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Page 19

by J. F. Jenkins

  “Thanks, that means a lot to me,” she said. Without hesitation, she reached over and grabbed his hand. “I am trying to be sensitive to your feelings JD. I hope you know that. It’s hard for me to go back when I’ve stepped into something so new and exciting.”

  Hopefully he understood. He once explained his romantic relationships in a similar manner.

  Slowly, he nodded. “You said we’d always be best friends and I’ll hold you to that. It won’t change, and as long as that one thing stays the same, then I’ll be cool.”

  “I think I can do that,” Cadence said with a soft smile. She couldn’t imagine life without him. Even when he made her mad, she couldn’t write him off. He was far too important to quit on. They were drawn to each other, an experience she was pretty sure was new for them both.

  He licked his lips and faced her, looking into her eyes. If she didn’t know better, she’d think he wanted to kiss her, but why would JD do that? “But I need to be even more honest with you here. Part of the reason I am getting weird so much is because I’m keeping something from you and I don’t think I can handle it anymore.”

  “What kind of a secret?” she asked. There would always be things he kept to himself, she knew this, just like she had a few things she didn’t think he’d care to know. Girl things, and he had guy things. It was natural to have some secrets, but part of what she loved most about their relationship was the level of openness they had between them.

  There was a lot she wished he hadn’t told her. Things about girls he dated, or stuff he overheard some of the boys saying. She would return the favor by getting in-depth about her period. That’s what friends did for each other. They listened even if they sometimes didn’t want to. The things they didn’t tell one another were usually minor, so for him to come out and say he had an actual secret implied something more.

  JD half smiled. “A good secret. Super juicy. You’re gonna like it. I hope.”

  She gasped. “You’ve got a new girl! You dog! Who?” Almost every time he didn’t share something juicy that made him so happy, it involved a new crush. He didn’t like to talk about it unless he was positive everything would work out.

  “You,” he said casually.

  “Ewe? That’s kind of a weird name for a girl. Isn’t that a sheep or something?” Cadence had heard some bizarre names before, but this one definitely took the cake.

  He brought the palm of his hand to his face, and muffled a laugh. “You’re...funny, did you know that? You...Y...O...U. As in Cadence Sinclair, the beautiful, awesome babe sitting next to me. I’ve been into you for, well, I don’t even know how long. It’s part of why I broke up with Anya last spring, and why I haven’t dated since.” He gave her hand a squeeze. “You.”

  For a moment, Cadence couldn’t even think. A first since she had received her new power from Alan. He’s talking about me? Me! How come I couldn’t figure this out on my own? How can I have not known? Me? This is crazy.

  Surprisingly, he didn’t prod her for a response. He simply started the engine, and drove back to her apartment without another word. The radio played to fill the gap, but her mind drowned it out.

  What do I do? What do I say? He’s my best friend and he’s a great guy, but do I like him like that? I don’t even know what I think of him anymore to be honest. This is so bizarre. He’s got a lot of great boyfriend qualities, and a lot of not-so-great ones. If I say I feel the same way, it will change everything. If I say I don’t, the same thing. Maybe this didn’t actually happen. Maybe I’m making it up. If that’s the case, then why would my subconscious do this to me? Does that mean I do like him? Ugh, stop overanalyzing it!

  When they arrived in front of her building, he got out of the car, cool and casual as always. “Don’t start freaking out about it, and you don’t need to say anything either. I feel a ton better, and that’s more what I was going for. I figured you’d need some time. I mean, this is us. Everything about our relationship is already different, and I don’t want to rush or push you. Now it’s our secret.”

  All she could do was nod as she pulled out her apartment keys. They walked up the stairs. Say something. Anything, just say something, Cadence.

  She opened her mouth with the full intention of at least telling him how flattered she was by his confession, even if she didn’t know how to respond to it. Guys did not exactly admit to having feelings for her all too often. The last one who said he was into her said it was only because she was “so hot” and he had to know what it would be like to be with her. Not a turn-on or a good pick-up line, in her eyes. With JD, she knew he meant it. He wanted her. That part scared her the most. He meant it.

  Cadence’s perfectly planned speech was forgotten when she opened her apartment door and saw Jaes and Alan.

  “What are you two doing here?” she asked. She was glad for the interruption. It gave her more time to think. She stepped away from JD, her cheeks warm. He hadn’t kissed her, much like she had been thinking he would. Half hoping, even. Maybe then she’d understand her own feelings.

  “Dude, be glad it was us and not her mom, or things would be ugly,” JD said. “I told you not to just pop into certain places.”

  “I know. It wasn’t my idea,” Alan said, his voice cold.

  “We are not visible to those not a part of our team,” Jaes reminded them.

  Cadence exhaled, her heart still pounding from the surprise. “True, but it’s still a matter of principle. We weren’t expecting you. It’s a little rude.”

  “Are we interrupting something?” Jaes asked and his eyes looked at her and then at JD.

  “Sort of, I guess make yourselves at home. My mom will be out for a few more hours.” She went to hang her purse up, along with her other things. She needed a moment to herself. JD also pulled off his shoes and coat, like he usually did.

  “What’s up? I’m guessing it’s important,” he said. He went to the kitchen to grab a soda from the refrigerator. “Anyone want anything?”

  “I’m okay,” Cadence said, and sat on the couch. She drew her knees to her chest, noticing how Jaes was staring at her again. What is going on here? He’d mentioned how he was fascinated by her, but she wasn’t anything too special. The allure should have worn off by now.

  “I will have something,” Jaes said. Alan nodded and mumbled a ‘yes’.

  JD came back with sodas for all of them, even Cadence. He knew her well. She had said no, but no doubt she’d later change her mind, especially if things became awkward. There was tension all around. Between her and JD, JD and the aliens, even between Alan and his friend. Everyone was being much too quiet.

  “So I repeat, what’s up?” JD sat down by Cadence, close enough that his foot brushed against her leg, but not so close she felt like he was taking over her space. He was there, and he made sure she knew it, which she appreciated. Alan didn’t make her nervous anymore, but Jaes definitely did. If only because he stared at her so much.

  Do I look funny to him? she wondered.

  Alan found a place to sit down and crossed his legs casually, an almost smug expression in his eyes as he watched his comrade. “Yes, friend, why don’t you tell them what’s up?”

  “I’m not sure I understand the question,” Jaes said, and sat as well.

  “It’s a human expression that’s used fairly often. Similar to ‘What’s going on?’ ‘What are you doing?’ and ‘How are you?’“ Alan explained sharply. He seemed to enjoy putting the other alien in his place, a complete contrast to how he had behaved on their previous mission. Why would he do that? Unless he was trying to warn Cadence to not trust Jaes. It put her on edge.

  Jaes glared at Alan momentarily before resuming his casual composure. “I wanted to get better acquainted with you.” He looked at Cadence when he said it which made her feel like he only meant her. She wasn’t sure what to think of that.

  “O...kay?” JD glanced over at her and then shrugged. He popped open his soda and took a drink before continuing. “Shouldn’t you be doi
ng that when we’re all together? I mean, I assume you want to get to know all of us right? It’d be easier that way.”

  “One would think,” Alan mumbled.

  “Yes, but it’s easier to have personal and intimate conversations with you when I can focus on only one or two. The only reason I didn’t gather with you alone is because I wasn’t sure if you’d be comfortable with the idea. However, we can do that as well at a later point in time?” Jaes said and there was a slight hopeful glimmer in his eyes as he glanced at Cadence.

  Cadence scooted closer to JD. “This is fine for now. Easier. Convenient.”

  “Exactly what I was thinking.”

  “So what do you want to know? Why do you want to know?” JD asked.

  “Yes, why do you want to know?” Alan echoed and while he had a smile on his face, it was clearly only there for the sake of being polite.

  Jaes stared down at his hands for a moment, then he circled them in front of him as he thought. “I want to know so I can better understand how you think. If we are going to be working together in the future, it is important I know you on a slightly more personal level. What you do, how you tick, etc. Then I can more adequately train you and then place you on the battlefield.”

  Alan nodded slowly. “So you are going to take control of them? That was the rumor I had heard, or well, no it wasn’t a rumor. Sir Orioltogorthan told me earlier today. Now, I wasn’t planning on saying anything just yet, but since you dragged me here and brought it up, I suppose I should.”

  “I—I didn’t drag you here, and—” Jaes stammered, his eyes wide, completely caught off guard.

  “What do you mean taking control of us? What about Alan? I’m confused,” JD interjected.

  “Yes, I am too,” Alan said coldly.

  Hands raised, Jaes made a loud whistling noise. Everyone had their eyes on him. “I cannot tell you anything if you are not quiet enough for me to speak,” he said. He waited a few more seconds before continuing. “Alanmendiquixanimackle, Sir Orioltogorthan and I did have a discussion about my working with your team. As a partnership. I thought I had stressed that point to him, but apparently he did not get the message. The last thing I want is more charges. I already have four, one of which is working as a double agent. They are about as new to the game as all of you. Why would I bite off more than I can chew? Especially after listening to all of the problems you’ve already had with them in the past?” He let his questions resonate with them all and then added. “I thought we were at the point of trusting one another. I see I was mistaken. You should have said something much sooner.”

  “I was waiting to calm down,” Alan mumbled. “As for trust, I would rather not discuss that here.”

  “No, we will talk about it now. Because your seeds of doubt have been planted within your charges as well, based on your actions and opinions of me. Whether you intended for them to or not. Besides, I think it best we hash all of this out sooner rather than later. Don’t you? We are to work with each other next weekend, and it will be a lot more extensive than simply doing intelligence. I do not want to let our problems get in the way of our goals.”

  “I wouldn’t.”

  “But I would.” Jaes let out a deep sigh.

  Cadence glanced at JD who shrugged. She couldn’t help but feel out of place. This wasn’t something she needed to see. At the same time, it said a lot about who Jaes was as a person. If he had things to hide, he wouldn’t try so hard to make sure the truth was exposed. Would he? Unless he wanted to appear trustworthy. Looking into his eyes, she didn’t see anything deceptive. All she noticed was an innocent kind of desperation.

  “I have nothing to discuss further. In fact, I’m pretty sure we’ve covered why I have problems trusting you already. This is not how I would have liked to confront you on the issue, but what’s done is done. I’m sure our superior said what he did for a reason. It wouldn’t surprise me if he was trying to cause a gap between our friendship,” Alan said.

  “What makes you say that? Why would he not want us to work well together?” Jaes asked.

  “Guys, as eye-opening and interesting as all of this is, I have no idea what you’re talking about,” JD said. “So someone explain, what’s going on? Please? Who is Sir...I don’t even want to bother pronouncing that. Man you guys have complicated names.”

  Jaes shrugged. “It isn’t any more complicated than your system. The family name, then middle, then the first.”

  “But you say it all as one word. Complicated!”

  “I suppose. As for what is going on, it seems our superior officer has a difference in opinion from us. At least from me,” Jaes said.

  Alan pinched the bridge of his nose and mumbled, “I don’t want them involved with him.”

  With some hesitation, Cadence went over and gave Alan a hug. She felt like she was in the process of watching a train wreck. The conversation was painful but fascinating all at once. She empathized with the guy. All of this was causing a lot of stress. When she glanced back at JD so she could signal for him to offer some kind of support too, she noticed he was seething as he practically crushed his can of soda in his hand. Oh, give me a break. Jealous? Is he serious?

  She couldn’t think of any other reason why he’d have that kind of a reaction. Alan himself didn’t seem to know how to react to the hug. At first his body tensed up, and then he relaxed under her touch. It might have been a long time since he last had someone hold him. While normally she wasn’t touchy-feely, she knew how to give good hugs when they were needed. He needed one.

  She pulled away from him. “You guys need to relax. I don’t know who this superior officer is, but I think you’re on to something, Alan, when you say he’s trying to cause problems.”

  “Why would he do something like that? We’re all on the same team,” Jaes said.

  “Because he doesn’t like me. I’ve told you this.” Alan glared at the man.

  “Drama, man I’m glad Orlando isn’t here for this. He’d have a heyday,” JD whispered.

  Cadence nodded in agreement and went to sit next to JD again. She moved close to him, wanting him to know that he was still important to her. “So you want to get to know us better you say? Alan is considered part of our family and team. That’s something you can know, and pass along to your superior who wants to take us away from him. Now what else do you want to know?”

  For a minute, Jaes watched the room, as if reevaluating the situation. “This is not how I had pictured this going. Your charges are so much more honest than mine. I mentioned how one of my abilities was knowledge, Cadence, now I will tell you another. I am unable to lie. A blessing and curse, let me tell you.”

  “How many powers do you have?” JD asked, his mouth open in awe.

  “Three that are additional to what I was born with, and one that is an enhancement we all have been given from the ship. A device that gives us the ability to be visible to anyone we choose. For the most part, we only let those who work for our tribe see us. It makes it easier to pass on the planet unnoticed. The other tribes do this as well. It’s not uncommon,” Jaes said.

  “So you’re saying you have five abilities total?” Cadence asked.

  Jaes nodded. “Yes. As does Alan from what I believe. He has three he was born with, and did you say two that were given to you?”

  “Yes,” Alan said quietly.

  JD blinked. “That’s nuts. So on Altura you are born with multiple powers? Normally? And then you have man-made ones too? This kind of thing is common?”

  “Yes, our technology is advanced in the field of superior gifts, as we call them. They’re expensive to buy depending on the ability. Most of the generated ones are defensive in nature. There are laws that prevent the sales of aggressive ones, as well as the research to create them. Only the government is allowed to invest in such a feat. Most of it is considered classified information. Much like your planet has secret weapons it develops. It is a similar concept. Everyone knows it is happening, but only a few know the depth
of the progress,” Jaes said.

  “So defensive is like, what? Shields and stuff?”

  “Most are healing related. Almost every household has at least one healing enhancement of some kind. They are the cheaper ones to obtain and range from curing basic diseases, to repairing minor fractures. Some have an emergency healer which will do an involved procedure which only works one time. There are a few individuals who buy silly powers which are used for shows. Parlor tricks. Creating bright lights, some involve music. These are expensive and worthless.”

  Cadence glanced at JD and saw his eyes light up, and she knew what he was probably thinking. If there were such things as Jaes described, then maybe he could get in on that and gain a useful power. Healing would be necessary. She was sure he would be okay with anything as long as he could do something besides sit and watch.

  “Can you really not lie?” she asked, making eye contact with Jaes.

  “I truly cannot,” he said and held his gaze with hers.

  She broke contact with him, and looked over at JD. “Would you be able to get us one of these enhancers?”

  “It is something I can discuss with my superior, but it would not be something that comes for free. And it would also take time,” Jaes said.

  “Cool,” JD said.

  Jaes relaxed, and he sat back in his chair, returning to his usual casual demeanor. “You are both asking a lot of questions about Altura. I find that interesting.”

  “Dude, it’s another planet! Of course we want to know more about it,” JD said.

  “It’s interesting to me because my own charges do not care to learn more about my home. They ask more about how things will be affected here on Earth.”

  “Because everything is going to change,” Cadence whispered. She’d avoided thinking about the repercussions of the Alturan war coming to Earth because everything she came up with scared her. There would be a lot of new problems as more people started to get involved.

  “Yes,” Jaes said and shifted his weight in his chair. “Now, I came to learn more about you. This is your home Cadence? I believe you were the one who mentioned your mother being out for a bit. Unless you and JD are related?”


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