Zyen: Science Fiction Romance (Enigma Series Book 10)
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The humor of the situation finally sank in, and she had to bite her lips together to keep from laughing.
Another sigh escaped the giant Bracadyte and the laughter Carmen tried so hard to hold in, bubbled up and burst past her tightly pressed lips.
His shoulders stiffened with her first bout of the giggles, but he didn’t face her.
Carmen laughed so long, she had to cross her knees to keep from wetting herself.
And then he spun around, causing her to lose all bodily function.
She yanked her gown up, dropped her weight onto the toilet and laughed the entire time she relieved herself.
Tears of mirth dripped from her eyes until a deep booming laugh finally erupted from Zyen.
Amidst the embarrassment of the situation, the pain in her gut from laughing so hard, and the sight of Zyen’s massive shoulders shaking with humor, an unlikely friendship was born.
Chapter Seventeen
Zyen had no idea what Carmen found so funny, but the humor he felt sparking inside her was matched only by the deep belly-laugh she erupted with behind him.
He pressed into her mind, seeing the situation through her eyes, and he could no more resist her humor than he could resist her.
She was looking up at his shoulders while humor and embarrassment fought a war within her. Humor won out in the end.
Zyen found himself laughing just as hard as Carmen. He laughed until his knees grew weak and his face ached.
He turned to face her, dropping to his knees in front of her while they both snorted and chuckled until they were out of breath.
Zyen couldn’t remember the last time he’d found something humorous. He was sure he’d experienced the emotion sometime in his childhood, but he’d never laughed as an adult. Not like this. And it felt incredible. Especially sharing it with little Carmen.
He was drawn to her smile, her merry eyes, and the dimple that appeared in her cheeks when she smiled. He wanted to kiss her. Right then and there.
It didn’t matter that she was in an awkward predicament, embarrassed beyond words to relieve herself in front of him. It didn’t matter that she hadn’t showered in days or that he was over two feet taller than her. Nothing mattered but the way she made him feel.
Her smile eventually faded, and the embarrassment returned full force.
Zyen stood and gave her his back once more, allowing her to finish up in privacy.
He waited for the sound of the toilet to flush before spinning around and scooping her up once again.
She didn’t look at him as he entered the bedroom and laid her back in bed. “I will return to check on you as soon as I am able.”
“Wait,” she called out when he moved toward the door.
Zyen stilled; he kept his back to her, but he could feel her in his head. He knew that she’d read his intentions, her thoughts were pretty clear.
“Don’t go after Hernando. He’s not worth it. If something happens to you because of me…”
“Nothing will happen to me. And the land walker Hernando deserves to die by my hand.”
Carmen’s emotions slid through him like warm water. “But it was me that he hurt. And if I can move past it, then you can too.”
Zyen gripped the doorknob and spoke in a soft voice. “But you belong to me now. And I protect what is mine.” With that, he left the room, pulling the door closed softly behind him.
* * * *
Zyen, Gryke, and Fiona slipped quietly through a back alley in town, coming to stop at the place Zyen had seen in Carmen’s memories. The place of her attack.
Closing his eyes, Zyen conjured up the heinous scene, his stomach tight with barely controlled rage.
He didn’t move when he felt Gryke step up behind him and place his palms on Zyen’s temples.
“Help meeeeee.” Carmen’s terror filled scream echoed off the alley walls as her attack once again came to life in Zyen’s mind.
Zyen shook with fury, his mind rebelling at the vision playing behind his eyes.
Hernando’s laughter bounced around inside his head, fueling Zyen’s desire to rip off his head and shove the heel of his boot down his neck.
And then the other two human faces came to life. Every detail of their appearance had subconsciously been burned into Carmen’s mind. Zyen saw them as clear as if they stood before him now.
Zyen jerked back to the present, shaking his head in hopes of dispelling the images. “Now you know everything. Share it with your mate and then we split up. We can cover more ground that way.”
Gryke stepped in front of him, holding a knife in his hand. “Take this. The gun you carry will only draw attention to us if it is fired. Use it only if necessary.”
Zyen shook his head. “I do not need it. I have no intension of using a weapon on the land walker I seek. He will die by my hands.”
Understanding settled in Gryke’s gaze. “Fair enough. But it is better if we stay together. Human’s may not be able to stop us with their hands alone, but they carry firearms as well.”
Zyen nodded. “I thank you for your willingness to bring Carmen the justice she deserves.”
Returning the blade to his boot, Gryke moved back to his mate’s side leaving Zyen to lead the way.
After an hour or two of crawling through the riffraff of the garbage-filled alleys, Zyen noticed a human male with unkept hair and a beard huddled next to a dumpster. He jerked the man up by his shirtfront, ignoring the guy’s bulging and terrified eyes. “Tell me where I can find Hernando.”
The man’s mouth opened and closed, his adam’s apple bobbing up and down. “Y-you’re one of those things.”
“Hernando,” Zyen snarled, giving the guy a shake. “Where is he?”
“He’s usually at El Chico’s Bar at this time of night.”
Zyen released his hold, watching as the man dropped unceremoniously to the ground. “Show me.”
Crawling a few feet away, the man staggered to his feet. He glanced nervously between Zyen and Gryke before hurrying forward. “This way.”
“There,” the bearded man whispered, his hand trembling as he pointed to a lit-up building along the sidewalk. “He’s usually in there.”
Zyen barely noticed the man scurrying away. He had his sights on the place known as El Chico’s Bar.
“Wait.” Fiona reached up and gripped Zyen’s arm. “I’m willing to bet that every patron in that bar has a gun. And if you two go waltzing in there, you’ll be shot on site.”
“No!” Gryke growled, moving to step in front of his mate. “You are not going in there alone.”
Fiona’s gaze narrowed. “It’s the logical thing to do. You two go wait in the alley behind the building. I’ll lure him out and lead him right to you.”
“I will not allow you to go in there alone,” Gryke snarled. “It is too dangerous.”
Fiona took a deep breath that ended on a sigh. “I know you’re being protective, and I love you for it. But you seem to forget that I’m a fucking Marine. I’ve been in a hell of a lot worse situations than this. Now move aside.”
Gryke stared back at his mate for long moments before stepping aside and letting her pass. “You will stay open to me. One word from you and I will be there before you can blink.”
Fiona sent Gryke an understanding look and marched across the street to enter the bar.
Chapter Eighteen
Carmen switched off the blow dryer and took a steadying breath. She’d been a nervous wreck since Zyen had left earlier that night. Where was he? Had he found Hernando? Was he injured…or worse?
She trailed slowly back to Oz’s guest bedroom, and pulled on her clothes. “Zyen?”
Nothing. Absolute silence. She tried again. “Zyen? Please answer me. I need to know that you’re alright.”
But no matter how hard she tried to reach out to him, Zyen remained a ghost.
“May I enter?” Syrina called out from the hallway.
Carmen took a seat on the side of the bed. “Come in.”
Syrina opened the door and stepped inside. Carmen couldn’t help but notice how beautiful she looked, wearing what could only be described as a silk sarong. The gold, shimmery fabric made her eyes pop.
“Wow,” Carmen breathed, stunned by the Arkadian female’s beauty. “You look amazing.”
Syrina gifted her with a soft smile. “You like it? One of the native women traded it to me for my boots.”
Carmen grinned. “You should be careful around them. They will attempt to marry you off to their sons.”
“Yes,” Carmen chuckled. “Like Oz and Maria.”
Syrina’s eyes grew round. “I cannot mate with a human. My father would end the male’s life.”
Carmen grew serious. “Your father would kill your mate if he were human?”
“Not only would he kill him, he would string his corpse up in the great hall for all to see. He is as ruthless as our king.”
“But Kaspyn mated Thrasher and he’s human,” Carmen pointed out.
Syrina moved to sit in the chair next to Carmen’s bed. “And you know how that was received. It is only a matter of time before King Kryten retaliates.”
It was Carmen’s turn to grow big-eyed. “You think Kaspyn’s father will start a war with Aukrabah?”
“I do.” Syrina crossed her legs. “Kaspyn should leave Aukrabah with her mate before her father brings war. Many lives will be lost if that happens. The Arkadians outnumber the Bracadytes in Aukrabah ten-to-one. If not more.”
Carmen’s heart broke for all who resided in Aukrabah, especially the children. “Have you spoken to Kaspyn about this; told her your feelings?”
“I have. Kaspyn is aware of what could happen, as is Thrasher. But they refuse to run. King Klause and the others are in agreement. They will not run either.”
“So, this war,” Carmen began.
“Is inevitable,” Syrina finished for her. “Let us not speak of war until it becomes necessary. I want to know how you are handling the situation with Zyen.”
Carmen picked at a piece of invisible lint on her pink, cotton shorts. “The situation?”
“Yes. You are mated with him, are you not?”
Carmen shook her head. “We’re not mated. I mean, he gave me his blood, and I understand the implications of that, but we’re definitely not mated. We are becoming friends, though.”
“I see,” Syrina murmured, smoothing the silk sarong down her legs. “He has not explained to you how a Bracadyte mating works?”
Suddenly uncomfortable, Carmen shifted her weight on the bed. “He explained that we are bonded. I can also communicate telepathically with him.”
“Once you share blood with a Bracadyte,” Syrina continued, “you are bonded for life. If you share your body with them, that bond blossoms, tying you to them beyond death.”
Carmen suddenly found it hard to breathe. She could feel her heart pounding in her ears.
Syrina’s face fell. “I have frightened you. Please do not fret, little one, all will be well.”
Taking deep, calming breaths, Carmen fought the anxiety that threatened to overtake her.
And then Syrina’s hands were on Carmen’s face, cupping her cheeks in a gentle, yet firm, hold. “Calm, now. Nothing or no one will harm you. You are safe.”
The panic that had begun taking hold of Carmen’s mind suddenly ebbed, leaving her relaxed and in control.
She stared into Syrina’s sympathetic eyes. “How do you do that?”
Syrina’s removed her hands, but instead of returning to the chair, she sat on the bed next to Carmen. “I do not know. It is simply something I have been able to do for as long as I have memory. Most Bracadytes have that particular gift. I believe humans to be capable if they would but try.”
“I wish I were capable,” Carmen whispered. “I would have been able to overcome my panic attacks by now.”
Syrina’s eyes crinkled at the corners. “Humans are a peculiar lot. You do not realize the power you truly possess. Take Brant for instance. He is one of the most intelligent males I have ever known. And he laughs a lot, which is something most Bracadyte males rarely do.”
“You’re interested in Brant?”
“Not in the way that you are thinking,” Syrina corrected. “Besides, he is a land walker. And as I’ve said before—”
“Your father wouldn’t approve.”
After Syrina left, Carmen lay in bed staring out the window at the millions of stars twinkling in the sky wondering about Zyen for the hundredth time.
A sick feeling settled in the pit of her stomach with the tormented thoughts going through her head. Something was wrong. She could feel it in her gut. “Zyen? Answer me, dammit!”
Throwing back the covers, Carmen eased her legs over the side of the bed, and went in search of Oz. He would know what to do.
Chapter Nineteen
Zyen glanced at Gryke for the hundredth time, his eyes narrowed in impatience. “What is taking your mate so long in there?”
“She is attempting to lure them out without causing suspicion,” Gryke snapped. “I do not like this anymore than you.”
Gryke nodded. “The one you seek is not alone. He is with two other land walkers.”
Zyen’s mind flashed back to the two faces he’d seen in Carmen’s memories. The two men who’d held her down. He opened his mouth to tell Gryke about Hernando’s accomplices but was stopped by Gryke’s change in expression.
“Fiona is coming out. Get to the shadows.”
Zyen backed up against the wall, lowering to his haunches behind a row of garbage cans. Gryke followed suit.
The backdoor to the bar opened and Fiona stepped out, her arm looped through Hernando’s. Two other men emerged on their heels, both of their gazes glued to Fiona’s backside.
Zyen waited for the door to close behind them before rising to his full height. “Hernando.”
Hernando glanced over his shoulder, his eyes widening in shock. “What the hell?” He reached for the pistol tucked in his belt.
Fiona struck, her elbow coming up to smash into Hernando’s nose. She swiftly relieved him of his weapon and then stepped out of range of his flying fist.
All hell broke loose.
The two men behind Hernando reached for their weapons as well, but not fast enough. Gryke was on them before they could gasp.
Fiona raised Hernando’s pistol, pointing the barrel at the two in Gryke’s clutches. “Move and I’ll blow your brains all over El Chico’s Bar.”
Zyen stepped forward, his gaze locked on Hernando’s disgusting face. He could barely focus on the piece of human garbage through the images of Carmen’s attack that suddenly assailed him.
“What do you want, freak?” Hernando stood his ground, the silver hook where his left hand should be glinted from the nearest street light.
“I am here for retribution.”
Hernando raised an eyebrow. “Retribution for what?”
“For Carmen Mendoza, the tiny human girl that you defiled in a dark alley and left for dead.”
Hernando laughed. “Name doesn’t ring a bell. And if you had any idea how many whores have accused me of—”
Zyen’s fist slammed into Hernando’s face, sending him flying across the alley. He stalked over to the now unconscious piece of trash, jerked him up and slung him over his shoulder. He glanced back at Gryke and Fiona. “Bring them.”
Without waiting for a response, Zyen moved silently through the alleys until he came to the trees on the outskirts of town. Still, he didn’t stop. He needed to get far enough away to be sure that Hernando’s screams would go unnoticed.
Dropping his limp burden on the ground, Zyen turned to face Fiona and Gryke, his gaze touching on the terrified men in front of them. “These two were there the night of Carmen’s attack. They held her down, laughing while Hernando beat her, tortured her and defiled her body.”
Fiona stuffed the gun she held into
the waistband of her pants and tugged a knife free from her boot. “You’re sure about this?”
“I am.”
She suddenly slit the throat of the man in front of her without blinking.
Zyen watched with a modicum of satisfaction as the guy’s eyes registered shock, before his hands came up to cover his throat and his knees buckled beneath him. He slid quietly to the ground at Fiona’s feet.
“Oh, my God,” the other guy whimpered, throwing his palms out in front him. “Don’t kill me! I’m sorry. I—”
Gryke struck, cutting off the man’s words with a quick, powerful twist of the guy’s head.
Zyen stared back at Gryke and Fiona with a grateful look. Something passed between them in that moment—a certain understanding, a comradery…a bond.
A soft sound came from behind Zyen, telling him that Hernando had finally woken. He turned to face him, stalking toward him with calculated steps.
Hernando stared up at him, fear flashing in his eyes. “Whatever you’re planning on doing, I wouldn’t advise it. I’m a very important man in these parts. You’ll be found out, and—”
“Silence,” Zyen roared, his temples pounding in rage. “Your disgusting, cowardly voice sickens me.”
Hernando scrambled backward, bumping into a tree, his gaze darting around, obviously searching for a way to escape.
Zyen stopped in front of him, gripped his shirt and ripped it down the front of his body. He yanked it free and tore off a section before wadding it up and stuffing it into the coward’s mouth.
Yanking Hernando to his feet, Zyen tied what was left of the shirt over the guy’s mouth and around the back of his head. Tight.
Moans of pleading began coming from the gagged piece of trash, but Zyen barely heard them. He was too focused on the memory of Carmen’s screams that continued to echo inside his mind.
Without warning, Zyen reached out and unbuckled Hernando’s belt. He slid it free of the loops and tossed it to Gryke.
Zyen forced the moaning imbecile face-first against a tree. “Secure him.”
Gryke removed the guy’s hook and tossed it somewhere behind him before flattening the man’s other hand against the tree and spearing it with a knife.