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To Catch A Cowboy (Hunks and Horses Book 2)

Page 11

by Maggie Carpenter

  "Just concentrate on getting us safely to Josh's hotel. It's called the Black Stallion. You'll probably see a sign. Come on, Claudia, wake up."

  Though she didn't open her eyes, Theresa heard Claudia softly moan.

  "That's it, Claudia. Everything's okay. Open your eyes. You're with friends."

  "Ooh, my head."

  "Salvo, she's coming around! Thank you, God. Don't worry, Claudia, you're safe now. Everything will be all right."

  "Call Heath," Salvo suddenly said. "Let him know what's going on. He and Carly will be anxious."

  "Oh, my gosh, you're right," she replied, quickly grabbing her phone and placing the call.

  "Theresa? How are you?" Heath asked, picking up on the first ring. "I was startin' to worry."

  "We're fine, but Salvo found the missing woman. The ambulance and police are meeting us at Josh's hotel."

  "Did I hear you right? Salvo found Claudia Harris? How the heck did that happen?"

  "By accident. We'll fill you in when we see you. We'll probably head home in the next hour or so."

  "And Josh is okay?"

  "Yes, he's fine. He's at a hotel on the outskirts of town. Apparently the tornado didn't get to this area."

  "Thank goodness for that. Listen, Theresa, don't drive back tonight. I just heard the weather could kick up again, and even if it doesn't there's no reason for you to rush back here. I'd much prefer you make the drive in the morning. Where is Josh stayin'?"

  "The Black Stallion. We should be there any minute."

  "I know that hotel. I'll call and take care of the rooms for you and Salvo. I'll be able to sleep knowin' you're safe and not on the roads. How is Claudia Harris?"

  "Uh, not so good," Theresa said, dropping her voice. "She's completely drenched, and she was unconscious until a second ago, but I think she's slowly coming awake. She was hit in the head. Maybe flying debris, or maybe her attacker. I have no idea."

  "But she's alive."

  "Yes, she's alive."

  "I really didn't want you to go out tonight, but now I'm glad you did."

  "Me too."

  "There's no need to rush in the morning. I'm sure Carly and I can find the cereal and milk. You and Salvo just get back safely."

  "Thanks so much, Heath."

  "You're welcome, hon. Take care."

  "We will. See you in the morning."

  * * * * * * * * * *

  With the police and ambulance on their way, as Josh placed the call to Sam, he made his way down to the lobby. Though caught up with thoughts of Claudia's surprising rescue, and hoping her condition wasn't critical, he was also coming to grips with Theresa's spontaneous drive through the stormy night solely out of worry for him.

  "Thanks so much for callin', Josh," Sam said gratefully as he answered. "I've been pacin' around here like a nervous colt."

  "I just got cell service back a few minutes ago. Theresa told me you were worried."

  "How bad is it? Are the fairgrounds still standin'?"

  "I haven't been into town. I'm sure the streets will be blocked and I don't wanna be in the way, but the local report on the radio said they were hit hard. Apparently nothing else was severely damaged, which is incredible when you think about it."

  "Twisters are like scalpels."

  "You got that right. Theresa said Queenie was agitated. Has she settled?"

  "She sure has. You and that mare! That's some connection you've got."

  "Don't I know it. Gotta go, Sam," he said, spying a hefty-looking truck roll into the parking lot. "I think Theresa just arrived."

  "You take care now."

  "You too. I'll see you in the mornin'," Josh said, ending the call, then moving swiftly through the doors, he jogged across to the impressive vehicle as it rolled to a stop.

  "Hi. You must be Josh," Salvo said as he sent his window down. "I'm Salvo. Claudia Harris is in the back seat behind me. Do you want to get her inside or wait for the ambulance?"

  "I wanna see her right away," Josh replied, opening the back door. "Hey, Princess."

  "Hi, Josh. I'm so happy to see you. Do you want to sit here?"

  "Yeah. That'd be good."

  "I'll get in the front."

  As Theresa climbed out, Josh shut the door, then hurried around and climbed in to sit next to Claudia.

  "Hey, Claudia, it's me, Josh," he said softly, picking up her wrist and feeling her pulse. "Claudia?" he repeated, gently tapping her cheek. "Theresa, is there a first aid kit in this truck?"

  "In the console beside you."

  Quickly opening the compartment and seeing the black bag, he rifled through the contents.

  "Ah, got it," he muttered, picking up a small paper package.

  Crushing the contents, he broke it open and placed it under Claudia's nose. She immediately moved her head back and forth, then opened her eyes in a panic, but Josh was prepared and quickly reassured her.

  "You're safe, Claudia. It's me, Josh."


  "Claudia, look at me."

  "Josh? Where am I? Ooh, my head, and I'm so cold."

  "I totally forgot. Carly's parka!" Theresa exclaimed, lifting the coat from the floor in front of her and handing it across to Josh.

  "This is good," he said gratefully, placing it around Claudia who had begun trembling. "Slow deep breaths Claudia. An ambulance is on the way. Can you tell me your address?"

  "Address? Uh—forty-two Crescent Drive."

  "Do you have any pain besides your head?"

  "Uh, my elbow and my knee. Tom. I need to call Tom. What time is it? What happened to me?"

  "Easy. The police will contact your husband as soon as they get here, I can already hear the sirens. You'll be fine."

  "I'm so confused. I don't understand what's happened."

  "Claudia, listen to me. You're confused because you were drugged. Don't struggle to remember. All you need to do right now is take deep breaths."

  "They're here!" Salvo exclaimed. "What should I do?"

  "Jump out and wave the paramedics over here," Josh replied, studying the wound on Claudia's forehead. "This will need stitches, but it's not as bad as it looks."

  "Josh, thank God you found me," Claudia mumbled, tears beginning to spill down her cheeks. "I was so lost."

  "Someone else found you. I just happened to be close by."

  The ambulance pulled alongside, and Josh gave the paramedics his initial findings. In quick order Claudia was placed on a stretcher and whisked away. The two officers who had answered the call, along with Theresa, Salvo and Josh, hurried through the blustery parking lot into the hotel. While Salvo gave his statement to one officer, the other sat with Theresa and Josh.

  "I haven't had a chance to introduce myself. I'm Sergeant Kelly, and that's Officer Wyatt talking to the hero over there. We did receive the bulletin about the missing woman, but we never expected to find her up here," the officer said. "We're an hour away from where she was last seen."

  "You probably haven't been told this, but I've been workin' unofficially with Officer Wanda Herrington on this case," Josh said solemnly. "We've been undercover for weeks now, but as far as I know, this is the first time the perp has hit a venue we were in."

  "I was at the tavern that night too," Theresa volunteered. "Josh realized I'd been drugged and got me out of there, but I don't remember anything either."

  "Are you suggesting this guy drugged both of you?" the sergeant asked.

  "I'm gettin' an idea," Josh said thoughtfully. "Maybe he picks more than one victim, then goes after the most vulnerable. The lucky ones just think they drank too much."

  "That's what I assumed," Theresa said. "I figured I'd downed one tequila too many."

  "Whoever this bastard is, he must have seen me walk out to the parkin' lot with Claudia, then come back in," Josh declared. "He knew she was alone."

  "We'll get to the bottom of this," the officer said confidently, rising to his feet. "He'll make a mistake. They always do. Looks like my partner is finished with
your friend and we need to get to the hospital. By the way, where are you boarding your horses? I assume you were here for the show at the fairgrounds."

  "Rise and Shine Stables, and yeah, but obviously that won't be happenin' now."

  "Smitty's place. Sure. Good facility. When are you heading back?"

  "Tomorrow mornin'."

  "Be careful driving. You'll probably find some branches scattered across the roads. I doubt we'll need you, but if we do I'll reach you through Wanda. Tell her hello from me. She's a good cop and a real nice lady."

  "Sure will," Josh replied, standing up and shaking his hand. "I'll be here until tomorrow mornin' if you need me, and you've got my number. Call any time."

  As the officers left, Salvo waved at Theresa, then gestured towards the reception desk.

  "Um, Josh, Salvo and I staying here tonight," Theresa said hesitantly. "Heath doesn't want us driving back."

  "That's good. Heath's right. Why don't you join Salvo and get checked in. I need to call Wanda, then you and I should get together for a drink and a private chat in my room."

  "I hope you're not upset with me."

  "For what?"

  "Coming here. It was totally impulsive, but I can be that way sometimes."

  "No, Princess, I'm not upset. Salvo's wavin' again. Go take care of business. My room number's two-twelve. Knock on my door when you're done."

  As he strode away, Theresa felt her butterflies burst to life.

  "You might not be angry," she mumbled under her breath, "but you've got something on your mind."


  Josh's room overlooked the hills behind the hotel, and sitting in a chair by the window, he watched the wind whipping the trees as he placed the call to Wanda. Though she came from a long line of police officers, she was the first woman in her family to join the force. And she had excelled. Sharp instincts, calm under pressure, and a crack shot, she had won the respect of the department, but in spite of her skill, Josh's protective instincts would not be denied. Watching out for women came as naturally to him as breathing.

  "Hey, Josh, I'm glad you called," she exclaimed. "I just heard about your busy night."

  "News travels fast."

  "It tends to when a missing woman is found. I understand she was rescued by a friend of yours."

  "Yes and no. A friend's brother to be precise, and ironically that friend is Theresa Cavalleri."

  "That's young woman you took back to your house. I followed you in her Land Rover. Talk about ironic. How did he find her?"

  "Sheer luck. He was drivin' towards the Springdale town center when he saw somethin' and decided to check it out."

  "That's bizarre, but thank the Lord he did."

  "Amen to that," Josh said solemnly.

  "How is she? Claudia I mean."

  "I'm pretty sure she'll be okay, but she was a mess. Besides being drenched, freezin' cold and sportin' a gash on her forehead, she was dazed, as though the drugs still affected her. That's one of the reasons I wanted to talk to you. She's be missin' at least thirty-six hours, and she's still out of it. I don't understand."

  "Yeah. I've been discussing that with the captain. How could she be showing the drug's symptoms after so long? Do you have any thoughts?"

  "Her confused state could be a result of that bang on the head, but I'm also thinkin' the perp kept her a while. If he did, does that mean he's changin' his M.O.?"

  "Listen to you and your police jargon."

  "That's what happens hangin' around a cop. I'll bet if you hung around the barn, you'd pick up a few things too."

  "No doubt, but back to your question. Crimes like this often escalate. The offender gains confidence and pushes the envelope, though it's possible he decided this particular victim worthy of more time. We won't know until he strikes again."

  "Damn, I wish we could stop that from happenin'."

  "Sadly I've lost my number one suspect, and I'm not the only one on the force disappointed."

  "I know you were sold on Duke Palmer, but I couldn't see it because none of the other victims came from our area. Not until now."

  "Maybe that confidence I just spoke of is kicking in," Wanda remarked, "but it can't be him. Claudia disappeared leaving his bar the night I followed you home in Theresa Cavalleri's Land Rover. I was only gone fifteen minutes, twenty tops, and when I got back Derrick Palmer was still run off his feet."

  ""How can forensics have found nothin'?"

  "That's the other huge question. How is he able to leave no trace? A hair, a fiber, something."

  "Isn't that evidence in itself? Let's just go through this one more time and throw that into the mix. Dare we say this perp has police trainin'?"

  "Keep an open mind. That's what my captain always says, so that's a possibility we can't ignore."

  "I assume you've looked into Palmer's background. Is there anything there?"


  "But he was seen in some of the areas where other victims have been abducted, right?"


  "That's not much to go on."

  "There's something about him that doesn't sit right with me," Wanda declared. "More a hunch than anything. This guy lives alone and he only works four nights a week. He has time to stalk, and there's no-one keeping tabs on him."

  "I find it curious that he shut his tavern down for a week," Josh said thoughtfully. "Why doesn't he have one of his managers handle things while he's gone?"

  "I can't let him go," Wanda exclaimed. "Unless he has a solid alibi for the last two nights he's staying in my cross-hairs, and your point is a good one. Why close up? How much money is he likely to lose?"

  "Innocent explanation, he doesn't trust anyone. Is there a nefarious explanation? What could that be?"

  "Excellent question! We don't have enough to get a search warrant, but I'm going to swing by the tavern tomorrow and check the place out. I'll drop by his house as well."

  "Even though you know he was behind the bar the night Claudia Harris disappeared?"

  "Yep. What you just said made my skin prickle. Claudia's car never left that parking lot."

  "Wanda! Are you sayin' you think he kept her in the bar somewhere?"

  "Just doing what my captain says. Keeping an open mind, but he's by the book so I'm not going to mention this to anyone. He won't condone me sniffing around without a warrant. I'll have to be careful."

  "I'm a by-the-book-man myself, but not this time. I'll be home in the mornin'. I'd like to join you."

  "Josh, hanging out in a bar with me is different from poking around a citizen's house. If I get caught I might be able to wiggle my way out of it, but I can't say the same for you."

  "How about I happen to be in the neighborhood, and when I see you I stop to say hi."

  "Are you sure you want to stick your neck out?"

  "Hell, yeah, and I also don't want you pokin' around by yourself. Sorry, that doesn't work for this cowboy."

  He could hear her grin, but a gentle knock caught his attention. Theresa had arrived.

  "Do you think there's a chance Claudia will remember something?" Wanda continued.

  "Hard to say, but I have to run. I'll call you when I get back."

  "Stay safe, Josh, and I'm glad the twister didn't pay you a visit."

  "Yeah, me too. It's been a wild night without addin' that into the mix. See you tomorrow."


  "Bye, Wanda."

  Ending the call, he strode across the room and opened the door. Holding a bottle of red wine in one hand, and her bag in the other, Theresa smiled up at him.

  "I don't know if you like Cabernet, but I thought it fit the night."

  "Sure. Good choice. Come on in. I think I saw wine glasses in the entertainment armoire," he said, closing the door behind her. "I'll take a look."

  "Josh, before you do that," she began tentatively, "I need to say something."

  "You look worried."

  "I am. I know it was over the top jumping in a car and
dashing up here. Sorry if I overstepped. I'm Italian. That's my only defense. I can be volatile sometimes, and unpredictable. Salvo accuses me of wearing my heart on my sleeve. At times like this I guess he's right."

  Gently taking the bottle from her hand, he stepped across to the nightstand, set it down, then perched on the edge of the bed.

  "Come and sit with me for a second."

  Though she begged her heart to settle, Theresa's pulse continued to race, Salvo's words from earlier that night echoing through her head.

  Doing something crazy like this smacks of desperation.

  The gorgeous cowboy shared her love of spanking, and probably bondage too. She'd had a crush on him even before he'd put her over his knee, but now she was nuts about him. She couldn't bear to think she might have blown her chances. Telling herself she couldn't change the past, and regardless of what Josh said, she was glad she'd jumped in the truck and taken off. Claudia Harris would be lying in a field alone and near death if she hadn't. Taking a breath, consoled by the good that had come from her impetuous decision, she walked to Josh, dropped her bag on the floor, and settled next to him.

  "I must admit, when you first said you'd left the ranch 'cos you heard about the tornado and wanted to make sure I was okay, it kinda shocked me."

  "I didn't mean to—"

  "Hush up. I haven't finished. After the surprise wore off I started thinkin'. One of the things that drives me crazy, and probably most other men too, is when a girl thinks she's gotta play head games. There's nothin' attractive about dishonesty, and that includes the playin' hard to get thing. What you did tonight was about as honest as honest gets. A bit crazy, sure, but you weren't afraid to show you cared. That counts for a whole lot in my book, and you know what? If I'd been here and heard a twister had hit back home and I couldn't reach you, I would've jumped in my truck and tried to find you."


  "In a heartbeat. I'm flattered that you came out here, and look at the good that came out of it. Because you threw away any worry about what I might think, you probably saved a life. At the very least you rescued a woman from more hours of suffering, and put her loved ones out of their misery."


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