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Dream Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book 1)

Page 22

by Brenda Trim

  “I would never. But, let’s get one thing real clear. If you ever man-handle me and lock me in a room ever again, I will castrate you in your sleep,” she threatened.

  “Point taken. In my defense, ‘tis no’ in my nature to ask or use niceties. I promise you I will try, but I ask that you give a caveman a break.” He lowered his head and kissed her. It was tender and sweet and it set her ablaze.

  He leaned his forehead against hers. “I have made arrangements for your puithar. Nikko will fly her home this evening. I’m relieved you will not fight me on staying. I can agree to your conditions, but you will pay me nothing. The thought is preposterous. It is my responsibility to provide for you.” He placed her on the sofa behind them and leaned over her. She was trapped by the strong arms bracketing her. Warmth and electricity radiated off his hugely muscled body.

  He kissed the tip of her nose and met her gaze. “I have terms of my own. You will never leave the compound at night without me and will always have one of my warriors with you during the day. That is non-negotiable. I’ll be back shortly. I have to visit a troll about a fairy.” He closed the gap and met her lips in a passionate-toe-curling kiss. She may have still been pissed about his continued high-handed behavior, but that didn’t stop her from melting into his kiss.

  He pulled back and his gaze bore into her with its intensity. He was leaving because he wanted her and couldn’t remain in the room without taking her. She wanted him too and for once wasn’t going to fight it. “You can’t leave yet,” she murmured.

  She glanced down at the erection that was straining his pants. She cupped his shaft over his pants and squeezed. A deep masculine groan escaped his throat. She wanted to taste him but had such little experience with this. She’d only done it a couple times for Dalton and hadn’t enjoyed it. Dalton had always been a gentle, almost tentative lover until she took him into her mouth and then he grabbed her hair and thrust roughly to the back of her throat, choking her. Like any man, he lost himself in the moment and was unaware of her discomfort.

  She licked her lips and reveled in his groan. She was going to go for it. She pushed against him and he allowed her to stand up. She stepped into his hard body and ran her hands under his shirt and over his chest then down his abdomen to pause at his waist band. His skin was on fire, echoing the fire burning in her core.

  Boldly, she slipped her fingertips into the top of his pants and gasped when she encountered the tip of his cock. It was already slick from pre-cum. She maneuvered her hand down and grasped his shaft where it was confined. For something so hard, the texture of his skin was silky smooth.

  “A ghra.” His voice was a warning and a plea at the same time.

  She went to her knees and looked up into his glowing, sapphire eyes. “I don’t have much experience with this and I want to please you, so tell me how you like it,” she told him as she unzipped his pants and shoved them to his knees. His cock sprang out, pointing at her. Her mouth watered for his taste.

  “I didna come here for this, but I’m no’ going to stop you. Your touch alone is enough to make me cum. I’m more worried I will embarrass myself and cum as soon as that hot little mouth closes around me.” His words caused a flood in her panties.

  “I want you to lose that careful control,” she murmured and gripped the base of his shaft, overwhelmed at the magnificent size of him. This wasn’t going to be easy. Her lips parted and her tongue darted out, skimming the pre-cum. She moaned at the flavor of him. It was indescribable. Almost like a full-bodied brandy that she wanted to get drunk on. She wrapped her lips around the head and swirled her tongue around the spongy mass.

  He grabbed her hair and thrust involuntarily, hitting the back of her throat. She couldn’t breathe around him. Her panic dissipated when he gentled his hold and controlled his movements. “Sorry, you drive me crazy. Doona stop, please. I willna hurt you.” His voice had roughened with desire and he wanted this desperately, but he put her first. His care for her even in the heat of his passion aroused her more.

  She stretched her mouth to the limit and took as much of his girth as she could manage. His cock hardened even more and he groaned loudly. She dropped her inhibitions and reached up to grasp his balls. She had never been so bold, squeezing the full globes. He cried out and was unable to stop himself from gently thrusting into her mouth. It was not the uncomfortable experience she’d had before, but infinitely gentle and loving.

  She sucked him hard and her body responded to his pleasure. Shockingly, her nipples hardened into peaks and her clit throbbed. Her pussy clenched. She wanted him. This was not going the way she intended.

  “I can smell your arousal, a ghra. Hold on,” he murmured before he picked her up and flipped her as he lay down on the nearby sofa. His cock jerked into her cheek at the same time she heard fabric tearing. When she felt his breath against her aching core, she realized he had ripped her panties from her and she was positioned perfectly over his face. She cried out his name as he began licking, nipping, and sucking her into his mouth. He devoured her like he was a starving man.

  “Oh, Zander…that feels wonderful,” she moaned and took him back into her mouth. Elsie reveled in the new experience, realizing this man took her to new heights.

  With his gentle thrusting, it took her closer to the edge rather than detracting from the pleasure. He eased two fingers into her core and she arched up, his cock popping out of her mouth. She twisted around and saw her ecstasy reflected back to her.

  “Yes, Zander. Oh God, don’t stop,” she pleaded as she reclaimed his shaft. She sucked and stroked him in unison with his ministrations and they reached their peak together, exploding in one another’s mouths.

  She choked when he began spurting warm jets of semen down her throat until she set a rhythm of swallowing what he so freely gave her. He didn’t let up on her during his orgasm. She had never been so grateful that he was a vampire and his biology gave him long orgasms as he brought her to peak three more times before he was done.

  She collapsed onto his groin, breathing heavily. That had been incredible and the most intimate act she had ever engaged in. Guilt flooded her and she needed to put space between them. He had other ideas as he flipped her to face him.

  She couldn’t allow him to take this encounter any further. “That didn’t turn out like I had planned. It never does with you. You need to see that troll about the fairy,” she cut off his words before he could utter them. She quickly scrambled off his lap and ran into the bathroom before she burst into tears.

  Ironically, she locked herself in the small room and sank to the floor. What was she doing? She was overwhelmed by her conflicting emotions and desires. One moment she wanted this vampire more than anything, and the next she was trapped by her past and the vows she made to Dalton. She heard him curse soundly before leaving her room. Her heart ached for the pain she caused him.


  Zander scrutinized the deserted street under the Aurora Bridge while he thought of how Elsie initiated intimacy for the first time, giving him the best blow-job he’d ever had only to negate it when her guilt surfaced. It was difficult to be positive, patient and supportive of her emotions when the ghost of a man she loved kept coming between them. He was accustomed to making decisions and having them followed through. He removed obstacles, didn’t coddle and tolerate them. But, he happily endured anything for his mate. Not to say his patience wasn’t wearing thin. He’d never been closer to the edge of losing it. His mate mark was a painful reminder of that fact. The damn thing was tormenting him every second he didn’t complete his mating with Elsie.

  Pushing aside his discomfort, he focused on Elvis, the Fremont Troll. Zander found it comical that the troll was a popular tourist destination for the humans. It seemed unlikely to him that the surly troll would tolerate the humans climbing all over him for photo ops. But, he loved it, and was incorrigible as he played pranks on the unknowing. City officials never knew who dressed Elvis up for each of the holidays. Elv
is did it to attract the women and children. He was, after all, an attention-whore. Not to mention, that he gained strength by having his image in countless households.

  Elvis was an enormous, gray, bridge troll. With his preternatural vision, Zander could make out the tiny scales that covered him. He saw Elvis’ huge nose draw in a breath. That was their cue to announce themselves. The troll shifted his massive body and lifted his hand from the dusty, red, VW bug. Zander expected him to move out from under the bridge but he remained hunched over watching them warily.

  Zander reached into his pocket and retrieved the large, emerald pendant that would serve as their toll to the troll. He straightened his red silk shirt and adjusted his black leather jacket as he climbed out of Orlando’s black Ford Mustang. He should have worn something more formal to meet with the infamous Seelie Queen. He had been too consumed by Elsie’s erotic play to think of etiquette.

  Zander walked across the street and stopped twenty yards from the troll and spoke the necessary riddle. “When you have me, you want to share me, when you share me, I no longer exist.”

  The blast of a canon sounded before the ground rolled beneath their feet. Elvis was chuckling. “A secret,” boomed Elvis in his deep, bass voice. “Good to see you Vampire King. Have you brought your toll?”

  He lifted the large pendant and held it up so the street light gleamed off the emerald. “Aye, I have.” He walked over and dropped the offering into the troll’s large hand. “I need to contact her majesty, Zanahia.” The Seelie Queen spent most of her time in Faerie, the Fae realm, separated from Earth by a magical veil only the Fae could cross.

  Elvis’ fingers closed around the pendant. “It’s always a pleasure dealing with you, Zander. Surely, you would rather talk about your Fated Mate? I hear she portends change for the realm. That this is a sign that the Goddess is bestowing treasures, once again. Everyone is anxious to see what will come of this. I, for one, am sitting here on pins and needles.” The boom echoed again. Elvis was in a jovial mood. “Oh, wait, that’s a big boulder. Little to the left, ah, right there. So much better.” He shifted to the side, creating a dust storm in the process. He was quite the comedian tonight.

  Zander wondered how this creature had heard the news when his council wasn’t aware of it yet. “Aye, I have been blessed with my Fated Mate, but I doona know what changes the realm is in store for. I welcome any changes the Goddess brings. It is because of my mate that I need to see Zanahia, right away. There was an altercation earlier this evening at Confetti and a Fae was involved with the archdemons and skirm.”

  Elvis’ grey, scaled eyebrows drew down in a scowl. “I wasn’t aware the Fae were involved tonight. Had I known, I would have been there. I enjoy taking out skirm. Why is it, I am never invited to the parties? I will tell you what I know, if you promise to invite me the next time.”

  Orlando’s expression revealed his amusement. “That would have been interesting to keep from the humans. I can see the headlines, ‘The Famous Fremont Troll Traipses Through Town, Skewering Fanged Kids’.”

  The troll’s thunderous laughter echoed and Zander stumbled as the ground rolled. “The photo-ops would be endless. But, next time, bring the party to me. I make a killer crab-dip.”

  Zander refocused the conversation, needing to get to the matter at hand. Dawn was rapidly approaching. “Can we move along? Time is of the essence,” he said glancing at the lightening sky.

  “Keep your knickers on, your Highness, she is in Faerie. I will pass on your request for an audience.” They watched as the troll’s giant, yellow eyes turned shiny silver, resembling two, huge hubcaps from an eighteen-wheeler truck.

  A misting fog crept in, obscuring the ground under the Aurora Bridge. Zander brushed the dew off his leather jacket, and looked to check Orlando’s reaction to the coming Fae presence. The last thing he needed right now was a lusty, feline shifter losing control with the Seelie Queen.

  “I’m okay, Liege.” Orlando snapped, clearly annoyed to have his will-power questioned.

  As the mist cleared, a bright, white light flashed in the interior of the dirty, old VW. The door creaked open of its own volition, and mist escaped from the inside of the red car. A delicate, white hand reached out to the top of the door. The Seelie Queen attempted to exit the car, but fell to her hands, as her gown snagged on her shoe.

  “For the love of Faerie! Elvis, you need a more appropriate contraption for my portal to Seattle. Oh, bother, now look at my gown.” She fussed with the torn hem of the see-through, gauzy, white gown, and uttered a spell, repairing the tear. She ran her hand over the bodice, pausing over her pert and visible breasts, while looking at Orlando. “I see you brought me a treat which is always a good idea when you want something, Zander,” the queen murmured, finally turning her gaze to him.

  He questioned his decision to bring Orlando to this meeting. It was near impossible for a shifter to deny their desire for a Fae. He had to trust that Orlando would keep it at bay.

  “Nay, Zanahia, I didna bring him for you, but ‘tis good to see you again. Lovely, as always,” he said as he approached her, clasped her perfectly, manicured hand, and kissed her big, diamond ring.

  He took in Zanahia’s long, blond hair with its small braids fastened at her crown. Her intricate, silver crown matched her shiny, silver eyes. She was tall, lean and was exceptionally good looking, yet her beauty did nothing for him.

  “I need to speak with you aboot an urgent matter, your Majesty.”

  “Of course, how can I be of assistance?” she smiled.

  “Several hours ago, one of your subjects assisted Kadir in taking doon the wards that protect Club Confetti. Then, he, along with two archdemons, and an army of skirm, attacked me, my Fated Mate and my warriors when we left the club.”

  “Oh, I hadn’t been informed that Morrigan was once again playing match-maker. What a momentous occurrence. I’m glad to see that you survived the attack. That must’ve been a bloodbath.”

  “I need to speak with you aboot this subject of yours. I want the threat Aquiel poses eliminated,” he ground out.

  “Yes, we will get to that, but first, I simply must hear all about this mate of yours. Souls must be singing throughout the realm,” she clasped her hands with joy. He had an uneasy feeling in his gut. It couldn’t be a good thing that she had such an interest in his mate.

  His brow furrowed, and he ran his hand along his whiskered jaw. She was up to something, but he was unsure what, and didn’t have the time to ferret that out. “The Goddess has blessed me with a human for my Fated Mate. She is beyond anything I ever expected. Strong, courageous, loyal, and…beautiful.”

  Large, silver pools gazed at him, as glittery particles showered from her hair and skin. “Oh, my, that is a great blessing indeed! I can already see your little half-breeds running around that compound of yours.” Did he detect something in the tone of her voice? “Now, about this subject of mine. I’m not aware of Aquiel’s latest actions. We’ve been neutral in this war of yours from the beginning, and my subjects are free to consort with whom they choose. I’m sorry that I cannot provide you with more at this time. I will look into this matter further.”

  “So, the Fae havena officially allied with Kadir and the demons.” That was a relief. “Many feared his involvement meant you’d chosen the wrong side. Do you know where I can find Aquiel? Is he capable of casting a shielding spell on Kadir’s lair?”

  Zanahia tapped her thin, pale-pink lips with one, long finger as she contemplated. “The one piece of information I will not disclose is his location, since I am aware of your intent to terminate him. That being said, Aquiel is of a lower caste, with limited knowledge, so he’s not capable of casting such a strong enchantment. However, if he were to acquire the knowledge, he could cast them. Such information is difficult to come by, especially since the Fae have an oral tradition of passing on spells, unlike the sorcerers of your realm, with their written customs.”

  He felt a tingle that warned him dawn wa
s imminent. “Thank you for your cooperation. I must take my leave, dawn approaches. Till next time, then.”

  “Do keep me updated on your mating ceremony. I wish you and your human much happiness.” He kissed her diamond ring in parting, and watched her awkwardly climb back into the heap of metal.

  “She is hiding something. I’m not sure what, but I have a feeling it has to do with….” Orlando cut his commentary short and staggered back as Zander blasted into his mind.

  “Keep your bluidy mouth shut. Elvis is a servant of the Queen, in case you forgot.”

  “Run along now, Batman and Robin. I have a sensitive stomach, you know, and don’t think I’ll be able to keep down that German Sheppard from supper if I had to watch your skin boil and bubble, then fall off your bones, when the sun rises.”


  Something was wrong and Elsie had no idea what it was. The Dark Warriors surrounded her, tensed and readied for battle. They stood outside her apartment and she searched fruitlessly for the danger they sensed. Her heart raced like a hummingbird’s wings. It was disconcerting to see four, powerful men come to attention. She wished she had their supernatural senses. It would come in handy when she did her patrols.

  “What is it?” she asked in a hushed voice, drawing her blade from the small of her back ready for battle.

  Orlando rolled his eyes as he took a protective stance in front of her, with his body bladed, and his sgian dubh ready. “Kadir found you already. I’m sure the Fae helped him locate your home last night because his dimwits have been here. Be on-guard, it could be a trap.”

  Elsie tensed, suddenly thankful that Zander was a Neanderthal. If she’d had her way last night she and Cailyn would have been at her apartment. She refused to contemplate what would have happened then.

  Gerrick joined Orlando in shielding her, keeping his body loose and open. She heard Gerrick mutter in the same language he had used with Jace and Killian the night before.


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