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Jesse's Brother

Page 10

by Wendy Ely

  “Tell me when to stop,” he whispered.

  “I will.” The heat from his touch rushed through her veins like wildfire. Would she be able to maintain control?

  * * * *

  Samantha felt the sun on her face. The shabby curtains didn’t do much to keep it out of the small room. She didn’t care, though. Noah’s arms were wrapped around her waist with his fingers barely tucked inside the t-shirt he’d loaned her. Underneath she wore only a pair of navy blue panties that matched her discarded bra.

  “Good morning, sweetheart,” he whispered in her ear before kissing the top of her head.

  Earlier in the morning, she had undone the clip to free the curls that now made a halo around her head.

  “Good morning to you, too.” Her voice came out with a sleepy drawl. She shifted her body to look up at him but still be in his arms.

  “I told you so.” His hearty carefree laugh filled the small room.

  “Told me what?”

  “That I’d keep my hands off you. When you told me to stop, I did.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered. Every moment she was with him, she fell more in love with this man.

  “I don’t want to move. I want to stay here forever.”

  “Then let’s stay here,” she suggested.

  “But I have to do some work before we go to the festival. However, I will promise you one thing,” he said before climbing over her.

  “What do you promise?”

  “We’ll have many more mornings like this.” He bent down to kiss her forehead before he turned his back to her. He slid his boxers down over his hips, then let them drop to the floor. Her eyes were glued to his luscious body as he stood with his naked back to her.

  How could someone be so sexy? Her first instinct was to reach out to touch his taut muscles, but she clamped her fingers tightly together instead.

  He turned enough to show the front half of his thigh and nothing more. One more inch in her direction and she’d have a clear view of everything. He was teasing her, she knew it, and she loved when she spotted a part of his erection. Smiling at her, he grabbed a clean pair of boxers from the small dresser and slid them up his legs. His whole back was to her again as he slid them over his buttocks then around his hips.

  “Not fair.” She didn’t mean to say the words but couldn’t contain them any longer. They escaped when she tried to take a breath.

  He laughed softly as he grabbed a pair of faded jeans from the closet. The process was the same, him teasing and her wanting him so badly she was afraid she’d lose control of the situation and grab him. “I never said I wouldn’t dress in front of you. I kept my promise to stop when you wanted me to.”

  “I know.” She sighed and let her head fall back onto the pillow. The room was filled with his scent and she didn’t want to get up. She didn’t have to do work like he did, but she was sure her mother would be on the warpath once she realized she’d gone out and hadn’t come home. Even though she was an adult, there was going to be hell to pay when she got home. This wasn’t making the situation with her mom any better.

  When he left the bedroom, she covered her head with his blanket and wished she could rewind the clock.

  Oh no! Breakfast!

  If she didn’t hurry, she wouldn’t be able to surprise her mom with breakfast. Noah was outside rummaging through something. Afraid of disturbing him, she jumped up and pulled open one of his dresser drawers and looked through the clothes until she found a pair of sweats that

  might fit her. She threw them on and dashed out of the trailer.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I forgot I’m making breakfast this morning. Come to my house in half an hour.”

  “Aren’t those my sweats? What about your car?”

  “I’ll get it after breakfast.” She gave one last wave before sprinting down the path toward her house.

  * * * *

  Samantha made it back to the house within an hour of when her mom’s alarm clock would’ve gone off. It amazed her that her mother could actually get up so early to fix breakfast for the family.

  She didn’t bother to change her clothes but went straight to the kitchen. Even though she’d grown up in the house, she had no idea where most things were located. She began to look through cupboards to get a feel for the place. Mom had always catered to her and Daddy. Did he know knew where anything was, either?

  She considered herself an adequate cook. She rarely burned meals, but would never take on the task of cooking for a dinner party or anything close to that caliber.

  Her mom always baked the biscuits, then froze the leftovers so that course was easy for Samantha. All she had to do was pull a container of biscuits out of the freezer and pop them into the oven for a few minutes to reheat. While the sausage sizzled, her mind wandered to Noah.

  She pictured this being her house and Noah coming in from working on the farm. In her fantasy, a blond little girl with a head full of curls sat at the table while a dark-haired little boy ran in beside his father. A smile spread across her lips. Realizing what was happening, she pulled herself from the fantasy and gave her head a shake. No, this couldn’t be happening. She looked back down at the sizzling breakfast before her.

  As soon as she was done with the sausage and fried potatoes, a freshly shaven Noah came in. He wore his faded jeans and a t-shirt. A big grin appeared as soon as he spotted her at the stove.

  She glanced at his protruding biceps barely covered by the rolled up sleeves. The memory of those arms being wrapped around her all night burned her cheeks. She didn’t think she’d ever get tired of looking at him. She’d spent the entire night in his arms under his kisses and yet she longed for more from him.

  “Sammy Baby,” he called as he wrapped his arms around her waist and swung her in a circle. “You’re the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen in front of the stove.”

  “Even in sweats?”

  “Yes, even in my sweats. I’m impressed.”

  “Thanks. You look good yourself,” she said with a giggle.

  He planted a kiss on her forehead, then let her turn back to cooking. He started grabbing plates out of the cupboard, then glasses for their juice, and followed up with the silverware. She turned to find a beautifully set table.

  “I’ll be right back,” he called as he ran out of the kitchen, slamming the back door behind him.

  Samantha stood at the window to watch him run across the back yard and disappear behind the barn. He was out of sight for a few seconds. When he reappeared, a handful of wildflowers were clutched in his hand.

  A giggle escaped her mouth as she watched Noah run all the way to the back porch. When the back door opened, she turned to grab a vase she had noticed during her kitchen exploration. The vase was ready with water so Noah could drop the flowers in. The bouquet made the final touch to the table. As soon as it was in the center, footsteps approached the kitchen door.

  “It’s perfect,” she replied, looking over the delicious food she had cooked. It sat on platters in the middle of the table.

  Mom walked in, then stopped abruptly. Her mouth dropped open at the sight of Samantha, Noah and the prepared breakfast.

  Samantha sucked in her breath. Her heart pounded as she waited for her mother’s praise. “Good morning,” said Samantha softly.

  “Good morning, Frances,” greeted Noah.

  Mom didn’t say anything at first. She looked at the spotless counters, then back at the food on the table waiting to be eaten, walked over to the table and slammed her body down into her seat. Her arms crossed her breasts.


  “Well, I thought I’d be making breakfast this morning.”

  There was another set of footsteps on the stairs.

  “I figured it would be nice for you to sleep in once in awhile,” Samantha said, already feeling the burn of her mother’s disappointment.

  Mom sighed, then looked in her father’s direction as he came into the kitchen.

ook at all the food. It looks delicious.” Dad patted Samantha’s shoulder as he walked past her. He slid into his chair at the end of the table.

  “Then maybe she should be the one getting up to cook every morning instead of me,” Mom snapped. “Let’s pray.”

  Their heads dropped down as Mom said the prayer.

  As soon as she said, “Amen,” everyone grabbed plates, hoping to divert the attention to something other than her rude comments.

  “What are your plans for the farm today, Noah?” Samantha asked.

  “Your dad and I are going over to the McLaren Ranch. They’re having some problems.”

  “That’s too bad. I wanted to do some work with you guys today.”

  “Do you want to go for a horseback ride after breakfast? I’ll still have time to go to McLaren’s afterward.”

  Her hand froze halfway to her mouth. “No. I don’t ride Culata.”

  “Isn’t that ridiculous, Noah?” Mom snorted. “We pay all that money for a horse she’s afraid to ride.”

  Daddy let his fork fall on the plate the same time as Noah’s mouth dropped open. Samantha shifted her eyes down to the table.

  “That’s enough, Frances,” ordered Daddy.

  “Fine.” Mom began to eat her food. Her face remained crunched up as if the food was rotten and she was being forced to choke it down.

  “Those are pretty flowers. Did you pick them, Sammy?” her father asked.

  “Noah did. They smell great.” She leaned forward to smell the colorful bouquet but her mom got up and yanked the flowers from under her nose.

  “What are you doing?” asked Dad. “Leave them on the table.”

  “Martin, I’m allergic,” her mom claimed.

  “Since when?”

  “Since my last doctor visit.” She dumped the flowers into the trash.

  A stormy look settled into Noah’s eyes. Everyone focused on their plates.

  Once in awhile, Noah’s foot brushed against hers but no one was the wiser. When the two men had hurried through their food, Noah said, “We, uh, have some work to get done.” He scooted his chair away from the table and quickly kissed her goodbye.

  “I’ll clean up the kitchen,” said Mom once they were alone.


  “We need to talk, Samantha.”

  “I don’t feel like talking to you.” She got up from the table with a diminished appetite, walked over to the trash and dumped her breakfast.

  “Where were you this morning before you cooked breakfast?” Her mom started stacking the dirty plates and Samantha avoided eye contact.

  “I was with Noah and it’s none of your damned business. Remember? I told you not to butt into—”

  “That isn’t important right now.” She motioned toward the phone in the hall.

  “What is it then?” Samantha began to grow curious as her mother anxiously waved toward the phone. She was still fuming mad, but curiosity made her stick around long enough to find out what was going on.

  “Jesse Lincoln has called you three times this morning. There are messages for you on the voicemail.”

  “Oh, he did?” Samantha’s face brightened.

  “Samantha, he’s from the law office of Lincoln and Lincoln!”

  “Yeah?” Her mouth formed into a big smile at the thought of Jesse.

  “Is someone suing you? Is that why you’re really here? Are you in trouble? What did you do now?” Her mother kept waving her hands in the air, as if the action was the cure-all for the family.

  “No, Mother. Jesse is someone I know. I didn’t do anything wrong. I’m fine.” She spun on her heel and ran up the stairs so she could call him on her cellphone from the privacy of her own room. She’d rather pay for the cell minutes than have her mother listen on the extension downstairs.

  “Hello, Jesse Lincoln speaking.”

  Shivers of excitement rushed through Samantha. “Jesse, it’s Samantha. I’m returning your call.”

  Her face flushed. She began to twirl a curl that had fallen across her shoulder, and tapped her foot against the footboard of her bed. She tried her best to push the butterfly fluttery feeling from her stomach.

  “Hey, beautiful, I’m so glad to hear from you.” His voiced changed from formal to casual with an extra touch of sexiness, which made her tingle even more. “Would you like to go to the Fourth of July Celebration tonight? I know it’s short notice…”

  “I’m sorry, Jesse, but I already have plans.” Her love life was about to get even more complicated. Juggling Noah and Jesse was going to be difficult.

  “I should’ve asked sooner. No apologies needed. I might still make an appearance at the celebration. If you get time, look for me?”

  “Of course.” Her breath caught in her chest. What if Jesse showed up and saw her with Noah?

  “You know, I’d really like to see you,” he sighed. “What about tomorrow night? Any plans?”

  “None so far.” She continued to twirl a curl around her finger.

  “Would you like to come over for a movie?”

  “I’d love to.” She had to tell him she was in love with someone else.

  “I could pick you up,” he said.

  Her instincts went on high alert. “There’s no need for you to make two trips here. I’m fine with driving. Besides, this way I can remember how to get there the next time you invite me.”

  “Good point,” he said, then gave her the address of his house.

  Life’s great, she thought with a sigh as she pushed the worries of running into him at the Fourth of July celebration out of her mind. She hit the off button on the phone, then dropped it next to her on the bed. No sooner had she ended the call with him, when the house phone rang. Noah’s name popped up on caller ID.

  She leaned back onto the pillows while another ring blared from the phone. It was wearing on her and she couldn’t wait much longer to make the decision. Smiling as she stared down at the caller ID, she pushed the talk button on the phone.

  “Sorry about leaving so fast, Sammy baby,” he said. Her smile grew wide as she listened to his voice over the line.

  “That’s okay,” she said, “I don’t blame you for leaving.”

  “Can I make it up to you?”

  “There’s nothing to make up, Noah. My mom caused it, no you.” She sighed and pictured his lips on hers all night long.

  “Well, anyway, I can’t wait to see you tonight.”

  “Me too,” she said softly. Would Jesse be there too?

  “I want to kiss you and hold you in my arms again. I’ve been thinking about it ever since I left.” His voice was soft and she felt like she might melt into a puddle on the bed.

  * * * *

  Samantha sat on the porch swing, rocking gently and enjoying the sunshine when he pulled up. Once out of the truck, Noah jogged over to where she sat.

  Instead of his normal attire, he wore jean shorts, a gray t-shirt and sandals. He’d never looked better. She stood up away from the swing and took a step down from the porch.

  “It’s a special occasion,” he said, grinning as if he had been reading her thoughts.

  “You’re handsome.” She slipped her arms around his neck. He twirled her up into his arms while planting a sloppy wet kiss on her lips. She squealed with laughter. “Noah Combs! Ew!”

  “You look beautiful, by the way.” His voice grew serious again as he set her down on the grass and his lips found hers again, this time much more passionately.

  “Thank you.” She had passed on her normal sundress in favor of a pair of white jean shorts, red blouse, and matching red sandals. And her hair was down to flow in the gentle breeze. She looked great, but felt even better.

  The Fourth of July Festival was in full swing by the time they arrived. He had the picnic basket in one hand and her hand in the other. He led her from table to table looking for one that was available. For the first half of the park, all they found was occupied tables of people with smiling faces. She’d smile, wave and promise to
“catch up” later with old friends.

  Finally, a bouncing blonde caught her attention. “Samantha! Samantha!” Tonya yelled, waving her arms in the air.


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