it wasn’t cr
owded because there were only three tables and one of them was currently occupied. Hands down, the pizza was the best I’d ever tasted — a robust & rustic slice of mouthwatering heaven. The crust had been baked to the right amount of crispiness. The sauce exploded in your mouth, fueled by the aromatic combination of the oregano and ripe tomatoes I’d tasted. I kind of questioned the chunky dots of mozzarella melted in random patches. But this pie didn’t need a snowstorm of cheese topping it off. Everything blended perfectly. Our location and my date aside, wood-fired brick ovens and fresh ingredients really did make a huge difference.

  And though my halter top had miraculously made it through the meal unscathed, I decided to quit while I was ahead. But I honestly could have eaten three.

  The two of us strolled a lazy path back to his apartment, which suited me just fine. I was so intrigued by everything along the narrow street I wanted to take it all in — right down to the rows of laundry hanging over our heads that stretched like banners between the buildings. Instead of heading back up the stairs, Tanner stopped at a set of louvered doors attached to the front of the building. I wasn’t surprised to spy the tiniest of amethysts on the lock he was unfastening.

  “Are you ready to go for a ride?” he asked.

  “Yes,” I nodded.

  The door lifted in a series of clunky “bumps”, heightening my thrill. Tanner edged inside the garage and flipped on the lights.

  “Are you coming?” he called.

  My lips spread into an unstoppable stretch as soon as I stepped inside. To my complete surprise, the mother of all sports cars sat gleaming under a row of spotlights, mesmerizing my little American hot-rod eyes. My gait slowed to a creep as I made my way around the car. I’d never seen rounded metal look so forceful and sleek…or so downright intimidating. Its body style alone left me practically quaking. I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if my pulse happened to fling at the sound of its engine firing. A Corvette was one thing, but the boldness of the transposed E and B staring back at me put those little old white & black-checkered flags to shame.

  “This is my favorite,” Tanner announced. “I take it from the drag of your mouth that you know what it is?”

  I pressed my lips together quickly, hoping I hadn’t been drooling. “A Bugatti Veyron,” I said, socks still knocked off.

  He opened the passenger-side door and waved me inside. Oh, I hopped in real quick, only to climb over the console and slip into the driver’s seat. My hand was already out and palm up when Tanner opened his door.

  His stare dropped like the fall of a sledgehammer. “Are you looking for another fight? Because I promise I’ve got the incentive to take you this time — just from my current angle.”

  Ouch. “Please?” I asked with an innocent cringe. “I’ve hardly driven at all this summer.”

  Tanner let out a laugh. “I know, and you want to stretch your legs in this?”

  “Yeah,” I nodded, unabashed. Who wouldn’t if the rare opportunity presented itself?

  Tanner’s arms dove into a cross fold. “Sorry . . . Not a chance.”

  I waited patiently for him to cave, but it seemed my pleas had fallen on some seriously stubborn, deaf guy-ears. “Oh — Come on! I’m a good driver . . . and this is a freaking Bugatti,” I begged.

  “Yes, and it’s all top-end,” Tanner protested, taking a hard stance. “This isn’t a car you screw around in.” Though his eyes hinted a subtle apology, his head had already drawn a firm line in the sand. “I’m the only one who has ever, ever driven her.”

  Not wanting to hurt my case, I ignored the well-established tradition of the “female reference” (fearing one hellacious eye-roll) and charged onward with my counterargument. “So you can hand over your phantom crystal to me and give me the keys to your vault of Veil weapons, but you won’t let me drive your car?”

  He rocked out a battery of brisk nods. “Exactly.”

  My mouth fell into a pitiful pout. If I’d known about this in advance, I would have run back to my room and tucked that manipulative little crystal of his inside my bra.

  Tanner’s eyes glinted curiously. “What are you thinking?”

  I stared out the windshield to avoid his suspicions. He may not have picked up on my incriminating thought, but my twinge of bitterness came through just fine. “Nothing,” I sang sadly.

  “Well ‘nothing’ sure feels a lot like vindictive to me,” he laughed.

  “You said yourself I could drive the next time — just last night,” I countered.

  His eyes rolled into a glare. “I meant stateside.”

  “You didn’t specify that,” I corrected. I would have loved to know what was running through his mind. The weapon-hoarding/auto-collector had to be squirming at the mere thought of someone else driving his “baby”, especially something this fast and pricey. A ’63 Corvette paled in comparison to this stallion — on both counts. My driver’s license couldn’t have looked any greener in his eyes, boasting a big ole whopping 2 ½ years of legal experience. And here I was, wanting to rack up more hours in a foreign country, not knowing where we were going no less. Crap… Now my pleas really sounded all the more absurd. All things considered, even I wouldn’t hand over my precious keys — not even to Katie. Correction. Especially not to Katie!

  “Never mind,” I muttered as I slid out of the seat. “It’s just another old sports car.”

  “Just another old sports car?” Tanner echoed, almost in a cringe. I was making my way around to the other side when he took hold of my arm and pulled me towards his chest. “No . . . It’s just a car,” he assured.

  I bit my lip. This was huge. Even I recognized that. Never underestimate the powers of a pouting little girl.

  He handed me the square key holder. One press and out popped a gleaming silver key. Though the way Tanner jerked into a flinch you would have thought I’d drawn my blade, and it was merely inches from smacking his face. I watched him move to the other side of the car. He honestly looked like he was headed to a funeral.

  So he may not be one-hundred percent on board… I can live with that.

  Even though I was sitting on the left side, I still had one little question I needed to ask — just to be certain. I turned to Tanner. “It’s the right side of the road, right?”

  The series of quick and confirming nods his head shook out were undeniably edgy.

  I flashed a cutesy smile hoping to ease his worries. “Just checkin’.”

  Unfortunately my attempt to assure him went over like a lead balloon. Despite the composure cementing his frame, his eyes looked about as calm as a pair of daggone June bugs. I seriously started to doubt if even a strong enough whiff of layria bark would make the slightest dent.

  The familiar gears on the side of the steering wheel provoked a sneaky thought. “Um . . . What are these thingies?” I asked, fighting off a laugh.

  “Paddle shifts,” he stressed warily.

  After picking up on the sear of “don’t-even-think-about-it” embedded in his tone, I eyed the stick and acted like I was going to go full-on manual.

  Tanner halted my hand. “Let’s keep it in automatic,” he advised.

  “Of course,” I acknowledged with a blasé wave. “My mistake.” I tilted my head. “Now refresh my memory. Does the stick slip into the R or the D spot first?”

  “Are you finished?” he asked, head shaking.

  Oh, he was due for a whole lot more teasing after that “leading the virgin to the slaughter” farce he’d pulled earlier — a helluva lot!

  I leaned over and stroked my hand down the side of his cheek. “Don’t be nervous,” I said, repeating the exact same words he’d spoken to me. “I just wanted to see you flush.” I glided my fingers along his jaw. “You know, I may not be able to sense your emotions churning, but I know how you’re feeling just from the way the color of your cheeks matches the car. And you were right,” I nodded. “Seeing all that red is rather thrilling.”

  I could tell he wanted to kiss me, but his pride woul
dn’t hear of it — not with me picking on him while I was sitting behind the wheel of his two million-dollar ride.

  He laid his hands on the dash like he was consoling a frightened child and mouthed a hushed, “I’m so sorry.”

  Cute. “Talisman or not, you might want to buckle up,” I grinned.

  “I intend to,” Tanner stressed with a grin and a faster than lightning lock on his seatbelt. “Just go easy.”

  “I will,” I vowed. Just as easy as you were on me earlier. “I’ll keep it under . . .” I gave the speedometer a quick check to spy the correct speed. “Eighty kilometers?”

  “Sixty while we’re still in the city,” Tanner countered swiftly.

  “Gotcha,” I noted with a quick rev. The moisture level in the car kicked-up like the sweat of a muggy day, and rest assured all of it stemmed from what was pooling behind the water elemental’s hazel eyes.

  After an obvious prayer to the cosmos, he stretched back in his seat and stared out the windshield in a daze.

  I nudged his arm. “What are you thinking about?”

  “Ejector seats,” he muttered.

  The further I inched out of the garage, the wider my smile crept. I braked right before turning onto the cobblestone street. “So tell me . . . Exactly how far is it from here to the Autobahn?”

  His listless stare out the window didn’t falter. “Shut up and make a left,” he groaned, grinning.

  I edged onto the road cautiously. Consider yourself paid back…

  I stayed on my best behavior along our drive. I kind of had to. He was making me nervous sitting there like a coiled spring, trying to pretend he was totally fine — and that was when he wasn’t jumping in his seat. I’d seen frogs park their rears for longer periods. Frankly, Bea’s backseat-driving would have been a treat.

  Around forty-five minutes into our drive, he had me pull over in front a small establishment on the side of the road. The canopy stretching across its façade and the crates of fruits and vegetables I spied in the airy opening beside its doors called to mind a grocery store, and it turned out that it was. Tanner said he would only be a moment, so I decided to wait in the car. The Amethyst Talisman was back in a flash, as promised, carrying a mixed bouquet of freshly-cut flowers. I thought the sentiment was charming.


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