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Erotic Mists (BBW Erotica,Supernatural,WMBW)

Page 2

by Daun, Alessandra

  "No-no. On the contrary I would like if you stayed with me. I-I mean...I can restock your supplies and show you the safest route through the mountains."

  She smiled bashfully as if she knew what he was really thinking. He wanted her to remain with him.

  "I'd like that very much Jan. Thank you. Maybe it’s just as well. Yazra and I have no home, really. We're constantly moving from place to place. It would be lovely to have a warm bed for a few nights."

  “You are welcome to stay as long as you like.” he smiled.


  The hour had grown late and Jan bid Nyah goodnight. Before he headed to his room, he made sure to show her around. When he last saw her, she’d gone out to check on Yazra. The weather had grown considerably worse and might be unsettling to her mount, as she’d explained.

  A mixture of rain and hail pelted down on the rafters and it sounded as if a million tiny pebbles were simultaneously falling from the heavens. Jan loved the sound however, and began to wonder if the school’s mages were the ones responsible for this storm. He hoped that it wouldn’t last too long; otherwise the river might overflow and flood the grounds. That would not be good for him or his guests.

  It had happened once before, but at the time he wasn’t alone. It took an entire month for the icy waters to recede and the earth was left a slippery and slushy mess. He remembered how he and the other boys used to splash and play in the icy puddles when they were young. It was a beautiful and nostalgic memory. One he would have liked Nyah to experience. From what she disclosed, he knew that she didn’t have a very good childhood and he worried for her.

  As he lay down against his pillows, his mind settled on his new visitor. He wondered if she liked him as well. Or was she only concerned with increasing her strength in the arts of magic? If only he had the means to protect the buxom beauty from danger. Only then would she be able to stay with him. It was unrealistic idea, but for him this thought was as beautiful as a bedtime fairytale. Nevertheless, he became lost in his fantasies and soon drifted off to sleep.


  The loud, rumbling of thunder made the walls of Jan’s room vibrate, waking him from a tranquil dream. He did not know how much time had passed but as he looked to the window, he saw that it was still pitch black outside. He lit the candelabra and headed for the door. He wanted to check on Nyah to make sure that all was well with her. He thought that she too might have been startled by the noise and wanted to assure her that the monastery was sturdy and wouldn’t succumb to a meager hailstorm.

  He stepped out into the hallway and found that the door to her room was ajar. He gently knocked against the wooden door and waited for a response. There was none. He slowly opened the creaking door and saw that she was missing from the room. In fact, the bed hadn’t even been touched. The grey sheets were still folded neatly over the mattress and the pillows had no indentations or wrinkles in their centers.

  “Where has she gone?” he whispered to himself.

  He made his way down to the bottom floor, thinking that she might have gone out to Yazra. The latch to the front door had not been disturbed however, and there was only one place she could be. He looked towards the direction of the bathhouse and a pale blue light flickered against the walls. Curious to find out what was going on he blew the candles out and crept towards the wing to investigate.

  As he drew closer, he heard a mysterious voice in the distance. It sounded as if Nyah was whispering to someone…but to whom? That flickering light and the whispers instantly fed the fires of curiosity in him and he was determined to get to the bottom of this. It occurred to him that she might be undressed, but this thought did not deter him at all. If anything, it urged him on. Just this once, he would have liked to see her without the bulky armor. It was wrong, but he knew he might never get the chance again. A little peek wouldn’t hurt.

  As he approached the door he remembered that there was a tiny crack through which he could get a view of the area inside. He’d always meant to repair it but it would constantly slip his mind. What he would see next would make him glad that he hadn’t been so hasty to replace the broken planks.

  Nyah sat on the damp tiled floor at the pool’s edge, with loosely fitting white robes clinging to her body. They belonged to him; he had lent them to her for the night. Between her legs was a bald man of chalky-white skin, who dug his fingers into the soft flesh of her thighs. He held them apart while he buried his face into her mound and devoured her plump labia. Her discoloured hand rested upon his smooth head and was now bleached white.

  The man stood waist deep in the pool and the muscles in his back and arms rippled as he spread her legs further apart to give himself better access to her mound. Jan was both frightened and aroused at the sight. He had never seen such a thing and could not look away.

  She whispered strange words that he could not understand and waved her white hand over the steaming water pool. A blue mist suddenly filled the room, swirling round the pair like the spiraling wisps of smoke produced from lit incense sticks. Within a few seconds another pale man emerged from the pool’s depths and clumsily climbed out to stand at her side. It stood upright and Jan finally got a good look at it.

  Unlike humans, this creature had no eyes, ears, nostrils, mouth or genitals. Its face was a blank slate of pearl and it looked like a sexless marble statue which was yet to be perfected by its sculptor.

  He tried to examine this one and the other more carefully but Nyah’s sobs of pleasure distracted him from the task. She arched her back and writhed against the creature's face as its jaw moved voraciously against her glistening mound. She was beside herself in pleasure but she waved her hand at the second creature and issued a command amidst the purring. A blue misty aura surrounded her hand and the creature fell to its knees, at her side.

  Without hesitation, it tore the robe away from her chest revealing a pair of voluptuous breasts, tipped with pointed dark nipples. Its hand slipped round the right orb and he gently squeezed the fleshy gland in his palm. His head slowly dropped down to her breast and a white mouth took shape on his face. A large pink tongue suddenly protruded from the orifice and flicked at the stiff bud.

  Jan's cock was now rock hard beneath his robes and rose upright against his stomach. He swallowed hard and his hand instinctively reached down to soothe the swollen organ. One stroke was so pleasing to him that he could not stop. He reached between the folds of his garb and took the thick organ in hand. It seared with heat and a film of silky moisture had collected at its bulbous tip. He wanted to groan out loud as she did, but that would give him away and cut the spectacle short.

  His mouth had gone dry and his breaths grew shorter as he pumped his stiff erection. Nyah’s moaning had gone an octave higher as the creatures pleasured her. No doubt she was doing her best to stifle her cries because they would have echoed throughout the halls if she became lost in her pleasure. Little did she know that she had already attracted Jan’s attention, who now peered through the tiny opening.

  He looked on as the creature at her breast curled its tongue round the brown areola, leaving glistening trails of moisture over her skin. He pulled at her nipple with his mouth and made lingering sucking sounds which matched the slurping of the other creature between her legs. While he sucked on the tender nether lips, his long white fingers held her labia apart, giving Jan an obstructed view of the fleshy, bright-pink folds of her sex. Its tongue lunged forward and Nyah’s pelvis jerked as it invaded her core. A spray of clear liquid suddenly squirted from her pussy and unto his face, but the creature was not deterred. It continued its devotion as if its life depended on it.

  Seeing this, Jan's organ released and pearlescent globs of semen spurted out of his cock and over his clenched fist. He felt weak as more and more of his seed spilled out, but he did not stop groping his cock. His eyes remained fixed on Nyah, who now waved the white hand in the misty air as she did twice before. She whispered more of the incomprehensible speech and a violet-blue vapour took form and began t
o cloud the room.

  The thick mist snaked in all directions, even towards Jan and through the tiny opening that he looked through. He thought that she was calling another creature for her pleasure and waited as the spiraling wisps curled and folded through the crack and round his body. He felt a sudden chill as the vapour encircled him and fogged his vision of the room.

  He could barely see Nyah and her companions and wondered what would come next. He waited, but nothing emerged from the water. Instead her white hand dropped down to the first creatures head. She almost looked exhausted in the throes of pleasure.

  "Maybe she doesn't have the energy to complete the spell." he thought, his erect cock still in hand.

  The violet mist was thinning out now and once again he could see Nyah's glistening brown body convulsing from the spasms brought on by the creatures. The one at her breast was lapping at her neck now; its glistening drool dripping down her collar bone, and onto the large breast he had previously attended. Nyah whispered something to it and it quickly returned to her breast but bit the sensitive tip instead. Blue smoke snaked out from her mouth as she blurted out more of her foreign speech in what seemed like a pleasured response. The first then withdrew from his feeding between her legs and tilted its head up at her. Adhering to her command, it looked down at her succulent slit and slid two of its long fingers into her core.

  "Ooh yes!" she cried as the probing digits moved back and forth inside her. She rocked her pelvis to meet the slow thrusts and commanded, "Faster! Faster!"

  The creature obeyed and began to fuck her with its white fingers. Jan grew irritated at this; an emotion he rarely felt. Why did she have to conjure up these creatures? Granted he did not have any prior sexual experiences, but he was sure that he could please her equally, if not better than those creatures. Judging from all that he saw, he already knew what she liked.

  He wanted to taste her flesh and explore every inch of her soft body with his tongue. He wanted to squeeze her plump flesh and give her all manner of sexual attention that those things could never give on their own accord. His own cock, which was still painfully erect in his grip, was longer and thicker than the fingers of that thing. He should be the one inside her, not those mindless unnatural things.

  She wouldn't need to command him like she did to the one that penetrated her. He should be licking and caressing the neglected breast which was free of the creature’s slobber, unlike the other. He wanted to go to her, but reason told him that would not go very well. She might strike him down with her magic, or worse, send the creatures to tear him to pieces. No, he was safer where he stood.

  Nyah had become louder now. She threw her head back and her body jerked into the air as the white fingers penetrated her for the last time. She screamed and fell back against the damp floor as she came to satisfaction. The creature readily reclaimed its fingers from her core and her juices slowly trickled out from the pink crevices.

  Simultaneously, Jan ejaculated once more and a low groan emitted from his throat. He too was exhausted but he forced himself away from the wall. He needed to get away. He needed to go back to his room where he would not be discovered. She would be coming out soon and he did not want to be caught spying on his guest. His organ was still rigid beneath his robes as he crept through the halls and back up the stairs, but he would worry about that later.

  Once in his room, he quickly disrobed and wiped his body clean of the sweat and semen that had accumulated. He would have liked to wash it all away but Nyah was still down there, probably recovering from her intense orgasm. Lightning flashed in the dark room and he caught a glimpse of his reflection in the windowpane.

  What he saw was very unfamiliar. A tall, brunette, blue eyed young man stared back at him; naked, with a semi-erect penis jutting out from his pelvis. He noticed that his arms and torso were now muscular from all of his strenuous labour. He was no longer that weak little boy, but a grown man.

  He wondered if Nyah would have liked the look of him in the nude. As her name came to mind, a sudden jolt shocked his cock into complete erection. He panted as the need to appease him-self grew worse. He was too weak to stand any longer. He threw himself back against his pillows and proceeded to stroke himself to satisfaction.

  As the quick flashes of lightning lit up the room, he could see that his organ had swelled and almost doubled in girth. His body tingled and trembled as his fingers lightly caressed his cock’s red tip. He'd never been this painfully aroused before. Even now his cock pulsated and was becoming more engorged in his palm.

  "Uuugh..." he groaned, as he pumped the veiny length of it.

  He had been moving at a slow and steady pace but the pleasure intensified and he found himself viciously pumping the pink organ. His hand felt rough and dry along the shaft, so he used some of his own saliva to lubricate himself. He thought of Nyah and wished that she was here to ease his pain. He remembered the heavy breasts and the fleshy pink pussy encased in plump dark lips. He wanted to caress her rotund body while she stroked his cock in return. There was no room for guilt in his mind now. Only desire and pleasure ruled his thoughts.

  He wanted…no…he needed her now. He jerked his cock even harder as the fantasy of him taking Nyah at the pool's edge played out in his mind. Back and forth he moved into her while he caressed her breasts and soft belly. There were no mindless conjurations; it was only him and his beloved. The quick movement of his tight fists caused hot white semen to squirt out from the tip of his cock like a geyser; each spray landing on the sheets and his strong thighs.

  He wiggled and squeezed the hardened shaft until it was bright red and drained of every sticky drop. He fell back against the pillow exhausted, with his slick cock in hand. He should have fallen asleep right then but he realized that his erection had not diminished. In fact, a new need to be satisfied awoke in his groin and a painful rush of pleasure encircled his shaft.

  "What is wrong with me?" he thought as he looked down at the still engorged penis.

  Its shiny length glistened and still pulsed against his fingers. He tried to empty his mind and calm his thoughts, but it was to no avail. His cock seemed to have a mind of its own and stood apart from him, its length reaching up to the ceiling.

  Jan gripped it and began to stroke its massive girth in hopes of soothing the pain but that only brought more pleasure. His eyebrows creased and he shut his eyes tightly as he pumped himself with a fierce determination to sate his need. His firm body beaded with sweat and he writhed in the sheets as he thrust back and forth into his enclosed palm. Within seconds another spray of hot semen spilled out and unto his fist.

  He was weak but still clutched the erect organ. For some reason it would not lose its rigidity. His mind was frantic with questions. What was happening to him? Was Helvahr punishing him? If he hadn’t passed out thereafter he would have panicked, but he did not have the strength to stay awake. Even while he panted with short raspy breaths, he lost consciousness and fell into heavy sleep.


  Jan arose the next morning to find him-self no different from the night before. The swelling had gone down but he remained erect. He wanted to clutch the miserable organ and rub it to satisfaction but he feared what Helvahr would do to him next. His failure at averting all lustful thought had brought a curse upon him and it was probably rightly deserved.

  He sighed and draped a loose robe over his body to hide his shame. Jan found that not even the loose robe could hide his erection. The rough spun material of the gown stimulated his cock even more as it brushed past the tender skin. It poked out from beneath his robe as if searching for someone to touch it, namely Nyah. He was mortified. He knew that he was being punished for his misdeeds and would do no more to anger the god.

  He pulled out a sheet of white linen from the bronze chest and cut the fabric into long thin strips. He planned to bind his penis back until the day had passed and he was back in his chambers. He gingerly guided it against his torso, hoping not to stimulate it any further. Round and round h
e wove until the jutting organ was fastened to his waist.

  Against his skin, it was searing hot and he felt as if someone had dropped fiery coals down into his robes. The organ began to pulse against his skin as if it wanted out. It seemed to have a mind of its own and wanted to be free, but he would not let it out. He needed to discipline himself. Maybe then the powers at work would have mercy on him.

  He spent the day as far away from Nyah as he could. She seemed very happy to be in the monastery, but he thought that this was only because she had the means to satisfy herself. He on the other hand was suffering and this made him irritable throughout the day. But he hid his ill mood from her and feigned happiness. Meanwhile many of his chores were cut short because he no longer had the stamina to complete his work.

  He craved sleep and most importantly release. He served Nyah her dinner and offered her some more fish for Yazra, but he did not eat one bite. This was his penance for intruding on his lovely guest and the only way he knew how to make amends. He’d thought of confessing everything to her but dismissed the idea. She would hate him and add him to that despised list of bad people who had taken advantage of her. He did not want that. He decided to deal with it on his own. She would not be staying much longer and when she was gone, he would be free to take care of his problem.


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