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Meredith's Pride [Galactic Nuptials 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)

Page 7

by Missy Martine

Honaw lifted his head and sniffed. “You might as well come out, Delsin. I can smell your fear from here.” He smirked. “Come out and I’ll make your death quick instead of long and painful as I did your alpha.”

  Delsin growled, and stepped into the clearing. He motioned Honaw forward. “Bring it on. I’m formally challenging you, Honaw. You’re going down.”

  Honaw threw back his head and laughed. “I’m happy to accept your challenge, Delsin. But according to pack law, you must first best my enforcer before you can call me out.”

  Lonato grinned and stepped in front of Honaw. “I’m ready anytime you are.”

  “So be it.” Delsin called the blue light and felt his bones reshaping, the magic filling his body as he changed into his lion. It only took a few seconds to be standing in his feline form. He glanced over at Lonato and saw a massive, orange-and-gray lion. The two stared into each other’s eyes for a moment, and then they pounced. They met in the middle of the clearing, claws extended, incisors down. Delsin was a little faster and rolled the large lion under his body, and then roared when he felt claws open his sides, blood gushing.

  He tightened his hold on the enforcer and dug in his claws. His jaws snapped, nipping skin everywhere he could reach. Lonato growled, trying to throw him off his body, but Delsin hung on, maneuvering his fangs toward his opponent’s throat. He dropped his shield to search for his brother. Etu, I’m about to take Lonato down and then take on Honaw. I know I can win.

  I’ve taken out the enemy that came this way. I will come and help you with the alpha.

  No! Go and assist Hakan and Knoton. When they have eliminated their threat, the three of you take the ship. I’ll handle this on my own. He put his shields back up as he closed his jaws over the trachea of his enemy, biting down and ripping out his throat. He turned to shift and reissue his challenge and was knocked to the ground when the alpha jumped him from behind, landing on his back. It was the act of a coward and a shameful way to start a challenge.

  Delsin was weak from loss of blood. Shifting would have healed his wounds and allowed him to start the new challenge fresh. If he tried to shift now, he’d be killed. He surged forward, tangling with the massive alpha lion. It was a short battle. For a few brief moments they fought, claws and teeth leaving impressions on each other. Then Honaw clawed his chest deeply, leaving him a bloody heap on the ground.

  Honaw held Delsin down, his jaws around the lion’s throat. He gazed into his eyes and spoke into his mind, chuffing when Delsin’s eyes widened. You did not know that a true alpha can put his thoughts in any lion, not just his own pride. I’m not going to kill you outright, boy. You’re not a true alpha and can’t force a shift when you’re this wounded. I’m going to leave you to bleed to death. I know the cubs are here, and I’m going to find them and bring them before you so I can kill them in front of you, and then your failure as an alpha will be complete. Growling, he turned and moved away.

  Brother, can you hear me? Delsin tried to send a message to Etu, but he was so weak he didn’t think it would get through. He lay there, bleeding, watching Honaw move off down the trail toward the caves. He knew the alpha wouldn’t hesitate to kill Mer to get his hands on the cubs. Oh, Meredith! I wish I’d mated you for real. I should have told you how I really feel. Slowly his eyes closed.

  Chapter 6

  Mer couldn’t stop his trembling as he watched the cubs sleeping. It must have been one hell of a hypnotic suggestion to keep them knocked out this long. He glanced toward the front of the cave. I wish to hell I knew what was going on. Maybe I can just take a peek outside and see if I can see any of the guys. He blew out the torch and moved toward the entrance.

  He stopped when he heard a strange noise. He opened his mouth to ask who’s there and then froze, pressing himself against the cold, wet stone, his gaze searching the darkness. His stomach clenched at the unmistakable scratch of paws passing over dead leaves and a snout snuffling the air, rooting for a foreign scent. Hell, they’re probably looking for me. Not sure if the animal was friend or foe, he crept backward slowly, soundlessly.

  A loud chuffing sound was followed by a bright blue light flaring. Mer decided it was better to see his enemy coming, so he quickly lit a torch and moved away from the cavern where the babies slept.

  A tall, handsome naked man appeared at the cave’s entrance. He raked Mer’s body with a disdainful glance and laughed. “You’re a damn human. They’ve trusted their cubs to a human.”

  Mer felt relief when the stranger ignored him, moving deeper into the cave away from the cavern where the babies slept. I guess he knows I’m not much of a threat.

  Lifting his head, the stranger inhaled deeply. “They’re not here.” He whirled and pinned Mer with an angry glare. “Where are they, human?”

  Thank God. He can’t smell them. I’ve got to get him out of here before the little darlings wake. Mer took a deep breath. “They’ve been secured near the shuttle for safety. I guess their uncle figured they’d be close if he needed to leave here quickly.” If I can get him to take me to the shuttle, maybe Delsin will have time to find me.

  The naked man moved closer, sniffing the air around Mer. “You smell of their leader. Are you his mate?” When Mer didn’t answer, he laughed. “The stench of your fear is great, human. It’s all the answer I need. I think I’ll just take you with me and then offer an exchange. The Chaarta male can have his mate if he brings me the children of my enemy.”

  “Why do you want those babies so much?”

  The stranger’s eyes flashed red, and Mer had to cover his ears when he roared. “Those cubs should have been mine. Preyta was my mate, and I’ll raise her children as if they were born in my home.”

  “Not if I can help it.” Mer turned to run and saw a bright blue light from the corner of his eyes. Before he could move, a huge weight knocked him to the ground. A sharp pain shot through his head when it came in contact with a rock, and then everything went black.

  * * * *

  Delsin groaned and tried to open his eyes. He’d waited until Honaw had disappeared into the forest before shifting into his human body. Honaw was wrong. Delsin was a true alpha. Shifting had saved his life, but it had taken time to regain his strength. The pain burning in his chest and throat was bad, but he could sense the bleeding had stopped. He looked up into the eyes of his brother and felt fear as the sounds of his heartbeat roared in his ears. Etu was clearly in pain. “What is it?” His voice was gravely, barely recognizable.

  Etu sobbed. “I’m sorry for my weakness, my Alpha.”

  “Stop stalling, Etu.” Delsin scowled and tried to sit up. “We’re brothers first. Tell me what has happened. Did you and the others kill Honaw?”

  “No, Alpha.”

  “The cubs?”

  “They’re safe, Delsin. Knoton and Hakan are watching over them.”

  “Why is Mer not with them? Was he hurt?”

  Etu lowered his head until his chin rested on his chest. His breath came in ragged pants. “He’s gone, Delsin.”

  Delsin managed to get to his feet. “What do you mean, he’s gone?”

  “Honaw took him.”

  Delsin threw back his head and roared. Immediately he heard the babies begin to cry. “Why would he take a human?”

  “He sent a message that he would return the Chaarta alpha his mate when you deliver him the children of Preyta.”

  Again Delsin roared. His beast was furious and demanding to be let out to search for their mate. “Did he say where to bring the cubs?”

  Etu’s mouth dropped open. “He said to bring them to Linneaus.” He moved closer and put his hand on Delsin’s arm. “What can we do, brother?”

  Delsin took a deep breath. “We’re going to Linnaeus and getting our mate.”

  * * * *

  Mer opened his eyes and blinked several times, unwilling to believe what he was seeing. It looked like he was in some kind of dingy jail cell. The bed creaked as he sat up, the thin mattress sagging in the middle like the sludgy bi
lge of a rotten ship. How many others had claimed this spot before him, staring at the same chipped paint that he did now?

  The last thing he remembered was that asshole jumping on him and slamming him to the ground. I wonder where Delsin and Etu are. God, I hope the babies are safe. He looked around and wrinkled his nose. The cell walls and floor were made from stone. He walked over, wrapping his fingers around the cold steel bars. His face felt swollen, and he raised his hand and let his fingers probe a wound on his forehead.

  There were torches in iron sconces scattering shadows across the floor. The sound of weeping came from the narrow passages off to the right, breaking the silence of his prison. The place reeked of smoke and decay. He paced across the hard floor, sweat dripping down his face.

  The sound of an iron door shuddering open had him huddling in the corner, drawing his legs up tight to his body. Shaking, he closed his eyes and touched a dry spot on the wall, moving his finger in slow, soft strokes. In his mind he saw Delsin and Etu. He held on to the image of their smiling faces until he could no longer ignore the approaching heavy footsteps of his captors.

  A strange catlike man appeared at the cell door. He looked at Mer and smirked, then opened the door, the click of the lock loud in the small room. “Let’s go.”

  Mer hesitated. “What do you want from me?”

  The stranger pulled him out and pushed him toward a dark hall. Mer shuddered as he walked down the long passage, the sound of weeping getting louder with each step. There were other cells with prisoners huddled against the bars or hiding in the corners, pleading or weeping.

  Their footsteps echoed down the walkway until he reached an open door. Mer was pushed through, barely able to stay on his feet. The guard closed the door, the sound of the lock engaging sending feelings of dread through his body.

  Mer looked around, his mouth dropping open. There were chains fixed to the walls, the coppery scent of blood in the air. He crossed his arms across his chest and whispered. “Please, guys. Come get me.” He turned when the door opened, and the man from the cave walked in, a wicked grin on his face.

  “I’m sorry about this, human, but I’ve got to do something to get your mate here. We haven’t been introduced. I’m Honaw, alpha of the Mkata pride.” He grabbed Mer and pulled him toward the wall, his feet dragging on the hard floor.

  “Stop, please. Why are you doing this?”

  Honaw deftly attached an iron manacle around his ankle. “I’ll be back in a minute. Don’t go away, human.” He left the room laughing heartily.

  Frantically, Mer ran his fingers along cracks in the stone wall looking for weaknesses. He pulled at the chains where they’d been welded to the wall. The chain attached to his ankle cuff slithered across the floor behind him like a demented snake.

  Honaw returned, carrying a long, black whip. It coiled around his arm and seemed to be alive. “Try to relax, human. This won’t take long.”

  Mer swallowed hard. “What are you gonna do?”

  “Your pain will bring your mate running.”

  Mer’s legs trembled, his hands twisting together. “Are you crazy?”

  “The mind bond with your mate will let him feel your pain and draw him here. The same way you feel his pain and emotions.”

  Shit, I’m in trouble. Mer knew then the lions had not really mated with him. He’d never felt any emotions or thoughts from them. “Don’t do this, please. It won’t work.”

  “It has to.” Honaw drew back his arm and let the coiled leather fly.

  It cut a fiery trail across Mer’s back, and he screamed. Before he could catch his breath, the devil rope tore another path across his back. His world became a hazy realm of pain as he lost count of the strokes. He was unprepared to feel hands close around his arms. He flinched in pain and struggled against the guard lifting him to his feet.

  “Don’t worry, human.” Honaw held the door open for the guard. “That will bring the alpha running.”

  The guard dragged Mer back to his cell. He could taste blood where he’d bitten his lip as the metal bars rattled closed behind him. His eyes grew used to the dim light of his new home as the tears fell freely down his face. When the blood trickled slowly down his back, a strange feeling swelled in his chest as he lost all hope. “Where are you?” he whispered.

  * * * *

  Delsin stood at the shuttle’s viewport, his body rigid, his hands clamped so tightly to the back of a chair his knuckles were white. He’d longed for the day they could return to Linnaeus, but this wasn’t the homecoming he’d dreamed of. Avenging Chayton’s death was important, but nothing was as important as saving their mate. “Stay strong, Mer. I’m coming for you.” He heard footsteps and turned his gaze toward the door.

  “My Alpha!” Knoton bowed his head as he walked into the observation room.

  Delsin raised a brow. “So formal. We’ve been friends since we were small cubs. Nothing will ever change that.”

  Knoton sighed. “Sorry, Delsin. The situation seemed to call for formal.”

  “What’s up?”

  “Sensors show all life signs to be in the Mhatara.”

  Delsin took a shuffling step back, his mouth falling open. “Are you sure? I thought for sure Honaw would take over our settlement in the mountains.” The Mhatara was a vast swampland.

  “There’s no mistake. They’re going to have the advantage now. It’ll be like fighting in their own back yard.”

  “Very well. Get us as close as you can. There’s no point in trying to hide. He knows we’re coming.” It would be a lot harder to get Mer out now. “Did you receive a communiqué from Zintssar?”

  “Affirmative. He says the cubs are fine. His mates are handling things. He wanted to know if he should send some of his father’s men from Arrida.”

  “I don’t want to involve others in our dispute. As long as I know the cubs are safe, I can handle everything else.”

  Knoton grinned. “Yes, I figured you would say that. He’s going to stay on Khera for a day or two and then take everyone back to Kilara. Nobody will be able to trace them there.”

  Delsin growled softly. “Then let’s land and take back what’s ours.”

  “Get strapped in. We’ll be on the ground in just a few minutes.”

  After their smooth landing, Delsin walked down the ramp and felt a feeling of satisfaction flowing through him at the sight of his birth planet. Tall trees formed a canopy that blocked out much of the sun while the dense undergrowth was ripe with lush foliage. There were very few flowers but shiny leaves of all shapes, sizes, and shades of green blanketed the terrain. Twisting ropes of vines wound down the rock cliffs, springing from the crevices.

  Etu touched his shoulder. “Listen, Brother. The forest is welcoming us home.”

  Delsin could hear birds calling, their wings fluttering in the heat. Being so close to the Mhatara, the air was stuffy and warm. The decay and algae warred with the scent of animal musk. The thick, stagnant air was heavy on his tongue.

  “What’s the plan?” asked Etu.

  “Let’s fan out.” Delsin looked at each of his men. “Be mindful of the natural enemies here as well as the Mkata pride. Watch your steps. Don’t hesitate to kill anyone you find. The only pride members left on Linnaeus are our enemies. But watch for our mate and ensure his safety at all costs.” He picked up a long stick and started off toward the thick vegetation as his pride mates went in opposite directions. Etu gave a final wave as the curling mist swallowed him up.

  Before each step, Delsin probed the water with his walking stick. The murky water kept everything, both dangerous and benign, from view. A sudden burst of bubbles could mean a submerged log settling or the rancid breath of a beast on the hunt. He slogged through the mud, not knowing which was worse, the tension in his neck from listening to every drip and scrape or the foul air that clung to every inch of his skin and filled his mouth with the taste of death. He thought of Meredith and sighed. “Hold on, mate. Be strong. I’m coming.”

  * * *

  Mer paced back and forth, stopping to yank on the iron doors with each pass. “Come on, guys. Where the hell are you? I risk my life to save your cubs, and this is the thanks I get. And if Señor Psycho is right, you didn’t even bother to truly mate me. You can’t even feel any of my pain.”

  He looked toward the darkened hallway when he heard footsteps. When Honaw stepped into the light, Mer scurried to the back of the cell, cowering in a corner. “Haven’t you figured out yet that it won’t work to keep hurting me? They don’t feel my pain.”

  “But they do, puny human. Even now, your mates make their way through the Mhatara to be by your side.” The click of the lock was loud as Honaw opened the cell door. He motioned for Mer to come out. “Come. We must prepare a special greeting.”

  “Delsin and Etu are here?” Mer bit his lip. “What’s Mhatara?”

  Honaw moved into the small cell and grabbed Mer’s arm. “The Mhatara is our natural protection.” He chuckled. “It may even kill your mates before I can.”

  Mer began to struggle. “No, I won’t let you use me to hurt them.”

  Honaw laughed and pulled him from the cell. “You can’t stop me. Soon the Chaarta pride will cease to exist, and Preyta’s cubs will be mine. I will take a mate, and we will raise them together.”

  Not if I have anything to say about it. Mer stopped struggling and allowed Honaw to lead him down several corridors until they reached a large room. It made him think of a king’s royal chambers complete with a throne. Honaw pushed him into a chair just as one of his guards rushed into the room.

  “Alpha.” The man panted breathlessly. “It has begun.”

  Honaw grinned. “Excellent. Go and make sure the alpha can find his way here. If he makes it to the palace, he’s mine.” The guard bowed low and dashed off. Honaw ignored Mer and began pulling weapons from a closet in the room, arranging them on a small table.

  Mer’s eyes grew wide as he watched the enemy alpha. Honaw lined up several knives on the table beside his throne, strapped some type of gun to his hip, and pulled out a long, wickedly curved sword. Mer had to bite back a laugh. Does the thought of messing with my guys scare you that much?


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