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Kurt: Cowboy (Members From Money Book 23)

Page 11

by Katie Dowe

  Jake sent her a pained look and grabbing his jacket he headed out.

  Kurt rested a booted foot against the railing as he ran his hand over Thundercloud’s flank. The horse whinnied softly and ducked his head as he continued. He did not look up as Jake approached.

  “Look I am sorry--”

  “Do you love her?” Kurt asked him abruptly.


  “Are you just screwing my baby sister with the intention of leaving her? I did some research on you Montgomery and you are loaded. What the hell are you doing here?”

  “That’s my concern,” Jake said stiffly. “And I care about Kathy.”

  “What the hell does that mean?”

  “It means she is the first girl who has the ability and power to make me stay in one place for long.”

  Kurt slapped his horse and he cantered away before turning to look at the belligerent young man. He liked his spunk and his dedication to the work but he was not sure he liked the fact that he was intimate with his sister. “I don’t want to have come looking for you. Let’s go.” He turned back to him. “There is a cabin out back that is empty. If you are sleeping with my sister I would rather it be in an actual home.”

  “Thank you,” Jake stared at the man’s broad back as he walked away and a wry smile lit his face.


  Kurt could not believe he was so nervous. “Relax man, you got this.” His best man Alessandro whispered to him. “It’s not like she is in danger of running out on you. The place is a damned community and fenced all around. There is also a ton of snow covering the grounds.”

  “Thanks.” Kurt said dryly as he straightened his lapel. “I should have chosen Ryan or even Bradley to be my best man.”

  “People are saying that we are the two best looking dudes in this place,” Alessandro said with a straight face.

  “Remind me to have a talk with Jayda about your ego.”

  They looked towards the doorway as the music picked up and Kathy came walking in on the arm of Jake who looked quite different in dark blue tux and his hair brushed back from his face. Kathy was wearing a shimmering dark blue gown that mirrored her eyes and her long blonde hair was piled on top of her head in an intricate style. Sapphires dangled at her lobes and around her slender wrists. She blew a kiss at her brother as she took her place. Then came Tessa wearing green, a moss colored gown that left her arms bare. Her hair was brushed back severely and a garland of wild daisies around her head. The music changed and the guests got to their feet. Kurt felt his heart thundering inside his chest as his bride made her way inside on Ian’s arm. He heard the collective gasps from the crowd and could relate as he stared at the woman who held his heart in her hands. The dress drifted around her body slowly with each step she made. Her hair was coiled on top of her head exposing her long neck. Diamonds encircled her neck and her lobes. She was not wearing a veil but a tiara that Leesa had supplied her with. She was exquisitely beautiful and before the day ended she was going to be his wife.

  Ian handed her over to him and he took her hand and placed it onto his arm, his blue eyes meeting hers. “You look sharp,” she whispered as she took in his cream suit with the inside blue shirt and the tulip on his lapel.

  “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever met,” he told her huskily.

  “Who gives this woman in marriage to this man?” the minister asked as soon as they came forward.

  “I do.” Ian said quietly before stepping back. His eyes met Tessa’s and all the love he had for her since they were children shone in his eyes. She smiled at him and nodded as he went to take his seat.

  “Honored guests, we are gathered here today on this Christmas Day to witness the union between this man and this woman who have declared their love for each other and the decision to become one. If there is anyone here who objects to this may they speaks now or forever hold their peace.” He waited a beat before continuing. “Please be seated.”

  He turned to them. “Marriage is an agreement ratified in heaven by the good Lord himself. The Bible states that a man should leave his parents and cleave to his wife and they shall become one’. Please take your bride’s hands Kurt.” When he did the minister continued. “Kurt Alec Murphy do you take Alexis Caitlin Turner to be your wedded wife to love and cherish through sickness and health until death parts you as long as you both shall live?”

  “I do,” he said clearly.

  “Alexis Caitlin Turner do you take Kurt Alec Murphy to be your lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold, to honor and obey in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?”

  “I do,” she said softly as she gripped his hands.

  “The rings please.” The minister said turning to Alessandro.

  “Kurt, please place the ring on your bride’s finger and repeat after me. With this ring I do wed and I promise to love you for the rest of my life.”

  Kurt repeated it as he slid the ring onto her finger.

  “Now Alexis please repeat after me. With this ring I do wed and I promise to honor and obey you as long as I live until death parts us.”

  She repeated it and slid the ring onto his finger.

  “Let us pray.”

  There was a hushed silence as he blessed the rings. Leesa reached for her husband’s hand as memories assailed her. Bradley lifted her hand to his mouth while his eyes glinted with tears. They had had a cancer scare some time ago and he was thankful every day that she was still with him. Alessandro glanced over to the beautiful petite woman who had changed his life for good and smiled at her tenderly. Mark pulled Latoya into his arms and cuddled while the others did the same to their wives. The only people missing were Prince Alexander and Princess Debbie who had to fly to Europe on business.

  “Now by the power vested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride Kurt.”

  He needed no second bidding as he pulled her into his arms, his lips touching her briefly. But Alexis was having none of that as she opened her mouth beneath his and deepened the kiss causing him to harden perceptively. He put her away from him gently and took a deep breath before folding her hand into his.

  “Ladies and gentlemen I now present to you Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Alec Murphy!”


  “We have guests!” Alexis moaned as he fought to take off her frothy wedding dress. They had come up after the pictures had been taken and the food served to change but they had been highly charged sexually since she had kissed him at the ceremony and it had gotten worse when they had their first dance.

  “They will understand,” he panted as he released his throbbing penis and entered her from behind. His heart pounded inside his chest and he had to stop for a little bit. He had taken off his jacket and shirt and tie but still had his pants on. He bent his head and bit at her neck causing her to lurch against him. His hands cupped her breasts as he plunged inside her. “Christ baby!” he groaned as he pounded into her. “I promise that when we come back here after the ceremony that I will handle this with more finesse but right now I am exploding.”

  “Stop talking,” Alexis said raggedly as she twisted her head around for him to take her lips. He took it roughly, his mouth moving over hers with frantic haste. He felt the change in her body movement and knew she was near! He moved his hands and held her lips as he bent her over a little and plunged into her over and over again. She dragged her lips from his and bit her lip to stop the scream from escaping as the orgasm charged into her with a force that knocked them to the floor!


  “What is it?” he asked her anxiously as she locked the doors behind them. “Are you not feeling well?”

  “I am feeling fantastic.” Tessa pulled the zipper of her dress and let it fall to the ground revealing the sexy black teddy she was wearing. “I have been dreaming about this ever since I saw you walking Alexis up the aisle.”

  “The guests--” Ian said weakly.

  “They are not our guests.” She pulled him to her bed
and he abandoned the conversation.


  Her second dress was not quite as lovely as her wedding dress but it was stunning! It was a champagne colored dress that molded her slender frame and had thin spaghetti straps. She had managed to renew her makeup and fixed her hair by brushing it up but the evidence of what they had been up to was in her shiny dark brown eyes and the way Kurt held onto her possessively. People milled around and ate the food as well as the towering butterscotch cake while they offered their congratulations. Later that night as she laid in her husband’s arms after an energetic bout of lovemaking, Alexis allowed the tears to fall! She had found her man!

  Chapter 11

  “What happened to Thunderbolt?” Alexis shouted over the wind whistling against them as the horse pounded its way across the snow-covered grounds. Her hands were wrapped around her husband’s trim waist and he was taking off most of the cold from off her even though she was well equipped for the weather in a thick red cashmere sweater, tights and denims with her feet tucked into knee length boots. It was the day after Christmas and they were still on their honeymoon even though they had decided not to go anywhere right now. Alexis was still leery of flying and Kurt had no intention of putting her through all that.

  “I cannot put you on Thunderbolt’s back remember? He does not tolerate anyone but me.”

  Alexis lifted her head and spotted some of the others who had braved the weather to come out riding. She did not blame them. It was like a beautiful winter wonderland with the white powdery snow coving everything in sight. Most of the members of Kurt’s club and their wives had stayed behind and were leaving tomorrow. There was a camp fire planned in the middle of the grounds and they would be roasting marshmallows and drinking hot chocolate. There was also a horse riding contest scheduled for that time. She had gotten to know the wives pretty well and promises were made to visit homes and have lunch. She especially liked Jasmine and Kelly and also Leesa who seemed to talk their minds. She had gone from having no friends and family to having so many now that it was overwhelming!

  She shivered slightly as she remembered the plane crash and what Connie had done to her.

  “Cold?” her husband asked her solicitously as he gripped her closer to him.

  “A little bit.”

  “We are going back.” He wheeled the horse around and made his way back. He slowed down a few miles away from the ranch, his eagle eyes looking for anything out of place. He had not been working for two days and he felt strange.

  “I don’t mind you going out tomorrow,” Alexis read his mind as she looked up at him.

  “I want to spend time with you. We just got married.”

  “And we have been together for months and we will be together for years to come.” She told him softly.

  “Are you by any chance trying to justify you wanting to go back to work?” he demanded teasingly.

  “Maybe,” she said with a laugh. “Baby we live together and when you come home we have all the time in the world to be with each other. I know how much you love your work and how you prefer to be out there with the men. I get it.”

  Kurt brought the horse to a halt and lifted her face up. “I know you do and because of that it makes me want to stay with you more and more. I have good men who know how to get the job done. They understand that I am a newlywed and that I want a chance to be with my wife. If you want to go back to work tomorrow I will stay within reach and wait until you are done.”

  She furrowed her brow a little bit as she looked up at him. His hair was loose and blew in the wind, the blonde highlights more noticeable with the sliver of sun trying to break through the clouds. He was breathtakingly handsome in a very rugged way with his muscles defined by the hard work he does.

  “How about we stay in bed all day tomorrow?” she said, her hands going beneath his thick angora sweater and feeling his chest through the long sleeved shirt he had on. “We could see our guests off and go back to bed. Put a ‘No disturb’ sign on the door and spend the entire day there.”

  “Doing what?” he asked her softly.

  “We will find something to do. I also want to play wife for the day so I will cook for us.”

  “Hmm, sounds very tempting.” He bent his head and kissed her lightly. “Deal.”


  “I was thinking that next year around June when the time warms up we could maybe plan our own wedding,” Ian said casually as he reached for her hand as they were going outside. The campfire was already blazing and the sounds of merriment and laughter could be heard for miles. The smell of hotdogs and marshmallows permeated the air and the chef had brought out roasted pig and barbecued chicken. Tessa had spent the time getting some work done and Ian had come to meet her.

  She stopped in the middle of pulling on gloves and stared at him. “Really?” she asked him dryly. “Bitten by the bug?”

  “I love you Tessa and I want us to be together. I want us to start a family. Is that so wrong?”

  “No, but this is not the time to discuss it.”

  “When?” he demanded.

  “Are you in a hurry? Are you dying?”

  He sighed in frustration. “Tessa--”

  “Another time Ian, please.”

  He took her hand without further conversation and they went to join the others.


  “What if your mother comes in?” Jake asked as he looked around the sumptuous room.

  “She won’t. You are a worrier.” Kathy pulled him back into bed.

  “We are supposed to be outside with the others Kathy.” He groaned as she reached for him.

  “And we will be but not yet. Now stop talking.”

  “You are going to be the end of me,” he said hoarsely as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

  “Not at all.”


  Kurt looked down at his bride tenderly as she shook with laughter at something Patrick had just said. In spite of the extreme cold, the blaze of the huge fire was more than enough to keep them warm. It was a very good feeling to have his friends and their wives there as well as the ranch hands enjoying the moment.

  “I hear that Alessandro is almost a minister now, Jayda. Why didn’t you have him conduct the ceremony Kurt instead of being your best man?” Ryan said in amusement.

  “Because I want my marriage to stick,” Kurt said dryly.

  “I am actually on the choir,” Alessandro said drolly as he wrapped his hands around his wife’s petite frame. “Isn’t that right, baby?”

  “Sweetie, I love you world without end but I am not going to lie for you.” She looked around. “He is the director of the choir.”

  There was a burst of laughter and Alessandro bent his head to kiss her gently. “My wife does not lie.”

  “I am sure she does not.” Leesa drawled. “You are going to have to ask for forgiveness before the night is over Jay.”

  “I know,” Jayda said with an impish smile.

  “Rumors have it that you railroaded Brad into marrying you Leesa,” Alexis called out causing everyone to look at her. “I heard it from a good source.”

  “She did no such thing,” Bradley’s deep voice was amused as he looked down at his wife who was sitting on his lap. They had been through so much together but their love had only gotten stronger. “She steered me in the right direction. And I am a much better man for it.”

  “Do you have to wonder why I am so in love with this man of mine?” Leesa’s eyes glowed as she looked up at him. “And that’s the whole truth.”

  Alexis listened as they swapped story and the writer in her spun versions after versions inside her head!

  “I got pregnant from sleeping with Patrick from a one night stand,” Cara spoke up with a laugh. “I remember my cousin Marty who works at the bar in the club telling me to keep my head down and serve the drinks and do not entertain a conversation with the members there. Of course being the contrary woman I am, I did not listen.” She looked up at her husband and smil
ed at him tenderly. “I am glad I didn’t.”

  There was silence around the fire for a moment as the men and their wives had their recollections. The chatter started up again but Alexis knew that she could not wait to get inside to be with her husband. Their story was similar and even though she was still afraid to set foot in a plane again she was so happy for the crash that brought her to this ranch!


  “Kathy, a moment please,” Erica beckoned to her youngest daughter as soon as the party broke up and they had come inside. Provisions had been made for their guests and the place was full. Erica had come out of her own suite with the four bedrooms and two baths and had offered it to several of the guests. She had taken one of Tessa’s rooms until they left.

  “Mother?” Kathy followed her into the now empty kitchen. It was late and the others had turned in for the night.

  Erica put the kettle to boil and reached for a pouch of her favorite tea. “You and Jake seemed to be getting close.”

  Kathy almost laughed at that! “We are.”|

  “Is he staying?” Erica eyed her beautiful daughter for a moment before pouring the water onto the pouch. Her children were beautiful and had taken most of their looks from her. With Kathy, the beauty had been multiplied as was with her son.

  “He says he is.”

  “And you two have plans?” Erica stirred the tea slowly.

  “Mother I am only twenty-three. He is twenty-five. We are still very young.”

  “I was twenty-three when I married your father.” Erica pointed out.

  “I am in love with him but he is--” Kathy shrugged a little and looked down at her hands. “He is struggling with personal matters.”

  “I don’t like to see my daughters shacking up. I have plans to talk to Tessa as well. We are Murphy’s and there is a certain standard we have to live by. People look up to us.”

  “And there goes the problem,” Kathy said in exasperation. “We are just exploring how we feel about each other, Mother. It should not be anyone’s business but because I am a Murphy I have to be treading lightly.”


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