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Five of Clubs (War and Suits Book 4)

Page 6

by J. A. Armitage

  The doors were closed. Obviously, there was no performance on at the moment. I ran down the side of the building and found the stage door open. A couple of men were carrying boxes marked ‘paper hearts’ into the building from a motorized steam vehicle of some kind. I waited until they came out and went back to their van before slipping through the entrance unnoticed. The corridors were dark, but I could hear someone shouting orders in the general direction of the stage. It was a woman’s voice. If I was lucky, that woman would be Journey.

  “No, no. The centerpieces need to be in the center of the table, not the edge; hence, the name centerpiece.” She stood on the stage while a number of people decorated the room around her. There were tables down each side of the floor space, each more elaborate than the last. They put our table at the castle at New Year’s to shame. There was a large empty space in the middle of the tables that I assumed to be reserved for the actual dance, and the stage itself was also empty apart from Journey.

  I cleared my throat to get her attention.

  If she was surprised to see me, she didn’t show it.

  “Ash, darling, what a wonderful surprise. I didn’t expect to see you here.”

  She came up to me and gave me a quick hug followed by a swift peck on both cheeks. The ultimate in royal etiquette.

  “Journey!” I replied, kissing her back. I was so glad that The Joker had mentioned her name. I’d never have remembered it otherwise. I was more than surprised that she’d remembered mine. Perhaps that was one of the jobs of a Jack, to remember all the influential people, not that I was particularly influential, but I was a royal.

  “What can I do for you, Ash? You’re not here to steal my ideas for the ball are you?” She laughed a tinkly laugh, which I could tell was put on.

  “Actually, it’s something more important than that.”

  “Darling! What could be more important than true love? You’re not dating anyone, come along. We may be able to match you up with the girl...or boy of your dreams.”

  I was disconcerted to discover that she knew that I didn’t have a girlfriend. How could she possibly have known? I would have asked, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to know; besides, I had bigger fish to fry.

  “I need to speak to you about something your mother, the queen has done. I need to speak to you in private. It’s very important.”

  She rolled her eyes, finally losing that royal composure if only for a brief second.

  “Ok, guys,” she said to the crew decorating the hall. “Keep doing what you are doing, I’ll be back in a minute.”

  She took me into one of the stage wings and into yet another corridor. A room with a chalkboard star on the door was where we ended up. It was a dressing room, empty except for a large wall-mirror surrounded by lights, and a dressing table in front of it. There was also a red sofa to the side of the mirror, which was where Journey sat. She crossed her long legs and patted the seat beside her invitingly. I could see why Tarragon had the hots for her.

  “The water supply in The Club Kingdom has been turned red. It looks like blood, and my people can’t drink it,” I began once I’d taken the seat next to her.

  “What has that got to do with me or my mother?” she asked. I noticed her dress split right up her thigh. Another inch or so and I’d be able to see her panties. That was if she was wearing any. I also began to see why The Joker liked her too. She really was the most sensual woman. Much too rich for my taste and overwhelmingly vulgar, but I had to admit she was very pretty.

  “Have you ever heard of The Joker?”

  “The Joker? No, I can’t say that I have. Are they a band, because I’m having so much trouble booking one for the ball.”

  “There are actually two of them, and no, they are not in a band. They are evil wizard brothers, who go through the world getting everything they want and hurting anyone who might get in their way. It was one of these men that polluted our water supply.”

  “Again, Ash, what does this have to do with me?”

  “It’s you that he wants, and it’s my people he’s hurting.”

  “He wants me?”

  “He wants you. Your mother has promised you to him in exchange for polluting our water. She wants to take it from...”

  “She did what?” Journey roared. She stood up and began to pace the room.

  “I cannot believe the nerve of that woman!” she muttered to herself. “Are you sure about this?”

  I hesitated. It was a theory, at best, but it was the only one I had.

  “Yes. He told me himself.” Ok, I twisted the truth a little, but he certainly hinted strongly about it. I just hoped I wasn’t too far off the mark.

  “Of all the...bloody...urgh!” She threw her hands up in the air and sat down next to me. I resisted the urge to put my hand on her to comfort her. Even touching her shoulder (which was naked thanks to her off the shoulder dress) was bound to stir up feelings I didn’t want to awaken. Why did she have to have so much flesh on display? Nowhere was a safe place to touch her. I sat with my hands between my knees instead.

  “My mother has promised me to a crazy wizard-guy, just so she can get one over on your lot. She’s gone too far this time.” She stood again. I breathed out, unaware I’d been holding my breath in the first place.

  “I need to go and talk her out of this madness. Urgh! I don’t have time for this.”

  “No!” I said and stood to join her. “I need you to come up the mountains with me and meet him yourself.”

  “Why on Vanatus would I want to do that?” She eyed me suspiciously.

  The problem I had now was that I didn’t have an answer for her. Why would she want to go and meet this guy indeed? I figured the best bet would be to play on her anger at her mother.

  “If you go to the queen, she’ll either lie to you, or she’ll force you to go up there anyway. She’s already done this behind your back, so you know she is capable. If you come up with me, you do it on your own terms. You can talk to The Joker, adult to adult, and tell him yourself that you are not interested.”

  “You do have a point there. At least, if I tell him no, my mother can’t do anything about it. Oh, I could kill her!”

  “Can you maybe, do that once you’ve spoken to The Joker? My people need water.”

  “But what about my ball? It's next month, and I need to be here to make sure the decorations are done right.”

  “If we catch the early train tomorrow we can be up there in a day.”

  “Fuck the train,” she replied. “We are flying first class!”

  “Flying?” I hated flying!

  Journey left me in the dressing room to give instructions to her people. When she came back five minutes later, she had her coat on.

  “Come on. You can stay at my place. I have an apartment just round the corner.”

  I followed her out of the Opera House and into the cobbled square. How she managed to walk on those cobbles in the six-inch heels she was wearing was beyond me. She towered above me, and I had to run to keep up with her quick strides. She wasn’t exaggerating when she said that her apartment was just around the corner. We came to a small, unassuming door in a row of terraces just moments later. I was surprised. I’d expected something much grander.

  She pressed her hand to a plate, and the door opened. Inside there was a huge hallway with an exquisite white marble floor inlaid with the letters JH inlaid in black marble.

  I poked my head back outside and looked at the neighbor’s houses.

  “Is it bigger inside than outside?” I asked coming back inside. Was this some kind of Diamond magic she’d somehow bought?

  “I bought the neighboring houses and knocked out the walls. My house is actually the whole street. I didn’t want to appear too flashy to my subjects, but I like to live in luxury. Not many people know that this whole row of houses is, in fact, one big residence. Just don’t tell anyone.” She winked at me and then beckoned me inside.

  A servant appeared and took both of our coats and my
bag without making a sound. Another appeared seconds later and opened a large golden door that Journey walked through. I followed to find a large dining room. It was the grandest room I’d ever seen with gold leaf moldings and a huge crystal chandelier in the center, hanging over a long golden table. Ten matching golden chairs fitted around it. Before I’d even had a chance to ask what we were doing, a bevy of servants lined up against the wall, each with a covered tray. Amazing smells floated toward me, and my stomach gave a quiet rumble.

  “Take a seat, Ash, my darling. I’m sure you are hungry.”

  I sat on one side and immediately a servant came over and took the lid off a silver tray. A dainty dish of soup was placed in front of me. Yesterday, I’d thought that I’d had enough soup to last me a lifetime, but this was no broccoli and swamp rat soup. I picked up a spoon and tasted the dish. A thousand delicate flavors, expertly blended together, warmed my mouth in such a delicious way. I spooned more of the amazing soup into my mouth, delighting in each mouthful. It was only when I had finished the whole bowl that I realized that Journey wasn’t eating. Instead, she sat watching me eat. I gave her an embarrassed smile. The taste of the food was so good that I’d completely forgotten my manners and royal etiquette.

  “Are you not hungry?” I asked her after daintily wiping my mouth. A servant whipped away my dirty bowl and another placed another dish in front of me, this time with some kind of cooked meat and a salad. I couldn’t identify the meat, but it smelled so good that it was all I could do not to gulp the whole lot down at once. The kitchen cooks in our castle could learn a thing or ten from Journey’s chefs.

  “I don’t eat.”

  “You don’t eat?” How on Vanatus could she resist this food? And why would she have such an amazing chef and not eat what he or she made?

  “I have to watch my figure. I’ll have a salad later.”

  “But all this food was ready as soon as we walked through the door. If you don’t eat, who was it for?” I looked around, half-expecting someone else to join us.

  “I always have food ready for guests. You never know when someone might drop in uninvited.”

  “But what would happen to the food if I hadn’t have shown up?”

  “It would have been thrown away and fresh would have been prepared.”

  “You must throw away a lot of food,” I replied, appalled at the wastefulness. In my castle, we ate everything. Nothing was wasted. How would it look to our subjects if we threw food like this out every day? There would be riots for sure.

  “I guess so.”

  “Can’t you give it to the poor or something?”

  “We don’t have poor people in Cerce. It’s not allowed. They make the place look dirty.”

  I could barely believe what I was hearing. It was against the law to be poor? How did that work? Almost everyone in The Club Kingdom was poor. We’d have to have a massacre if we wanted to get rid of our poor.

  “Please don’t let that put you off your food. I hear that my chef makes the best buffalo salad in the whole of Vanatus.”

  Despite my horror at her words, the buffalo salad smelled wonderful, and if I didn’t eat it, it would be thrown away. I sat and ate a full seven courses, each one more delicious than the last. I cleaned every plate, even though I got to the point where I felt like I might explode. I couldn’t abide wasting food. Journey didn’t say another word the whole time, and I didn’t speak either. I wasn’t sure if it was because I didn’t want to hear more of what she had to say or if it was because I had my mouth full of food the whole time.

  After dinner, the servants left as silently as they had appeared, taking the dishes with them. If it wasn’t for the fact I’d gained about ten pounds in less than an hour, I’d not have noticed they were there at all.

  “Come with me into my Journey room and tell me all about this Joker character.” Journey purred. I stood up, rather uncomfortably and followed her into another room. Right from the start, I could see why it was called the Journey room. Paintings of her covered every wall. Cushions had her likeness on them, and each shelf and table had ornaments dedicated to her. There was even a full-size statue of her blowing a kiss in the corner.

  I sat on a chair, pushing one of her cushions out of the way as I did, as I wasn’t sure of the etiquette of sitting on one’s host’s face.

  “So this Joker guy. He wants me you say? Is he good-looking?”

  “Does it matter?” I asked incredulously.

  “No, I suppose not. The last thing I want is my mother marrying me off. She’s been trying for years, but I don’t think I’m the marrying kind. I only asked because I do have a thing for a pretty face.”

  “Like my brother, you mean?”

  “Yes, Tarragon. He was so grateful. Cute really, and so much fun. You look a little like him.”

  “Believe me; I’m nothing like my brother.”

  “I can see that.” She uncrossed her legs and crossed them again in a seductive manner. Her overt sexuality made me feel uncomfortable, but it wasn’t because I wanted her. It made me feel uncomfortable because she was a smart woman and was choosing to hide it behind her short dresses, overuse of makeup and overbearing flirtation.

  “Journey,” I began, getting to the point. “You do not want this, whatever his appearance. He’s not a man anymore; he’s evil incarnate. I have it on good authority that he’s the most powerful sorcerer in Vanatus.”

  “He sounds like my kind of guy,” she replied licking her lips.

  I ignored the gesture.

  “He’s not your sort of guy. He’s not anyone’s sort of guy. He’s a thousand years of built up rage. Do you really want to be a part of that? I thought you were angry at your mother for trying to marry you off?”

  “I was, I am, but you’ve intrigued me. Maybe it is time I got married.”

  I could barely believe what I was hearing. I had been wrong. She wasn’t smart at all. She was vapid and vulgar and everything I disliked in a person. I stood to leave, regretting ever coming here.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Thank you for your hospitality, Your Highness, but if you’ll not aid me on my quest, then I’ll have to say farewell.”

  “I never said I wouldn’t help you. I just said that I might not strike out the idea of marrying the guy before I met him. I can still go up the mountain with you. Surely, if I agree to marry him, that will help your cause, not hinder it. You can still have your water back whatever my decision.”

  I’d not thought of that. I sat back down. She was right. It made no difference to me whether she married The Joker or not. All that mattered was that I delivered her to him. What happened after that was none of my concern. I didn’t care one jot what she did with her love life. But at the same time, I thought it only fair to warn her about The Joker. I told her the full story while her servants brought me coffee and chocolates and her a fruit tea. She listened intently to my story, nodding her head in all the right places. Still, I don’t think I really got through to her just how evil he was, how cunning. How could she understand, though, she’d not seen him or felt him in her own head. All she knew was that he’d made the Club water undrinkable. It was on her own mother’s orders that he’d done that. She, in turn, told me about her mother and about growing up with all the expectations of a Jack of Clubs. To be fair, it sounded ghastly, and I was only too glad that I was only the five and, apart from the occasional royal duty, didn’t have to do much as a royal. Journey was expected to be married and having children by now. Her own mother had given birth seven times by the time she was her age.

  “Can I tell you a secret?” she asked me.

  “Of course.”

  “I don’t like kids. Babies make me sick. How am I supposed to have eleven of them when the thought of changing a diaper is enough to make me vomit?”

  “You’ll feel differently when...”

  “It’s your own. Yeah, I’ve heard that said to me a million times.”

  “You can hire a...”
br />   “Nanny,” she interrupted me again. “Yes, I’ve heard that one too. I don’t want to hire a nanny. I just want to be free. Free of obligation and free from the nightmare that is queendom. It’s ok for you, for the kings and princes. You are not the ones who’ll have to spend your entire life pushing small people out of you and having them chewing on your tit.” She sighed.

  “Her turn of phrase was dreadful, but I had to admit she had a point. Our laws regarding royalty were draconian.”

  “If I did have the misfortune of getting pregnant and found out it was a girl, I’d get rid of it just because I wouldn’t want to put anything through what our mothers have had to go through.”

  Her composure was lost then. Her smile had gone, and for the first time, I saw the real Journey. Not the seductive, confident princess she made herself out to be, but a scared girl with the weight of her responsibilities on her shoulders.

  “I’m tired, and we have a big day tomorrow. I’ll get my servant to show you to the guest quarters.”

  Without her having to signal in any way, another servant appeared and held the door open, waiting for me to walk through it.

  For the first time since meeting her, I didn’t want to leave her. She looked like she needed a friend or, at least, someone to talk to. I almost said something, but she quickly turned her head from me. I thought I might have seen a tear in the corner of her eye before she did.

  The servant walked silently in front of me the whole time. Even his footsteps made no sound on the thick carpet beneath us. Journey’s house was huge, making the quietness of it even sadder. Journey lived a lonely life.

  The guest room was large with a huge four-poster bed taking up one side of it. Red wallpaper with a golden damask pattern hung on the walls. We didn’t have wallpaper at the Club Castle, just gray, stone walls with the occasional patch of moss for decoration. How gauche I must have looked to the urbane Journey. A pair of blue cotton pajamas was laid out on the bed, and when I put them on, I found that they were the right size. How was it her servants were always one step ahead? I wondered if I got up to go to the toilet in the middle of the night, they’d already be there, gloved hands ready to hold it for me while I peed. My bag had also been brought to my room.


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