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The Alpha's Search (The Craven Trilogy, #1)

Page 10

by Natalie Shaw

  Craven told me about the vampire attack on Jesters on the night my father was murdered. He told me how I'd fled my territory, and made my way to him. And then he told me how, that same night, he'd taken me as his mate.

  “I wish I could remember my father. I wish I could remember anything. ”

  “Have patience. I'm sure it'll all come back to you in time.”

  “Where have I been for the last forty years?”

  “I wish I knew. If we can find the answer to that, I think we'll have the answer to all of your other questions too.”

  “Why did you continue to search for so long? You must have realised I could be dead.”

  “If you'd been dead, I would have known. You're my fated mate. We have a connection that only death can break. I could sense that connection was still alive, so I knew you were too.”

  He leaned over and kissed me gently on the lips.

  “Do that again,” I said. “Like you mean it this time.”

  He didn't hesitate. His lips pressed hard against mine. Moments later, our tongues played out a blissful duel. His hand teased its way slowly (too slowly) down my back until it cupped my butt. I pressed myself against him, and felt the length and girth of his cock. I could hear my heart pounding in my chest. I wanted him inside me more than I'd wanted any man. I slipped a hand down between us, and began to rub his erection. He flinched initially, but then pulled me closer still. Grinding my hips against him, I managed to say, “Let's go to bed.”

  “I want you right here, right now.” He said, as he pushed me back onto the sofa.

  “No panties?” He feigned shock.

  I smiled. All part of the plan.

  He dropped onto his knees in front of the sofa, spread my legs, and then kissed me along the inside of my thigh. Delicious as it felt, I still wanted him inside me.

  “Fuck me, Craven.”

  “First, I have to taste you.”

  “Oh god!!” Was all I could manage as his tongue traced a path slowly down my slit.

  “You're so wet.”

  “Fuck me! I want you inside me!”

  “Not yet. I want you to come for me first.”

  I tried to object, but the words died on my lips when his tongue found my clit, and began to tease it from side to side. I wrapped my fingers through his hair, and pulled him even closer.

  “Come for me Louise,” he breathed.

  He slid two fingers into my wetness, and began to finger fuck me. I was gyrating my hips—riding his fingers—wishing all of the time that it was his cock.

  “I want you inside me!” I yelled, but it was too late, as my orgasm engulfed me.

  “I've waited so long for that,” he said, as he slid his fingers out of my pussy. After sucking one finger, he offered the other to me. I tasted my juices, and then grabbed at his trousers. It was my turn to pleasure him now, and nothing was going to stop me. My hands were trembling as I released the button, and pulled down the zip. His cock was almost bursting from his shorts, as I slid my hand inside. He was huge, and so very hard.

  His trousers and shorts fell to the floor, and he kicked them aside.

  “I want to feel your lips on my cock,” he said, as he placed a hand on the back of my head by way of encouragement. I didn't need any encouragement. I flicked the head with the tip of my tongue—tasting his pre-cum. I placed one hand on the base of his cock—my other hand cupped his balls which squirmed to my touch.

  He glanced down just as I took him between my lips. I heard, and felt, him groan with pleasure as I began to suck the full length of his cock in and out of my mouth.

  “I want you to come in my mouth,” I said, as I allowed his cock to slip from my lips for just a second. I wanted to feel his warm cum fill my mouth and throat.

  But he had different ideas.

  Without a word of warning, he pulled me to my feet, lifted me in his arms, and carried me through to the bedroom. After lowering me gently onto the edge of the bed, he lifted my legs, so my feet were resting on his shoulders.

  “Tell me what you want.” He was already well aware of the answer.

  “I want you to fuck me.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Fuck me or I'll...”

  He thrust his cock deep into my wetness. For a moment, I struggled to catch my breath. He grabbed my buttocks and pulled me to the very edge of the bed, and then fucked me with every ounce of his strength.

  Forty years worth of pent-up emotion was released at last. Our eyes locked as he reached his climax. As he did, I wrapped my legs around his back—pulling him even deeper into me.

  We lay in silence—side-by-side on the bed.

  “Don't let's wait another forty years to do that again,” I whispered.

  “Don't worry. You won't have to wait another forty minutes.”

  Chapter 18

  When I woke the next morning, I was alone in the bed.


  There was no reply, and I couldn't hear any movement in the house.

  “Craven?” I threw on the blouse and skirt I'd worn the night before, and walked bare-footed across the cool wooden floor. It took only a few minutes to establish he wasn't in the house. Maybe he'd shifted and gone for a run, but why hadn't he woken me?

  I glanced through the window, and saw him about to get into the car.

  “Hold it!” I positioned myself directly in front of the car. “Where are you going?”

  “Morning beautiful.” He wound down the window.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Into the city. I need to check the lay of the land. My instincts tell me this might be the territory for us, but I need a closer look-see.”

  “So you thought you'd go off by yourself and leave me here on my lonesome?”

  “I didn't want to wake you. You looked so peaceful.”

  “Don't give me that pile of bullshit. You deliberately crept out of bed, so I wouldn't know you'd gone.”

  “It may be dangerous—”

  “I'm coming with you.”

  “I want you to stay here.”

  “I'm coming.”

  For a moment, I thought he was going to stand his ground, but then he smiled.

  “Okay. But you'd better get changed. I'm not sure you're going to create the right impression dressed like that.”

  I'd thrown on my clothes so quickly I hadn't buttoned my blouse. Craven grinned as his gaze fixed on my breasts.

  I pulled the open blouse together. “I need a shower. You can make me coffee.”

  “Yes madam.” I could hear him chuckling, as I made my way back to the house. I turned around and gave him the finger. That only made him laugh more.

  As the warm water ran over my face, my mind drifted back to the previous night. It had been perfect—much too perfect for it to have been our first time. There was a familiarity about his touch, his body, and our lovemaking. It pained me that I couldn't recall the first time we'd made love.

  “Your coffee's going cold.” He pointed to the mug on the table. “I thought you'd got lost in there.”

  “I haven't been that long. Do I look okay?”

  “You look gorgeous, although I preferred it when you had your breasts out.”

  He ducked just in time to dodge the cushion I launched at him.

  “So, what's the game plan?” I sipped the coffee. It was tepid.

  “Cold? Serves you right for taking an age in the shower.”

  “It's perfectly hot, thank you for asking.” I drank down the rest even though I hated cold coffee. “What's the plan?”

  “We'll take a ride into the city and hit them hard and fast.”



  “And fast?”


  “So, hard and fast?”

  He laughed. “It's the best way—trust me.”

  “I do, it's just—”


  “When you say 'hit them hard and fast'—what exactly do you mean?”
  “We need to get to the Alpha. He's the only one who can grant us permission to join the pack.”

  “Can't we just ask to see him?”

  Craven laughed. “Like, make an appointment?”

  “Why not?” I shrugged. It sounded a reasonable idea.

  “If we walk into his territory with our tails between our legs, and ask if we can see the Alpha please—even pretty please—we'll be torn apart. We have to show strength right from the get-go.”

  “What do you want me to do?”

  “Look pretty.”

  I scowled.

  “Sorry—I was joking. You can watch my back. We should be safe in daylight, but it doesn't hurt to be cautious.”

  “What about Milton and Lassiter.”

  “We can only worry about one thing at a time. We need to find out if this is the territory for us. If it isn't, then the sooner we know, and move on, the better.”

  “Okay.” I tried, but failed to sound confident. Let's do it!”


  When we set off, I was nervous as hell, and hoped it didn't show. It helped to have Craven by my side—he radiated a confidence and inner-strength. He'd been Alpha of his own pack, and had survived as a lone-wolf for forty years. That was no mean feat.

  But it was one thing to survive while travelling through a territory—it was quite another to be accepted into a pack. The residents weren't about to welcome us with open arms.

  “Is this a good idea?” I said. “Might we be better living like you have for the last forty years?”

  “It would never work. Living without the security of a pack is a hard, thankless existence.”

  “You did it.”

  “I had no choice. I had to find you. But it's no kind of life. We need somewhere to call home—somewhere safe to raise a family.”

  I was open-mouthed—lost for words. Raise a family? I'd never even contemplated that.

  “What's wrong?” He'd glanced over to see my nonplussed expression.

  “Nothing. I just never—nothing.”

  “A wolf by himself might survive without a pack—although not forever. If I hadn't found you when I did, I'm not sure how much longer I could have survived. A mated pair and their family need the security of the pack around them. Plus, Milton will be much less likely to try anything if he knows we have the protection of a pack.”

  I laughed.

  “What's funny?”

  “Nothing. Sorry. I didn't mean—” It was nerves. I was having difficulty taking it all in. Only a few days ago, I'd had a normal life. Boring job, boring (mostly non-existent) love-life—boring everything. Now, here I was, a wolf shifter with my mate of over forty years (apparently) discussing raising a family. Oh, and yes, I almost forgot, we're on the run from a vampire.



  “This is all a dream—right? I'm going to wake up any time now—right?”

  He took one hand off the steering wheel, and before I could stop him, he'd pinched my bare arm.


  “Does that answer your question?” He grinned.

  Oh shit! This really is happening.


  As we approached the outskirts of the city, I began to study the people—most on their way to work.

  “How will I know which ones are shifters.”

  “You'll know. Don't try too hard—let it come naturally.”

  I didn't know what he meant.

  “What do you see?” he asked.

  “Early morning shoppers. People on their way to work.”

  “What do you hear?”

  “Car engines. Car horns. Music.”

  “What do you smell?” He cracked open the passenger's side window.


  “Are you sure? Relax. Don't over think it.”

  “I can't smell anything except the soap from the shower.”

  “Close your eyes. Put your head on the head-rest. Now, try again.”

  I did as he said although I had no idea what he expected it to achieve. The only smell I was aware of was the soap. Moments later, I was about to give up and open my eyes when it happened. The onslaught of aromas was almost too much to take in. I caught Craven's eye and he nodded.

  I scanned the scene outside, and slowly managed to match individual smells to their source.

  “How am I doing this?” I said.

  “You've always been able to do it—you'd just forgotten how. In your human form, it's a little more difficult because your senses are not as keen.

  Suddenly, a new smell caught my attention. It was quite weak, and obviously some distance away, but it was unmistakeable. I turned to Craven, but before I could speak, he nodded to indicate he'd already picked up on it.

  “We're getting close now.” He wound down the window a little further. “I don't think there are many of them—two, maybe three.”

  He took a left. He was being guided by his nose.

  “That's it over there.” He pointed to a small bar named 'Talbots' which was some way down the road on the opposite side.

  “It's closed,” I said, pointing to a small red neon sign next to the entrance.

  “Let's check around the back.” Craven began to open the car door, but then hesitated. “Are you sure you're ready for this.”

  I nodded. I didn't trust myself to speak. My nerve-ends felt like they were wrapped tight around my vocal chords.

  Craven led the way around the rear of the building. The back door was locked.

  “Fire escape,” he said in little more than a whisper. I followed him up the steel stairway. The door on the next floor was locked too, so Craven stood with his back to the window, and brought his elbow back with huge force. The window cracked and he was able to push out the shattered pieces of glass. I'd expected to hear a burglar alarm as soon as the window broke, but none sounded. There was always the possibility that a silent alarm inside the building could have alerted the occupants. I followed Craven through the window. The room we were in was almost empty—just a few cardboard boxes piled in one corner. Craven tried the inner door. It opened with a creak. We made our way along a short corridor, and then began our descent down a poorly illuminated staircase.

  The room was circular with a bar on two of the four walls. The black and red theme was somewhat tasteless. I couldn't see or hear anyone, but my nose told me they were there. I glanced at Craven who indicated I should stay put. He edged his way around the room headed for a door marked 'Private' which was located to the left of the bar.

  “What do we have here?” a man's voice said.

  Before I could spin around, both of my arms were grabbed from behind. I was flanked by two tall male shifters—one had short dark hair—the other had a shaven head. A third man walked past me, and stood facing Craven.

  “Let her go!” Craven's voice showed no sign of fear.

  “We've been expecting you,” the man facing Craven said. “Caught your scent yesterday, but thought you might have been passing through. You're going to wish you had been.”

  “I said let her go. The four of us can sort this out. Let her go back to the car.”

  “Just like that? I don't think so. You walk into our territory, and think you can give out the orders. That's not the way it works. I'll tell you what I will do though. I'll let you watch my two friends fuck your little mate. When they've finished, I'll rip her head off her shoulders. Then, it will be your turn to suffer. How does that sound?”

  I should have been terrified, but all I could feel was an anger growing inside of me. Neither man was expecting me to make a move—that was my only advantage. Their focus was almost entirely on Craven and the third member of their group. If I'd tried to pull forward, they'd have stopped me before I took a step. Instead, I pulled down, so I was on one knee. The sudden movement caught them off balance. The shifter to my right released his grip—only slightly, but enough to allow me to pull my arm free. I swung my free arm in an arc, and caught
the second guy full on the nose. That did the trick—both of my arms were free now. Craven had seen the third man turn to glance back at me. In that split second, he was upon him. The man was no match for Craven who had him by the neck. A quick twist, and then the sound of his neck breaking echoed around the club. The man with the bloodied nose grabbed me around the neck, and began to lift me off the floor. He was much taller and stronger than me, but I managed to plant a foot in his midriff. Although it winded him, he didn't release his grip. Craven had knocked the other man to the floor, and had his foot on his windpipe. The stricken man flailed around, but could not break free.

  “Let her go or I'll kill him,” Craven said. “And then I'll kill you.”

  I landed on my knees—gasping for air. It took me several seconds to get my bearings, by which time the two men were seated at the nearest table. Craven stood between them. They would have been no match for him, and they knew it.

  “Are you all right?” Craven shouted.

  “I'm okay.” I didn't sound it.

  “You have no idea what you've done,” the man with the bloodied nose said. “That's Simone.” He gestured towards the dead man.

  “Heston will have your heart before the day is out.” He turned towards me. “And you'll wish you'd never been born—”

  Craven shut him up with a backhand to the mouth. The man now had a split lip to go with his broken nose.

  “Who's Heston?” Craven grabbed the man by the neck.

  “Fuck you!” The man spat at Craven.

  Another backhand—much harder—sent the man tumbling backwards off the chair.

  “Who's Heston?” Craven turned his attention to the second man.

  “The Beta.”

  “Who's your Alpha?”


  “Don't tell him anything,” the man on the floor managed to say before my foot shattered two of his teeth.

  “Where will I find them?” Craven said.

  The man shook his head.

  Craven punched him in the stomach—doubling him up.

  “Where will I find them?”

  “Go on, kill me,” the man spluttered. “If I tell you, I'll be dead anyway.”

  Craven thumped the man in the face—sending him onto the floor next to his companion.


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