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Dream Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book 1)

Page 8

by Brenda Trim

  She was laughing when Orlando called out from the other side of the door. “Damn, honey, that hurt. Alright, I’ll leave and take these,” she could hear the rattle of bottles, “home with me.”

  She opened the door and grabbed the grocery bag then shut it again. At that, Zander burst out laughing. She looked over at him and nearly collapsed. Laughter had transformed his sharp patrician features. Simply gorgeous.

  Orlando was talking as he opened her door and walked in the apartment. He was as good-natured as she’d always seen him. “I’ll let that one slide, sweetheart, but know that my feelings are fragile and you might hurt them.”

  “Uh-huh,” she said dubiously. “So what movies did you bring this time?”

  Zander set down several bags and a large, white box with a big, purple bow on top of her coffee table and pushed her onto the futon. Zander sat so close to her that their thighs touched. She wasn’t sure what to do. It wasn’t necessarily inappropriate, but it was intimate. It was everything she didn’t want, especially after her dream. She loved Dalton and would never betray his memory, but that didn’t stop her from lusting after Zander. Time for a distraction.

  “Fetch me a drink,” she beseeched Orlando.

  “Anything you want, cupcake. I believe Zander brought goodies, too.” Orlando said as he headed into her kitchen.

  She doubted she could eat anything since her stomach was a roiling mess, but she would try. “What did you bring this time?” she asked Zander.

  Zander’s masculine voice shattered her concentration. “A ghra,” something about that word tickled her memory, but she was unable to chase down the thread, “I brought bon-bons. My piuthar, Breslin, assured me females liked to watch TV and eat the ice-cream treats so I brought some.”

  She couldn’t help it, she laughed. Her laugh turned hysterical and she clutched her stomach as she rolled to her side and let it go. This guy was too much. When her head landed in Zander’s lap, she jerked upright.

  “I‘m not sure what pyooer is, but I’m going to guess based on your Scottish accent that it’s your sister or your mom. You sound so old fashioned. Women doona sit around eating bon-bons anymore. Not that I believe they ever did.”

  The way his eyebrows creased and his brow furrowed was adorable. He was trying hard to decipher what she had said. Was it that difficult for him? Having come to some unknown conclusion, he shrugged and reached over the side of the couch. He opened the white box and handed her two pillows.

  “It wouldna be the first time my sister was wrong. No’ that I’ll tell her that, she’d kick my arse. Here,” he said as he handed her the softest creation she had ever touched. It looked as if they cost more than her rent. “I remembered what you said last night aboot no’ being able to sleep and hoped these would help.”

  The ice around her heart melted a fraction. How did he know how to say exactly the right thing? “I can’t believe you remembered that, of all things. I don’t feel right about accepting gifts from you.”

  “I remember everything you told me. Rest now,” he said and tried to guide her head towards the pillow.

  “You can’t order someone to rest. It doesn’t happen that way.” Boy, he wasn’t kidding when he said he was used to giving orders. That didn’t change the fact that she wanted to feel the softness of the pillow. She moved it to the other side of the futon away from his body and laid her head down on it. It was like lying on a cloud.

  Zander had laid one of his big, strong hands on her shoulder and mesmerized her with his hypnotic sapphire-blue eyes. It registered somewhere in her muddled brain that he had picked up her legs and draped them across his lap, but all she was able to think was how striking he was. “I believe it does work that way, my sweet. You are, after all, resting comfortably now.”

  Her hackles rose at that. He was right. She had relaxed into the pillow and was content to remain there. Her body was exhausted from lack of sleep and the adrenaline from the fight had worn off, leaving even more fatigue behind. That didn’t matter because lying down with her feet in his lap was unacceptable. She tried to sit up, but he stopped her.

  “Let me up,” she argued. Despite her vulnerable position, she wasn’t afraid. She should be frightened. She knew nothing about him. He was strong and intimidating.

  His face softened as one corner of his mouth curled up. “Nay, I am rather enjoying this. ‘Tis something I’ve never done before and it willna end yet.” He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths then as if he could read her mind, he said, “I will never harm you. Relax and settle that tired body back doon…please.”

  He added the last with reluctance. It was obvious he was unfamiliar with saying please. It was unbelievable that a man was so overbearing in today’s society. It was domineering and controlling, but she found it attractive. She had always bristled when anyone had told her what to do or ordered her around. How she found this attractive in him she had no idea.

  “I’ll stay as long as you understand this can’t go anywhere, Zander. We can never be more than just friends. If you can’t handle that you might as well leave.”

  Zander kept his eyes locked on hers and she noticed one of his eyebrows arch toward his hairline. “I canna deny my attraction to you, but I willna push for anything more than you can give. I willna jeopardize the gift of your friendship for any reason. Now, tell me aboot your day. Did you do anything exciting?”

  His voice has ticked up at the end. Was he implying anything? No way he knew about her encounter with the vampires. Her heart began pounding in her chest at the suspicion in his voice. Paranoia was becoming her best friend.

  “I didn’t do much. Took my sister to the airport and did some work on my final papers then hung out with my friend, Mack.”

  “Tell me aboot this Mack. Mack is an interesting name. What did you guys do?” His hand tensed on her leg and there was obvious anger in his tone. Did he think Mack was a guy? Was he jealous? The idea thrilled her more than it should.

  She smiled at the gruff Scottsman. “Mack is short for Mackendra,” she drew out the name. “We went to a park and hung out. Like I said nothing much.”

  Orlando’s return stopped any reply. “Madame,” he bowed and presented the plastic cup. “I combined a little of your energy drink with the margarita. Tell me what you think.”

  “Why thank you, Jeeves.” She took a sip and groaned. “Mmmmm, that is so good. I can’t believe I didn’t think of doing that. Put on one of those comedies you brought, please.” She had to stop the conversation from going back to Mack. Her patrols with SOVA wasn’t something she was free to discuss. Best to avoid anything remotely related to it.

  “Sure, any preferences?”

  She propped the pillow against the arm of the futon, sitting more upright. Her eyes widened at Zander’s growl. She didn’t know if he was upset by her ending the conversation, but she didn’t care. “Stop that,” she told him and turned back to a gaping Orlando. “No, I don’t care. I haven’t seen any of them yet.”

  Zander tried to hand feed her some of the yummy caramels. After eating a couple of them she had to stop him. Between her emotions and the intimacy of the act, her stomach couldn’t handle it. Next he tried a scoop of rocky-road ice cream, which was a no-go. The clam chowder he brought with him followed. When she was unable to eat that, she stopped his trips to the kitchen by placing her feet in his lap. He sighed in defeat then finished the chowder for her. He ate from the spoon she had used, reminding her of all the dirty, dirty things he did with that tongue in her dream. Don’t go there, idiot.

  Orlando finally selected a movie and put it on, then brought the rest of the caramels and bon-bons to the futon. They settled in and watched Melissa McCarthy do her thing in yet another great movie. It was hard to be so close to Zander. It was obvious he wanted more from her. His hands twitched several times, reaching for her hand or her face. How was she ever going to do the friends thing with him when she found herself so attracted to him? She would have to find a way because she enjoy
ed his company.

  She had shut and locked her door after they had left when moments later she heard a noise at the door. Figuring that one of them had forgotten something, she opened the door and was surprised to see the white cat from the cemetery on her stoop. That was beyond odd. As she looked around the parking lot, the little hellion scampered in and jumped up onto her futon. He wasted no time and made himself right at home by kneading its claws, finding a comfortable spot to lie down.

  “You are a mystery and a cute little thing, I’ll give you that,” she muttered as she shrugged her shoulders. She had no idea how he found her, but she didn’t have the heart to throw him out.

  She sighed and went into the bathroom to change into her pajamas and bathrobe. When she returned to the living room, her furry friend was purring peacefully like he belonged there. Her life had become so strange. The Twilight Zone had nothing on her.


  Zander’s heart had plummeted to his feet when his mate told him she could give him nothing but a platonic friendship. He wanted more from her, and he wasn’t a patient male. He wanted everything, but would never turn his back on the one thing that she could give him. Her friendship, he was learning, was as important as the rest. The truth was, the concept of a friendship with a female was foreign to him. In his world females were his warriors, his sister, or occasional bed partners, not friends.

  He understood that being blessed with a Fated Mate would involve an intense bond in every way. What he hadn’t expected was to care so much about her opinion of him. He wanted more than anything to make her happy in every way. He wanted her body and soul, but none of that meant anything without that magnificent heart of hers.

  In the end, he ordered Orlando to shift and remain with his mate. As he made his way home, he recalled how Elsie had chastised him for bossing her around and put him in his place. No creature had ever dared speak to him in such a manner. Most were too afraid of him, as they should be. Elsie was the only one who would ever get away with it.

  With Orlando by her side, as the hours passed, he was able to check in with the warrior telepathically. Each time she woke, Orlando told him that his mate cried, washed her face and did a half hour or so of school work then went back to bed. It turned out to be a long night of worry. He wondered what effects not eating and not sleeping had on a human. For an immortal it was of no consequence, but for a human it couldn’t be good. Humans were so temperamental and fragile. He questioned the Goddess yet again for giving him a human mate. Despite his dissatisfaction with the situation, his Elsie was now essential to his survival. The little minx had wormed her way into his heart.

  Orlando returned to Zeum when Elsie left for her shift at the restaurant. The energy drinks were her key to survival. No way could she have waited tables for twelve hours straight without them. She hadn’t had more than a few hours of sleep and she hadn’t eaten anything but a few caramels.

  He hated that she worked so hard not only because she needed the money to pay the bills, but also because it kept her crushing sorrow at bay. He was unable to sit still. He needed to see her. When he went searching for Orlando he saw an update in the war room that he and Santiago had been called to a homicide. In an effort to keep busy, he checked in with his warriors on patrol. Next, he dealt with the paperwork and reports on his desk. Once all the menial tasks were done and there was nothing pressing on his plate he was at a loss. The desire to be near her was a painful ache. Dinner it was.


  Zander tapped the leather-wrapped steering wheel of his Jag as he considered all that had happened in the past several days as he drove south. His strength had been tested in ways he had never expected. Sure, he had fought countless enemies over the centuries and won, but he doubted that he was strong enough to keep from claiming Elsie. He reached deep for the strength to resist. He didn’t want to do anything that would cause him to lose her forever.

  That precious part of her soul that he carried and protected reminded him why he must put his desires aside. She was far too important. He laughed at himself as he considered his obsession. He knew he was stalking her and it wasn’t kingly behavior, but he was unable to stay away. His hands shook as he pulled into a parking space. She was close. He opened his mind and searched for the now familiar thread of her thoughts. He hated how anxious she was about fitting in enough shifts before rent was due, but he wasn’t surprised to see how hard his mate worked.

  Impatient to see her, he exited his car and headed into the pub. The heavy scent of greasy food, sweat and stale alcohol didn’t drown out her sweet, honeysuckle fragrance. It instantly caught his blood on fire. His body coiled and his erection strained to get to her. Unruly bastard. After wrangling with his fangs and controlling the glow from his eyes, he approached the hostess and requested Elsie’s section.

  He’d never had to fight for control over his own body. He had always been in charge, giving the orders, providing direction, and making the difficult decisions. And, he’d always done this without a second thought. Now, he felt like a mindless creature controlled by his cock and this unending desire for a mate he feared he would never have. The mere thoughts flared that empty ache within his chest. If he was unable to have his mate, he knew he would become an empty shell of a male, and his life would hold no meaning. The Goddess was either a sadistic bitch or brilliant. He was holding out final judgment.

  Watching his mate sneak into the back with fatigue etched on her peaches-and-cream skin was a slap of cold water that cooled his ardor. He admired how hard she worked, but also hated that she worked at all. He wanted to take care of her, should be the one providing for her. He wanted to lavish her with luxuries and give her everything she had ever desired. She deserved to be cherished like the queen she was.

  His breath left him when she returned from the back. Tonight, she wore a tight, black sweater that had a deep V-neck, giving him a glimpse of her cleavage. She was stunning. She moved with grace and greeted her customers with smiles and patience. Once again, her sweet scent wrapped around him. He had to close his eyes against their glow and press his lips firmly together to hide his fangs. The musical sound of her voice soothed and enflamed him as she spoke to the customers at the next table and took their orders. He opened his eyes and his lust heightened as he watched her nibble her lip as she wrote. He wanted some of that tasty treat.

  The swish of her movements as she walked toward the computer to enter the order had him remembering how her hips had moved under him in the dream-sex they shared. With a groan, he covertly adjusted his erection. Goddess, he needed her. Her beautiful, heart-shaped face and sensual, full lips had him yearning to touch and taste them. His loved the small spattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose. The gentle clearing of a voice had his eyes snapping open. There she was. His world settled into focus.

  Her lips stretched into the most beautiful smile he had ever seen. “Why am I not surprised to see you here tonight? You alone?” she asked looking around for Orlando or Santiago, no doubt.

  “Aye, I’m alone. I was hungry,” he took her in from head to toe, “and I wanted to see you. You look stunning as always. How has your day been, a ghra?”

  She ran a hand over a face that looked tired. He was determined to find a way to support her and relieve some of this stress. “Busy, I’ve had to pull a double today. Rent’s due next week.” She shrugged. “You keep calling me ah hraw. What does that mean?”

  He held her gaze for a moment before he spoke. “A ghra means ‘my love’ in Scottish.”

  He watched her reaction to his words. He dipped into her thoughts and couldn’t help the slow grin that escaped when she thought about how she loved his accent. He focused on that rather than the denial that there would ever be anything between them.

  She cleared her throat, “I don’t know what to say to that except to remind you we can only be friends. So, what can I get you?”

  He reached up and ran a finger along the back of her hand. He felt her shiver in res
ponse. “I am no’ asking you for anything more, Elsie. I’ll take a Black and Tan and whatever you recommend for dinner.” He held his tongue before the words ‘you, naked in our bed’ slipped out.

  “What happened to Mr. Bossy Pants? Letting someone else make decisions for you. This must be uncharted territory for you,” she smirked.

  “You’re the only one I’ve ever given the privilege.” He enjoyed how her eyes widened and her pupils dilated.

  “I don’t know what to make of you, Zander.” A customer at another table called for her attention. She looked over her shoulder and held up a finger indicating she needed a moment then turned back to him. “I have to go help that guy, but I’ll put in your order right away.”

  “Take your time,” he said before she turned away. “I plan to enjoy the view.” He knew she had heard his words by the pretty, pink blush that stained her cheeks as she lowered her head before rushing off.

  He was good to his word and enjoyed watching her move comfortably around the restaurant. She worked too hard. Too many times, he stood up to take the heavy tray from her, only to sit back down. The delivery of his food was a much-needed distraction from his obsession, although, he was disappointed that she wasn’t the one to deliver it. He sipped his beer and smiled down at the Irish nacho fries and the Hot Chipotle burger she had ordered for him. He liked spicy and his little mate was proving to be spicy, indeed.

  She approached his table, putting a little extra sway in her hips. She stopped next to his chair and cocked her hip. “Everything ok with your order?”

  One of his eyebrows winged to his hairline and he smiled. He liked this game. “Perfect.”

  She snorted prettily. “I doubt that. I told Rodrigo to spit on your burger.”

  He loved how she teased him and seemed comfortable with the rapport. A quick dip into her mind showed him that she did feel guilty but was able to lose herself in the moment.


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