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Kurt: Cowboy (Members From Money Book 23)

Page 5

by Katie Dowe

  “I don’t think--”

  “I don’t care,” he whispered as he lowered his mouth to hers again. He swallowed her whimpers as the powerful orgasm rushed through her body. Her fingers dug into his corded shoulders as she trembled against him. He came in the middle of hers. His body went stiff and his heart felt as if it was bursting from his chest.

  “Alexis,” he whispered achingly. “Baby.” He emitted a groan as he flooded her with his semen!


  Kathy gathered up her clothes and dressed quickly hoping that she had not been seen cutting across the path and the space where Jake had his home. It was sparse and utilitarian because he figured he would be moving on in a few months so he did not need anything more permanent. He reached out a long arm and grabbed her pulling her back onto the bed of hay where she connected with his long naked body. “Jake stop!” she hissed. “I have to go in.”

  “Stay,” he murmured as he passed his hand over her snug bottom.

  “No please,” she moaned as his mouth sought her breast.

  “A few more minutes.”

  Kathy succumbed and allowed him to take off her clothes.


  “I thought you were sleeping,” Kurt murmured as he moved his mouth over her cheek and down to her small chin.

  “You are not letting me and I have work in the morning.” Alexis moved her fingers over his chest, fascinated at the play of muscles there.

  “So do I.” he bent his head and nipped at her skin. “I was thinking that you could come out with me tomorrow after work. We could ride up to the hill and stay there for a little bit before coming back to my suite.”

  “I am not sleeping in your bedroom.”

  “Why not?” he asked her softly as his hand slipped between her legs.

  “Because--” she moaned as his fingers feathered over her mound. “Oh Lord.”

  “Why not?” he asked her again, his fingers entering her.

  “I don’t know.” She opened up for him and he came over her sliding into her again.

  “Say yes,” the tip of his penis rested at her opening and almost drove her crazy!

  “I can’t think.” She moaned.

  “Just say yes.” He pushed into her slowly.

  “Yes,” she whispered achingly. “Please.”

  Later that night as she laid there curled up against him, he stared up at the ceiling, his mind mixed up. He had known it would be like that with her but he had never known it would be so all consuming! He had spent Saturday night at his apartment and had ached for her. He had gone back to the club on Sunday and spent the majority of the day there with his friends, but on his way back he had been thinking about her. He had wanted to wait before going this far but he had been unable to pass her door and not see her. He eased away and looked at her. She was sound asleep with her breathing even. He had no intention of leaving her to go back to his suite. He had to get up early in the morning but he did not care about that now. He had no idea what was going to happen with them but right now he could not think about it!


  When she woke up in the morning he had already left. Alexis stretched her limbs and felt the tenderness of her nipples and her pubic area. She closed her eyes as she remembered him inside her. She bit her lip as she struggled to think about the man he had told her about. She did not remember him. He had told her that she had worked at the same magazine owned by the man but she could not recall being there. Her parents had died in a car crash; that much she recalled and she realized that it had had a terrific impact on her. She climbed off the bed and padded to the bathroom naked. She stood in front of the mirror and stared at herself. Her hair was tangled and her lips were swollen. Her nipples were puckered and tender to the touch. She moaned and shaking her head she headed for the tub.

  When she reached the small dining room he was not there and she felt a sharp sense of disappointment. “Hey there,” Erica greeted her cheerfully. “We were just about to send a search party for you.”

  “Sorry I am late.” She muttered as she took her seat. She nodded as the maid came around and poured her a cup of coffee. She was yet to get used to being served this way.

  “It’s okay my dear,” Erica buttered her scones and looked at her youngest daughter. “Darling, you have a meeting with a couple of prospective buyers for the two horses that came in two weeks ago. Would you see if Jake is ready for them to be inspected?”

  Kathy jumped a little and then recovered her composure. “Of course Mother. I will check on them as soon as I am finished eating.”

  “Tessa, we have a meeting with some of the staff.” She finished eating. “Take your time Alexis.”

  Alexis watched them leave and settled back to enjoy the meal, a small smile on her face.

  Chapter 5

  Kathy tried to appear professional. He was with several other ranch hands and her skin tinkled as she watched him lifting the horse’s leg and examined it carefully, his muscles bunching up. Those same hands had gone over every inch of her body as well as his mouth and had had her crying out in shocked passion. She had sneaked out in the early hours of the morning and prayed that she had not been seen by one of the ranch hands or even the household helps or worse her brother who continued to think she was still a little girl in ponytails.

  He looked up at her and his eyes smoldered as he looked at her. She was wearing a dark blue pants suit with an inside blouse the color of ripe plums. Her blonde hair streamed down her back and she had on red lipstick.

  “Ms. Murphy,” he nodded at her solemnly as the other men turned to look at her.

  “Jake,” she nodded back and took a deep breath to calm herself. “Mack. Laddy,” she acknowledged the other two men. “We have the people coming in at ten. I just want to make sure everything is okay.”

  “The palomino picked up a splinter and was hopping for a bit.” Mack told her as he chewed his perpetual tobacco. “Jake here noticed it luckily so we could do something about it.”

  “Good,” Kathy spared him a brief glance. “I will let Mother know. As soon as they get here I will call.” She turned to leave and he called out to her.

  “Ms. Murphy, a word if you don’t mind?”

  She turned and look at him and nodded, walking away with him following behind her. It was Monday morning and the ranch was buzzing with activity but he found a secluded area and pulled her to it. He took her mouth with his roughly, bringing her up against his hard young body. Kathy wanted to twist away but she found herself wrapping her hands around his neck. She finally broke away from him, her breathing raspy. “I have work,” she gasped.

  “So do I,” he ran his fingers through her thick blonde hair. “Come to me later.”

  She stared at him for a moment and without answering she ran away!


  He came for dinner and Alexis felt as if her heart was pounding right out of her chest. He had not bothered to shower but was still wearing the shirt and denim jacket with his feet tucked into leather boots. His hair was combed back into a ponytail and he looked rugged and handsome. They were hard put not to let the others at the table know that they had spent the night with each other. Kurt wanted to haul her into his arms and sink himself deep into her. He answered the questions his mother asked him about the rounding up of the cattle and something else he did not quite get. He half-listened to Tessa telling him about some financial projections and Kathy talked about the successful sales they had managed today but he could not concentrate. He was thinking about her. He chafed with impatience as they finished the meal and refused the dessert praying that she would do the same. She read him loud and clear and waited until he had left before she did so as well, claiming weariness.

  He was waiting for her at the door. “Thank goodness you read me.” He dragged her inside and took her mouth with his in a kiss that had her insides curling! He lifted his head and looked down at her. “I need a shower. Come back to my suite. I know I promised you that we would go out to the hill
but I have to go back out. I just wanted to see you. Be with you.” His mouth wandered over her face restlessly. “Please Alexis.”

  “Yes,” she gasped as his hands cupped her breasts through the thin cotton of her blouse.

  “Let’s go.”

  He opened the door quietly and peered out before taking her hand and ran with her towards his suite. Alexis caught a glimpse of a sheer luxuriously masculine room decorated in slate grey and blue. He lifted her into his arms and took her into one of the largest bathroom she had ever seen! It had the same color scheme as the huge bedroom and was the height of ultra-modern. He took off his clothes and then hers before lifting her and taking her into the large shower install. He adjusted the spray and placed them beneath it before pushing her up against the tiles, his hand going around her throat as he took her lips with his. Alexis dug her fingers into his wet hair and hung on as her body strained towards his. He released her lips suddenly and looked down at her. “I want you so bad that it’s coming through my pores.” He spread her legs and fingered her. She moaned as she moved her body to meet his fingers.

  “Kurt,” she whispered.

  He removed his fingers and replaced it with his straining erection!


  Kathy knew she was playing a dangerous game. But it did not feel like a game. She had been involved with someone while she was going to college but it had petered out when she realized that he was too interested in her last name. She knew what had happened to Tessa and how it had almost destroyed her. She did not know anything about Jake. He was a vagrant and she had the feeling that he did not stay at one place for too long. “I saw you standing there looking beautiful and sexy and I wanted to take you right there,” his fingers drifted through her blonde hair.

  “I am glad you didn’t.” she struggled to her elbows and looked at him. “Tell me about yourself.”

  “Nothing to tell,” he said with a shrug. “I would much prefer to do something else with my mouth than talk.” He proceeded to show her as his mouth took a nipple and sucked it into his mouth hard!

  Somehow she found the strength to push him away. “Please talk to me.”

  He rolled away and reached for his jeans pulling it on over his nakedness. “There are a lot of things I want to do but not one of them is talking.” He told her coolly.

  “Why not?”

  “Because Princess, this is not a relationship. We are screwing and it is damned good. Just leave it at that.”

  Kathy felt the humiliation washing over her and she got to her feet, reaching for her clothes. “That’s all I am to you?”

  He looked at her and laughed harshly. “That’s all we can be to each other Princess. You are Beverly Hills and I am--” he spread his hands before pulling on his shirt. “I am Beverly Hillbillies darling.”

  “I just want to know something about you.”

  “The kind of relationship we have does not require you knowing anything about me.” Kathy stared at him contemplatively. She had heard it before but was not sure. It was there again!

  “You are a fraud.” She told him softly.


  “Who are you really, Jake?”

  “You know who I am. If you don’t mind I need to get some sleep. I have to be up at the crack of dawn.”

  She stood where she was wondering if she should push it but decided against it. “Goodnight Jake.” She told him softly as she left. He stood there staring after her before slumping down on the haystack wearily.


  “You look different,” Tessa commented as she came into the office that had been assigned to Alexis.

  “You are imaging things,” Alexis told her casually as she looked up at the smartly dressed woman.

  “You look softer and happier. If I did not know any better I would think it’s a man.” She sat across from the desk.

  “But you know better.” Alexis fixed her gaze on the device in her hands.

  “How is my brother?”

  Alexis looked up at her sharply. “You saw him this morning.”

  “No, I did not. As a matter of fact I noticed the two of you refused the scrumptious strawberry soufflé and left. I know he had to go back out last night, but the thing is he was not supposed to come back for supper. He usually stays with the men.”

  “I have work to do, Tessa.” Alexis said coolly.

  “Okay,” she got to her feet. “He is falling in love with you, Alexis. I like you a lot but I love him very much. I would hate to see the two of you hurt.”

  Alexis waited until she had left before leaning back and closing her eyes. She had stayed in his bed and felt as he slipped in behind her as he came in the early hours of the morning. He had made love to her before falling into an exhausted sleep. He had gotten about three hours sleep before he had to get up again and had carried her into the shower with him where he used his mouth on her. She had hurried back to her room to get dressed. Tessa was right! She had no business getting involved with Kurt Murphy of all people when she did not know what was going on with her!


  Kurt felt the biting cold as he lead the way with the other men behind him. They were getting ready for the brutal winter which had been predicted would be coming their way sometime in December. Holes had to be repaired, enough wood stocked in the outhouse and the fruits picked and packaged. The animals had to be taken care of as well. It was the end of October and the barn dance was a few days away. There was an air of excitement among the ranch hands and Kurt knew they were looking forward to it. He was planning on making his intentions public by dancing every dance with Alexis and he did not give a damn what everyone thought. His thoughts drifted to Connie and for a moment he felt a shaft of guilt go through him. He had not promised her anything but she was expecting something from him. He was going to have to talk to her before the dance.

  He reined in the horse and slid off looping the reins over his neck, giving him a pat before striding towards the fence where the wires looked as if someone had been taking a bull cutter at it. He crouched down and felt when Mack came and hunkered down.

  “Paulie said he spotted some men a day ago that did not belong.” Mack touched the fence with his gloved hand slowly and carefully. It needed reinforcing somewhat. “He said he ran them off but I have a feeling that they will be coming back now that the time is getting colder.”

  Kurt squinted his eyes as he looked out over the terrain. Mack was right and he had an idea that had been in his head for some time now. “How about we build a shelter?”

  Mack spat the tobacco juice from his mouth and stared at his boss. “You want us to roll out the red carpet for them?”

  “It would stop them from trying to get into our land.” Kurt reasoned. “We could build something where they could sleep and put enough canned goods for them to wait the winter out. It would not put us out of the way.

  “As if we don’t have enough work to do,” Mack grumbled, feeling admiration for the young man who ran the place with a firm but gentle hand.

  “Exactly,” Kurt said with a grin as he clapped the old man on his back. “We start tomorrow.”


  “Tessa knows,” Alexis shifted as he nudged her legs open. She had been in bed when he came in and lifted her up taking her to his suite. He had taken a shower and came back naked with a towel drying his hair. She had gazed at him hungrily, his taut hard body toned by the work he did. He was a magnificent specimen and belonged on the cover of a magazine. He lifted his head to look at her. His mouth had been descending to her pubic area.

  “She told you?”

  “She warned me not to hurt you.”

  His blue eyes darkened. “I am going to have words with her.”

  “No, you are not. I did not tell her that we are--” she shrugged helplessly.

  “That we are together.” He finished for her. “I was thinking that at the dance I make my intentions clear by dancing only with you.”

  “No.” she tried to move but
he trapped her with one powerful leg. “Kurt let me go. This is not something we should be doing. I am not getting back my memory and it has been a month or more now. You don’t know who I am.”

  “So tell me what you remember.” He did not move his leg and Alexis stopped trying to escape.

  She looked up at him and sighed at his stubbornness. “I remember my parents. I was an only child and my father was a lawyer. He wanted me to follow in his footsteps but I loved to write and I told him I did not want to be a lawyer. He threatened not to pay my tuition but he caved. I suspect it was my mother’s doing. Then we argued again when I moved out and this time it was worse.” She shook her head as the memory came flooding back. “I had not seen them in months and we finally made it up. They were coming to see me when they were involved in an accident which took their lives.” She blinked away tears. “I blame myself for that.”

  “Hey,” he lifted her chin and forced her to meet his gaze. “You cannot weigh yourself down with that. You were not the one driving the vehicle.”

  “They were coming to see me, Kurt.”

  “And I am sorry that they went that way. But you cannot keep blaming yourself. As for not knowing you I am willing to take my chances.”

  She shook her head at him. “You don’t know what you are saying. I am not sure I am ready for a relationship. I have to know what my life was prior to the accident.”

  “And I understand that.” He used his hands to frame her face. “I am hooked Alexis and I want you to know that.”

  “Kurt,” she sighed and slid her hands around his neck. “Just please don’t announce anything yet. Just let me think for a little bit and see what happens.”

  “You got it.” His head lowered as he took her lips with his. With a tremulous sigh she gave in to the desire and let him have his way.


  “I want to do this alone,” Alexis said stubbornly. It was time for her checkup and Ian had told her to come in the afternoon when it was not so busy. It was the Friday before the big barn dance and the place was buzzing with excitement and the activities that was supposed to make it happen. Alexis was getting frustrated. She actually felt at home at the ranch and she enjoyed what she did in the office. If anyone had told her that a ranch could generate so much work and money she would have thought it was not true!


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